He's Back

The Love From Long Ago

But the second they made eye contact, the inviting smile she was wearing fell from her face and a very uninviting frown replaced it. When she saw his face, she immediately remembered the name of the Principal. For the love of all that is good and holy, why, WHY, does it have to be him?!?!?! She screamed in her head. He ended his conversation with the flirtatious staff member and closed the door behind him. As soon as the click resounded through the room, she abruptly stood up. "Moon, it's been a while. How have you been?" he said, still smiling as he slowly made his way to his desk, trying to get as close as he could to her. She moved away with every step he took and made her way towards the door.

"Oh no, please sit, I insist." he said with a deep voice. She knew he wouldn't let her leave peacefully, so she took a seat, making sure the seat was as far from his desk as possible. "So, how may I help you?" he asked, lacing his fingers together and leaning back in his seat. She sighed deeply before whispering "I'd like to enroll my kids into....this school." She slowly looked up at his horribly beautiful face. A hint of anger and surprise crossed his face.

"So, I see someone has gotten to you before I could, shame." he said sighing "He's a lucky man." Normally she would have been flattered, but when it came from his mouth, she felt nauseous. "How many are there?" he asked, slowly leaning forward, his lips pressing into a thin line.

"Six." she said through her teeth. "Wow, you really must love kids, or is it just the ----" before he could finish his sentence, she stood up and slapped his desk hard with her palms. "Listen, you disgusting piece of filth. You will not talk to me in such a manner. I do not know nor do I want to know how you got out of jail and managed to become a principal, but what happened in high school will never, and I mean, never happen again. If you even think about stalking me again, I will make sure you are shipped to Alcatraz." she  said with every fiber of anger that existed in her body.

"Now, now, that's no way to talk to the principal of the school that your children will be attending. Instead," he said as he stood up and slinked over to her "you should be trying to convince me to allow your children to come to such a fine establishment." he finished, his breath ghosting over her neck as he attempted to wrap his arms around her waist to draw her in to his body.

"You have exactly 5 seconds to get away from me before I reach into that pathetic body of yours and rip your heart out." she said calmly, evil crossing over her eyes. She never knew she would be this angry the next time she saw him, but she didn't regret it at all.

"Oh, feisty. You've changed so much from the innocent little Moon I remember from high school." he said, actually taking her warning and moving behind his desk again. "Just.....can't believe I'm about to say this.....please try to get my kids in. I would really.....appreciate it." she nearly threw up in when she said 'appreciate'.

"Normally, I wouldn't even do this, but for you, my Moon, I'll let it slide. You're kids start on Wednesday." he said with a smile. He was hoping that she would jump into his arms and shower her with kisses. Instead she started to walk to the door. She mumbled a quick thanks behind her shoulder as she reached for the doorknob.

"I wanna ask you something, Moon." her hands turned into fists when he called her that. "Did you like the presents I sent you this morning? Because there will be a whole lot more like that."

The next few movements that she made shocked the living breath out of Principal Jung. In four quick strides, she was standing across from him. Her cool palm made contact with his smooth face, sending that incredibly annoying smirk right off his face. His mouth was slightly open, with a bright red mark forming on his face.

"Don't even think about sending me any of your petty little presents, you freak." she said through clenched teeth as she finally left the room. The door slammed, just as she intended,with a shocked Yunho Jung sitting at his big desk.

 She had to take deep breaths before she went to the room where the boys were playing with the toys. They were so elated that she just stood at the doorway watching them play with each other. Nichkhun was the first to notice her. A vivacious smile spread on his face as he stood and ran over to her. "Mommy, this place is so fun." The others ran over and told her about how cool the toys were, dragging her in different directions to show her the toys they played with. She laughed and nodded, beaming down on them. She had to convince them to leave, which took a lot of promises that involved ice cream and yummy food. As they moved out of the room, she looked down the hall to see a fuming Principal Jung from behind his door, gently holding his cheek. She gave him a smug smirk and then led the boys out of the door. She thanked the clerk before they actually exited the building.  

When the cool autumn air hit her, she immediately took a deep breath, taking in all of what had just happened in the Principal's office. "Mommy, when do we start school?"Chansung asked while pulling on her hand. She hadn't even realized that he got a hold of her hand, dragging her towards the car. The boys were already standing there, she must have gone to Neverland. But thanks to her loving boys, she was brought back to reality.   

She wanted to get the boys backpacks and lunchbags for their first day of school. She felt so elated for them, but once she thought of the Principal, her smile faded slightly.  But she forgot about him, and headed towards the department store. Before she took them out of the car, she turned them around and said "I know you boys are vey good,but this is the first time I am taking you to a store. Normally, all kids are tempted to touch everything, so I'm going to ask you guys to not be like all kids okay? Just stay close to me okay?" They all nodded eagerly as they waited for her to take them out of the car. Luckily,  she hadn't missed the huge back-to-school sale, so there were some items that were cheap. She let the boys pick the types of backpacks and lunchbags, of course they picked Power Rangers, Transformers and Pokemon. She made sure there wasn't anything else that they needed they left. She laughed when the cashier had scanned the items, how the boys wanted to wear the backpacks out the door. Sadly, she didn't let them, but she told them that two days from now they would be able to.

On their way back home, she thought it would be good to check up on the bakery. So, she brought the boys in, her employees looking at her as if she were crazy. She told them to ask Gi Yong after she left. When the boys saw Gi Yong, they got really excited and shouted "GiGi!" but Ji Hyeon told them she was very busy. Gi Yong quickly turned around from the order she was making to wave at them. Then she took them to her office and made them sit on the small couch and seats she had. She heard a knock on the door and answered "Come in!" Gi Yong peeked her head in and then came in all the way. The boys bombarded her with hugs and she returned them graciously.  "Hey, you had a special visitor." Gi Yong directed her statement to Ji Hyeon. Thinking it might be Principal Jung, she asked "What did he look like?"

"Like a fallen angel. His hair was styled into an awesome Mohawk, and he had some of the nicest tats I've seen. And he had the cutest little nose and his teeth were perfect. And his bod, Oh my goodness, you could tell he was cut, but he was hiding it all under this nice shirt." Ji Hyeon was thankful that it hadn't been Principal Jung, but this gig sounded really familiar.

She abruptly asked "Did he have stars tattoos running down his neck?" "Yeah, yeah he did actually." Gi Yong said contemplating about this guy. 

"oh." was all that came out of Ji Hyeon's mouth, then a small smile came on her face.

"Oh, wait a minute. Is this the guy you were talking about Hyo?" Gi Yong asked, suddenly appearing next to her. ".....Yes." Ji Hyeon said blushing.

"You have a really good eye for guys then. Well except for Yong Ki."she said matter-of-factly. "Anyways, he said he wanted to met you specifically. I'm not really sure how he knew where you worked, but whatevs." she said shrugging. Yeah, how did he know where I works. It's not like a gave him my business card. I don't even have those.

She suddenly remembered the events that took place this morning and said "Uh, Gi can I talk to you later this evening. It's about someone that I saw this morning."

"Oh, sure. Actually, I have to get back to work. Someone ordered a cake, so I gotta get started on that. See you later, boys." she said, exiting the office. "Bye, GiGi." they replied. Ji Hyeon tapped on the keyboard for her computer screen to hum on. She wasn't exactly looking for anything, but she just felt like looking at some of her websites. Her favorite website was 'allkpop' so she quickly typed in the adress and waited for the site to load. While she was waiting, she looked over at the boys, who were sitting on the chair looking around the office. Then from her peripheral she saw that the website had loaded.

When she looked at the site, she was shocked to see that the main story was '2PM IS MISSING!' She looked at the picture next to the article and noticed something peculiar about it. She double-clicked on the picture and saw that there were six grown men, standing in a line, looking fiercely at the camera. The look very familiar. She looked over at the couch to see Nichkhun and Taecyeon looking back at her with smiles. Her lips squished together as she turned her attention back to the screen to see the same photo, but something stood out.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Nichkhun asked, climbing down from the couch. She looked around nervously and minimized the screen before he could come over. "Ah, nothing," she said, making sure the site was minimized. Nichkhun looked up at her with his big brown eyes. She smiled softly and kissed the top of his head.

"Come on, let's go," Ji Hyeon said, standing up from her comfy rolly chair.

 Ji Hyeon took some things with her when she was done checking on the bakery. She needed to work on some paperwork. She and the boys went back home, slightly tired. But she was able to make them some yummy dinner. Thankfully, there were no lovey-dovey gifts waiting on her doorstep. I really must have smacked some sense into him. Then she thought of the website and thought, Why do I have a feeling I know those guys from somewhere? Once she had fed the boys and got them to change into their pj's, she called Gi Yong.

"Hello?" Gi Yong answered after the third ring.

"Hey, it's me. Remember how I told you I need to talk to you about someone I saw today." Ji Hyeon said a bit nervously. She knew how much Gi Yong loathed Yunho but she needed to tell her. The amount of harassment and stress he had caused Ji Hyeon in their final two years was enough for Gi Yong to have a legitimate excuse to kill a person.

"Yeah?" Gi Yong answered a bit warily.

"Well...how do I put this. He's back, Gi." she said quietly. There was a deafening silence on the other side of the line. "Hello, you still there?" Ji Hyeon asked slowly.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." Gi Yong said quickly before she hung up. Ji Hyeon sighed sadly, thinking about how Gi Yong was going to be all over her, but she knew that it was for her safety.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" she turned to see Junsu, playing with the strings on his pajamas. "Oh, you don't really want to know. I don't want to worry you." she said, keeping her gaze from him. The cushion next her dipped as she looked down to find him staring into her eyes. She had never been this close to him and when she caught his eyes, she couldn't pull herself away.


Hi there! I'm sorry I haven't been updating recently, but I like using the school computers better. Tee hee! Anyway, thank you for my 4 subscribers! Thanks for subscribing and continue supporting me! Thanks to Mayvin, my new plot is gonna be super cool thanks to you! Comment and subscribe :3

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^