Okay, so I've officially decided that I'm not going to make anymore titles because I'm really bad at creating them. Like REALLY bad.

The Love From Long Ago

When she got to the school, the boys were waiting outside, talking with some other kids. Most of them were little girls, but there were a few boys. Heh, my little boys are charmers. She then got out of her car to go and fetch them. Junho saw her first and waved. She waved back as he got his backpack and said goodbye to two other boys. When the other ones saw him get up, they too got their backpacks. Nichkhun and Taecyeon had to leave some very clingy girls. When they left all their friends, they ran into Ji Hyeon jumping up and down, telling her all about the teachers and the friends they made.

But Taecyeon was standing in the back with his head down. He moved past her, trying to get in the car. She didn't want to hound him with questions, not until they got home, and maybe after dinner. So she got the boys strapped in the car and they drove off. Once they got home, she decided to make them mac-and-cheese and veggies. She had the boys change into more comfortable clothes and then asked them if they had any homework. Since the school had already started, but they joined a bit late, they did have homework. So they went to the living room and got their homework out. While they were doing that, she made their dinners. Every once in a while, she would check up on them. They were all working hard, but she realized that Taecyeon had his head down, concentrating really hard. She sighed before she turned back to the mac-and-cheese. She called the boys for dinner. Then she asked Taecyeon a question.

"Taecyeon, hun, what's wrong?" she looked at him with a lot of worry. He kept his head down with his lips pouted, he whispered "Nothing." The boys looked at him strangely also. All of them were shocked that he was upset, but he didn't tell them. There wasn't much talking over dinner. She did ask them if they had finished their homework; everyone but Taecyeon had finished. After they finished their dinner, she sent them off to their rooms to get ready for bed.

Except she kept Taecyeon back so that she could 'help' him with his homework. When she had finished the dishes, she went to the living room to sit next to Taecyeon. When she got there, his head was resting on his arms. She sat down right next him and lightly tapped his shoulder. He sighed heavily before he raised his head. She gasped as she saw his puffy eyes and his quivering lips.

"Taecyeon, w-what's wrong? What happened?" she asked shocked. He didn't seem that upset earlier. When he looked at her, his sobs started to get worse. She immediately grabbed him and pulled him in so close that if she had hugged him any tighter, they would have become one person. She let him cry all his sorrows and once he was done, she took his head in her hands and stared him right in the eyes.

"Taecyeon, what is wrong? You know you can tell me anything." she said, trying to show her best motherly face.

"Mommy, at school today," he started "there was a boy who said that--" his tears started pouring again "that my ears were really big and that I looked like Dumbo." he said as he continued crying.

"Hey, hey Taecyeon." she said soothingly, pulling him up onto her leg. She rubbed circles into his back as his tears slowed again. "I know those kids can be mean. Trust me, I've seen how vicious they can be. But you are so much better than them. In fact, I think your ears are the cutest ears I've seen." she said looking at his ears then back to his face. He smiled a bit, hearing that from his Mommy made him feel a bit better. He hugged her once again and they sat there for a few minutes, comforted by each others embrace. Then, when she decided that there was enough love, she started to loosen her grip. But he was still holding onto her. She realized soon enough that he had fallen asleep. She was worried about his unfinished homework when she saw that he actually had finished his homework. I guess he just needed an excuse to talk to me.

She got up with Taecyeon still in her arms and took him to his bedroom. Junsu was asleep, so she carefully peeled the covers off of his side of the bed and gently laid him down. He whined a bit, disappointed to be away from here warm body. She kissed his forehead before she pulled the covers over him. Then she went back to the living room to pick up his homework. Hoping to surprise him when he took out his homework, she went to the drawer and took out some stickers. She put a small puppy that said 'Good Job' next to it. Then she took his backpack and stuck it into his folder. Then she made the boys their lunch before calling it a night. She went to her room to find that instead of Junho, Nichkhun was sleeping in her bed with Chansung. She thought the change was cute, so she changed into her pajamas, brushed her teeth, and jumped into bed. Tomorrow was just going to be another day.

The next morning was similar to the previous morning, except for the part where it took Nichkhun 10 minutes just to wake up. But Taecyeon was especially cheerful, mostly because of the pep talk he received last night from Ji Hyeon. Every time they would make eye contact, Taecyeon would get a bit happier. In half an hour, they headed out of the apartment and back to school. On the way down, her auntie was there at the front desk. She said hello to the boys and admired how cute they looked with their small backpacks. Then she turned to Ji Hyeon and gave her a few words of encouragement. She thanked her before they all headed out. When she was dropping the boys off, she got out of the car to hug them before they left. She hugged Taecyeon last so she could say "Remember what I told you yesterday? Your ears are the cutest I've ever seen and don't let anyone else tell you different." she gave him one last hug before she drove off.

Once she got to work, she saw that Gi Yong was working on the same cake. She was putting the final touches. Ji Hyeon knocked on the table, so Gi Yong wouldn't have a 'heart attack.' When Gi Yong turned to her, she had some flour on her right cheek and forehead. Ji Hyeon just smiled and asked her how she was doing. Gi Yong replied "Ah, fine. How was your meeting with Mr. y?"

Ji Hyeon snorted at the nickname and answered "He seems nice. He is really handsome though. Apparently his house isn't too far from here and this is his new favorite store." "Ha, I think it's more like your his new favorite person," Gi Yong said, with a smirk on her face and a cocked eyebrow. Ji Hyeon gave her a look that said 'Oh, please.' before she went to her office. She took out her keys and unlocked her door. On her desk was a box of chocolates and a bouquet of yellow lilies. She slowly walked over to the desk to find that there was a card that said My Precious Moon. She groaned as she knew that Yunho had sent her the gift and tossed it to the side. The rest of her employees filed into work, passing by her office.

As the morning customers came in, she started to look out for Jay. For a few minutes, she stared out of her window into the store. But he wasn't coming so she got back to work. She received some calls for deliveries and gave them to Gi Yong. On her way back from giving an order to Gi Yong she saw him. Actually, it was more like he saw her.

As usual, he looked amazing, in his raglan tee and simple jeans. He was wearing a pair of glasses, which she found cute because they were big and nerdy. But he still made them look good and when he raised his head to look up at the cashier he caught her standing in the hallway. She smiled first and waved, balancing a box she took from the kitchen. He smiled widely, his eyes becoming small crescents. She looked down and then towards her office before she looked back at him. She waved again to say goodbye as she walked towards her office. She sighed as she closed the door and then she walked over to her table. When she looked out the window, he was still standing there but he was looking over to the side. She admired his profile before he turned back to the counter. She quickly looked away as he took a muffin that he had ordered. He smiled graciously and then turned to leave. She looked up again to make sure he actually left. But they made eye contact again and he waved before turning and leaving. She waved back, but it was too late as he had already opened the door.

She delivered the box that she was carrying when she saw Jay and came back to the store a few minutes before she had to leave to pick up the boys. When it was time for her to leave,she said bye to her employees and Gi Yong. The weather was starting to get a bit colder, so she decided that this weekend she would buy the boys some cold weather gear, such as jackets, longer pants, gloves, hats, shoes and socks. She made the mental list and drove off to the school. When she got to the school, the boys were waiting again with a throng of little kids, but it seemed as if there were more girls today than there were yesterday. Chansung and Junsu saw her first and rushed over to her. She carried Chansung while she took Junsu to lead them over to the other boys. Junho and Wooyoung saw her and said their goodbyes to their friends. When she reached the throng of girls that we surrounding the last two, she was surprised to see that there were at least 3 girls sitting very close to each one of the boys. They weren't doing anything in particular, except for singing a song. Nichkhun was singing the majority of the song, while Taecyeon made little beat boxing sounds. She laughed when they finished their little concert and the boys saw that she had enjoyed it. They excused themselves from the almost claustrophobic group of girls and ran over to Ji Hyeon. She took them to the car, but before she put Taecyeon into the car, he whispered, "Thank you, Mommy." and hugged her with all his might. She hugged him back and then hoisted him into his seat.

Ji Hyeon's car was running low on gas so she decided she would stop at the nearest gas station. While she was standing outside, waiting for the tank to fill, a sleek black Mercedes-Benz pulled up to gas station next to hers. At first, she was looking at her nails because they were a bit dirty, but when she looked up, her eyes narrowed into angry slits. Standing there as flashy as he could be was Yunho. He had a nice suit on and any woman who had seen him would have thought that he was a celebrity or a very rich businessman and swooned over his god-like looks. But Ji Hyeon saw a disgusting, sniveling, little fiend who would stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. And what he wanted now, and presumably since 11th grade was Ji Hyeon. So when he coolly slid his hands into his pockets and glided over towards her car, the only thing she could do that would prevent her from picking up the window-washer and attacking him with it was slipping her hands into her back pockets. As he passed by the car to get to her, he realized that her kids were in there, so he stopped a few feet from her and smiled.

"Hello, Ms. Moon. I see we like to frequent the same gas station." he said with a devilish smirk on his face. "Hmm." was the only answer she could come up with at the moment that did not involve any derogatory terms; she didn't want the boys to see that side of her. "Can I ask you something, Ms. Moon?" he asked in a deep voice. The pump had clicked so she took it out and put it back in the station. As she moved over to get her receipt, he was stationary, allowing her to get in a very close proximity.

She sighed heavily and pinched her nose before whispering, "Yes, Mr. Jung. What would you like to ask me?"

"Oh, Mr. Jung! I like that! I know we haven't gotten to know each other, ever since that incident in high school. But i am willing to overlook that. You see, I was thinking that we should have a meeting, just you and I?" he said as he was fixing his suit a bit, looking down.

What he hadn't realized was that as he was trying to make a move on Ji Hyeon, she had slid back towards her car door and opened it. The click that he heard was the sound of her closing it. She already the car running by the time he had processed that she was not in front of him. Then she stuck her head out the window and said, "You see, Mr. Jung, I would like to but I have better things to do. But I do have three words that I think you should consider: In.Your.Dreams." She gave him a smirk before going back into the car and speeding off. When she looked into her side mirror, she saw him standing there looking dumbfounded and then annoyed, very annoyed. Junho piped up and asked, "Mommy, who was that?" She just replied, "A very, very bad man."

On their way back, Ji Hyeon realized she had forgotten some important mail at the office. So she told the boys that they had to stop at the office before they went home for dinner. Nichkhun hummed a reply and everyone else mumbled something that was similar to a yes. They must be worn out. So when she arrived, she went through the back entrance and unlocked her door. She went to her desk and shuffled through the pile of papers that were on it. She grabbed the two letters and turned back to head out the door. Then she remembered the bouquet of flowers and grabbed them, crushing them mercilessly. As she stepped out of her office and into the hallway, there was knocking at the front door. When she peered around the corner to see who it was she immediately grinned. There was Jay, checking to see if he was too late and that everyone had left. She walked over to the door and waved at him through the glass window. He smiled back and she unlocked the door quickly.

"Hey, you caught me at a good time!" she said as she opened the door. He smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to get something to eat, maybe this weekend?" he said bashfully. She smiled thoughtfully and accepted his offer. When he decided to look up from his shoes into her eyes, he noticed the bouquet of flowers she had. She followed his gaze and realized she was still holding the flowers. "Oh, I see you got some flowers." he said a bit sadly. She could tell there was disappointment in his voice.

"No, no. These aren't actually for me. I was about to through them away before I saw you." she said immediately, not wanting him to think that she already had someone. There was a bit of an awkward silence when she realized that he had gotten a tad bit closer.

"Uh, I have to go home actually, but can I give you my number so that we can plan the whole date thing?" she said, but she didn't notice the fact that she had just said they were going on a date. She didn't actually know if he considered it a date but when she saw the tiniest spark in his eyes, she knew that he wanted it to be one. "Sure, here you go." he said as he fished his phone out of his pocket. Their hands brushed as she took the phone out of his hands. She blushed a bit as she quickly went to his contacts and typed in her name and number. When she looked up, he was chewing on his lip and staring at her intently. Once she had looked up, he realized that he probably should stop gawking at her and thankfully took his phone back. "Ok, then. I'll see you later." she said before turning to close the door.

He smiled and waved as she locked the door and went back down the hallway. She turned off all the lights and locked up everything. When she got to the car, she opened the door to find the boys asleep. Ha, just like the first day I met them. She wasn't really sure if she should still make them dinner, but they seemed pretty tired. The minute she pulled into the apartment complex of her building, she got the boys out of the car and upstairs. Once again, she forgot something in the car. So she put the boys to bed and made her way back down.

As she was going towards the car, she heard some footsteps behind her. She stopped and looked behind her, only to find nothing there. She unlocked the car with the remote and as soon as she reached the door handle, a gloved hand covered . The covered hand turned her around and slammed her into her car. She grunted as the handle came in contact with the base of her spine. A hooded man stood over her and pressed his body close to hers. She moved her head to the side, so her face wasn't close to his ragged breathing. As his body pressed closer to hers, she suddenly felt a cold object on her side. When she glanced down, she saw the shine of a gun, pressed flush against her stomach. She shut her eyes when she felt tears forming in her eyes, she was petrified. The hooded figure finally spoke.

"You look so beautiful tonight. I don't know if I can handle myself. I see that you have someone new in you life. I don't really like that, you know." he said in a deep voice. She was too scared to say something witty; the only thing she could muster was "P-Please....don't hurt me." he chuckled and then leaned into her, getting very close to her ear.

"Oh, babe. No, don't you worry. I wouldn't want to hurt such a gorgeous being. I'll see you later, babe." he said before kissing her cheek and walking off. As soon as he left the parking lot, she started crying. After a couple of minutes, she wiped her tears and went back into the building. When she got into her apartment, she took a few deep breaths. Then she opened the door and went in. The light was on in the kitchen, but she knew that she hadn't left the lights on. She peeked around the corner and saw Chansung and Nichkhun in the kitchen. Nichkhun was pouring milk in a glass, while Chansung stood next to him, looking at the yummy glass of milk. When Nichkhun finished pouring the milk and turned around, he saw Ji Hyeon and smiled. Chansung took the glass and then turned around while drinking his glass; when he saw Ji Hyeon, he smiled and he had a milk mustache. She chuckled when she saw his cute antics. She walked over to them and asked "Could you not sleep?" She rubbed Chansung's cheeks affectionately and then patted Nichkhun's messy hair down. Chansung nodded cutely, so she sat cross-legged on the kitchen floor with Nichkhun on her right leg and Chansung sitting on her left drinking his milk. Once he finished she made them go to bed, but before they left, Nichkhun turned to Ji Hyeon and looked into her eyes. "Mommy, have you been crying?" he said noticing her slightly puffy eyes. "Mmmm, no, Mommy's just tired. That's all." she said yawning. He slowly took her face in his hands and then brought his face closer.

Now what is this boy doing? He kissed her right cheek and then her left, before he hugged her tightly. "Please, don't cry Mommy, over anyone. I don't like seeing you upset." she wasn't sure how to respond, so she patted his back. "That's really sweet of you. Thank you." she finally said. When she pulled back from the hug, she looked into his eyes. His eyes had a certain sparkle to them, a sparkle that meant admiration and love. She smiled and she saw his pupils dilate, the sparkle increasing in size. He smiled back and she realized that he was a handsome little boy. Her head cocked to the side a bit as she remembered the picture of the 2PM guys and how Nichkhun looked similar to one of them. She quickly realized that they had been sitting on the floor for quite some time. She made him stand up and slowly, she stood herself up, cracking her back on the way up. Ah, I'm getting old.

Ji Hyeon took Nichkhun's hand and lead him to the bedroom. She sent him to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change. While he was doing that she went to the living room and started to watch TV. She started daydreaming---more like night-dreaming--- and looked over to the corner. She thought about the guys who she saw on the website, the kidnapped ones. Suddenly she felt a shift in the couch and her leg became suddenly heavy. She looked down and saw Nichkhun's head on her lap; his head was nestled and his eyes were slowly closing. "Nichkhun," she whispered. He groaned slightly and nestled his head further into her lap. "Come on, time to go to bed." she said picking him up as she turned the TV off. She laid him down next to a snoring Wooyoung. I really do have to get these boys some beds. She changed into her pajamas and slipped into bed. She was so tired, the minute her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep.

Luckily, for the boys, it was the weekend. But she had to go to work; she was worried about the boys since there wasn't anyone to take care of them while she was gone. So she called her cousin, Jinwoon, to take care of them. She knew that he really liked kids, so he would be the other person she would call apart from Gi Yong.

"Hello, Jinwoon?" she said, while the boys were eating their breakfast. It was sort of late for them since they were so used to eating earlier in the day. But she was so worn out form yesterday's events that she overslept and apparently so did everyone else. "Ah, Ji Hyeon, I haven't heard from you in forever." he said, trying to shush his obnoxious friends in the background. He lives with a roommate and his two other friends are always over, so it's a wonder why they don't live together. "Hi, Ji Hyeon!" she heard from the background; it must have been Jo Kwon, he had a specific pitch to his voice. She laughed as she imagined Jinwoon trying to silence his friends by tackling them and throwing random objects at them.

"So I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" she asked after she heard the commotion in the background die down. "Yeah, sure. What is it?" he asked a bit out of breath. "I have to go to work today. And recently I found some boys and I've been taking care of them, so I was hoping you would watch over them until I finish with work."

"How old are they?" he asked, probably wanting to know if he should have to be more stern or motherly.

"Their ages are from 5-8." she said looking back at the boys, a couple of them had finished. Now Junho, Taecyeon and Junsu were left eating. When she looked back, Junsu and Junho looked up and smiled. She smiled before turning back to the counter. "Okay. What time do you want me to get there?"

"Well, I have to get to work latest by 11 and it's 9:30, so I'd say around quarter to 10? Is that cool with you?" He hummed for a few seconds, as if he were contemplating something. "Is it okay if the guys come and help? I kind of have a deal with them and they have to stay with me. I won't explain; long story." "Yeah, that's okay. Maybe they can help you. Okay then. I will see you at 10:45." she said and he replied "Yeah. See you then. Bye!"

She hung up the phone and turned around, to find Taecyeon and Junsu sticking orange slices in their mouths, covering up their teeth. They smiled great big orange smiles and Junho started laughing, looking up at his brothers, as he considered them. She walked over chuckling and pinched each of their cheeks. They started drooling so the two took out the slices and chuckled. Then they took their plates and put them in the sink. They ran over to the living room to sit with the other boys. Chansung and Wooyoung were reading a comic book they got from school. Nichkhun had miraculously fallen asleep and Junho went and sat down next to his feet. He looked extremely mischievous and before anyone could stop him, he started tickling Nichkhun's feet. After a few seconds, he started moving his feet, but Junho was still tickling him. Then Taecyeon joined the tickling session and started to tickle his belly and soon enough Nichkhun was awake, giggling. Then his giggling turned into loud laughter and soon everyone was looking in his direction. As soon as he sat up Junsu took the spot where his head was and relaxed. Taecyeon and Junho stopped tickling him after his face turned a bit red and his eyes were closed shut. They all panted from the tiring work they had just done. Chansung and Wooyoung shook their heads and went back to reading the comic book. Ji Hyeon had left halfway through the session to go and clean the dishes. After she had finished that, she went to go and get ready for work. She took her shower and brushed her teeth. She put on her second favorite skinny jeans, a loose jersey top and her TOMS. On Saturdays, she worked the register; even if she was the co-manager, she still believed that she should work as if she was an employee. She grabbed her bag and went back to the living room. The boys were now watching TV and as she was as she was about to ask them if they knew a band by the name of 2PM, the doorbell rang.

She went to the door and opened it to find four guys with her cousin standing in front. "Hey Ji Hyeon. I hope I'm not late." Jinwoon said smiling.

"Nope, actually you have impeccable timing. I was just about to tell my boys about you. Come on in." she said as she pulled him in for a hug. "Do I get a hug, too?" Jo kwon asked from behind Jinwoon. She grinned as she gave him a hug, and gave Changmin and Seulong hugs too. Then she led them to the living room to meet the boys. When they reached the living room, the boys looked away from the TV and up at them. They all dropped their welcoming smiles and stood up to walk over to Ji Hyeon. When she looked at Jinwoon, she was surprised to see him staring at them as if they were little mutants. She pouted as she asked him "What's wrong?"

When she said that, he immediately snapped out of his trance and calmly answered "Nothing. it's just that I feel like I've seen them before somewhere." Then he looked over to his friends, who had the same look. Surprisingly the boys faces were as innocent as ever. "Huh, okay. Well, Jinwoon, Changmin, Jo Kwon, Seulong, these are my boys: Chansung, Wooyoung, Junho, Taecyeon, Junsu and Nichkhun. Boys, this is my cousin, Jinwoon and his friends." she said pointing to each one. The boys stared and the older guys did the same.

"Okay, then. Uh I will be back around 8. If they get hungry, Jo Kwon and Changmin, I'm trusting that you will make them some food. Boys, be nice and don't scare them off." she said as she waved and walked out the door. When she got down to the lobby, she saw the mailman talking to her auntie. He had a large package and he was talking about how many times he's delivered stuff to this specific person. She didn't want to eavesdrop, so she walked out the door and to her car. When she got to work, it was lunchtime so there was a growing line. Her employees were rushing all over the place, getting orders ready and serving them. She grabbed an apron from the back and put it on. When her employees saw that she would be running the register, they sighed with relief. She smiled as she took the first order and kept the smile on until the very last one. Just as she was about to take a break, the store bell rang. She pouted a bit before turning around with a smile.

"Hello! How may I help you today?" she asked as she picked up some things from the counter; her eyes down the entire time. "I was wondering if you could tell me where I can take a beautiful girl out to dinner?" a deep voice said, the owner's hands resting on the counter. She smiled, thinking about how slick this guy must think he is. "Well, normally---" she stopped realizing who was talking. He had a smile on his face that oozed mischief. She shook her head and he asked "What?"

She just laughed at his boldness and his smile got bigger. "You are such a dork." she said finally looking up for more than a few seconds. He just shrugged his shoulders, acknowledging the fact. She sighed and asked him what he wanted.

He said "I wanna take you out tonight, not for a date, that's for tomorrow. I want to get know you better, is all." She put her finger to her thinking, feigning concentration, but after a few seconds she agreed. He smiled again, a smile that made her toes tingle. "Let me just tell the guys I'm leaving, and I'll meet you out front." she said untying her apron. He nodded his head and made his way to the door. Little did he know that she was checking him out, watching his hips shake from left to right. She giggled to herself before she went to the staff lounge to tell the last person out to lock up. Then she went the front door and took a few breaths before stepping out, sneaking up on Jay. He was checking something on his phone, looking intently at the lit-up screen. She stood right next to him for a about a minute before he realized that she was standing next to him, looking straight ahead. He grabbed his shirt as if he was having a heart attack and breathed heavily. Ji Hyeon doubled over in laughter and started snorting, something that happened only when she was laughing at something really funny.

When she calmed down a bit, she looked at him. He was standing with his hands on his hips, looking like a sassy girl. She apologized, still snickering, before he smiled and started walking. She calmed herself and then followed him down the street. He was walking towards the closest park. It was starting to get dark; she checked her watch to see what time it was. It was a little before 7:30, so she had time to get home to the boys. As she was searching for her phone to tell the guys she would be home soon, she bumped into something solid.

"Ah, sorry about that." she said, rubbing her hand. She looked up and Jay was looking at her with a worried face. He took her hand and her heart immediately stopped. She hit her chest to make sure it would work again, and sure enough it kicked back in. Her ears were red hot. Thank goodness I have long hair she thought. His hands were so warm and they fit so well with hers. She smiled at the thought of this being her future. He looked down at her and smiled, but deep down he knew that he wasn't supposed to make a real relationship with her.

The man that had hired him never told him his name; he only called himself Mr. Y. Mr. Y only gave him a picture of her and told her his assignment: make her trust you and fall for you, then bring her to me. Truthfully he felt bad, but he needed the money desperately. He had to pay off his college debts and some personal ones too. He didn't actually think she would be so amazing in real life, but the second he saw her in person, his heart fluttered. But he had to push those feelings aside to get the job done.

He led her over to a bench and they sat down together. "So, what's been going on in your life?" he asked casually. "Heh, well, a lot actually. I recently took in some kids. They are really sweet and precious. They make my life a bit more interesting. And then I met someone new. He's about your height, has a few tattoos, and is quite attractive. You wouldn't happen to know him, would you?" she said, sarcastically.

"I don't know, maybe when I see him I'll tell him he has a secret admirer. But that's cool that you took in some kids. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a dad, though. Maybe, I could meet them sometime?" She nodded and then looked up to the sky. Jay admired her profile for a bit, taking in her long eyelashes, her pretty nose and her gorgeous lips. Then he looked up to the sky to see the stars. They sat there for a few minutes until a phone rang. She looked into her bag to find her phone ringing. It was Jinwoon calling, probably to give her an update. She looked at her watch to see that it was quarter to 8.

"Um, I have to head back home, so if you want to go to, we can walk to the store." she said, not really wanting to go home, but she needed to get back to the boys. She stood up, her hand still in his. They strolled down the street, wanting to relish in the moment. Once they got to the store, they stood in front of the door, kind of like those cheesy romantic comedies with high school students. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Jay said, finally letting go of her hand. "I'll text you tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay. See you then." she said, turning to the parking lot. When she turned around, she saw him doing a celebratory jig. She waited until she got in her car before she busted out laughing. It took her a few minutes before she drove off. When she got home, she unlocked the door to find three grown men covered in flour with four little boys trying to help them in the kitchen. Then out of the kitchen popped Changmin's head with the other two boys. The guys in the living room were sneezing and coughing, while the boys were laughing and using towels to clean them off. As she took of her shoes she tried to be as quiet as she could to see how long it would take them to realize she was there. She stood by the for at least 5 minutes before the coughing died down. Seulong looked over towards the door and saw Ji Hyeon standing there. He turned to the others and made them aware of her presence. She smiled and crossed her arms, looking at them with a 'please-explain' look. Jinwoon stood up first, followed by Jo Kwon and Seulong.

"We were trying to make dumplings." Jinwoon explained. "But some people dropped the flour and then decided it would be fun to play Pretty Princess." looking over at Jo Kwon and Seulong.

The boys were still laughing and then walked over to Ji Hyeon. She smiled at them and then took the guys to the kitchen. In there, Changmin, Junsu and Nichkhun were cleaning the floor up. But there was something in the oven that smelt really good. She got some towels and wet them, handing them over to the guys. They cleaned up the remaining flour on their faces. Then the oven went off and Changmin took out the dumplings and they were perfectly golden. Obviously they were store-bought and frozen but they still looked really good. There were enough to feed 11 hungry mouths and conveniently enough there were 11 hungry mouths. They sat down in front of the TV and they created a big heap of cushions on the ground. They watched some late night shows and movies. She was the last to fall asleep and when she looked around, she just shook her head. Jinwoon was curled into a ball, facing away from the TV. Jo Kwon had his arms on top of Seulong, who was snoring just a bit. Changmin was on the couch with Junsu's head in his lap. The other boys were sleeping on the couch. Chansung was sleeping on Ji Hyeon's lap. She decided it was a little late, so she picked up Chansung and took him to bed. Then she came back and got Wooyoung and Junho; after she picked up Taecyeon and Junsu. Changmin shifted a bit once the weight was lifted from his lap. She didn't want to wake up the four guys so she got extra blankets and covered them up. She changed into her pajamas and laid in bed. She looked at Chansung's sleeping face and smiled. She slept comfortably, thinking about the next day.


Okay, so being the bad updater that I am, I have updated tonight. It's been a while but I was thinking over the plot and enjoying the holidays ^.^ Please leave your comments and I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! :3

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^