Safe Return

The Love From Long Ago

As Jay opened the door wider for Ji Hyeon to step in, the elevator bell dinged at the end of the hallway. Just as Jay had closed the door, Taecyeon, Junho and Wooyoung stepped out of the elevator, gripping their cell phones with all their might.

Jay looked at Ji Hyeon's tired face as she looked around the apartment. Everything was just as she left, surprisingly. But she felt as if something lively was missing. Specifically 6 lively bodies. She was snapped out of her reverie when Jay put his hands on her shoulders, gently. Tears were streaming down his face as she asked him, "How are you?"

"I missed you so much; I was so worried. I didn't know what to do when you didn't come home from your walk." Ji Hyeon gently pulled Jay into a hug and rubbed his back as he cried into her shoulder. When she was about to open to say something, the lock on the door clicked and three lively bodies walked in, with frustration on their faces. But as soon as they saw the petite woman that had raised them as their "mother" comforting their own friend, all their worries washed away. Ji Hyeon turned around slowly and smiled when she saw three of her boys standing in their adult form.

"I still haven't gotten used to that," she said softly as Taecyeon and Junho walked up to her, looking at her as if she would disappear into thin air if they just touched her. Wooyoung was dialing his phone excitedly and waited for the person on the opposite end to pick up the call. As he was waiting for that, Ji Hyeon was pulling the sobbing boys into her arms and rubbed their backs soothingly. "Aigoo, I didn't know I had such babies in my life. But I'm happy either way," she said, resting her head in between the two shoulders of the men. Wooyoung was excitedly whispering into his phone as tears started to form. When he hung up, the guys were standing off to the side as Ji Hyeon slightly limped over to him and hugged him.

"Wooyoung, your cheeks are still as puffy as I remember," she joked as he wrapped his arms around her waist, making sure she could never go away. When they had finished their little reunion, Ji Hyeon turned around and smiled before saying "Well, I don't know about you, but I need to take a bath. So don't worry about me; I'm going to take my time and relax." They all nodded with small smiles on their face as she limped away, noticing how bad her limping actually was. "Did you call the guys?" Jay asked, looking at Wooyoung. He nodded and said "They'll  be here in a couple minutes." They all looked at each other and sighed, thinking about how much tearshedding will be done when the others get back.

Ji Hyeon was sliding her clothes off, cracking some uncracked bones as she pulled her jeans down. Given the fact that the clothes she had on where the ones that Yunho bought her, Ji Hyeon threw them into a corner of the room and limped into her bathroom. She saw the stools she had bought for the boys when they were still small  and smiled inwardly before reaching underneath the cabinet sink and grabbing the bath salts Gi Yong had given her forever ago. Sitting on the edge of the tub, she drew a bath. While waiting for the water to reach a decent level, she looked at her ankle which had become a sickening purple with a green-yellow ring around it. Sighing heavily she thought about how the cafe was doing with her absence. Knowing that it was in the good hands of her best friend, she didn't think too hard about it. She looked behind her to see that the water had reached a good level. Turning off the tap, she dumped the bath salts into the water and stirred it around. Taking off her undergarments and holding her hair up, Ji Hyeon stepped into the tub, taking her good time sitting down on the floor of the tub. She sat back and stared at the showerhead, before her eyes closed slowly, her body taking her into dreamland.

Slowly, Ji Hyeon woke up and looked around her. She was still in her bathtub, but the water had gotten a lot colder. Her fingers were pruny as she lifted herself out of the bathtub. Grabbing her towel off the rack, she wrapped it around her body before walking to the door. Ji Hyeon shivered as the cold air covered her body. She walked over to her closet and grabbed her large t-shirt and volleyball shorts. Slipping them on and walking over to her bed, she cocked her head and sighed, remembering how the boys slept with her in the bed. It had totally slipped her mind that the air matress was not in the room anymore. JI Hyeon pulled the sheets back and settled into bed, thinking about how the other guys will be excited to see her tomorrow.

Ah, I missed them so much, I just didn't realize it. I hope they don't think that I'm a bad person. I just needed some space from all this.....transformation and then I had to go and get kidn--

Not going to think about that idiot. Anyway...I hope the others are doing fine. I should make them breakfast tomor--

*cough cough* Ji Hyeon hacked into her pillow suddenly and rolled onto her side, looking out the window. Her cheeks were starting to heat up, but she fell asleep before she could think about how sick she was going to get.


My are you darlings? I'm doing okay.....I got sicky-wicky....bleh :P That could probably attribute to why I made Ji Hyeon get sick....tee hee. Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long...I'm so bad, I know. But my birthday is coming up I have decided a DOUBLE update!!! *claps, hi-fives self* Oh Yeah!! (oh oh oh oh Yeah~) Right now, I'm sitting next to my friend who is upset about the way my math teacher is teaching us a way to solve quadratic equations....she's so funny....Now I shall leave you all to ponder the happenings of the next chapter as I go home, hacking up my lungs....Tootle loo, darlings~ Please comment and subscribe! :3 

P.S. SHINee's back!!

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^