It's finally 2012!! I start my midterms tomorrow....:(

The Love From Long Ago

The next morning, Ji Hyeon woke up to loud banging and hushed shouting. She looked around the room, groggily. The boys were still in the room, so it must have been Jinwoon and his friends. Today, she was very tired for some reason. She just wanted to sleep the day away. But Jinwoon had different plans, so she stood up with her eyes half closed. Normally, she's a bit happy when she wakes up, but that's because she wakes herself up. But when she is woken up unnecessarily, she can be very grouchy. When she got to the kitchen, the boys were getting eggs out of the fridge and making pancakes. They all had their backs to her; the closest being Jinwoon. She stood behind him, boring straight into his back. He turned around to tell Seulong something when he saw her. He nearly jumped onto the counter; she looked at him as if he was he were a monster.

"Why......must you be so.......loud?" she asked slowly, making sure she articulated, so they could understand every word.

"Sorry, Ji Hyeon. We'll try to be more quiet." Suelong said bashfully.

"Why don't you.....go back to bed?" Ji Hyeon was scratching her head, not really paying attention to anything.

She turned around to head back to bed, but Jo Kwon had started to cook some bacon. She turned back to him and started walking to him. She turned off the stove and took the pan off of the stove and threw it in the sink. She looked him straight in the eye and said "You have three choices: go back to bed, order some food, or DIE." Jinwoon told Jo Kwon that she was only joking.

Jinwoon took Ji Hyeon by the shoulders and took her back to her room. Before he put her back in bed, he told her that they would order the food. She grumbled as she put her head back down on the pillow. She slept for another two hours before she got up. The boys had gotten up and ate breakfast with the four guys. When she got up, she took a quick shower and took the laundry out of the room. She went to Taecyeon and Junsu's room to get their clothes. Once she had everyone's laundry, she went to the from door. On her way there, all the others looked up from their breakfast to see her with a large laundry basket. They stared at her while she looked back at them.

"Good morning, you guys." she said, looking at them.

"Good morning, Mommy." the boys said. The other guys were just sitting there, watching TV.

"Ah, Jo Kwon, sorry about this morning. Just when I get up sometimes, I'm kind of grouchy." she said, hoping he wouldn't hate her forever. He accepted her apology with a smile.

"I'm going to go do the laundry. I should be back soon." she told all of the males in the room. She might as well have been suffering from too much testosterone in the air. When she got to the laundry room, there was someone else in the room. There weren't that many tenants in the building, but she didn't know everyone. She put the laundry down and started sorting through all of the clothes. The person there was a woman, only a few years old than Ji Hyeon. She seemed to be folding the rest of her laundry, so Ji Hyeon didn't want to bother her with some boring chit-chat.

"Hi, I'm new here. My name is Sang Mi." the other person said as she stuck her hand out. So much for no boring chit-chat Ji Hyeon thought.  "Hey, I'm Ji Hyeon. I live in 304. Where do you live?"

"Oh, I'm in 516. Yeah I just moved here from Busan. I'm hoping to find a career in the entertainment business." she said, still folding her things.

"Cool, that's awesome!" Ji Hyeon said, not really wanting to go into her own personal life. Luckily for her Sang Mi had finished folding.

"Well, it was nice meeting you." Sang Mi said taking her laundry.

"You, too!" Ji Hyeon said waving. She seems nice. I hope I didn't scare her off with my grumpy attitude today. Ji Hyeon sighed as she sat down to begin the monotonous process of washing and drying laundry. Then she remembered that she would have a date with Jay. She smiled thinking about what she would wear and where they would be going.

When she got back upstairs about an hour later, she saw Sang Mi talking to someone in the lobby. She couldn't see who it was, but she wanted to apologize for her dry attitude. As she got closer, she could see the profile of the guy and he was talking a bit harshly., probably emphasizing a specific point.  Ji Hyeon realized that his profile was slightly  familiar; he looked very similar to Jay's. She didn't know whether or not she should walk over and acknowledge them, but she decided to not be rude and let them be. So she got on the elevator, but not before she heard an aggravated sigh come from the guy. As the doors were closing, she saw Sang Mi rolling her eyes at the guy and turning her head.

When she got to her door, she didn't hear as much commotion as she thought she would. She struggled a bit to balance the laundry basket and reach for the door, but when she finally did, she kicked the door open. There on the couch were the boys taking a nap, while the guys we sitting on the floor, watching a movie. When she put the laundry basket down, the guys looked over to her. Jinwoon was the first to stand up, followed by the others.

"I think it's time we go. We've mooched off of you enough." he said starting to put on his shoes. She chuckled as he stood up and hugged her. The others hugged her and waved as they walked out of the apartment. Before they walked too far down the hallway, Ji Hyeon stopped them, sticking her head out of the door.

"Hey, I was wondering if you guys had heard of the band called 2PM. Apparently they're missing, but I'm not completely sure where they could be." They  looked at each other and then back at her with shocked expressions.

"Actually, there's something we need to tell y--" Jinwoon started, but was cut off by her phone ringing in her room. She looked back at them saying sorry before running back into the living room to pick up the phone. When she got to it, there was no one on the other side. Ji Hyeon kept on saying hello, but gave up after there was complete silence. Heading back to the door, she was slightly shocked to see that the other guys had left. I guess they can tell me later. She turned back to the boys, who were sleeping their little lives away. She turned off the TV and took the laundry to their corresponding rooms. There wasn't much for her to do, so she took a nap herself.

She was woken by a warmth on her face; she sighed contently thinking about what it could be and to her other side. The warmth left her for a couple seconds and then repositioned itself. When she opened her eyes, her focus was kind of fuzzy, but when she blinked again she smiled. Junho had his hand on her cheek and looked like he was trying to make her wake up with his brain waves. She laughed at his scrunched up face. He realized that she had woken up so he smiled brightly at her. "Mommy," he whispered, getting close to her. She took his hand and kissed it lovingly; he looked at her questioningly and then smiled at her. Junho moved close enough that his face was only centimeters from hers, his breath ghosting over her cheek. "Hi, sweetie." she whispered back, giving him a hug. These boys sure do like to get intimate.

Ji Hyeon pulled Junho onto her lap as she slowly woke up. "Why did you decide to wake me up, huh?" she asked him, making him face her. He hid his face in his hands, trying to keep his answer to himself. She grinned as she tried prying his hands from his face, but Junho put up a fight. Ji Hyeon sighed heavily, feigning disappointment.

"I guess my baby doesn't care about me." she said in a saddened voice. Junho peeked his head out from his hands to find a somber Ji Hyeon. As soon as he moved his hands, Ji Hyeon pounced and started tickling him. He giggled and said with deep breaths in between every few words "You looked so peaceful, so I wanted to wake you up so you could be peaceful with me in your arms."  she smiled at his heart-warming gesture and hugged him again. They stayed in that position for a few minutes until she looked over to her bed stand and saw her phone flashing. She let go of Junho and shuffled over to reach for her phone. The caller ID said Unknown Number. She didnt know how anyone else would get her number apart from her friends, family, and a few customers. So she picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" she asked cautiously.

"Hey Ji Hyeon. It's me, Jay." answered a deep voice. There was some background noise that sounded like music, specifically hip-hop.

"Oh, hey. How are you?" she asked, now realizing she hadn't put his number in, but he actually hadn't texted her so it wasn't her fault.

"Eh, I'm okay. I wanted to talk about this evening, our date. Why don't I come and pick you up around 7?" he asked, finally get away from the thumping base. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 3. Ah, good. I still have time.

"Hmm, yeah sure. That's cool." she said, thinking to herself what a total dork she sounded like.

"Ok, awesome. I'll see you then. Bye!" he said, excitedly. "Bye." she whispered, about to have a panic attack. Wait, i didn't give my adress. How will he know where I live? She stood looking out the window for about 10 minutes, but to her, time just stopped. Then she heard a little grunt behind her and turned around to see a confused Junho, with his head cocked to the side. "I'm going on a date, in," looking down at her watch "four hours. What to do?" she said as she plummeted face first into her bed. She felt the bed shift and it dipped closer to her head. Then she noticed that her head got a bit heavier and had a certain amount of pressure on the top. Junho kissed her head softly, assuring her that everything would be okay.

"It's okay, Mommy." Junho said in a hushed voice. He probably had no idea what a date was but he still cared. She turned her head to the side to find a puppy-eyed Junho looking at her as if she were dying. She smiled as she patted his head and turned her head back into the bed. She sighed heavily and then lifted her head abruptly. "I have to get you guys something to eat," she said, probably thinking that Jinwoon and his crew probably didn't feed them. Ji Hyeon picked up Junho from the bed and took him to the kitchen. She place him on the counter and started searching the refrigerator for ingredients. Feeling her sweatpants being pulled, she hastily answered, "Junho, please wait, I'll get you some food soon." But when she stuck her head out, she saw Chansung and Wooyoung standing next to each other. Then she looked behind her and saw Junho sticking his head in the fridge.

"Whatcha doing, Mommy?" Chansung asked, peeking into the refrigerator himself. "I'm going out later tonight, so I have to get you guys something to eat for dinner," she said while pulling out some meat and vegetables.

"Where are you going?" Wooyoung asked following Ji Hyeon as she moved towards the sink. "Mommy has a date," she said looking down while washing some tomatoes. Chansung and Wooyoung looked at each other and then back at her, "With who?" they said perfectly synchronized. She smiled and chuckled and then crouched down to their level.

"With a friend that I met at work." They stood there with slightly upset faces. Chansung looked up and asked, "Do we know him?"

Ji Hyeon looked at him strangely, before answering "No, probably not but you guys will meet him sooner or later."

Why would he ask a question like that?!? 

"Will you go on a date with me?" Wooyoung asked innocently, his cheeks puffing out slightly She silently took Junho down from the counter, which he protested to, wanting to know the answer to Wooyoung's question. Then she took Chansung's and Wooyoung's hands, leading them back to the living room. The others were up, watching TV. Befo she plopped them down on the couch, she gathered them around her and said "When your older, you can ask me that question." She sort of ran back  into the kitchen, hoping to avoid any more questions. When she didn't hear any small feet tapping against the floor, she sighed in relief. She lightly tapped her cheeks, hoping to bring down the blush from the irking question. After she calmed down a bit, she continued making their dinner. When she was done, she cleaned up the kitchen and looked at the clock. It said half past 5, which caused her to jump up in surprise. She dashed to the living room and said "Boys, I'm going to get ready now. The food is on the table; if you want to eat now, you can." Nichkhun sat up and asked "Where are you going?"

"I'm going on a date, hun." she said, slowly moving away from the living room. He looked down, with a saddened expression and turned back to the TV. Ji Hyeon had already run away by the time he looked up to ask her another question. She closed the door behind her and looked around the room before heading to the bathroom. When she got out it was already 6:15. She squeaked running around her room, thinking about what she was going to wear. She looked through her closet and picked a nice floral dress. She didn't think Jay would want her to be dressed up since they were 'kind of friends.' So she put her hair into a loose ponytail, although she was thinking about putting it into a braid. She stuck with the loose ponytail and grabbed her phone and bag. She walked out to the living room and stood away from the couch, casually watching the TV. Taecyeon looked from the TV and looked at Ji Hyeon for a quick second. Then he slowly looked over to Ji Hyeon, looking at her pretty dress then her, as he thought, beautiful face.

"Mommy, you look so......pretty." he said, shocked at her sudden transformation. The rest of the boys looked at where Taecyeon was staring and gasped in unison. "Wow." they all said in unison. Ji Hyeon looked down at them and smiled, her cheeks becoming a bit rosy from the flattering. If it were possible, the boys eyes grew bigger as they though she looked like a gorgeous angel. "You guys, stop staring." she said, blushing a bit harder.

"But Mommy, you look so beautiful." Junsu said, finally blinking. She giggled and then felt her phone vibrate in her bag. She pulled it out and smiled harder, realizing it was Jay.

"Hey, I'm in the lobby." he said, sounding a little nervous.

"Oh, okay. I'll be down in a couple minutes." she said, quickly hanging up.

"Okay, boys. I'm leaving; I'll be back latest by 9. Don't stay up to late; tomorrow you have to go to school tomorrow." They groaned as they realized that; she smiled and then kissed each of their foreheads before heading out the door. When she got down to the lobby, her heart fluttered a bit. Jay was standing with his back to her. He was wearing a nice pair of dress pants and a crisp, clean white dress shirt. His muscles were accentuated just perfectly through the shirt and his shoes were nicely polished. When he turned around and saw her, a great big smile erupted on his face. She waved at him as she walked over and he pulled his hand out of his pocket and waved back. Her auntie was behind the desk tonight and when she saw Ji Hyeon, she smiled thoughtfully. When she got to Jay, she said hi shyly. He replied with a hi also, and said "You ready?" She nodded and took his hand that was waiting for hers. Little did they know that behind the corner, a jealous and vicious admirer observed as their love was walking away with another.

When they walked out, the cool autumn air brushed past Ji Hyeon, giving her some goosebumps. He realized her grip had gotten harder, so he looked down, worried.

"You cold?" he asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. She smiled and answered "Just a tiny bit." He grinned and pulled her in closer, putting his arm around her.

"Don't worry, we will be there soon." he whispered to her as his body heat radiated onto hers. They walked for 10 minutes, talking about different topics. When they arrived at the restaurant, she gasped at the beauty of just the outside. It had magnificent chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling. The tables had fine silverware and the tablecloths were made of silk. The waiters and waitresses had on tuxedos and dress shirts and skirts. She looked around at all the other people who were sitting at the tables and immediately felt as if she was a pauper. A waiter came up to them and asked for their names. Jay answered and the waiter looked down at his book. He nodded and took two menus and gestured for them to follow him. As she followed Jay, she kept on looking at the view out of the windows. It had a shoreside view and the moon illuminated the water just right. She hadn't paid attention to where the waiter had taken them until she realized that the view had gotten higher up. Then she saw that they were on another level. She looked behind her, thinking that there should be stairs. Instead their was a ramp that lead up to the second level.

"Here you are, sir and madam. Another waiter will be with you shortly," said the calm waiter, placing the menus down at a table with two seats.

"Thank you." Jay said politely, opening his menu.

"Jay, this is....amazing." Ji Hyeon finally said, looking from the window to Jay. She looked around the second level and realized that there weren't that many people there;  just a few couples sprinkled here and there.

"I know. I picked it out just for this special occasion," he said smiling and winking at her. She smiled back and said thank you. She opened the menu and lifted it up to see the vast amount of fancy food that she never even dreamed of eating. As she looked on the second page, she heard a familiar voice that sent her on the edge. She peered over the edge of the menu and her teeth automatically ground themselves together.

She hid herself behind the menu, hoping it would shield her from his vision. Sitting at neighboring table was Yunho, laughing with some woman about only God knows what. Ji Hyeon immediately took her hairtie out and put her hair to the right, so it covered her face just right. "Are you okay?" Jay asked, looking at her, puzzled. She assured him that she was fine and continued looking at the menu. The waitress came shortly after and blocked her field of vision. Thank goodness. "Hello, my name is Ri Ah. I will be your server for this evening. Can I get you anything to drink; water, wine, Coke products?" she said, more directed to Jay. She probably noticed how hot he looked tonight; she was putting on her best show.

"I'll have some water, please." Jay said, then looked over at Ji Hyeon who was completely engrossed in the menu she was reading. He nudged her leg under the table with his foot, and she looked up, surprised. Then she realized the waitress was there, standing, waiting for her to make her decision.

"Ah, I'll just have some Sprite." Ji Hyeon said, still making sure Yunho couldn't see her. The waitress walked off, slightly adding more emphasis on her hips moving, making sure Jay noticed. But he kept his eyes on Ji Hyeon and admired her natural beauty. Ji Hyeon wasn't the type of girl who put on a lot of makeup. In fact the most she probably put on in her life was lipstick, which was for a very special occasion. On a day to day basis, her makeup was Chapstick.

When she finally looked up from the menu, she made immediate eye contact with Jay and smiled. She couldn't help the feeling she got when he was around her. She was sort of a socially awkward person, so she didn't know how to start a conversation. But luckily enough, the waitress came again, with the drinks. This girl would be my guardian angel, if it wasn't for how openly she flirts with Jay.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked Jay first, of course.

"I'll have the braised pork loin." he said looking over to Ji Hyeon.

"Oh, that's my favorite. And for you, madam?" the waitress turned, asking nicely.

"I will have the roasted duck with raspberry sauce, please." Ji Hyeon answered, closing her menu.

"Thank you. Your orders will arrive soon." she said taking Ji Hyeon's menu first. When Ri Ah took  Jay's, she made sure her hand brushed up against his. He didn't seem to notice as he took a sip of his water.

"So, how are the boys doing?" Jay asked, hoping to start an intriguing conversation. "They are doing great; they really like the school they are in." she said, thinking about how happy they are whenever she drops them off and picks them up. "I actually have a question for you." Ji Hyeon asked him, playing around with the condensation on her glass.

"Okay, ask your question." Jay said, leaning forward onto the table.

"I've been taking care of the boys for a few days now, and one day I saw on a website that a band called 2PM is missing. I played around on the internet for a little while and I saw some pictures of these six guys. But I have this feeling that they are very very familiar. Do you know anything about them or their sudden disappearance?" she asked, wanting to find out about the band.

Jay looked at Ji Hyeon with a bit of shock in his eyes, but he didn't want to make it obvious.

"Yeah, I've heard of them. Actually funny story. I used--" Jay started but was cut off by Ri Ah's sudden appearance

"Here are your orders." Ri Ah said, gently laying down the food in front of the couple. She put Jay's down and then touched his shoulder softly.

"Enjoy." she said specifically towards him. Ji Hyeon scoffed quietly and then sighed. She had forgotten that Yunho was still in the restaurant, so as she looked away from the annoying seen unfolding in front of her, she made eye contact with him for 2 whole seconds. She immediately regretted it, seeing the slightest glimpse of a smirk rising on his face. Crap, crap, crap, crap. In her peripherals, she saw him kissing the hand of the woman he was with, like the slimy cretin he was and then stood up. She immediately locked eyes with Jay, hoping he would get her message to not look anywhere else. His head cocked a bit, wondering why her eyes were so huge all of a sudden.

"Excuse me, but I saw from over at my seat, seeing that you ordered braised pork loin and the roasted duck. Those are brand new on my menu and I guess tonight you will be my guinea pig." Yunho said slyly, as he stood over their table.

Jay looked up at him and asked "Your menu?"

Ji Hyeon looked at him with the same expression: bewilderment. He chuckled, putting his hand over his double ed suit as he said, "Oh, how rude of me; I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jung Yunho and I am the owner of this restaurant."

As soon as he finished the last syllable of his last word, Ji Hyeon pushed her chair back and stood up. Jay looked up at her, puzzled and Yunho looked at her with his classic smug look. She looked at Jay, sorry hoping he would accept her apology. "I'm sorry, but I just realized I have to wake up early tomorrow. I hope we can do this again real soon." she said thoughtfully, then her disposition changed as soon as she looked at Yunho. She grabbed her bag and glared at Yunho as she walked past him. She sighed heavily when she got out of the restaurant, cursing Yunho for ruining her perfect evening. She looked up at the moon before turning her direction back to the ground and walked back to her apartment. She was so sad and focused on walking that she didn't hear someone calling her name from behind her. Only when she felt a hand on her arm did she snap out of her trance.

"Hey, do you wanna tell me what happened back there?" a worried Jay asked her. She sighed looking back down at her feet. He took her hand and lead her to a fast-food joint across the street. The bell chimed and the cashier looked up and smiled, greeting them. Jay led her to a booth, sitting her down across from him. She looked up at him as he ordered a couple burgers and drinks from the server. Then he focused his attention back onto her, grabbing her hand that was resting idly at the end of table.

"It's okay to tell me. You can trust me." he said, wanting her to believe him. She squeezed his hand a bit before telling him the whole story. When she finished, she started crying; kind of like how she did when she told Junsu. Jay immediately moved to her side of the booth, moving her over so he could embrace her. She cried on his shoulder while he patted her head soothingly. When she calmed down, she lifted her head and looked up at him. He cupped her cheeks and leaned down to her lips. Before their lips could touch, the server brought their food and awkwardly left them. They put their heads against each others and laughed, before they turned to their food, which they had been waiting for since 7. Before she took a big, meaty bite into her burger, Jay pecked her on the cheek, then bit into his own burger. She looked at him surprised, and then bit into her burger, blushing. They munched contently and sat for a while, letting the food settle. He placed some bills on the table and then took her back to her apartment. When he brought her into the lobby, they stood there for a few seconds, admiring each other. He took her cheeks again and leaned down, pressing his lips gently against hers. She smiled into the kiss as she felt the classic "fireworks" and kissed him back. They probably looked like a high school couple on their fist date. After a minute of kissing, they broke it and smiled. Ji Hyeon looked at him saying, "Thank you. For everything." Jay pulled her in for a hug and whispered in her ear "Your welcome." He kissed her head before he finally let go and turning back outside. She walked over to the elevator and happily pushed her level. She sang along with the crappy music and skipped out of it, dancing towards her door. When she got in, the lights were off and everything was quiet. She tiptoed into the apartment, closing the door behind her softly. She went to Taecyeon and Junsu's room to see them fast asleep. She kissed both of their heads and went back to her room. Everyone was asleep, so she went into her bathroom and changed quickly before slipping into bed. Chansung turned to her, surprising Ji Hyeon. "Mommy, how was your date?" he asked quietly. She smiled and whispered back to him "It was fine, sweetie. You should be asleep though."

He closed his eyes and cuddled closer to her, but he didn't fall asleep before saying "When I grow up, I wanna go on a date with you, Mommy." She looked at him strangely, but she shrugged it off, thinking that he was just tired.


Ah, finally an update. Sorry, I am so bad about updating. I just have been super busy and I'm going to get even more busy later this spring. But I will NOT FORGET ABOUT MY AMAZING 9 subscribers!!!! Thank you for all your support and next chapter will start to pick up with the romance. I hope to update this story by the end of this week because I have my midterms (as stated by the title). So I hope you all have a wonderful week and dont forget to subscribe and comment! :3

P.S. I've been thinking about this new story idea, except it won't actually be a story. It'll be more of a one-shot, kinda......It'll have Chansung in it and an OC. So if you guys want to read something like that, then just comment!!

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^