We Meet Again...

The Love From Long Ago

Before she took the groceries and the other things upstairs, she installed the car seats. When she got to her door, she put the bags in her right hand down, then fished for the keys. Once she unlocked the door, she was greeted by loud shouting and giggling, seeing Gi Yong playing a combination of hide and seek and tag with the boys. She waddled over to the counter and put everything down, she stretched and cracked her back. While her arms were up in the air, Chansung and Wooyoung ran into her legs and wrapped themselves around her. She looked down and saw that their faces were flushed. "Hi, Mommy." Wooyoung said first. "GiGi is so fun." Chansung said trying to catch his breath.   

Next thing she knew, Gi Yong cam running out of the guest room with Junho on her back. Junho was gigging so hard and he was bouncing up and down as he and Gi Yong flopped onto the couch. Then Junsu, Nichkhun and Taecyeon came out of the room and stopped once they saw that the two had reached the couch.

"Aw, shucks. We'll get you guys next time." Nichkhun said finally catching his breath.

"You guys, Mommy's home." Chansung whined from Ji Hyeon's arms , when he realized that they hadn't paid attention to her. They saw her and rushed to her side, jumping up and down trying to tell her all at once about what they and GiGi did.

"Why don't we all help Mommy put the groceries away, so we can have lunch and play some more?"

"Yeah!" they all shouted, reaching for the groceries and putting away what they could.

"Thanks, Gi Yong, really." she said after she put Chansung down.

"No problem, they were really fun. They made me exercise today more than I would in 5 years." she said cracking her back.

"So did anything exciting happen?" she asked, nudging Ji Hyeon just a bit.

"I met this guy, actually more like ran into him, twice." she said, blushing the tiniest bit.

"Oooh, what's his name?" she asked, giving her a sly look. "I didn't ask for his name Gi, we just happened to run into each other." she watched as the boys trying their best to put the things away. I'm going to have to rearrange everything.

"Yeah, twice. I'm pretty sure that means something." Gi Yong kept pressing the subject, knowing eventually Ji Hyeon would give in.

"Eh, I don't know, maybe. Hey, do you want to stay for lunch. I might need your help." she said looking from her to the the boys and back to her.

"Okay fine, but we will talk about this guy some more, okay Hyo?" she only called her that when she was being completely serious or she wanted something.

"Fine, fine Mom. Just help me get these boys out of the kitchen so we can get them some lunch."

  The girls were able to get the kids out of the kitchen. After about 30 minutes of cooking and laughing, Ji Hyeon and Gi Yong finished making the dinner for the boys. They made a Spanish lunch, complete with quesadillas, tacos, limeade and churros. Ji Hyeon had both some ice cream for herself since she wasn't a fan of churros.  While they were eating, the boys and Gi Yong told here stories about the games they were playing. They finished soon enough and while Gi Yong started washing the dishes, Ji Hyeon gave the boys their new clothes.

"Thank you, Mommy" Nichkhun hugged Ji Hyeon tightly. "No problem, hun." she patted his back "Ok, now go and get ready."

"You know, you are really really good with kids. If I wasn't your friend, I would probably think they are all your kids and you loved them like nothing else." Gi Yong said over her shoulder while she loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.

"Truthfully, there the really good ones. Anyone would be able to love them." she said while she hand washed some pots. "True, true and you know me with most kids." Gi Yong agreed. A few minutes later, the boys came out of their rooms, looking cute and stylish. "You guys could be child models, geez." Gi Yong said looking at them.

The boys smiled and thanked her, then sat down in the living room waiting for the girls to finish. Once, they had finished, Gi Yong grabbed her bag and all of them headed out. The park had a lot of benches and a very big playground, complete with a swing set, jungle gym, and merry-go-round; there were trees lining the walkways. As soon as the boys saw the playground, they sprinted as quickly as they could. Ji Hyeon and Gi Yong laughed and moved towards the closest bench.

"Okay, so let's continue with that conversation we were having." Gi Yong turned her body towards Ji Hyeon.

"Gi, do we really have to?" she whined, kicking her feet and looking everywhere else. "Yes, yes we do Hyo. This guy could be the one. The one you fall in love with, marry, have kids with, and live with until your old and wrinkly." she said staring at the profile of her friend.

"Oh my gosh, really Gi, really? I mean he's just one guy." she said rolling her eyes and finally looking towards her friend. "Well, when was the last time, you talked about, or even thought about a guy?"

"There was that guy from high school, remember him, uh what was it, Yong Ki?" she said, trying to file through her memories.

"Uh, gross, seriously, I don't even know why you dated him. He was a ert." Gi Yong said, making a disgusted face.

"Yeah, why did I date him; he was gross." Ji Hyeon realized, thinking about her high school love. Yong Ki would look at other girls when he was with Ji Hyeon, and when he wasn't doing that, he was trying to get her to have with him. Finally fed up with his disgusting approaches, she broke up with him before winter break. After that, she felt a weight lift off of her shoulders.

"But the chances of me seeing him again are pretty slim, might I add." she said, looking over at the boys. Chansung and Wooyoung were swinging, Taecyeon and Junho were playing on the jungle gym, and Nichkhun and Junsu were spinning on the merry-go-round. She looked over at another bench, a couple were sitting next to each other, enjoying each others company. That could be me and him.she thought sighing.

"Seriously, just think about it" Gi Yong said finally breaking Ji Hyeon out of her trance. "Ok, I will." she said, just nodding her head.

They talked for about another 30 minutes before Gi Yong had to leave. The two of them walked over to the boys who were all laughing and spinning on the merry-go-round. "Boys, GiGi has to go now. Come and say bye to her." Ji Hyeon said.

Finally allowing the merry-go-round to slow down, the boys tried to calibrate themselves as they walked to GiGi.  "Bye, GiGi, thank you for playing with us." Taecyeon said, after hugging her. The boys took their turns hugging her and then they went back to the jungle gym.

"Bye, I'll see you at work." Ji Hyeon said, waving at her. She turned back and took a seat on a swing, dragging her feet across the gravel. She thought about what Gi had said and was wondering if she would actually ever see him again. She looked at her watch and realized it was already 4. Got to get these boys home. I should also probably get these boys into school. "Come on, guys. We have to get home. It's almost dinner time." she said looking at them swinging like little monkeys.

Moans and groans erupted from their throats, attempting to make Ji Hyeon let them stay longer. Their attempt worked because she soon said "Okay fine, we can stay for another 15 minutes and then we definitely have to leave." The next fifteen minutes were some of the hardest playing they had ever done. She gathered them all together and they started their walk back. The sun was setting, making the sky a nice cascade of warm colors.

When they got home, the boys were very tired, but she made them change into their pajamas. Once they had changed they came back to the living room and toppled on top of one another. She laughed on her way to her room. She quickly changed and decided that instead of making them mac and cheese, she would make them small fruit salads. After she washed the fruits and put them in bowls, she went into the living room to call the boys, but when she got there they were all sleeping peacefully. She shook her head, but thanked herself for making them change. Now all she had to do was put them in bed.

It took her about 10 minutes to get them comfortable, but she made sure they were tucked in, safe and sound. Then she came back to the kitchen and took one of the bowls and went to the living room. She watched TV for an hour before she decided she was tired herself. She trudged herself to the bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth and then she went to her room. The boys were softly snoring, their breathing almost in sync. She crawled under the covers and closed her eyes. She felt some breathing on her face and opened her eyes slightly. Chansung had turned so that he was cuddled up next to her. She smiled and put her arm around him and made sure Junho knew she was there too. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

The next morning, she woke up to find that Wooyoung and Junho were not in the room. Of course, Nichkhun was still sleeping. Chansung was under her arm, but he had turned away from her. She quietly got out of bed, trying not to wake Chansung. She went across the hall, to find that Junsu wasn't in bed, but Taecyeon was. She wondered where else they could be. Then she heard some shuffling and ceramic clinking. She slowly made her way to the kitchen to find that Wooyoung and Junsu were getting cereal, while Junho was munching on the fruit bowls she made for them yesterday. They all turned to look at her with smiles on their faces. "Good morning." Junsu said first. "Ah, good morning." she said, wondering why they were up so early.

"Wooyoung and I saw that you weren't up yet, so we didn't want to wake you. So we woke up Junsu and he helped us get breakfast." Junho said while concentrating on stabbing a grape that kept on moving around the bowl. Eventually he gave up and picked it up with is hand and threw it in his mouth. She smiled at his cute gesture while the other two moved to the dining table and started eating their cereal. "Let me go and wake the others up so we can breakfast together." she said watching them eat. "Okie dokes." Wooyoung said with his mouth partially full.

She went to Taecyeon's room first and gently shook him. "Hey, time to get up." she whispered. He shifted around before he opened his eyes an d looked up at her. "Okay." he said slowly. Next she woke up Chansung by slightly opening the curtains. The light illuminated the room and made Chansung turn around to face the window. He covered his eyes with his tiny fists. She bent over his face and kissed his fists, moving them out of his face. He couldn't help himself from smiling when she did that. "Upsie daisy, baby." she said while pulling him up from the pillow. She picked him up and took him to the bathroom to wash his face. He used the stepping stool to brush his teeth. While he was doing that, Ji Hyeon went back into the bedroom to wake Nichkhun up. She dropped down on the air mattress to make him jump a little. But still, he didn't wake up. For about 3 minutes she bounced on the bed before he made even the smallest sign that he was ready to wake up. With than she pulled him out of bed and took him to the bathroom to wash his face. Once again, she used cold water to wake him up. Although he was not as awake as he was yesterday, he was still able to walk by himself.

By the time she got Nichkhun out of the bathroom, Junsu and Taecyeon had helped Chansung get breakfast. She thanked them while she got breakfast for Nichkhun. Then she made a cup of decaf coffee for herself.

"I know this might be too soon, but I need to enroll you in school."she said looking into her cup. She got the courage to look up at the boys faces, thinking they would be upset. Instead, they looked at her with interest, probably wondering where they would be going. "When do we start?" Junsu asked.

"Well, one of my coworkers has a couple kids about your age and she said that the school was really good. So, I'm going to call her and ask about the school, then we can go visit it okay?" surprisingly, the boys nodded in agreement and got up to put their dishes away.If that had been me, I would have thrown a tantrum. She thought bewildered by their agreement. She felt a weight on her thigh and she looked down to find a curious Chansung looking at her.

"Whatcha thinking about, Mommy?" he asked, his face resting in his hands. "Hmmm? Oh nothing, just thinking about.....stuff." she said absentmindedly. When she looked down at him, she saw that he was staring at her with admiration in his eyes.

"Mommy, you're really pretty." he said quietly, his cheeks starting to blush. At first, her eyebrows moved up her face, but then she sighed and gave him a hug. "Thank you sweetie. That's really nice." he dug his face into her neck, trying to hide his blushing cheeks. She released him, making him go to her bedroom so he could change. She put her mug into the sink and started to wash the dishes. The doorbell rang and a couple of knocks followed. She wiped her hands on the dish towel and shuffled over to the door. Who could it be? She wondered as she peeped through the peephole, then slowly unlocked the door. When she opened it, there was no be standing there, but something caught her peripherals. A bouquet of flowers were sitting on her doorstep, with a teddy bear holding them and a card.

What the heck, it's not even Valentine's Day. She picked them up and took it into her kitchen. She didn't really know anyone who would give this to her and it wasn't her birthday for a few months. She decided she wouldn't open the card to see who it was addressed to, so she left it there, telling herself to take it down to the front desk when she took the boys.

Ji Hyeon called the coworker with kids to ask about the school she sent them to. It was called Sunny Future Elementary School. Apparently, they had the latest in everything: books, toys, computers. Conveniently, it was about 10 minutes from her bakery, so she could pick them up as soon as they were done. She made the decision to go and tell the boys to get ready so she could register them. When she got to Taecyeon and Junsu's room, they were sitting on the bed, watching a cartoon on the TV that was stationed in the corner of the room. She smiled and said "Get ready, you two. We are going to get you into the school, okay?" They both nodded and turned of the TV. Then she went to her room to get the others ready. Chansung must have told them to change because they were all ready, playing a game on the laptop. How do they know how to work these electronics without me even telling them? She thought bewildered. Junho saw her first, telling her about the game they were playing. She laughed and told them to go wait for her in the living room.

She took a quick shower and changed into a dress with a cardigan on top. She braided her hair loosely and put on a small necklace. She grabbed some sandals and slipped them on. Her bag was hanging on the door, so she quickly flung it over her shoulder and opened the door.

All of the boys were sitting on the couch, waiting for her. "Mom, where did you get that?" Taecyeon asked her looking at the teddy bear and bouquet of flowers. "It was on the doorstep, just sitting there. But I doubt its for me so I'm going to return it." she said walking over to it and picking it up. "Come on, let's go." she started walking towards the door with teddy bear and bouquet in hand. "Mommy, you dropped something." Wooyoung bent down and picked up the small card. He gave it to Ji Hyeon and she took it struggling with the bouquet. She decided to look at it and when she saw who it was addressed to she gasped. My Sweet and Beautiful Moon. Who would write to me? Maybe it's---no it can't be. She shook the thought out of her head and blinked a couple times before heading to the door.

"Mommy, who's it from?" Nichkhun asked. "It doesn't say." she whispered but she was pretty sure she knew who it was from. On the way down to the lobby, it was quiet. Wooyoung was holding Ji Hyeon's hand while the rest just looked forward. Every once in a while, one of them would look back at her to see she was staring blankly ahead. Finally, the awkward elevator ride was finished when the floor signal pinged. The doors opened and as soon as she got the boys out of it, she told them to stay where they were. She walked briskly to the garbage disposal chute and threw the gifts away. Please, please don't let this begin again. She thought, hanging her head as she took deep breaths. When she was able to calm herself, she walked back to the boys. They were looking around the lobby since they had never stayed more than three seconds in there. The old lady at the front desk waved to the little boys and they happily waved back. Ji Hyeon greeted her and she beckoned her over.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" the old woman asked looking from Ji Hyeon, to the boys and back. "I'm fine, auntie. I see you've met my boys. Well, their aren't actually mine but I'm taking care of them, so I guess technically they are...." Ji Hyeon nervously said, looking around.

"Ji Hyeon, what's going on?" she looked at her questioningly. Ji Hyeon was playing with the necklace that she had on. She quickly looked at the boys and then back to her auntie. "Remember, how I told you about that guy from high school, not my ex, but the other one?" she said nervously. Her auntie's face was laced with anger and worry in a split second.

"Is he back?" she said with a dead voice. "I don't know, but I'm scared. I received a bouquet, teddy bear, and a card earlier this morning. He's the only person in this world who calls me Moon, and it was addressed exactly that way." she said tears starting to form in her eyes. She didn't want the boys to see her crying so she quickly moved behind the counter.

Her auntie gave her a hug filled with warmth and comfort. "It's okay, darling, don't cry. Remember you have to be strong for your boys. You just put him in the back of your mind and carry on with your life, okay?" she rubbed Ji Hyeon's back soothingly. Ji Hyeon composed herself again and hugged her auntie. "Thank you. I'll see you later, have a good day." "Okay, bye. Bye, boys!" she waved at them as they headed out the door.

Ji Hyeon took her auntie's advice and forgot about it. She buckled the boys into their seats, which took about 10 minutes. By the time she got in the car, she realized she had forgotten to get the directions to the school. Ah, no worries, that's why I went shopping with Gi to buy a smartphone! She thought triumphantly, typing in the school's name into the GPS. As soon as she got it, she pulled out of the parking lot and they were on their way.

When they pulled up to the parking lot of the school, she was amazed. The school had to be brand new. It had beautiful glass windows and a beautiful path that led to the front door. She took the boys out and they were just as stunned. They walked into the building, the boys looking all around. "Mommy, this is so cool!" Junsu said looking at the TV that had information about the school scrolling on the screen.

"Good morning! How may I help you?" a chirpy woman asked from the front desk. "Hi, I'd like to register my...kids into this school." it felt strange to say they were hers, and they felt the same way. They all looked in her direction as she finished her sentence. "Okay, if you will just follow me, I will take you to the principal's office." she said, getting up from her comfy looking chair. Ji Hyeon and the boys followed her. "Oh, they can stay in this room." the clerk gestured to a colorful room, full of all the toys that a kid could possibly imagine. Before she could tell the boys to not go overboard, they were already in the room, playing with various items. She chuckled before she continued following the clerk. "Here we are. If you could please wait for Principal Jung, he will be with you in a few minutes." she said closing the door behind her. A few minutes later, she heard some laughter and a deep voice talking. When she heard the door click, she slowly turned around. Standing there talking to a staff member, who was obviously flirting with him, was what looked to be a Korean Greek god. His hair was beautifully swept into a nice coif, his face was perfectly proportionate, his smile set perfectly in the center of his face.


Uh oh, who's this mysterious character that is joining this story?!?! Well, I kind of gave it away....so.... Thanks to my 2 subscribers: tinyboom and xChaosx!!!!! You guys make me so happy! This update is also for tinyboom. Thanks for being my first commenter!!!! :3

Please continue to read my story, comment and subscribe! :)

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^