It's Okay.....

The Love From Long Ago

Ji Hyeon felt a presence above her as she started to wake up. A hand gently the hair out of her face as she opened her eyes to see a calm Chansung. She stared at his mature face that was so different from the baby face that she was originally accustomed to a few days ago. Ji Hyeon sat up, but then squeezed her eyes shut as she forgot about her sprained ankle. Chansung noticed this pained expression and reached for the blanket. Ji Hyeon grabbed the blanket, looking at him pleadingly, to only be ignored. With every inch of blanket that was removed from her body, Ji Hyeon's mind racked with excuses to get Chansung from becoming extremely upset. He gasped in shock as he saw the purple and yellow bruise that was on her ankle, slowly reaching out for it.

"It's nothing," she said softly, coughing up some phelgm in . Chansung didn't say anything as he looked from her ankle, into her eyes and back to her ankle. He stood up with a calm face and walked out of the room, leaving a slightly panicked Ji Hyeon in her bed. Ji Hyeon was expecting to hear several pairs of feet stomping down the hall, but nothing came. However a lone pair of feet came back and her eyes shifted to the door to see a still very calm Chansung with a first aid kit in his hands. His mouth never opened as he quietly set to working on Ji Hyeon's ankle. He grabbed one of the pillows behind her and placed her ankle down as he got the gauze ready to wrap around it. In a matter of minutes, Chansung had wrapped up the ankle and let it rest elevated on the pillow, looking back at Ji Hyeon's face every now and then to see if there was any discomfort.

She sniffled and coughed as he went to the kitchen to get a packet of ice to put on her ankle. Ji Hyeon had never thought that Chansung would take such good care of her, but there was something about his eerie silence that upset her and she needed to know what was wrong before it got out of hand. He came back with a small baggie of ice, placing it gingerly on the gauze.

"Chansung," she said with a very raspy voice. At least now she could actually talk, barely. "Why, *cough* why are you so *cough* quiet?" Chansung just looked at her eyes deeply as they slowly began to water. Ji Hyeon didn't know what was going on through his head, but her motherly instincts kicked in as she his head on her lap, his hair softly.

"I missed you so much, it really hurt me when you didn't come back that evening. I couldn't believe that you weren't coming back home. I know that we shocked you with our sudden transformation, but I thought you were angry with us and that you hated us now," Chansung said in a quiet voice as his tears wet the bare thigh of Ji Hyeon. He snuggled his head into her stomach as she continously his head, calming him down slowly.

"I could never be angry at you guys, you're too sweet and loving," she said in her raspy voice, watching a faint smile come across his face. "Your still my baby, yo--" she didn't complete her sentence because of the cough attack she had. Chansung sat up immediately as Ji Hyeon basically hacked up her lungs, her eyes watering up. Chansung sat next to her rubbing her back as she heard feet stomping down the hallway. The door opened to show a worried Nichkhun, a shocked Junsu, and a well-rested Wooyoung carrying a platter full of food and medicine. They all turned their attention to the recently elevated foot, before looking back at the hacking Ji Hyeon and the worried Chansung. In a few seconds, she had managed to catch her breath, looking around like she was in a daze. The three boys were standing next to her as she was slowly gaining her focus back. As soon as she did get it back, an enourmous amount of nausea hit her like a train. She gagged as she tried to push herself out of bed, setting the guys into a frenzy, they were looking around the room, trying to find a trash bin for her to throw up in. Ji Hyeon, totally ignoring the injured ankle of hers, literally threw herself out of bed, trying to get to the bathroom as quickly as possible. Nichkhun tried to help her towards it, but she pushed him away gently as she got to the bathroom. Hurling up whatever she could, Ji Hyeon coughed into the toilet a little bit of blood. Ji Hyeon looked shocked as she wiped the spit away and quickly flushed the toilet. She sat on the floor looking at her ankle, thinking of how in the world there was blood in her vomit.

Nichkhun opened the door, peaking his head to see if she was okay. Her hair was matted to her forehead, and her eyes were watery as she looked around bewildered. "Are you okay?" he asked, walking over to her and picking her up like a china doll, holding her gently. She held onto the sink as they passed it, motioning for Nichkhun to let her down. Ji Hyeon quickly washed out and started heading towards the door to be swept up again by Nichkhun. He placed her down onto her bed, covering her legs so that she would not get any more sick than she already was.

"It's okay, everything's okay," she said softly as she rested her head back down on her pillow, falling asleep immediately, causing the guys around her to worry.

~A couple weeks later~

"Jay! The bread is burning! Hurry up and take it out of the oven!" Ji Hyeon shouted as she lightly limped down the hallway. Her voice came back to her, except it left her with a slightly husky voice. The boys had nursed her back to health, from head to toe, making sure she got everything she needed and rested her ankle as much as possible. Ji Hyeon thought to herself during the treatment, What did I do to deserve such loving boys?

Taking the oven mitt, she pulled the oven open and grabbed the rolls that were cooking before they browned too much. But there was no response from the living room which is normally where she gets some response from.

"Jay? Junsu? Hello?" she called out to be met with dead silence. She walked towards the living room to see all seven of the guys sitting in front of the TV like statues. They were all staring straight ahead, not giving her an ounce of attention. If she didn't know better, she would have said that they were robots that were on off mode.

"Hello?" she whispered, recieving all seven pairs of eyes on her. "Are you guys okay? Why are you just sitting there?" she asked curiously. Jay stood up first and walked over to her before hugging her tightly. Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he pulled back before taking a deep breath.

"We have to go," he said with a solemn face. Ji Hyeon nodded in understanding, saying "Okay, well when you get back, I think the food will be ready."

"No, we aren't coming back. We have to leave you now," Wooyoung said in a sad voice behind Jay, standing up also. She looked from his face and back to Jay's, finally realizing that they were actually leaving, for real.

"Oh," was all she said in surprise. She wasn't really sure how to deal with this kind of situation because she had never thought about them leaving her. Be as it may be selfish, it had never crossed her mind.

"We didn't think that it would be so soon, and we were shocked too when JYP told us that we had to go. But so far, you have probably been the best mother that we have ever had," Junsu said in a saddened voice.

Ji Hyeon thought about what he had just said, but was snapped out of her reverie when she heard snifffles coming from the couch. She looked over to see Chansung and Nichkhun crying softly, with their heads hanging down. Walking over to them calmly, Ji Hyeon raised both of their heads, to see their puffy eyes and sad frowns.

"You guys, don't cry. This won't be the last you see of me. I mean, it's not like we never going to see each other again, right?" she asked, looking towards Jay, since he seemed to like the leader of the team. Jay's eyes widened as he avoided his gaze from Ji Hyeon's, slightly tearing up himself.

"Oh," she said for the second time. Realizing that this might actually be the very last time that she sees any of her boys, she wiped Chansung's tears away and then Nichkhun's before hugging each and every one of them. Each of their hugs was filled with so much love and appreciation, that Ji Hyeon thought she was going to burst from all of the warmth. By the time they had finished their hugging session, the seven boys were standing lined up against the couch, with Ji Hyeon standing directly across from them. There was an invisible line that seperated her from these wonderful creatures, but that line had become very thin in their weeks together. Suddenly an idea popped into Ji Hyeon's mind, not going to let these boys get away from her so quickly. She dashed to her room, chuckling as she heard the boys call after her softly. Grabbing her camera from her bedside drawer, Ji Hyeon padded quickly back to the living room.

"I want to keep you guys forever in my memory, because you're already forever in my heart. So let's take a few pictures, okay?" she asked with a smile on her face. Ji Hyeon backed up until she could see all of the guys in the camera screen, before telling them to smile. They looked stiff as they awkwardly possed for the picture.

"Oh, come on you guys, you can do better than that. Make Mama proud," she said in a funny motherly voice. They laughed as they got more comfortable, giving each other noogies and hugs. She smiled thoughfully, as she took several pictures of them before telling them that she was going to take pics with each of them, before they take a huge group picture. After several heartwarming and goofy shots, Ji Hyeon set up the auto on the camera, telling the boys where they should sit. Chansung, Wooyoung, Nichkhkun and Jay were on the floor in front of Taecyeon, Junsu and Junho, with Ji Hyeon sitting in between Junsu and Junho. Hearing the warning beeps of the camera, all of the boys leaned in towards Ji Hyeon, smiling their last smiles with her.

They all walked downstairs to the lobby, waiting for their happiness to end. Taking each of them into her arms again, she hugged their with as much as her body could muster, before watching them walk away. Without thinking about what she was saying, she blurted out,

"I love you guys!"

They all turned around to show her the biggest smiles she had ever seen and waved goodbye. But what they didn't see was the black SUV, harboring a shady looking man, watching Ji Hyeon.

"Is that her boss?" the guy watching Ji Hyeon said over his shoulder.

"Yes, that's my Moon."

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^