Record 22

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Part 3: Resonance


The only difference between you and me it's the type of blood we carry.

Record #22

The windows were all open. My eyes woke from the sudden icy breeze, but didn’t open them completely at first. I could see from my eyelids the still lingering nightglow as the ocean moved. The faraway and melodious vibrations soothed my ears, but the wind gave coldness to my exposed arms even with the blanket covering my legs.

“You’re not doing it right.”

“What you expect? I’ve never done a rubix cube before.”

One of my eyes peeked at the voices. Anri had her head against his neck, and Jungkook’s cheek was lying on her forehead as he watched her resolve the cube in her hands, his arms securing her.

Their voices were almost whispers, but under this silent background, everything could be heard.

“Aren’t you gonna give me a clue?” she asked, her hands spinning the cube.

“You are the genius here. Figure it out yourself.” His body was stiff under her weight. I could see the trouble he had breathing because every time he did Anri’s scent filled him.

A few seconds fly by, her hands moved and she pouted every time she thought she made a wrong spin. “Jungkook, you are too close to me,” she dared to move in his arms. She was smiling, but he couldn’t see it.

“So? This is the only time I can have you in my arms and I’m savoring it.” His head turned to her and placed his lips upon her. Anri stopped her hands when Jungkook breathed her in.

“Stop it.” She was shivering a bit. Her hand was grabbing his shirt.

“You don’t like it, do you?” Jungkook was looking down at her, but her gaze never left the toy, which one side was already resolved. “You don’t like me.”

“I do like you,” she whispered.

“But not in the way I want to,” he smiled bitterly.

“I like you,” her forehead rested on his jawline. Her eyes closed as she was relishing their moment together. “But I already told you I can’t allow myself to like you the way you want me to.”

Her words gave him a little hope. I could see it in his almost invisible smile.

Anri did like Jungkook. But I ignore her reasons to not allow her feelings to flow.

Anri moved once again and Jungkook gasped.

“Please refrain from moving too much,” Jungkook whispered against her hair. Anri blinked innocently and her hands stopped. “You are making it difficult to control myself.”

I noticed her cheeks change of color as her hands grabbed the toy with nervousness. “Sorry.”

Jungkook nodded and with a fond and silly smile continued watching her, his cheek got back to her head.

Taehyung moved under me, I almost squealed. My hands grabbed his shirt rapidly and felt the soft defined muscles under it. His lips were glued to my forehead and every time he breathed, I felt my hair moved in and out.

My eyes were fully open.

Anri and Jungkook were both looking at me. My cheeks burned.

She giggled and he grinned dumbly.

When I hide my face on Taehyung’s neck as our heartbeats mixed together, he grunted in his sleep.

I inhaled his strong scent and let myself sleep once again, because I realized in Taehyung’s arms, I find secureness and warmness. No nightmares. Instead, I always wake up with a smile.


I heard the door opening and closing. I heard Jin’s voice and Mikki’s voice too. Through my eyelids, it was still a bit dark. But I guessed it was already time for us to go.

Funny thing, I’ve never heard the alarm they set.

“Do we let them sleep back there?” Jin’s voice. He was setting the upper mirrors and side ones too.

“Let them. They looked really tired,” she the monitor in her seat. “They’ll wake up if they need anything.”

“And the seatbelts? They need the seatbelts.”

“Are you serious?” Mikki scoffed. She noticed his cold and serious look. “Told them to put them on as soon as they wake up.”

She looked up to the upper mirror reflection and greeted me. “Good morning, Eunbyul.”

“Morning, Byul,” Jin said as he turned fully to me.

“Morning,” I mumbled.

“V is hugging you like a teddy bear,” Jin teased as he the car. “And so does Jungkook with Anri.”

Their mouths were slightly open, hair a mess and cheeks red. Both. In her hands, the cube was color in the correct answer.

I trembled when a hand crawled from my waist to my back and my neck back and forth, pulling me even closer and feeling every inch of me. I felt his lips smirking against my forehead, eyes still closed.

“Morning,” he kissed my skin. Down my lips and up my nose.

“You’re really clingy, aren’t you?” I said with a shy smile.

“You make me feel like that.” The car started moving. “I can’t resist you.” His lips touched mine once again and he moved them with demand, but carefulness. My heart was about to burst and my cheeks to explode from hotness.

“V, please, stop eating in front of the poor,” Jin said, his eyes on the road.

Taehyung giggled innocently as our foreheads touched.

We stay silent for a few minutes.

I was now sitting next to him. Our hands together and he played with my hands. And under Jin’s instance we pulled the seatbelt on us.

Taehyung got closer and with his free hand pulled my hair behind my ear. “Say, I’m really your first boyfriend?” His hot breath tickled my neck.

I nodded as his thumbs circled my palms.

“First kiss?”

I nodded once again, my cheeks getting warm.

“Am I going to be your first at everything?” I felt his smirk against the skin of my jawline.

“Most probably,” I whispered.

His grip grew tighter on me. I could feel my heart beating faster as seconds passed by.

“Both of you. Stop it already. I’m feeling like a third wheel just by hearing you,” Mikki turned to us, glaring. Her eyes kept on checking Anri and Jungkook, both still asleep.  “Keep your act together for an hour.” Mikki turned and caressed Ro.

“Wait,” Taehyung called her. “Mikki, can you please find a restroom? I need to go.”

I tried not to burst out laughing.



“We’ll stop now. Go at the back of the truck and do your business.”

“Are you ing serious? I won’t harm nature with my urine.”

“Seriously?” Are you going to-”

“Mikki,” he pouted with a serious gaze.

She sighed and typed on her monitor. “V, we are in the middle of nowhere. Either now or you wait.”

“Don’t pee on your pants, please,” I joked and we all laughed.

“Jin, you better hurry,” Taehyung said. “Or else the seat will be ruined.”

“V, you aren’t a little kid anymore,” Jin answered. “And besides, you won’t even dare.”

“I won’t, but I’ll annoy you for the rest of the ride if you don’t hurry.”

With that being said, Jin grew in speed to 90 km/h.

I kept sharing small talks with Taehyung. About everything. About anything. Everything that could occupy our minds. Anything that really matter. Random things. Banal stuff.

His hands caressed my arm scar and I was fine with it. He acknowledging my imperfection. Even when my hand was turn into a fist, he kept smiling at the not beautiful bite scar.

Upon this close with him, the mole under the tip of his nose was visible.

My gaze was always either between my hands or at the almost never-ending road.

There was a moment when we all kept quiet. Mikki was the only one who spoke to give directions to Jin. Ro kept glancing back at us, checking us like a chaperone.

Everyone was still sound asleep.

Taehyung stomach growled. Mikki sighed and gave him a package of vanilla cookies, he gladly accept and shared with me.

Jin slowed down as he tried to eat, Taehyung bothering him noticing the decrease of speed.

And as soon as we arrived, my legs were numb already.

Taehyung waited for me to step down before running to search for a restroom.

I walked to the other side of the car to wake up Anri first, who later shook Jungkook. He moaned and hugged her even closer. Anri rolled her eyes, her fingers made way to his nose and seconds later, he started coughing. The ones at the back were already up too.

Jin told us to wait near the car. He left with Mikki.

I looked around. Middle size silver building, woods to my left. An enormous bridge which connected civilization and under a beautiful, almost never-ending, lake. Normal citizens walked around, none of them turned to notice us. We were almost invisible.

“How long are we staying here?” Jungkook asked softly still kind of asleep.

“Long enough,” Anri answered and stretched herself, her back against the trunk. Jimin was sitting at the trunk and so was J-Hope.

“Have you met them before? Amicis?” Jungkook asked once again.

“Maybe,” her arms folded. Her eyes traveled around. “Not sure.”

“Is it really safe here?” Jimin asked this time.

“I hope so,” Anri breathed in.

Before Jimin or Jungkook could ask once again, she did. “I’m not the only one who can answer. Ask Namjoon.”

Rap Monster glared. “I won’t answer irrelevant questions.”

That’s when Jin and Mikki appeared. They told us to come over.

My steps were the lasts, I searched for Taehyung, but he wasn’t back yet.


We were in a fancy office room. Two big wine color couches facing each other in the middle of the white painted wall room and a big desk with a computer with three screens placed over. There was a proyector facing to the right of the desk. Papers around the large coffee table between the couches.

“I still can’t believe you got rid of two of them,” a girl who introduced herself as Hani said when she entered the room. She walked towards the computer and motioned Mikki to follow her. “You made the impossible out there.”

She wasn’t a Hybrid. She said it.

J-Hope, Rap Monster, Taehyung and I were sitting in one of the couches to the other side were the rest. All our heads turned to the girls behind the computer screen.

Ro was sitting on the desk, next to the monitor, watching us.

“They are extremely good at physical combat, plus fast and smart,” Anri said.

“I have their profiles here. Information we collected with Amicis,” Hani said as she typed down. She turned the projector and we turned towards the hologram in the wall.

There were seven different pictures with only names. All wearing their masks.

“Take out Dose and Jun,” Hani said and gasped afterwards. “You’ve beaten their second best at fighting and their best shooter!”

She read the names out loud and gave small detail.

Dose, 21. Fighter.

Jun, 19. Shooter. Sniper.

Leo, 23. Strategy master. Shooter. Fighter.

K Moon, 20. Likes to poison her victims.

Haejin, 24. The Slayers best fighter. The one who had kill most Hybrids. The most dangerous one.

Mark, 22. Leader. Not information included.

Eunmi, 18. Not information included.

Her name was Eunmi.

She was part of this. She was part of them.

Even if I couldn’t see her face properly, the picture had awful quality and her mask covered most of her face, Eunmi had the same eyes as mine. Same lips too.

I let myself sighed when I read the ‘Not information included’ details.

Part of me wanted to know a bit of her, but the other half wanted to keep her hidden. For her safety.

Hani blinked at her screen. She typed and everything she did appeared in front of us.

Every message she opened filled the wall.

News fly fast.

“Looks like Hybrids have high expectations from you guys,” Hani said with a smile. “Look all this mails! All about you.”

That’s when the door burst opened. Two tall boys and a tall girl.

Mikki lifted and calmed Ro, who started growling when they entered.

“There you are.” Hani stood up and walked towards them. The boys seemed surprised by us. And the girl, well, she was staring at us, Anri and I specially. “They are BTS, group #1 from BHE.”

“Oh, so you are BTS. I’m Kim,” the boy with messy dark hair started. “We are Amicis, group #2 from Tear F.”

“Youngmin,” said the other boy, blonde hair and perfect, but dangerous smile.

“Nayeon,” she rolled her eyes and arms folded.

They already knew all of our names. There wasn’t need of a formal presentation from each of us.

“How long are they staying over?” Nayeon asked as she eyed every single of us. She even glared at Ro.

“As long as they need it,” Hani answered and went back to the computer.

“There’s not enough place for them,” Nayeon continued. Looks like she didn’t like us a bit.

“. Nayeon, please. Don’t give me a headache,” Kim started.

“They are our last hope. Else

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TisyiaKpopper #1
TisyiaKpopper #2
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 3: Oh my god this story sounds promising! I look forward to reading this!
BlueOne #4
Chapter 27: Just finished reading the story and this is sooo good.. I love every BTS character here including anri eunbyul and mikki. I tend to read stories with only one female character because i dont want to get distracted by the other character, but in this fic i like both enbyul and anri. You really did a great job authornim!
Really good story! :)
peggyw #6
Chapter 29: This story is incredible! Thank you so much.
notsodailyhana #7
Chapter 28: Short but sweet, I liked it :)
And I know it's somewhat random but, how much of her arm had Eunbyul lost? Like, below the elbow or below the shoulder?
notsodailyhana #8
Chapter 27: You nearly made me cry. Namjoon~ TT
Anyway, your plotline is one of the best on AFF I've seen so far, I'm really expecting the sequel and V's chapter.
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 27: bdiqj:[&_-&[;~: I didn't expect this will marked as complete so soon.. I thought it'll have long way to go.. And I totally didn't expect you'll made some spin off of this.. Aaaaaaccckkk.. Love it love it love it..!!! *off to the Pilot*
exox_pix #10
Chapter 27: Hii~ just finished reading the story!! Huhuhu still salty about Monnie's and Eunji's deaths but its okay- Really liked this story, it was an emotional rollercoaster. But i kinda expected it to be longer since I wanted to know what happens with their fight against the government...anyways thank you for ur hard work and im looking forward for your next story!! <3