Record 10

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Part 2: Theory


"Remember you can smile as long as you are with us."


Record #10


The person before my eyes acted politely and calm. He had the same gaze as his son, which was reflected through his glasses and dark colored hair. I've noticed some similar features in comparison to Taehyung, and an obvious wiser tone and gaze.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Gyo Eunbyul," he started with a small smile.


"The pleasure it's mine, sir," I shuttered. "Thanks for accepting me in your company."


He nodded politely. "I hope you work diligently from now on. And don't feel burdened by your first mission. I settled things up to make it easy for your group."


I thanked him deeply. And suddenly he asked his son for a private talk with me, which I found weird.


Taehyung stood from his chair and made me sit instead. He notified me he'll wait outside for my call and I nodded. I put the earphones and placed the microphone closer as I wait for Taehyung's father to start talking.


"Have my son mentioned you the fact I own BHE?" He started and I nodded softly. "And about the fact I wasn’t the only owner?" I blinked as my mouth opened a little bit. He laughed as noticing my expression.


"I guess he hasn’t," he giggled as covering his lips. "I'll explain it to you since I ordered him to not mention this freely to anyone."


"But, sir, why do you want me to know this?" I asked with a confused gaze.


"Because my son trust you and so do me," he added kindly. "Besides, he seems to really like you."


I didn't expect the last sentence and it made me blush deeply.


I was explained Taehyung's father founded BHE together with a friend. His friend was the first head of the company, but he passed away years ago leaving all the responsibility in Taehyung's father hands.


Also his father warned me how cruel and manipulative people from the outside world could be. The ones who want to harm and destroy us. The ones who were more powerful than us in financial economy. The mankind who has everything, the ones who resolve their problems with money and corruption.


We live in a mess up world ruled by the ones who loathe us. Happiness, for me, seems far away and unreachable. But I need to treasure every single time I have to laugh. As much as it might hurt others, I deserve to taste joyfulness too.


"Can I ask you for a favor?" Taehyung's father asked with his kind look. And I just nodded. "Please take care of my son whatever happens."


My hands turned into fits he couldn't see and I just nodded once again. Those words sting my heart. Those were the eyes of future knowledge. "Sir, Taehyung has his friends supporting him. He isn't alone."


"I know," he added. "Just please, don't ever leave him alone."


"We won't, sir," I said referring to all of us. Our group of ten.


I mentioned Taehyung he could come in and as he placed the earphones, I said goodbye to his father and left the room for them to have some privacy.


My trembling hands and close sweat vanished the moment I came out of the room. I opened a near window and breathe the air that touched my cheeks. My hair danced with the wind. I closed my eyes to feel the coldness of the air as it took my forming tears out of my face.


I was troubled and nervous for an unknown reason. Taehyung's father words were soft, direct and thoughtful. I felt like he was hiding a message for me to discover. But as much as I wish to be as smart as Rap Monster or Anri, I wasn't. I'll have to find out in my own ways.


And hope it won't be too late.


That day the seven of us ate dinner together. Our table was the loudest and full of jokes, immature, erted and really funny ones, loud laughs and never ending talking topics. The ones who made me laughed the most were Jungkook, with gags and comical random faces, J-Hope, with his adorable but annoying child acts and screams out of nowhere, and Taehyung, with his lost expressions and random sentences out of topic. And I swear I never laughed so much in my life before. Jimin was as loud as the trio and every move he did he turned it humorous. Suga was the quiet type of guy, the mature one, but once he opened his mouth to join the jokers with his clever responses, he was really funny. And Anri, her drilling and amused expressions, were the icing on the cake. I died of laughter thanks to her face expressions and contagious laugh. My stomach was hurting so much I had trouble finishing my food, and my heart beating faster due to contentment.


I never felt left out. I felt comfortable as if we knew all along. I felt like I belong with them, with this group.


This feelings of calmness and joy won't last long. And before I even knew it, today was the day before my first mission starts.


I have to suppress fear and show determination. I have to be strong and firm. I have to act with intelligence and prudence if I want to survive and protect my friends.


I woke up early and attended my special training session, in which Anri and Jungkook trained me in resistance, balance and reflex all morning leaving me extremely exhausted, but content with my improvement. I was able to finally manage to control my aiming with guns. But Anri recommend me to use the daggers, knives or spears they'll provide me for the mission. She said I looked and felt way more comfortable, and natural with them. Only to use the gun when necessary.


Though at the beginning I wondered why I was the only one training, later I realized my other partners were practicing in the room next door. I wasn't able to train with them, because I needed to fix myself in other complementary areas. Taehyung and Jimin were training by their own. I can't complain. They are wiser than me in these mission stuff. I needed to match their expectations and levels to not be a burden for them. And realizing my weak points were part of my training.


I didn't know a single detail about the mission we were handed. And today I'll be finally informed properly. I was told I'm able to ask any kind of question or doubt I might have.


I walked towards the meeting room which welcomed me with big wooden doors, huge windows that covered the entire wall, beige colored walls behind me, a dark red carpet, a modern TV to my left and to my right a mobile blackboard filled with written papers and pictures, and in the middle of the room the huge wooden table.


Anri was analyzing the details in the board thoughtfully. Jimin and Taehyung were sitting next to each other and greeted me as soon as I entered. I wondered if more people will come to the meeting. And I was notified someone else will came.


As soon as the door opened again, I saw the last person entering. A tall and good looking man dressed with white shirt, black dress pants and, surprised by the funny dress code he had in mind, a pair of sneakers, came from the doors and greeted us all. He looked just a few years older. I knew he was someone I could rely on as soon as the boys and Anri greeted him with content smiles. He was someone close judging by the way they addressed at each other. This man's name is Jin, formerly name is Kim Seokjin, and he's five years older than me. He is the oldest of the group.


“Gyo Eunbyul, nice to finally meet you,” he said smiling. I recall seeing his younger face in the album photos, specifically in the first picture. His round eyes and carefree smile still the same.


“The pleasure it’s mine.”


“Hope our youngsters had behave in your presence. They can be really weird most of the time.”


You bet they were. I just laughed softly.


“Can’t believe you are kind of badmouthing us in our faces,” Jimin complained with folded arms.


Jin shook his head with a sigh before he changed topics. He and Anri explained us all the details we will need for our task. We're going to be sent to North West Senrate tomorrow. We'll be staying in an empty mansion. Its owner passed away recently and we were assigned to search for his testament, which clues are hidden in the place.


He wasn't just a simple rich man, but a really important business associate to BHE and founder of another Hybrid company in North West Senrate.


I wondered why this kind of task was assigned to us instead of the members of that company. It would be easier for them to collect the clues and puzzled it all together. But Anri told me the Hybrids and other fellow members aren't inform of their president recent death. It's odd and absurd, but necessary for their survival. The only ones who knows about this person death are his son, the only heir, and the vice-president of the said company, who is cousin of this mentioned girl. Both are normal citizens, and had tried their best to kept things down. They hidden this important fact due to lack of proofs of speculated assassination and to calm their members.


The said document holds important information we need. Not details were given and I grew curious about it.


Also according to Jin, people in that company aren't skillful enough to enter the previous founder and president’s mansion to search for answers.


Jin mentioned us that the president designed his own mansion as labyrinth. He was the only one who knew upside down the place, and it's a fact when strangers enter for the first time, they feel a sudden sensation of impotence and weakness. Even death bodies were found days later on, because the robbers got lost.


We were assigned to collect clues and find the document. And luckily enough, I prayed, we won't get lost inside.


Some important details about the mansion were handed to us in a thick envelope we must read for tomorrow's morning.


We must stay all together. Everywhere we go and plan to walk, we must all go. We must come to an agreement to where to head first or stay.


We'll keep in contact with our base in South by a wireless ear designed in our Mechanical Design Office. And just in case this breaks, I was injected with a tracker in my left arm. The boys had already one running through their bodies.


Taehyung, Jimin and I decided to stay in the library this night to read the details of the documents we need to apprehend. We chose a room far away from people and where we can talk freely. Taehyung came later with two slim books about the mansion. One contained some pictures of the design and the other some details about the infrastructure.


As we read our documents, we compared it to the books. But ours had way more details explained. Still there were facts left in the air.


The house had 150 rooms, which included 35 bedrooms, 6 floors, 439 doors, 37 skylights and 3 lobbies. Also 28 fireplaces, more than 10.000 windows, 3 elevators and 2 basements. The placed had also false rooms and stairs had leaded you nowhere.


But I realized something important

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TisyiaKpopper #1
TisyiaKpopper #2
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 3: Oh my god this story sounds promising! I look forward to reading this!
BlueOne #4
Chapter 27: Just finished reading the story and this is sooo good.. I love every BTS character here including anri eunbyul and mikki. I tend to read stories with only one female character because i dont want to get distracted by the other character, but in this fic i like both enbyul and anri. You really did a great job authornim!
Really good story! :)
peggyw #6
Chapter 29: This story is incredible! Thank you so much.
notsodailyhana #7
Chapter 28: Short but sweet, I liked it :)
And I know it's somewhat random but, how much of her arm had Eunbyul lost? Like, below the elbow or below the shoulder?
notsodailyhana #8
Chapter 27: You nearly made me cry. Namjoon~ TT
Anyway, your plotline is one of the best on AFF I've seen so far, I'm really expecting the sequel and V's chapter.
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 27: bdiqj:[&_-&[;~: I didn't expect this will marked as complete so soon.. I thought it'll have long way to go.. And I totally didn't expect you'll made some spin off of this.. Aaaaaaccckkk.. Love it love it love it..!!! *off to the Pilot*
exox_pix #10
Chapter 27: Hii~ just finished reading the story!! Huhuhu still salty about Monnie's and Eunji's deaths but its okay- Really liked this story, it was an emotional rollercoaster. But i kinda expected it to be longer since I wanted to know what happens with their fight against the government...anyways thank you for ur hard work and im looking forward for your next story!! <3