Record 14

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Record #14

“W-What?” Taehyung’s voice came rasp. “My father… death? Y-You must be k-kidding me.”

Anri shook her head in soft motion and I could felt how my heart ached in response. “I’m sorry.” Her voice came as whisper, audible for us five to hear.

Taehyung hide his face in his palms. He was shaking. “Why? H-How?”

 “I have no idea. All the cameras settled around were destroyed and the footage had disappeared.”

“That’s why you left with Rap Monster and Jungkook two days ago? To see what actually happened?” Mikki asked and closed the laptop on her lap.

Anri nodded. “As far as I know and what V had told me, his father had no enemies nor people who wanted him death. But I have my theories.”

“So?” Jimin and Mikki asked.

“Just like Hybrids are being haunt, it goes as well with the people who aids us. Important and close ones.”

So, our hidden companies and our purposes weren’t a secret anymore. And aiming to our head’s company was just part of the process of their purpose. Because without a wiser leader we might turn vulnerable to the circumstances.

But, we mustn't. In the contrary, it should make us stronger.

“Then, who will take his place?” Jimin asked in concern.

“As for now, I’m filling the role.”

“That doesn’t make you busier than ever?”

Anri sighed. “Indeed. But out of the people here, I’m the only one familiar with the business Mr. Kim did. Besides, Namjoon and Jin are helping me a bit.”

“Anri is the most known member in the Hybrid community,” Mikki said. “The other companies will associated her easily with our group and the company. She’s the only one who can do this if we want to keep ourselves protected.”

Taehyung didn’t say a word, but sprint out of the room. I stood to follow him, but Jimin pulled one of my arms gently.

He must felt hurt. We had replaced his father’s position. Easily. But, I then thought of the disadvantages that will follow us without someone filling that role. A hybrid company without someone who hides its member and contacts others for stuff and armament needed. A company without a person who organizes our duties and it’s familiarized with what we are facing.

We’d fall apart if that role wasn’t filled.

“He needs some time alone for now,” Jimin said. He let me go with a small smile when I looked at him. “Later. You should comfort him later.”

Anri and Mikki stood up with the files and laptop on their hands.

And just there, the remaining boys appeared from the door. Who complained about the task Anri gave them and checked on Jimin and my current state.

I heard them asking Anri for directions of some other tasks they have to deal with and her opinions. Even they questioned her and Mikki about what we were talking about just before. They deserved to know too.

“Wait. Where’s V?” J-Hope asked as his eyes traveled the whole room. When he heard no response, his face felt.

“Just give him some time alone, so he can fix his thoughts,” Jin said calmly.

All showed a dull expression. Even the atmosphere inside felt heavy mixed with sadness.

I gently pulled Jungkook’s sleeve. He had stood beside me since he entered. His doe eyes turned to me with wonder.

“Is he really going to be fine?” I asked softly. Jungkook’s lips formed a small and tender smile which comfort my heart.

He nodded. “This isn’t the first time something like this happened. He just need some space and time alone. Trust me.”

Indeed, Taehyung lost someone important a few years back.

The boys left, and dragged Anri with them besides her struggles to stay and keep an eye on us. Their excuse was they needed her for some problems in other Senrates and paperwork they did not comprehend.

They were filling her with more work than what she was currently handling.

And I stay in the nursery once again, but this time it was Jimin and Mikki who were with me. The latter stayed near Jimin and keep herself occupied with the laptop. Jimin, on the other hand, felt asleep.

I said no words for a while, but stare blankly at the ceiling. I was so used to silence I didn’t find it uncomfortable. But Taehyung preoccupied me. I wanted to run where he was. I wanted to search for him and reassure him everything will be alright. I just didn’t know if it was ok for me to go and chase him at this time.

“You don’t talk that much, do you?”

I turned my head to my side. Mikki was still focused on the laptop and typing, but she was grinning.

“I haven’t introduced myself properly, have I? I’m Mikki, Snake Soul Hybrid. Nice to meet you, Eunbyul.”

I sat straight, a monotonous face upon me and nodded. “Just Mikki?”

“The boys told me you were a girl of few words and I just corroborated it,” she joked. “Yes. Just Mikki. I don’t like introducing myself with my full name since there’s no need for people to know it.”

She was a really straightforward and a smart girl. But she’s different. There’s something about her that’s distinct.

“You should go now,” she said and her eyes lifted to me for a few seconds. “I mean to V. The boys are stupid if they think he needed to be alone. He must be needing someone he can talk to.”

I stood as nodding. I walked towards the door, but before leaving I needed to make sure of it. “Will you take care of Jimin?”

“Of course, I will,” Mikki added as she turned towards me. “He’s my cousin after all.”

I blinked fast. No one had told me they were family. But at least, they had each other to rely on.

Once outside, I wonder as walking where Taehyung could be. He might have been in need of a quiet and tranquil place. And my feet dragged me outdoors, where the woods welcomed me. It was already dark, so the poor lights showed me the way. And I found him sitting in a dark corner as if he wanted to hide from everything. As I got closer, the sight of his dry tears made my heart clenched.

“Taehyung, can I sit with you?”

He turned towards me and nodded. I carefully sat in the cold floor and dragged my legs to my chest. I took quick glances at him, and the only thing I could hear was his silent cries.

“You should have stay. Your feet and hand are still healing,” he said.

“I’m fine.”

My ankle and wrist were wrapped in soft bandages. I had limped all my way here, but Taehyung’s mental state was way more important than any physical pain I might feel now or feel later on.

Then I felt a weight upon my shoulder.

“Why?” he mumbled. I caressed his hair fondly as his tears kept falling. “I couldn’t do anything to prevent this.”

“Taehyung, neither of us could have done. We never expected this to happen.”

“I know. I know. But it still hurts.”

That’s when my arms traveled to his neck. His face hidden in my chest as his hands hugged my waist.

Taehyung had to endure the pressure of a broken heart twice. But I knew it will make him stronger. As much it could ache, as much as his wound scars burned, he needed to overcome it. It’s part of our lives. See relatives vanished. And I hate it as truthful it could turn into reality.

“My father must be disappointed at me,” he sobbed. “He always told me to be strong and determined. And crying shows the weak side of a person.”

“It doesn’t. Crying shows concerns. And in situations like this it reflects how much you truly care.”

Taehyung let go of me. I could see his still wet and a bit red eyes, but now he was calmer. He smiled fondly before our foreheads connected. “Thank you.”

I glanced towards the ground, making my hair felt to hide the blush on my cheeks and the smile his small words provoked. When I tried to stand, he grabbed my wrist. And when my curious eyes turned, he was looking at our hands.

“Stay a bit. There’s something I want to tell you.”

I waited patiently. He breathed in and out before starting.

“You must have already heard about Shin.” I nodded in confirmation when he looked at me. “I told the guys a Chimera attacked him. But it wasn’t like that. Truth is someone killed him. I can’t recall his face because it was hidden with a mask. And I’m sure it wasn’t a Hunter because of the expressions he made and his quick reflexes when I tried to shot him. Before leaving, he said he’ll come back for us.”

“You think this person has something to do with all that’s been happening?” My hands formed fists in realization. If he was able to murder a skillful Hybrid, he was dangerous to be near with. That person was as powerful, or even more, than us.

“I’m mostly sure.”

“You lied to them. Why?”

“I guess it was to protect them and because I wasn’t able to overcome the shock it caused

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TisyiaKpopper #1
TisyiaKpopper #2
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 3: Oh my god this story sounds promising! I look forward to reading this!
BlueOne #4
Chapter 27: Just finished reading the story and this is sooo good.. I love every BTS character here including anri eunbyul and mikki. I tend to read stories with only one female character because i dont want to get distracted by the other character, but in this fic i like both enbyul and anri. You really did a great job authornim!
Really good story! :)
peggyw #6
Chapter 29: This story is incredible! Thank you so much.
notsodailyhana #7
Chapter 28: Short but sweet, I liked it :)
And I know it's somewhat random but, how much of her arm had Eunbyul lost? Like, below the elbow or below the shoulder?
notsodailyhana #8
Chapter 27: You nearly made me cry. Namjoon~ TT
Anyway, your plotline is one of the best on AFF I've seen so far, I'm really expecting the sequel and V's chapter.
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 27: bdiqj:[&_-&[;~: I didn't expect this will marked as complete so soon.. I thought it'll have long way to go.. And I totally didn't expect you'll made some spin off of this.. Aaaaaaccckkk.. Love it love it love it..!!! *off to the Pilot*
exox_pix #10
Chapter 27: Hii~ just finished reading the story!! Huhuhu still salty about Monnie's and Eunji's deaths but its okay- Really liked this story, it was an emotional rollercoaster. But i kinda expected it to be longer since I wanted to know what happens with their fight against the government...anyways thank you for ur hard work and im looking forward for your next story!! <3