Record 15

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Record #15


The rest of the boys (Jin, Suga, J-Hope and Jungkook) came and all dragged Taehyung and Rap Monster outside. Jimin seemed to have encountered them half way.


According to Anri, who had come to make me some company, Mikki and she had reprimanded them about their cold response to Taehyung.


I heard some of it when I finished showering yesterday.


“Bunch of idiots!” I recognized Anri’s voice. “I get you all are boys, but can you be a bit more sensitive?! V just lost his father and you are all here acting like it didn’t happen.”


“We thought if we give him space, he’ll clear up his thoughts,” said Jungkook.


“Are you all senseless? Mikki nor I had had a chance to talk to him. Not because we chose not to or because we were busy. We were waiting for you guys to go first.”


“We were just wondering what to do or say,” added J-Hope.


 “You always give me some deep headaches,” said Mikki. And from her tone, she was about to exploit. “FOR ’S SAKE THE BOY NEEDS HIS FRIENDS NOW THAN EVER AND YOU ARE HERE SITTING WONDERING WHAT TO DO? I’LL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.” She stopped to calm a bit. “All of you will talk to him. I don’t care about what. But you better make sure he feels comfortable. He needs support from all of us. Eunbyul already did her part and I hope so does Rap Monster and my cousin.”


The boys spent all morning comforting him and cheering him up.


Rap Monster entered and Anri stood up.


“I'll go talk to V too,” said Anri when Rap Monster sat in the chair next to me. She hasn't had the chance yet. And with all the work added to her list, her free time was reduced significantly. “I'll send him back to you in a few.” She winked and left. I sighed. She shipped us too.


I was left with Rap Monster. But it wasn't awkward at all.


Talking for about an hour or more wasn’t expectable from me. Well, I just said a few answering or questioning words, but I showed my interest in the entire conversation with Rap Monster. He was a really sweet and funny boy with a touch of a gentle personality. Just by the words he chose, I realized how wise he was, yet he didn't show off a single bit.  


He barely knew me, but shared his previous experiences and some knowledge.


I haven't step outside the BHE building and socialized with South’s people, but he said there was a mixed reaction when they did. It wasn't as safe as I thought it would be. For a placed filled with technological stuff and inventions, there is an underground background that's connected with other Senrates. South had a black market in the outskirts area, next to where poverty dominates to a certain extend.


Most people lived in the well section, and most were oblivious of the ones outside. Or they ignored their existence as Rap Monster said. He mentioned this society blends smoothly with the Government rules because of their ignorance and selfishness. Despite they providing them technological goods, South not only wanted to remain hidden from multiple attacks, but also they longed for money and goods, which it could be given only by our Government in a fair agreement.


And I was informed about the Senrates which hold a close relationship with our authorities. One of them was obviously South. Add the others.


“Wasn't North included?” I asked. I fixed my covers and sat straighter.


“You said it yourself. Was,” said Rap Monster. “If you didn't know, there was a change in the Government members recently. The new ones justified that North’s connections didn't aim them a single bit. So they cut ties with the Senrate and send Hunters to patrol around, and only to found out the existence of a few Hybrids around days later.”


I laughed bitterly. I finally found out the real reason for our Senrate to be send to such an extent. The Government always deal their problems in such an exaggerated way. It didn't matter if they changed members, they still ought for the safest and easiest decisions: extermination.


And now I have added a reason to seek for my rebellion. The way the Government deals with its problems was what I was seeking to change. Because they aren't always right, like most of Arbem’s people sees them.


“Do you know how many of them are?” I questioned.


“We suspect they are four.”


That's when the door opened widely. And absentmindedly, I smiled. He looked less troubled and relaxed.


Taehyung turns to me and my heart beat faster, making my cheeks felt warmer and my face turned in shyness. He must have sensed my eyes traveling around his face. My sudden embarrassment grew. And I cursed my heart for falling into his traps. His caring self, handsome face, big smile, immature but funny jokes, and love for skinship.


I never portrayed myself falling for a boy in this twisted background.


But then, it was beyond my control. I couldn't comprehend my heart decision yet I enjoyed it, but my brain told me to be prudent. This feelings will be said in the correct time. But now it isn't.


My confession might sound out of the blue. But I'm not stupid. I know my feelings. I don't need to question myself about them. I don't have to wonder what I feel and what I don't. I'm sure my whole body reacts this way because of him, because I chose to like Taehyung as more than just a friend.


And I'm happy it's him who my heart chose.


I felt a poke in my cheek, and I turned softly. Taehyung’s index finger was in position to attack my cheeks once again, but when I looked up from his long finger, he only smiled innocently. I shook my head with a smile at his childish self.


“Stop it or I'll puke.”


My senses came back to Rap Monster, who wasn't mad, just a bit taken off guard.


“Sorry,” I said. “What about the Government?”


Taehyung took the chance to sit next to me and payed attention to our conversation.


“According to our last resources the Government consists of four members. One of them being the head and the other three supporters,” added Rap Monster.


It's trivial how we know so little about our cruel and unfair representatives. But then it was pretty obvious why, they are hated if not by all Arbem, then by the majority of us. People can turn into beasts and commit unspeakable crimes against these people whose identity stays in shadows.


And our fight isn't only against the society who antagonize us, but against our Government too.


“You look better, V.”


Taehyung nodded. “Thanks, Rap Mon.”


“If you say thanks once again, I'll cut your tongue,” warned Rap Monster, yet with a playful smile. He was joking. “You know we’ll always be there for you. Whatever you need, we’ll be there to support you.”


I smiled with happiness plastered on my dark orbs.


It was because of this group I was learning about friendship. They might be broken. They might be stupid enough to not catch the atmosphere and need someone else to remind them what to do. They might be erted and immature. But they are honest. They are truly honest with each other.


That's when a sudden burst echoed in the upper floors. I had my guesses that it came from the training room, so I didn't freak out. But the worried look in both of the boys’ faces, I knew it wasn't good news.


When the second and third burst started, the floors above us shook, making rests of dust fly around our heads and difficult to see.


“We have to get out of here. Now!” shouted Rap Monster and run to open the infirmary cracked door.


We ran weapon less and as easy target to whatever or whoever was attacking.


I had zero knowledge to we were heading, and still limped a bit as I followed them. Yet when I turned to ask Taehyung about it, he only nodded. It was his way to notified me it was fine. That we were leading to a safe place. And it looked like it. I only knew we were going downstairs to what I assumed it was the basement I wasn’t informed about.


Both headed in a slower pace. Or at least that's what I thought.


I wasn't in pain, but my ankle wasn't fully recovered yet. The effects from the painkillers and medicine I took reflected this morning. I was told to not force my feet. To not run.


But never said anything about jumping or walking faster. And I dared to force my ankle a bit.


I might regret it later. I honestly don't care any longer.


We stopped to a metal door. Rap Monster typed a code to enter. The door opened and it showed an elevator. He went in first, I did second but stopped in the frame as the upper screams echoed.


Innocents were being attacked and we are escaping. I heard them fighting back. My heart clenched and my head spin around. Taehyung was looking away to the hallway we crossed, his hands forming fists. And I knew he was thinking the same I was. Going back. But I knew we can’t.


“Both. Hurry!” Rap Monster woke us up. “I know what you are thinking. And NO. You can’t go back.”




“You both know people in BHE are trained to face any obstacles presented. They are risking their lives for us. For our safety. Because they see us as the only hope for change.”


They trust us, the non-Hybrid citizens in BHE. They knew this was going to happen someday. They are physically and mentally strong. And going back will be a waste for the ones who had to sacrifice for us.


In life, we must forfeit important passages to become strong, to live, and to reattribute those significant loses.


I grabbed Taehyung’s hand and pulled him inside. It closed as soon as we were in. As Rap Monster was typing another code to move us, the elevator suddenly shaken. We all lost our balance and hit the floor as a loud growl came from outside. I heard how forcefully the metal was being scratched and my heart suddenly was stopped. Both boys stood up and the older pressed the last buttons before we moved down.


We just made it. A few seconds of hesitation later and we could be facing the beast left up there. This isn’t the first time death is getting near any of us. Without any kind of weapon, how we were supposed to win? We could have been killed if we ran back. And for a second I felt relieved.


Then it hit me. “What about the rest of the group?”


“There are similar elevators like this one placed around BHE. Every single of us knows where the nearest it’s,” added Taehyung. “We are supposed to meet down there.”


“If they didn’t make it on time, I will resuscitate them and kill them myself,” said Rap Monster as his back rested against the wall.


When the elevator stopped and opened its door, I saw a long white corridor filled with different armament and another door at the end.


“The ten elevators leads to a similar room,” said Taehyung as we step outside. “Feel comfortable and choose your weapon.”


Obviously, I went straight to the daggers and knives. Even I grab a silver spear.


Rap Monster handed me a pile of clean clothes and signaled behind the riffles to go an change. I made sure their backs were facing me before changing. Acid washes denim jean with a black pocket belt, green military green long sleeves shirt and I was using my dark boots. The jeans and the shirt were soft, comfortable and flexible.


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TisyiaKpopper #1
TisyiaKpopper #2
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 3: Oh my god this story sounds promising! I look forward to reading this!
BlueOne #4
Chapter 27: Just finished reading the story and this is sooo good.. I love every BTS character here including anri eunbyul and mikki. I tend to read stories with only one female character because i dont want to get distracted by the other character, but in this fic i like both enbyul and anri. You really did a great job authornim!
Really good story! :)
peggyw #6
Chapter 29: This story is incredible! Thank you so much.
notsodailyhana #7
Chapter 28: Short but sweet, I liked it :)
And I know it's somewhat random but, how much of her arm had Eunbyul lost? Like, below the elbow or below the shoulder?
notsodailyhana #8
Chapter 27: You nearly made me cry. Namjoon~ TT
Anyway, your plotline is one of the best on AFF I've seen so far, I'm really expecting the sequel and V's chapter.
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 27: bdiqj:[&_-&[;~: I didn't expect this will marked as complete so soon.. I thought it'll have long way to go.. And I totally didn't expect you'll made some spin off of this.. Aaaaaaccckkk.. Love it love it love it..!!! *off to the Pilot*
exox_pix #10
Chapter 27: Hii~ just finished reading the story!! Huhuhu still salty about Monnie's and Eunji's deaths but its okay- Really liked this story, it was an emotional rollercoaster. But i kinda expected it to be longer since I wanted to know what happens with their fight against the government...anyways thank you for ur hard work and im looking forward for your next story!! <3