Dream Turned Into Reality

Author's POV

"Rise and shine!!" Suho, the leader of EXO opened the door to Jongin's room and the lights. 

Jongin groaned and frowned at the gleaming light that he has always hated to face first thing in the morning. He pulled his blanket all the way to his face and muttered, "5 more minutes." 

"No no no no no. You said that 5 minutes ago." Suho retorted and tried to remove the undeniably fuzzy cloth from his body. 

"I promise. Hyung, jebal.." he pleaded with his eyes still shut tight, avoiding the light rays from burning his eyes.

This was what he got for wandering around so late earlier on. But he didn't regret it though. He liked being with Hyejung without having to put on his celebrity image on. It was strange because she was a huge fan of his but he still could be himself around her. That wasn't so normal for him.

He didn't regret spending time with Hyejung but he did regret sleeping a lot later than the rest of the members. Being the one who works the hardest in dancing especially, he was lacking a lot of sleep.

"And you said that just now. Get up! We have a photoshoot remember? Everyone else is ready.." Suho told him calmly but with a hint of sternness. He hated being the strict one.

Jongin rolled around in his bed for a few seconds and brought himself up to the bathroom, unwillingly. At times like this, he wished he had a clone to take over his job while he gets a life time of rest. He loved his job, but sometimes, it could get a little exhausting.

"You have 10 minutes!!!" Suho shouted as he went to the living room where all the other members were chilling at.


Hyejung had woken up earlier that morning because she simply couldn't sleep peacefully when her thoughts were occupied with Jongin and the rest of EXO. 

"I'm probably never gonna get any sleep at all." she spoke to herself. Her hair was in a mess from all the tossing and turning in the bed when she recalled the moment Jongin grabbed her hands. 

She touched her own hands again, still in disbelief. "I can't believe he touched me." She squealed and wriggled her body in delight. 

Aside from having the touch of her favorite idol on her hands, she was very grateful to Jongin for leading her out of her own fear. She didn't know if she'd be able to make it out on her own, knowing that she would just freeze in the darkness until the sun rises if she was actually all alone. 

"WAE? WAE? What happened!?" Mrs Seo barged into her room with a rolled newspaper in her right hand. Hyejung leaned back in shock.

"Nothing.. Nothing happened." She shook her head vigorously, hoping that Mrs Seo wouldn't hit her with the threatening paper. 

Mrs Seo let out a breath of relieve and threw her hands down. "Aish, you scared me.." She said, making Hyejung smile sheepishly.

"Well, you're up early.." Mrs Seo smiled and walked inside her room to unwind the blinds of the windows.

Hyejung pulled the comforter away from her body as she moved to the edge of her bed and stretched her arms out wide. "Couldn't really sleep.." she said sadly. 

Mrs Seo took a sit next to the Hyejung and placed her hands on the younger's laps. "And why is that so?" she asked as Hyejung rested her head on the olders' shoulders. Its so strange that she felt way too comfortable with Mrs Seo for someone whom she just met the day before. 

"Well.. I bumped into Jongin last night at the park.." Hyejung blushed at the thought of it. 

"That explains it all. I must say, i'm surprised to hear you call him Jongin." Mrs Seo admitted.

"He told me to call him by his real name." she giggled. She wondered if calling him Jongin meant that he wanted to get comfortable with her or he just simply does it with everyone else. Hyejung wished she knew. 

Mrs Seo patted her on the head and told her that she had prepared breakfast on the dining table. She was about to leave for work, so Hyejung quickly tidied her messy hair and sent her to the elevator. She would do the same too, back in Canada.

Her parents would leave for work right when she just woke up or was just warming up for the day. She never got the time to have breakfast for them because they were just way too busy. 

So every morning, she would rush out her room just to sent her parents out the door. She couldn't spend a lot of time with them, so the least she could do was see them before they leave in the morning.

Hyejung wasn't sure if she'd bump into EXO but there was no way now that she could go around untamed. That was just way too embarrassing. 

"Takecare umma! See you later~" Hyejung sang and waved her hands until the elevator doors closed completely. 

She thought she wouldn't meet EXO that day since they were always so busy and probably leave early in the morning for their tight schedule, but when she turned around, she came face to face with 8 handsome goddesses. EXO.. 

Fortunately, her other bias wasn't there since he had a different schedule in China. She would probably faint on the spot if Lay was there. 

They were smiling at her politely, making her feel hot and flushed from the stares. "Jung Hyejung right?" Chanyeol spoke up. 

His talking to me. She mentally squealed and nodded slowly. "Good morning! Park Chanyeol imnida." he bowed. Hyejung bowed a second later but when she realized the clothes she was in, she gasped and covered as much of her body as possible with her not so long arms. 

She was still in her loose white t-shirt and a grey sweatpants. This is so embarassing, she thought. But to EXO, it was adorable as her shirt was significantly bigger than her whole body and her sweatpants were so long that it almost touched the ground.

"I'm so sorry for the way i look right now." she apologized immediately for her—what she thought, inappropriate clothing.

The guys laughed and waved their hands frantically at her, telling her that they didn't mind it at all. "You look pretty!" Sehun attempted to make her feel better about herself, only to have the rest sneaking laughters at him. 

She knew she was growing red by the second, so she quickly bowed to them, not forgetting her basic manners and said, "I'll see you all again and i promise i'll be dressed up properly next time. So sorry!!" She apologized unnecessarily again. 

Jongin chuckled to himself silently and shook his head. "She's one interesting girl, isn't she?" he asked the guys.

Chanyeol, Sehun and Xiumin nodded their heads in agreement. They entered the elevator one after another. "Indeed." D.O said as he pressed the button with the number 1. 

"And guess what? She's a fan of EXO." Jongin said, causing all heads to turn to him in bewilderment.

"REALLY!?" Sehun asked aloud, surprised that a fan of theirs was living practically beside them. Jongin nodded his head. He felt a little proud that he had known it earlier than anyone else in the elevator and that he met the beautiful girl first before any of them.

"She told you who she likes most?" Baekhyun asked the younger and suddenly, everyones' ears perked up with anticipation. 

They liked knowing that a pretty girl like Hyejung could be a huge fan of them. Not that they didn't appreciate the rest of the fandom, it was just interesting that a beautiful girl like Hyejung would be into the mainstream kpop genre and in love with them. They believed that with the kind of face she had, she could be more than just the typical fan.

"Mmm, she did." Jongin's smile turned into a cocky smirk that made everyone groan, knowing the answer perfectly from his face. 


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Yongmi5 #1
Chapter 22: Yeah.
Me too.
It's so different from the last concept.
But I love it!
I see lots of drama in the future for Hyejung.
HeeSica09 #2
_nxbila #3
Chapter 19: oMGGGGGGヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
exolover22345 #4
Chapter 17: I hope she ends up with jongin
dheknaadja #5
Chapter 16: There you are the twist and drama is coming .... Huffttt
Hope she will end up with jongin
Bjunghye #6
Chapter 15: Please make a scene of them having celebration on Christmas and New Year I would like to find out how good would that be. Well just a suggestion. Please author-nim ,~
dheknaadja #7
Chapter 15: Finally hyejung and jongin feel is not one side ... But did she will accept his feeling after talk with suho. . And after she know that sehun and chanyeol also hv feeling to her
Bjunghye #8
Chapter 5: Looking forward to thr updates!
HeeRiiiin #9
Chapter 1: Just start reading and first chapter already make me flying
loverofmanyidols #10
Check out my Recommendations Archive later in the week, I'll definitely feature your story as a favourite ;)
Keep up the amazing work <3