Camping Trip Part IV

Dream Turned Into Reality

Author's POV

Everyone came back to the campsite with huge smiles on their faces. Everyone was in a great mood although there were a few mishaps to and from the waterfall. They had fun and definitely got closer to Hyejung.

Surprisingly, Suho and Hyejung even talked. He actually opened up to her and initiated a conversation with her— as well as clearing up the misunderstanding Hyejung had about EXO's leader.


Being the leader of the group and also the most mature member, Suho insisted on guarding the group by standing at the back—which was also where Hyejung was. 

She would never want to walk at the front because the thought of having the guys look at her from the back wasn't really comfortable to her. And she preferred being alone when it comes to long walks. 

But knowing that Suho was walking behind, she knew she had to take the chance to talk to him. To clear up all the misunderstandings and find out why he was acting so indifferently towards her. She knew that the leader of the group she fell in love with was not the unapproachable type of person.

Hyejung slowed down her pace because she her knee was still hurting and she needed to walk next to Suho. Chanyeol, Sehun and Jongin insisted that she walks with someone by her side, but she was stubborn and she didn't want to be a burden to them.

They had to give in to her but of course, they made sure to turn their heads time after time to check if she was doing okay on her own. 

He raised his eyebrows at her and asked, "Yes?" 

She cleared and tugged her fringe behind her ears for the serious conversation that was just starting. "Do you hate me?" she asked openly, looking at him with careful and hopeful eyes. There was no time to be shy anymore.

"Why does it matter?" Suho asked with a bored face, as though the question she asked wasn't one to be answered to. 

Her face fell and she let out a tired sigh. Exhausted from the hike and also from worrying whether the leader really doesn't like her or he was simply just a jerk. 

Don't do this to me Hyejung. Suho exhaled and scratched his temples. Her expression was filled with defeat in such a way that he just shattered her hopes. "I don't hate you." he admitted honestly. 

She tilted her head up to face him and gave him a soft smile as her face was once again overflowing with different emotions. Then she asked, "You don't like me being here?" 

Suho chuckled. "It's not that.", was all he said. 

"Then why does it seem like you don't want to have anything to do with me?" she asked sadly as she limped. 

He sighed. "I don't hate you Hyejung, it's actually nice to be around you but.." he paused.

"But?" she tilted her head. 

"But as the appointed leader of EXO, its my responsibility to take care of them. You're a fan, you're nice and normal at least. But i need to take of their feelings as well, we're all humans too, we get attracted to people.. like you." he said. 

"What do you mean?" she asked, extremely confused.

"You don't see it?" Suho asked back as he raised his left eyebrow. 

"See what?" she asked again. She had no clue what he was talking about.

"At least 2 member here has a crush on you Hyejung." he confessed although he wasn't going to tell her who they were specifically.

Hyejung's eyes widened and her heart was racing faster than she could ever imagine. "Wh-what?" 

Suho laughed as he shook his head. "You're cute." 

"I'm sorry?" she was surprised alright. 

"There are people in this group who has feelings for you and as their leader, i'm genuinely worried for them. I was wrong to take out the stress on you, but we worked so hard for this career Hyejung. I just don't want to stir up any controversies with the media and i don't want to lose my members. I mean, i think we went through enough.." he spoke softly towards the end as his mind reminded if of the former members. She knew exactly what he was thinking. 

"I understand.. But I don't understand.." she confusingly said. She might have so secret admirers in the group but why would Suho be unfriendly towards her just because of that?

"I wouldn't mind if they fall for you, but i just don't want them to get hurt and i don't want you to suffer the consequences of dating a celebrity, if it does happen." he explained. 

"I understand. But Suho, if things do happen, you know we can't just control how it's going to turn out in the end. You either live with it until it ends or destroy your life as you try to make things 'better'. I mean, some things are out of our control." 

She told him and he was glad they had the conversation because what she said was definitely a great and useful advice for someone like him. He nodded his head and gave her an approving smile. Now i seriously wouldn't mind if one of them dates her.

"I guess i have to take it easy and just go with the flow, right?" 

She nodded and beamed. "Because life is bittersweet. It's unpredictable but extraordinary."

"Wise words from an EXO-L, i love it!" he winked and laughed. 

She blushed and gave him a sheepish grin. "Sooooooo, can i know who my secret admirers are?"  

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." he let out a wicked laugh. You'll find out soon.

End of flashback

After a short rest in her own tent, Hyejung headed outside where the purplish pink sky greets her. The night was near and she felt regret rushing through out her whole body. The fun just started a few hours ago and it was time to say goodbye already. 

She zipped up her parka coat halfway and tied her hair up into a high ponytail. She approached Lay and Chen who were casually sitting on the chair as they laughed at D.O who was struggling to barbecue the meat. 

She looked around, "Hey guys, where are the others?" 

Right on queue, Suho, Jongin and Sehun ran around her without any top on. She gasped at the sight and quickly covered her eyes with her hands. She blushed at the image of their exposed abs. Jongin went behind for defense as the other two tried to pull him away from her. 

"Sorry Hyejung! But you have to help me out! They're crazy!" Jongin shouted and laughed afterwards.

So what happened was, the trio were just showering themselves with bottled water on the cold evening because they just needed to get themselves clean. Clearly, they were shirtless. Sehun and Jongin being the younger ones, decided to grab Suho's shirt and throw it far away from where they were. And when the leader noticed it, he reacted quickly by grabbing both of theirs as well and ran away immediately. 

Which explains why Jongin and Sehun had their body exposed while Suho was considerate enough to cover his body with their shirts. 

It turned into a game of tag without them even planning it.

"Hyejung-ah, could you just take a step to your left?" Suho requested and she obediently moved without opening her eyes. 

Sehun laughed out loud at how adorable she looked at that moment. "YAH! Leave the girl alone, aish chinja!" Chanyeol went to rescue the helpless girl.

"Can you guys put on a shirt at least? Please?" she pleaded with her eyes closed.

"Sorry Hyejung, it just gets warmer here but i don't know why!" Sehun told her and they half members laughed. 

With a tong in his left hand, Chanyeol threatened the guys. "Is this a club? EO!? You wanna party?!" He chased them away as he pointed the tongs at them as though it could hurt them even in the slightest way. 

When she heard silence around her again, she asked aloud, "Are they gone?" She sneaked a peek from in between her fingers.

"They won't be back anytime soon Hyejung, don't worry!" Baekhyun told her and dragged her to help with the BBQ. 

"Oh gosh, are you guys always that wild?" Hyejung asked as she stood beside D.O and flipped the meat. Baekhyun was definitely helping—helping them by chowing down the freshly barbecued meat. 

"Stop eating." D.O calmly said and hit the hungry man with his tongs. To answer Hyejung's question, he tilted his head towards her and said, "Nope, they're usually worst than that." he admitted.


It was time for the highlight of every camping trip—the campfire. The night was dark, the sky was of a colour of the darkest blue there possibly is and the animals were wide awake as they watch these humans talk over the fire. 

EXO always looked forward to campfires because that's when the speak their minds and confess whatever that was bottled up for so long. But this time, they had to be careful with what they say because they weren't alone. 

They had a fan with them. And it didn't matter what type of person Hyejung is, they just had to be mindful with what they say or they would have to pay the price.

So instead of unconcernedly confessing, Lay suggested on playing it differently. Everyone will take turns to say something like 'I have never dated anyone' and if any of them hasn't dated anyone, they have to take a shot. But because they're playing it safe, everyone had their own cup of raw green tea— no sugar, no nothing, just warm green tea. 

And they all made a vow that every single thing said, should remain in the circle forever.

Everyone insisted that the oldest starts the game, so Xiumin gladly did. "I have never had ." And everybody took a shot. "Good children! No before marriage!" he cheered and gained a giggle from Hyejung while the others squinted their eyes at him.

"I have never watched ." Sehun said but didn't take a shot. In fact, all the guys didn't. Only Hyejung did. She widened her eyes as she realized she was the only one taking a shot. 

"You guys are dirty!" She shouted and pointed her fingers at them. 

"We're guys with our own desires, Jung Hyejung-ssi." Baekhyun made a smile with his eyes. 

"I only watched it because he makes me!" D.O confessed and Chen nodded along. 

"Do Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun glared and the other guys burst out laughing. "Boys indeed." Hyejung shook her head disbelievingly.

"I have never touched the private part of the opposite gender." D.O said. They all took a shot together with the exception for Jongin. 

"KIM JONGIN!?" Hyejung shouted. 

"I didn't do it on purpose! I was 11 years old when it happened. I followed my mum to the market and you know how slippery the floor can get. So i slipped and fell on top of an ahjumma and my hands just happened to land at her thingy you know! Trust me, it was gross." Jongin shivered as he reminisced the memory. 

Hyejung tried to hide her giggle but ended up laughing loudly beside him. "Oh, now it's funny!" he glared at the girl. 

She let out one last giggle and bit her lips to refrain herself from bursting out again. "Okay guys, let's keep it to PG-13 shall we? We have a girl here, gosh." Suho said.

"She seems to be enjoying it though." Jongin shot her a look and she exploded into laughters again. He couldn't help but smile seeing how happy she was. 

"Okay. I'm okay. Sorry for the delay guys! It's my turn right?" She asked and they nodded in sync.

She was so desperate to mention about the crush topic but she didn't want to look desperate to find out, so she willingly let the topic go and found another statement to say. "I have never fallen in love." She didn't take a shot.

Chen, D.O and Suho took a shot. "You've been in love?" Chanyeol asked. Even though she wasn't the only one who didn't take the shot, they were more curious about her. 

She nodded her head slowly. 

"With who?" Sehun asked this time as he moved his seat closer to Jongin. 

"Just someone. I don't want to talk about it though.." she told them. Jongin kept quiet as he stared at her. It's not too late Jongin, he comforted himself.

"Ohh." Sehun said and stared at the fire while Chanyeol looked at his two dongsaengs. At least we're equivalent now. He tried to convince himself but he was shot down too.

She didn't want to tell them who it was because that person was there himself. And she didn't think it would be a great move to confess when she wasn't even sure about his feelings for her. 
"I want to date someone from this circle." Jongin said and they were quite confused as they didn't know if it was part of the game or he confessing that he wanted to date the girl. 

If i take a shot, then it's game over for me. Hyejung thought.

Jongin, Sehun and Chanyeol quickly took a shot. And although the girl was hesitant, she wanted to play it fair and took the shot. 

"It's someone from this circle isn't it!?" Jongin was definitely motivated when he saw her take the shot. 

"What?" she asked. 

"You said you've fallen in love, that person's here isn't he?" He smirked and the other guys didn't like that he was pushing her on it. 

"Jongin-" Chanyeol was just about to stop him because he didn't like how he was being pushy. But Hyejung was quicker. 

"What about the three of you then?! Are you guys gay or something?" she asked bluntly. She didn't realise that she was also a girl that guys always wanted.

"Excuse me!" Sehun placed a hand on his hard chest. 

"I'm sorry! I mean you can't possibly want to date me right?" she slowed down at the last part when realisation hit her. 

The three guys who were her secret admirers raised their eyebrows at her as if stating a point. The other guys remained silent as they watched them in amusement like it was a reality show.  

"You're lying-You can't-That's impossible- I mean, why-why would you?" she was tripping over her own words. 

Jongin suddenly stood up. The rest of s watched him. Is he going to confess? As expected. Kim Jongin hwaiting! Xiumin managed to get himself a bag of chips as he silently cheered on him.

"Jung Hyejung, I-" 

Her heart was knocking, threatening to burst out of her chest. The butterflies in her stomach was poking at her, making her nervous and excited—but nervous more. 

"I like you." Chanyeol and Sehun stood up on their feet and confessed at the same time before Jongin could even finish. He looked at Chanyeol then shifted his gaze to Sehun with his mouth slightly apart. He wasn't the only shocked there. 

The other guys let a long 'Ooooooooo' as they finished all their cups of green tea. It was getting so intense that even the bitter taste of the tea wasn't affecting them.

Jongin turned to look at Hyejung and stared into her eyes. "I like you." He finally said.


2016 IS IN A FEW HOURS!!! Are you guys excited!? I'M NOT. Because this year passed by so damn fast and i feel like i have so much that i didn't get to do.. Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk right? Let's make a new years resolution together guys! For 2016 and the consecutive years, let's make the best of the time that is given to us and just live our lives without regrets!!! And not to forget, LET'S ALWAYS SUPPORT AND LOVE OUR BOYS!! Those cuties are growing so much and ugh, I can't get enough of them T_T 

Stay healthy and take care of yourselves guys! Smile, because life is too short to be frowning.. :-) And i want to sincerely thank you all for your support! For all the comments, subscribes, votes, just thank you for everything! I always say this but even though for it may just be a matter of clicking, but it means a lot to me. Because your support is what keeps me going. Really, thank you and bless all of you! Have a happy happy new year and do me a favor, smile :-) I love you <3

xoxo, pizzalove

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Yongmi5 #1
Chapter 22: Yeah.
Me too.
It's so different from the last concept.
But I love it!
I see lots of drama in the future for Hyejung.
HeeSica09 #2
_nxbila #3
Chapter 19: oMGGGGGGヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
exolover22345 #4
Chapter 17: I hope she ends up with jongin
dheknaadja #5
Chapter 16: There you are the twist and drama is coming .... Huffttt
Hope she will end up with jongin
Bjunghye #6
Chapter 15: Please make a scene of them having celebration on Christmas and New Year I would like to find out how good would that be. Well just a suggestion. Please author-nim ,~
dheknaadja #7
Chapter 15: Finally hyejung and jongin feel is not one side ... But did she will accept his feeling after talk with suho. . And after she know that sehun and chanyeol also hv feeling to her
Bjunghye #8
Chapter 5: Looking forward to thr updates!
HeeRiiiin #9
Chapter 1: Just start reading and first chapter already make me flying
loverofmanyidols #10
Check out my Recommendations Archive later in the week, I'll definitely feature your story as a favourite ;)
Keep up the amazing work <3