EXO's Concert Part I

Dream Turned Into Reality

Hyejung's POV

Oh this so exciting! I'm in Incheon airport and it's already so busy in the early morning with people crossing to a different transaction, air stewardess walking in a group like a bunch of models and kids crying their hearts out from the time differences. It was 4.50 a.m and the airport was awake. 

But i wasn't.

I was too excited to go to Japan that i spent the whole night making up scenarios in my head of how EXO will react if they saw me there. Shocked, can't be bothered, elated, surprised, no reaction? I don't know, but i was super thrilled of course. Although the coffee wasn't really helping in keeping me awake until i board the plane.

EXO'luxion in Okawa Japan, here i come!!

After a lot of struggle of trying to keep my eyes opened, i was finally allowed to enter the plane. I was so grateful and fortunate to be able to sit beside the window plane where paradise awaits me. 

But the downside was that the two seats beside me were taken up by a lady with her one-year old  daughter. It wasn't a complete downside since babies are the cutest beings in the world but their wailings and cryings can seriously cause someone to go deaf.

The little baby, which i was told named Kim Yebin, stared at me with her huge eyes. I gave her a huge grin and it took her a few seconds to respond with a giggle.

"You're the cutest little thing i've ever seen you know?" I pinched her left cheeks. She turned to her mum with a smile and looked at me again while laughing. 

Eoteoke? She's so cute especially with those doll eyes and red cheeks. I made a silly face to her and she immediately gave me a blank face. She looked like she was about to burst out crying, so i quit the silly face and stared at her worriedly. Then, she started laughing hysterically. 

Phew, i didn't make her cry. "Unnie~" she sang and giggled.

She was a little cranky towards the middle of the flight, so i asked Yebin's mum if she could sit on my lap. I always thought that the scenery of the clouds would calm down a whining kid. 

When i was given the permission, i carried Yebin onto my laps which was so comforting because she immediately wrapped her arms around me as she stared outside. 

She was her thumb as she absorb the breathtaking scenery. "Waaaaa~ Isn't it pretty?" I asked but wasn't expecting an answer of course. She was just 1. 

After a while, she leaned her head on my chest and i swear, i wanted a baby of my own at that moment. It felt so good to wrap my arms around her and pat her lightly on the back as she continues to watch the clouds silently.

In no time, she fell asleep—just when the plane was about to touch ground in half an hour. 

"She likes you." Yebin's mum told me and i had to smile. It was such a nice thing to hear.

"Wanna bring her home? I'll provide everything you need, i promise." she told me and this time i chuckled, but i tried to cut it short so that Yebin wouldn't wake up. The poor girl was just tired and airplane rides can be hard for a baby. 

"I'd be delighted to." I joked and she giggled before caressing her daughters head. 

"You'll be a great mum in the future." She told me and i felt warmth radiating through my body and up to my face, making me blush. 

Just the thought of that makes me shy—thinking about who my husband would be and how he'll treat our baby. Somehow, i couldn't wait for that moment. 


The flight was wonderful and honestly, one of the best flights in my entire experience of flying. 

I headed to the hotel as soon as i got out of the airport. It wasn't that much of a challenge to tell the driver my destination since all i needed to do was show him the address. If you expected me to speak Japanese, forget it. I just cant.

I took a nap right when i arrived in the hotel room because boy was i exhausted. I'd only be in Japan for a day because i really didn't want to leave Mrs Seo alone in the apartment and besides, the concert was tonight itself. 

I seriously need to get re-energized for tonight. 

Author's POV

Hyejung's nap didn't turn out to be a nap at all. She slept for 5 hours straight without waking up at all. She was that tired. 

But when she woke up, it was already 1.15 p.m. And the concert starts at 6 p.m. Being the fan who has been to almost every single event related to EXO, she learnt that being late wasn't part of the selection because everyone else would already be there wayyyyyyy before 6. In fact, there was already a crowd forming outside the auditorium.

"I slept for that long!?" Hyejung quickly changed into another outfit that she brought in her bag. 

It wasn't anything fancy, just an oversized buttoned up shirt in white and black skinny jeans. Before she put on the only shoes she had—black ankle boots which was super comfortable—she lined her lids with an eyeliner, making her look like she has cat eyes. Then she swiped a little bit of red lip tint onto her lips. She tied her hair into a perfect messy bun and that was it. She was done in 7 minutes.

She was all about minimalism. 

She headed out the door with everything she needed. It didn't feel weird to be alone. She hates it sometimes but at the same time, it was calming for her. Just her and her thoughts. 

She took a cab to the auditorium and exactly what she assumed, it was already packed outside. That wasn't a surprise.

Everyone around her was speaking in Japanese and she felt out of place for a moment. But that moment only lasted for a few minutes when she identified some people speaking in the language that she uses everyday. Korean and also English. 

It didn't feel so foreign after all.


Backstage, Jongin was especially excited and hyped up for the concert. There wasn't any reason behind it but he was just in a great mood. And he doesn't even know that his crush was going to be there watching him.

On normal days, he would always take in between naps while waiting for rehearsals or he would just use his phone to look through his SNS accounts. 

But today, he was acting like a child again. And it actually wasn't a bad thing to watch. It was a very comforting sight to look at because he looked alive and cheerful unlike his usual restless self.

If he specifically knew who was coming to watch them, he would be thrilled.


45 minutes since the concert started and EXO-L's were still as wild as ever. Screaming and shouting their lungs out, hoping to catch the attention of their bias which was sadly impossible most of the time. Just because there was way too many people and it was dark. One EXO-L is equivalent to an ant in the grass.

But things were different for Hyejung. Was she that pretty? Did she put on a ton of make up? Was her clothes striking? No, no and no. 

Then why were the members thinking that they saw her? 

Hyejung was lucky enough to get a sit in the middle of the auditorium, still close to the stage but not close enough to touch them. Not that she would. She didn't even need to pay for the perfect seat she got.

Different from Jongin and from the other days, Hyejung was oddly quiet today. She did cheer once in every 10 minutes but she wasn't screaming like she always did. 

And it was all because she was processing the the fact that these people the fans were screaming for and these people that EXO-L's were crying for, was her neighbour. 

Who would have thought?

She looked at Jongin who always looked like he has a spotlight following him everywhere he goes on every single performance. He looked so happy and sincere performing that she couldn't help but feel the same too. 

The boys have helped her through her toughest times and their emotions and health was very important to her. Because if anything happens to them, she would be affected as well. Who would be there to make her laugh if it wasn't them?

EXO was running around, interacting with fans, teasing them just by standing in front of them and singing to them as if serenading. It was amazing to see them work so hard just to put a smile on every EXO-L's face. 

Hyejung certainly wasn't expecting them to notice her, but little did she know that some of them already did. Although, Baekhyun, Chen and Suho wasn't really sure if it was just their hallucinations, D.O was the only one who believed that it was really her. But she didn't know that.

She wanted to tell Jongin that she'd be coming but she wasn't sure if texting him would be a great idea since he hasn't been texting her. He was usually the one who would text her first but now that he hasn't, she didn't know if she should or not. In the end, she told nobody that she came because she didn't think it would be a huge deal.

As soon as the concert ended and the lights were back on, Hyejung's phone continued vibrating in her bag. She was about to leave her sit but when she saw the amount of text received from Jongin, she settled back on her sit.

Decreasing the brightness of her phone and placing her phone on her laps, she read the text carefully.

kim jongin(kj); D.O hyung told me he saw you

kj; i think he misses you

kj; wow, the members surely missed you a lot! chen hyung told me he saw you too

kj; i miss you 

kj; that wasn't me! it was xiumin hyung i swear!!

kj; now chanyeol hyungs' telling me he saw you

kj; OMG



Hyejung let out a soft laugh as she read the text. A few people who were leaving gave a weird look, making her do a little bow in apology. He really has no idea. 

Smiling to herself, she replied;

jung hyejung(jh); kekeke, hmmm i don't know where i am either

kj; are you really here? 

jh; hahahah, yeap! i'm still in the auditorium :-)

kj; walk to the mens toilet, then straight ahead and turn left. i'll see you there

Wow, that immediate change of tone though. Hyejung scanned the area. The auditorium was almost empty, just a few groups of people still walking out but some just chilling around for a bit.

Like what Jongin instructed her to do, Hyejung followed the directions he gave her but she made sure to turn behind once in a while to make sure that nobody else was following her. She walked outside the males toilet, then further down the hallway where there were two different corridors. She turned to the left and just when she saw him, she received a text.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Jongin leaning against the wall behind him with a model pose while looking attentively to the screen on his phone. His gaze was temporarily locked to his phone.

Her heart was beating so fast and her legs were shaking. It still felt so surreal to be able to meet the idol so casually. 

kj; where are you? i'm here :-)

He still wasn't looking anywhere else besides his phone and the empty floor. 

jh; look to the right 

And when he did, his lips instantly turned into a broad smile. He walked to where Hyejung was while she took a few steps in front of him. 

"Annyeong~" she sang and waved her hand lightly.  

The temptation to hug the girl was so huge but Jongin forced himself to hold it back. He didn't think it would be the best idea to have at that point. So he just gave her a delighted smile, the one that makes his eyes curve into a semi circle. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Jongin asked, crossing his arms against his chest. 

Hyejung chuckled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer to that and said, "Surprise!" 



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Yongmi5 #1
Chapter 22: Yeah.
Me too.
It's so different from the last concept.
But I love it!
I see lots of drama in the future for Hyejung.
HeeSica09 #2
_nxbila #3
Chapter 19: oMGGGGGGヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
exolover22345 #4
Chapter 17: I hope she ends up with jongin
dheknaadja #5
Chapter 16: There you are the twist and drama is coming .... Huffttt
Hope she will end up with jongin
Bjunghye #6
Chapter 15: Please make a scene of them having celebration on Christmas and New Year I would like to find out how good would that be. Well just a suggestion. Please author-nim ,~
dheknaadja #7
Chapter 15: Finally hyejung and jongin feel is not one side ... But did she will accept his feeling after talk with suho. . And after she know that sehun and chanyeol also hv feeling to her
Bjunghye #8
Chapter 5: Looking forward to thr updates!
HeeRiiiin #9
Chapter 1: Just start reading and first chapter already make me flying
loverofmanyidols #10
Check out my Recommendations Archive later in the week, I'll definitely feature your story as a favourite ;)
Keep up the amazing work <3