Camping Trip Part III

Dream Turned Into Reality

Author's POV

Hyejung ended up walking behind the guys because she was honestly clueless about the route and her sense of direction was lacking a lot. Suho and D.O was leading the way while the rest trailed behind like little ducklings.

Being the last one of the group, Hyejung took the chance to admire the tall trees that had different color of leaves. The leaves covered from a range of orange to red and it was amazing. It looked like a literal painting of nature because of how colorful it was. 

She strolled along the narrow path, stepped on brown dried up leaves and listened to the chirping of crickets. "This is nice." she whispered to herself. 

Jongin who was walking in front of her heard it and asked, "Better than candy right?" He twisted his body to face her but his feet were still moving forward. 

"Definitely." she nodded and smiled. 

Jongin slowed down his pace and walked next to Hyejung. "Does this remind you of anything?" he asked.

She pressed her lips into a thin line and watched the ground as she walked. "Let me guess. It was the second time i met you wasn't it? At the park."

She will never let that memory go. They held hands for the first time ever—aside from the short introduction on the first day. 

Jongin nodded his head. "Yeah.. It was the second time i met you" 

"And also the first time i held your hand." he added. He looked into her eyes but she avoided it.

Why is he bringing that up? That was so embarassing. Afraid of the dark? Seriously Hyejung, you're 19.

She cleared and said, "I'll be at the front." Clearly trying to avoid the awkward situation.

Jongin chuckled.

She was getting shy that she thought walking away from him could at least hide her flushed face. But, it wasn't a good idea because she was simply clumsy that she tripped over a rock instead and fell on her knees.

The other guys that were at the front didn't seem to notice her fall because they continued moving forward as they argue about Suho's slow pace. 

Jongin quickly ran to her side and asked, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" she repeated as she watched the guys walk ahead. 

"Jongin, we're going to lose them!" she tried to stand up by herself but her knees were weak and stinging as the wind blew against it. She accidentally scraped her knees over a few branches and it left a huge, deep cut.

"Owww", she groaned.

Jongin quickly rummaged his bag for a cloth to stop the bleeding but she held his elbow to stop him.

"Just help me up, i'm really fine! They're getting further Jongin!" she worriedly said. Just like how she hated the dark, she was afraid of getting lost in the middle of no where. Besides, her sense of direction was terrible and let's not even talk about following her gut feelings.

"You need to get treated Hyejung. You're bleeding!" he cried out.


"Look, i know the way okay. Just trust me." he assured her with a soft smile that was indeed a great comfort to the injured girl. To trust someone was hard for Hyejung, but with Jongin, she somehow complied.

She didn't argue and let him do what he needed to.

He didn't have any medication for her so he just took out a bandana he found in his bag and tied it around her knees to stop the bleeding. 

"You want me to carry you? Can you get up?" he asked and looked at her with concern.

"No no, i got this." she determinedly told him. Jongin slowly and gently helped her stand on her feet.

And when she thought she was doing just fine on her own, she tried walking again. But, she only managed a few steps to the front before falling into Jongin's arms.

He grasped her arms tightly and said, "Well, i guess history's about to repeat itself." he smirked and winked before moving his hands to grab hers.


The two took their time to walk along the path, hand in hand. Thank goodness Jongin knew the way or they would have been in so much trouble. 

"How do you know if we're walking the right way?" Hyejung asked curiously because she was a bit skeptical about the guys lead.

"We've been here a lot. Just to clear our minds you know, especially for Suho hyung.. He has it worst than us most of the time.. Worst than me figuring out the choreography for my solo item actually." He chuckled bitterly at the thought.

"Is it hard?" She asked with a sympathetic expression plastered on her face. She's only been watching everything that's already planned from the beginning. She doesn't know what happens behind the scene. And she felt sorry that they have to undergo a series of challenges to put a simple smile on her face.

"It is.. I strive for perfection so that i won't have to keep thinking of a new choreo if the producers and company doesn't like it.. And it works.. Well, somtimes.. But hyungs work is on another level. He has to figure out what to say on broadcast, he has to take care of us as a group and because he's the leader, they throw all the responsibility to him. I respect him so much for looking out for us even though his struggling himself.." 

"That is a lot of work.." Hyejung admitted and let out a breath. 

"Yeah, can you imagine?" 

"But Jongin.. I don't think your leader likes me." she confessed and puffed up her cheeks like a squirrel.

"I figure you would say that. I don't know what's going on with him but believe me, he doesn't hold grudges against anyone. Seriously, he's really nice." Jongin told her for comfort. 

"Then why is he so cold towards me? From what I've watched online, you're usually the cold one and Suho's the friendly and happy go lucky guy." she said casually.

"I guess i'm not so cold anymore huh?" he chuckled.

"Don't take it to the heart Hyejung, i'm sure he has his reasons."

Chanyeol's POV

We lost them. Oh crap. And we can't even contact each other.

We reached the waterfall 5 minutes ago and only then, we realized that Jongin and Hyejung were missing.

I certainly hope they didn't ditch is for a date in the woods. That doesn't sound appealing anyway.

I was more concerned for Hyejung than i was for Jongin. I wasn't trying to be bias though. 

Jongin can take care of himself. He's courageous and all but Hyejung, she's so frail and delicate. 

Sometimes i even think that a slight insult could break her but i wouldn't know that for sure.

"Eotokke, eotokke, eotokke??" i asked repeatedly as if the question could make me worry less about them.

"Yah, they're going to be fine. They're obviously together and isn't that what we planned for?" Baekhyun said.

I didn't plan this. Xiumin hyung, Chen and D.O nodded their heads.

Suho hyung played with the rocks without responding and i've been wondering, what the hell happened to our leader? He seems to be out of it for the past week.

Sehun shrugged and i squinted my eyes at him when i saw the disappointment in his face. Oh god he likes Hyejung too.

This is bad. Initially, all of us except for Suho hyung, wanted to give Jongin a chance to win the girls heart. He didn't have any experience when it came to girls. He has friends that are females but he hasn't gone into anywhere further than a friend.

And we wanted to give him more time with Hyejung because she likes him—as a fan. Well, i really hope not more than that.

Because, i'm selfish and i might just like her too. But obviously, Jongin and i wasn't the only one here. 

"Aish, i shouldn't have left Hyejung at the back." Sehun groaned and ruffled his hair angrily.

"She's with her favorite celebrity, what could go wrong sehun?" Baekhyun stated casually and threw a tiny pebble at him but ended up hitting me instead.

I glared at him but he couldn't be bothered by it. I rolled my eyes. Favorite celebrity, tsk. That lucky little bustard.

He got the looks, the body, the moves.. and the girls. WHY CAN'T I GET THE GIRLS?

"We should look for them!" i stood up. They could be lost and helpless in the forest for all we know. 

Author's POV

Baekhyun released a frustrated sigh. Everyone was worried for sure, but wasn't the fact that the two had each other, convincing enough that they will be just fine. 

"For goodness sake, KIM JONGIN IS WITH-" Baekhyun exploded but he paused when the 'couple' they were looking for approached them. "OMO, Hyejung-ah!"

The other guys reacted with a sigh of relief—with the exception of Chanyeol and Sehun. 

Hyejung was still holding on to Jongin's hands for support but when she saw Sehun staring at their interlocked hands, she let go. It wasn't the best thing to do because she fell onto Chanyeol's arms instead. 

"Hyejung-ah, gwenchana?"  he asked and brought her to sit on one of the huge rocks by the water. 

She winced at the sharp pain she felt on her knees but nodded her head anyway. "Just a little cut." she chuckled and frowned afterwards.

There was no point for her to hide it because they all knew it hurt. They've had their own experiences and it wasn't pretty. "That doesn't look like a little.." Sehun pointed to her knees where Jongin's bandana was already soaked in blood. That's his favourite bandana, Sehun thought.

This is new.. I've never seen them this worried. Jongin thought to himself while watching the two bombarded her with questions on her injury.

"Just treat her damn knee already! The girl's in pain!" Suho bursted out when all they did was ask a list of questions that wasn't going to cure the cut. It was a deep cut too.

D.O stared at his hyung with wide eyes but decided not to say anything while Lay gave him a shoulder message to calm him down.

Hyejung gave the leader a brief look and felt her mood being lifted up. At least he cares.. 

"Go ahead with the games guys! I'll take care of this." Chanyeol said as he looked through his bag for the necessary requirements.

Jongin and Sehun was hesitant to leave her but they were forced out of her sight when Xiumin pulled them both with him. "Are you ready to have some fun!?" he asked them with both his palms attached to both of their backs. He was so ready to push them into the water.

"Oh no no no no no hyung! Not now hyung!"

"Xiumin hyung! Hyung, don't do this! Jebal hyung!" 

But of course, he pushed them in regardless of their pleads. The hike didn't really go as planned and with Hyejung being injured, the guys seemed to be in the dumps as well. Being the oldest, he hated seeing his dongsaeng's with a frown so he tried to liven up the atmosphere by officially starting the fun.

Jongin and Sehun ended up with huge grins on their faces as the rose up the water, flipping their hair back and wiping their faces. "That hurt hyung! That was really hard!" Jongin yelled, but he was already in a better mood even if he tries to deny it.

Hyejung watched as they one by one jumped into the water. "Isn't it cold?" she asked. Chanyeol cleanse the dried blood on her knees. He was concentrating on treating her wounds that he didn't bother looking at her. He just wanted her to be okay again.

He shook his head and stuck his tongue out as he applied his trusty go-to ointment on her cuts. "Oww.." she winced and shut her eyes tight. Then, he looked at her with a guilty expression. "Sorry.." he pressed lightly. "The water's not cold. It's pretty warm because of some volcanic thingy. Pretty cool right?"

He moved on to paste a bandage over her wounds. "It's warm? Oh man, now i wanna dip in!" she pouted. There was no way she could enter the water with her injury. She could even get into another accident with that cut. 

Chanyeol took a sit next to her. "Don't you even think about it lady. You're the 2nd clumsiest person i've ever met, aside from my sister and i don't think i can trust you walking in those." he pointed to her legs. 

"Excuse me, Park Chanyeol-ssi. I am awfully offended by your unnecessary insult." she crossed her arms across her chest and faked a frown at him.

Chanyeol's heart was pounding against his chest and it was the first time he had butterflies in his stomach for a different reason. She was being too cute for him.

"I'm just kidding!" he said and they both burst out laughing. Jongin, Sehun and Lay turned to look at them. Baekhyun was giving a piggy back ride to Xiumin, D.O was playing alone and Suho and Chen were just talking about Chanyeol's possible crush on her. 

"You're not going in?" She asked.

"I need to guard Cinderella before she slips in her own glass slipper." Chanyeol playfully smirked. 

UPDATE!! Thank you for all the comments and subscribes! I got so excited and smiley when i saw them hahah thanks lovelies! :-)

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Yongmi5 #1
Chapter 22: Yeah.
Me too.
It's so different from the last concept.
But I love it!
I see lots of drama in the future for Hyejung.
HeeSica09 #2
_nxbila #3
Chapter 19: oMGGGGGGヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
exolover22345 #4
Chapter 17: I hope she ends up with jongin
dheknaadja #5
Chapter 16: There you are the twist and drama is coming .... Huffttt
Hope she will end up with jongin
Bjunghye #6
Chapter 15: Please make a scene of them having celebration on Christmas and New Year I would like to find out how good would that be. Well just a suggestion. Please author-nim ,~
dheknaadja #7
Chapter 15: Finally hyejung and jongin feel is not one side ... But did she will accept his feeling after talk with suho. . And after she know that sehun and chanyeol also hv feeling to her
Bjunghye #8
Chapter 5: Looking forward to thr updates!
HeeRiiiin #9
Chapter 1: Just start reading and first chapter already make me flying
loverofmanyidols #10
Check out my Recommendations Archive later in the week, I'll definitely feature your story as a favourite ;)
Keep up the amazing work <3