Princes and Princesses

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~~Things with * will be explained at the end. All of Yoongi's signs are in italics. There's some minor here, but nothing explicit :)~~




"Daddy," Jisoo said suddenly, looking up from her cereal and placing the spoon down so that she could focus completely on what she was about to say, "I love you so much that when you die, I'm going to bury you outside my window." Jimin choked on his coffee. At the proud age of 4, Jisoo was at that stage where literally, all she did was talk . "Thanks baby," he said eventually, after being stared down by her big brown eyes, "I love you too." She beamed and carried on eating her breakfast. The two were alone; Yoongi had taken Yunsoo out to the children's deaf club.**

"Is oppa coming over today?" They both knew who oppa was referring to. Jisoo loved all of Jimin's friends, but her favourite was undoubtedly, Taehyung. Jimin figured that it was because he understood her so well. Jisoo came out with the weirdest , and Jimin would stare back at her, wondering what the she meant by "lorry poo" (it turned out she was talking about the slushy snow on the side of the road), but Taehyung would respond imidiately, the two of them deep in conversation about... Jimin didn't even know. "Not today," Jimin answered, sipping at his coffee cautiously. She frowned and kicked her legs about, and Jimin tried hard not to laugh at her anger. "Oppa's coming tomorrow, remember? It's Tuesday today, tomorrow is Wednesday." "Okay. Can you pass me the fairy dust?" Jimin smirked, reaching over to hand her the sugar. 

But it wasn't just Jisoo who came out with the weirdest crap. -My water is raining- Yunsoo signed one day, and Yoongi frowned at him, -what do you mean?- He glanced at Jimin, who shrugged. "He means," Jisoo spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, all while signing, "there's rain inside his water." The couple stared at each other, trying to figure out what they were talking about. "Look," Jisoo held up his glass to their faces so that they could see. She pointed at the air bubbles fizzing in his lemonade, and Jimin agreed that they did seemingly look similar to rain droplets. Yoongi laughed, -oh you're right.- 

"Can we go on the swings today?" Jisoo asked, doing her puppydog face that she knew neither of her fathers could resist. "You wanna go to the park?" "I wanna swing!" Jimin smiled, getting up to clean her empty bowl, "let's wait for Yunsoo oppa and daddy and then we can go." She grinned, climbing off the chair and running out from the kitchen. Jimin was drying her bowl when he heard a loud screech, "DADDY!" Panic-stricken, he dropped the bowl back into the water with a splash, hurrying out to his daughter. She stood on top of the sofa, clinging onto a pillow, nearly in tears. "Jisoo, what's wrong?" Jimin asked, running over to her and checking for injuries. Her eyes widened and she pointed behind him. When Jimin looked, he sighed in relief. "Don't be scared, daddy will get it," he cooed, but Jisoo looked so afraid. Grabbing a nearby newspaper and rolling it up, he tiptoed over to the spider on the floor, raising the rolled paper in the air. "Daddy, no! That's mean!" Jisoo yelled, stamping her feet on the sofa. "What do you want me to do?" Jimin asked, looking up at her, curiously. "Put him outside so that he can find his daddies and be with them," she instructed, and Jimin obeyed, scooping the 6-legged bean up into his hands and placing it gently in the garden. 





-How was deaf club?- Jimin asked as Yunsoo swung in front of him. He gave his back another gentle push. Yoongi stood opposite him, on the swing next to him, pushing Jisoo, -it was fun. He made some new friends.- Jimin smiled. "Daddy! You're not pushing us!" Jisoo complained, frowning as she swung. "Ah, sorry," Jimin tried not to laugh, focusing on pushing his son instead. Jisoo would squeal in excitement, making all sorts of "ooooh" and "weeeee" sounds, but Yunsoo remained silent, simply smiling and enjoying himself quietly. The couple bought them ice creams after, and the twins walked a few steps ahead of them, one hand holding the other's, and the other hand holding their ice cream cone. Yoongi smiled and took a picture of them, stopping to get the perfect frame before hurriedly jogging to catch up with them. It was only a picture from his phone, not his professional camera, but Jimin awed at the quality. He linked his fingers with his husband and allowed the twins to lead them home. 





Once they'd tucked the twins in bed, Yoongi signing a bedtime story to his son and Jimin singing softly to his daughter, the pair curled up in bed. Jimin slipped his arm around Yoongi's stomach, pulling his back to his chest and nuzzling his nose in his neck. Yoongi hummed in appreciation, and Jimin knew he was smiling. Just as they were dozing off, Yoongi wiggled around to shift into a more comfortable position, and the movement caused his to rub on Jimin's crotch. Jimin slowly opened his eyes. No. Please don't. He tried to imagine innocent things to wish away his hardening flesh, but with Yoongi pressed against him, his body had a mind of its own. It didn't take long for Yoongi to realise. The older turned to face him, face a little shocked as his eyes travelled down. Jimin's soul left his body when Yoongi smirked. -They're asleep right?- he asked, sitting up. 

They were asleep, so Jimin kept quiet, not making a single sound as Yoongi on him, tongue twirling around skillfully. He was so desperate to moan, but he couldn't, so he fisted Yoongi's hair and bit his lip. Yoongi was under the blankets, not daring to do anything while exposed, not while the twins were in the house. And it was for a good purpose, because when Jimin shut his eyes, so damned close, his door opened. 

"Daddy?" Jimin yelled out in shock, bringing his knees up and pushing Yoongi off him as fast as he could. The older scrambled around under the covers before popping his head out, his face burning red. "W-what is it, princess?" Jimin asked, covering his entire body with the blankets. "Daddy, I had a bad dream," Jisoo whined, hugging her teddy to her chest, "what are you doing?" Jimin gulped. "Ah... Daddy lost his wedding ring and he was trying to find it," he explained, praying that this would work. She frowned, "why weren't you helping him?" Jimin smiled awkwardly, "what was your dream about, baby?" "BIG spider, daddy. Can you make sure they're gone?" She asked, taking a step towards them. Jimin wanted to pull her up onto the bed and comfort her, like he always did when she had a bad dream. But he was , and Yoongi was , and it just couldn't be done. "Sure, baby, can you go wait for us in your room?" He asked, smiling warmly at her. Jisoo shook her head, "NO! I want daddies to come with me." She came running to their bed, attempting to climb on, and Jimin panicked. "Ah! No, you can't come up here! Jisoo!" She looked up at him, eyes watering. Jimin softened his voice, her cheek, "Jisoo, daddy's gonna come with you, okay? But... Can you bring me my glasses first? They're on the table in the kitchen."

Jisoo nodded, running out the room, and the couple moved fast, because they knew they had about 10 seconds to pull on some pants. Jimin was half way through pulling his top on when she returned, "here!" She called, placing his glasses in his palm. Jimin put them on, although he didn't really need them; they were his reading glasses. But he couldn't risk her asking more questions. "Come on, daddy!" She pleaded, pulling on Jimin and Yoongi's arms. They followed her to the room, Jimin checked under her bed, and Yoongi checked under Yunsoo's bed, being extra careful not to wake him. -All clear- he signed towards Jisoo, who stood idly at the doorframe, not wanting to come in. "No spiders here, baby," Jimin confirmed, smiling at her. They both searched through her blankets and studied the walls carefully, even moving her closet to look behind. Anything to make her feel safe and to assure her that "mega monster spiders" were not in her room. 

Eventually, after making the pair check 5 more times, Jisoo cautiously crawled back into bed, and Yoongi tucked her in, placing a kiss on her head, -I love you, goodnight princess.- Jisoo pulled her arms out from the blankets, -I love you, goodnight daddy.- "Are you going to be okay?" Jimin asked, sitting down on the bed. Yoongi remained crouched down besides her. "Yes, daddy. Thank you." "Are you sure?" Jimin asked, smoothing ou t her blanket. "Yes daddy, go away now." Jimin chuckled, placing a kiss on her head and leaving with Yoongi. "Do you want the light on?" He asked, but Jisoo was already asleep. He grinned, turning it off and closing the door quietly. 

-Let's continue tomorrow instead- Yoongi suggested, and Jimin agreed.They would just have to wait until Taehyung came to pick them up tomorrow. There's no way they can do stuff like this while the kids were in. It wasn't just Jisoo who caught them either. Jimin remembered lying on the sofa, Yoongi straddling him and kissing him aggressively. They weren't , just having an intense make out session, but Jimin was beginning to get hard and he pushed his hips upwards, causing Yoongi to moan in his mouth. The next thing he remembered was feeling someone touch his arm, and the men snapped their heads round to see Yunsoo standing in front of them, -I can't sleep.- The pair were so shocked that Jimin ended up accidentally punching Yoongi in the face in their attempt to sit up. That was the worst moment, because he wasn't sure if he should comfort his son or his completely stunned partner. Explaining Yoongi's back eye to their friends always resulted in a long fit of laughter, of which, Taehyung had to excuse himself to use the bathroom in fear of literally pissing himself. 












"OPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" "JISOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jimin didn't even need to look up from his book, simply turning the page, "hey Tae." It was Thursday, and he hadn't even invited his frien

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readereads #1
Chapter 59: I don't know why, but I think your work has been influencing me chapter-by-chapter, changing my perspective that deaf is actually a gift. It really touches me, I forgot on which author's note chapter, when you said that deaf people learn to accept that instead of getting it fixed, that gave me a warm feeling, knowing that. I think I'd have to reread everything once Im done, also the word play, the way you write is really good. Thank you for writing out this story, very very meaningful
ahrocks08 #2
Chapter 64: I'm late to the party, but I'm so glad you updated! I loved learning more about Yoongi! Hope you don't lose all your motivation for this story; I love it so much and want to share it with everyone!
OperettaRose #3
Chapter 64: I couldn't click on the notifcation fast enough! i loved this chapter thank you for making my day and I really appreciate you coming back to this story! Thank you thank you thank you !!!! <3
paprikakeitto #4
Chapter 64: YOOOO I CANT BELIEVE YOU'RE BACK!! This has always been my favorite fic ever and I'm so happy you didn't let this die. You have no idea how happy you made me thank you so much
Chapter 64: so like i was listening to spring day while reading and i cRIED OTL WH Y DID I
Scarletred3 #6
exo_saranghae456 #7
Ive been trying my hardest to find "Signing I Love You" because I want to read it all over again but I can't find it :((
blackyellowflower #8
oh??? but i cant read signing i love you????
blackyellowflower #9
Chapter 64: i was like, eung which story is it again? but after i realise its "it" story!!! im screaming my sister give me the stink face who cares hahahaha oh my god, i miss this story so sooooo much i really apreciate you decide to write anothwr chapter, *hug*
Mennah #10
Chapter 64: I screamed when I saw that you updated woah it's been along time and I kept re-reading it bc I love this fic so so much. Thank you authornim for updating I can't believe it♡♡