Chaewon's sleepover

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Ah, good news!!! The hiatus that I announced yesterday is no longer taking place! It's because I found out like yesterday that I've already secured a place at university!!! I'm so happy ^-^ anyway there's not really a time pressure on me anymore, so I can post! But I still have to do the coursework, so next week when I go back to college I might not post as much sigh.

Anyway someone requested Chaewon coming over for dinner, but that's so boring, so I made it a full sleepover! Domestic Yoonmin is strong in this one

I'm definitely the Chaewon of my friends, I always check out my friend's dads if they're attractive omg. Actually this whole chapter is in dedication to my ex's dad, who was actually hotter than my ex, and I used to be so shy around him omg. Jimin is basically my ex's dad in this chapter, he used to tease me all the time (but a lot more than in this chapter, it was brutal and left me blushing like hell)

I'm still working on Yoongi's story and the wedding! 

Also I'm curious!! Does anyone have a favourite chapter? From here or SILY? Omg please tell me if you do! Personally my fave is chapter 11 (Violence is not the answer) and chapter 27 (Daddy is sorry) 

Send requests here

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When: Twins are 16 (but it's the Christmas holidays so technically they're almost 17)







"Dad," Jisoo called, peering into his bedroom where Jimin was changing his sheets. He hummed in response. "Please can Chaewon sleep over tonight?" She asked, and Jimin looked over his shoulder, "Chaewon? The your dads are hot Chaewon?" "Dad!" Jimin chuckled, "yeah, sure. Did you clean your room?" "It's always clean, dad," Jisoo frowned. "Is it? Then why did I trip over multiple wires while I changed your bed?" He asked, folding his arms. Jisoo blushed, slowly stepping out of his room and closing his door without saying anything else. Jimin laughed. 




Jimin was curled up on the sofa with Yoongi, watching a new SL drama that was out, when the door knocked. Jisoo was still upstairs, so Jimin sighed, detaching himself from Yoongi and standing up. -Chaewon is here- he told when Yoongi frowned at him, not appreciating the sudden lack of skinship between the two. Yoongi nodded, sitting up and brushing his sweater lightly. Jimin opened the door, and Chaewon's huge grin wiped off instantly, and she blushed deeply, "h-hi Mr Min." Jimin beamed, "hey, did you bring your things with you? We have spare toothbrushes and you can borrow some of Jisoo's things if you need to," he told as she walked in. "It's fine, I brought stuff," she said, quietly. 

Yoongi suddenly stood up and headed towards them, -you're not wearing a coat. It's cold outside. Should I make a hot drink? What do you drink?- He looked so worried, Jimin couldn't help but smile. Chaewon blushed even harder, "um..." "He said it's cold outside, and that he will make you a drink. Would you like coffee? Hot chocolate? I think we have some tea," Jimin told, heading towards the kitchen. "Just a hot chocolate will be fine, thanks," she whispered, and Jimin thought it was cute how shy she was. "Okay. Go upstairs, I'll bring it up. Oh, and dinner's ready soon, about half an hour. Tell Jisoo." He watched as she hurried upstairs. 

Jimin pulled out 5 mugs, filling all of them with hot chocolate, and Yoongi decorated them with whipped cream and marshmallows. Jimin smiled, pulling out a tray and placing 3 of the hot chocolates on, and 3 small chocolate bars. He carefully carried it upstairs, heading to Jisoo's room first, since it was closer. 

The two girls were led on Jisoo's bed, laptop in front of them. They looked up at him when he walked in, and Jisoo grinned, scrambling to her feet and grabbing two cups from the tray, placing them on her desk and leaning forwards to kiss his cheek, "thanks daddy," she sang, sweetly, and Jimin grinned, heart fluttering. "We found the blow-up mattress if you want us to bring it up," he told, looking at a blushing Chaewon. He wondered if she'd ever stop blushing around him. She didn't answer, so Jisoo answered for her, "yes, please. Bring it up later, we're busy." "What are you up to?" He asked, curiously. "Blogging," Jisoo answered, taking the chocolate and lying back down next to her friend. "Oh, what are you blogging?" "We're blogging attrective men," Jisoo answered bluntly, and Jimin knew that she'd said it in hope that Jimin would blush or cringe, and leave quickly, but Jimin just chuckled, "like me?" He asked, laughing, and Chaewon turned bright red. "Dad!" Jimin just laughed again, leaving her room. 

Yunsoo's door was open, and Jimin flicked the lights before going in. He placed the tray on his desk and sat across from him on the bed, -what are you doing?- he asked, and Yunsoo smiled, turning his laptop around, -I'm skyping with Sunhee.- Jimin grinned, waving at her through the screen. -Are you having fun?- he asked, and she nodded, grinning. Sunhee had gone on holiday with her parents, and Yunsoo skyped with her almost everyday. -We miss you- he told, and Sunhee blushed, -I miss you too.- -You're embarrassing me- Yunsoo signed, blushing, and Jimin chuckled. Since Yunsoo had officially asked her to be his girlfriend, Sunhee and he were almost inseperable, and that meant that she came over often, or Yunsoo went to her house often. Jimin found it sweet. -Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes- he told, walking out, giving them their privacy.




"Jisoo!" Jimin called from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming!" Jimin hurried back to the kitchen, where Yoongi was plating their food, and he smiled, coming to stand behind him and slipping his arms around his stomach. Yoongi sighed happily, and Jimin softly kissed the back of his neck. He stepped back when he heard footsteps, though, instead leaning on the counter besides him. The twins sat in their usual seats, Yunsoo by the wall, Jisoo next to him, and Chaewon sat on the end of the table. Jimin brought their plates over, taking a seat across from Jisoo, and Yoongi sat next to him, bringing a jug of water with him, he'd already placed empty cups in every seat. 

They ate in silence, and it made Jimin uncomfortable. Not the silence part, he was used to there being silence; they usually signed while eating dinner anyway, but the lack of any sort of conversation at all. Even Yoongi and Yunsoo weren't signing to each other. "So Chaewon," Jimin started, and Jisoo snapped her head up and glared at him. Jimin just smiled smugly, "how's school going?" Chaewon peeked up at him, "i-it's the holidays right now," she said, quietly, and Jimin chuckled, grinning at her. She just blushed and stared back at her food. "I know that, I meant in general.

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Omg I read everyone's messages but I never know how to respond... Thanks everyone!!!


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readereads #1
Chapter 59: I don't know why, but I think your work has been influencing me chapter-by-chapter, changing my perspective that deaf is actually a gift. It really touches me, I forgot on which author's note chapter, when you said that deaf people learn to accept that instead of getting it fixed, that gave me a warm feeling, knowing that. I think I'd have to reread everything once Im done, also the word play, the way you write is really good. Thank you for writing out this story, very very meaningful
ahrocks08 #2
Chapter 64: I'm late to the party, but I'm so glad you updated! I loved learning more about Yoongi! Hope you don't lose all your motivation for this story; I love it so much and want to share it with everyone!
OperettaRose #3
Chapter 64: I couldn't click on the notifcation fast enough! i loved this chapter thank you for making my day and I really appreciate you coming back to this story! Thank you thank you thank you !!!! <3
paprikakeitto #4
Chapter 64: YOOOO I CANT BELIEVE YOU'RE BACK!! This has always been my favorite fic ever and I'm so happy you didn't let this die. You have no idea how happy you made me thank you so much
Chapter 64: so like i was listening to spring day while reading and i cRIED OTL WH Y DID I
Scarletred3 #6
exo_saranghae456 #7
Ive been trying my hardest to find "Signing I Love You" because I want to read it all over again but I can't find it :((
blackyellowflower #8
oh??? but i cant read signing i love you????
blackyellowflower #9
Chapter 64: i was like, eung which story is it again? but after i realise its "it" story!!! im screaming my sister give me the stink face who cares hahahaha oh my god, i miss this story so sooooo much i really apreciate you decide to write anothwr chapter, *hug*
Mennah #10
Chapter 64: I screamed when I saw that you updated woah it's been along time and I kept re-reading it bc I love this fic so so much. Thank you authornim for updating I can't believe it♡♡