Hot daddies

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Someone just requested this and again, it seemed a little small so I just wrote it now. It's very short lmao IDK WHAT ELSE TO CALL THIS CHAPTER LMAO

Also I'd like to apologise for any constant spelling errors I make in here. It's hard for me to choose a spelling because I often can't hear a lot of sounds, and words often sound so similar to me. (I can't hear the letter "s" at the end of a word, and I never used it at all in my spelling until high school, because I was scolded for it, and I actually can't even pronounce it so I usually say plural things as if they were singular) anyway I'm sorry if it annoys anyone or anything :( it's okay to correct me, I don't like being wrong, I feel really embarrassed omg im so sorry

Anyway, here is what happened when Jisoo's friends called Jimin and Yoongi hot 

When: Twins are 16





Jimin climbed out from the shower and grabbed a towel, drying his hair quickly. He was stood in front of the mirror, and he could see Yoongi still in the shower, rinsing out the last of his shampoo before climbing out and standing next to him, also drying his hair. Jimin smiled, he loved showering with Yoongi. It was innocent, of course, just the two of them stood next to each other and cleaning each other, a few kisses given here and there, but nothing dirty happened. Besides, the twins were probably home by now anyway. Yoongi playfully spanked him, and he jerked forwards, gasping in surprise. He swore that the older spanked him whenever he had the chance, he didn't even know why he still got surprised by it. 

They both wrapped towels around their waists and shared a quick kiss before Jimin opened the door and stepped out, Yoongi following behind him, their hands linked. He heard someone squeak and his head shot up, towards Jisoo's bedroom right across from the bathroom door, and saw Jisoo and her two friends. Jisoo barely even noticed them, she was used to seeing her fathers exit the shower together, but her friends were completely shocked. And Jimin was just as shocked to see them. "! Ji-" he quickly covered his chest with his arms, and Yoongi did the same, "Jisoo! Why didn't you tell me you

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Omg I read everyone's messages but I never know how to respond... Thanks everyone!!!


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readereads #1
Chapter 59: I don't know why, but I think your work has been influencing me chapter-by-chapter, changing my perspective that deaf is actually a gift. It really touches me, I forgot on which author's note chapter, when you said that deaf people learn to accept that instead of getting it fixed, that gave me a warm feeling, knowing that. I think I'd have to reread everything once Im done, also the word play, the way you write is really good. Thank you for writing out this story, very very meaningful
ahrocks08 #2
Chapter 64: I'm late to the party, but I'm so glad you updated! I loved learning more about Yoongi! Hope you don't lose all your motivation for this story; I love it so much and want to share it with everyone!
OperettaRose #3
Chapter 64: I couldn't click on the notifcation fast enough! i loved this chapter thank you for making my day and I really appreciate you coming back to this story! Thank you thank you thank you !!!! <3
paprikakeitto #4
Chapter 64: YOOOO I CANT BELIEVE YOU'RE BACK!! This has always been my favorite fic ever and I'm so happy you didn't let this die. You have no idea how happy you made me thank you so much
Chapter 64: so like i was listening to spring day while reading and i cRIED OTL WH Y DID I
Scarletred3 #6
exo_saranghae456 #7
Ive been trying my hardest to find "Signing I Love You" because I want to read it all over again but I can't find it :((
blackyellowflower #8
oh??? but i cant read signing i love you????
blackyellowflower #9
Chapter 64: i was like, eung which story is it again? but after i realise its "it" story!!! im screaming my sister give me the stink face who cares hahahaha oh my god, i miss this story so sooooo much i really apreciate you decide to write anothwr chapter, *hug*
Mennah #10
Chapter 64: I screamed when I saw that you updated woah it's been along time and I kept re-reading it bc I love this fic so so much. Thank you authornim for updating I can't believe it♡♡