Birth of 2 cuties

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~~Things with * will be explained at the end! AS A BRITISH PERSON, I'M GOING TO CALL DIAPERS "NAPPIES" BC THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE OK THEY ARE NAPPIES. Also I have no clue how the adoption system works, I'm sure this info isn't entirely correct lmfao sorry. Sorry this chap is kind of boring, I'm just filling in the gaps before I get the story rolling <3 ALSO LOL I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO CALL THIS CHAPTER HAHAHAH CHEESY AF~~




-Are you ready?- Yoongi asked. His nose and cheeks were coloured with pink, and Jimin played with his scarf a little bit, trying to keep the heat in Yoongi's body before responding with a nod. Jimin could tell that Yoongi smiled widely, although the scarf covered up to his nose, his eyes creased the way they always did when he smiled. The two were on their way to the hopspital, but Yoongi insisted they stopped for coffee on the way while they waited for Seokjin. He didn't know how Yoongi could be so calm. Jimin pushed the door to the cafe where he used to work. Not a lot changed really, except for the workers. 

Jimin breathed the air in. When he worked here, he'd become numb to the strong coffee scents, but now they were clear, and he his lips. He instructed Yoongi to sit down while he ordered, and of course, the older chose the same seat by the window. Jimin glanced at the small Christmas tree on the counter and raised an eyebrow. It was well into January by now. "Ah, that. The manager doesn't want it to be taken down yet," a tall boy explained as he sorted out the previous customer's money. Jimin scoffed, "yeah, she was always like that." The boys eyes widened, "you used to work here?" He asked, seemingly shocked. Jimin just nodded and placed his order. He was delighted when he didn't have to pay; "Manager says that old workers don't have to pay," the tall boy cheered, handing Jimin his drinks. Jimin nodded, and left some tips instead. He knew how hard it was trying to pay for college.

Yoongi grinned as he sat down. Neither of them signed, because they were too busy warming their hands on their cups. But Jimin smiled at Yoongi, and Yoongi smiled at Jimin. He'd unwrapped his scarf and taken his coat off, and Jimin did the same shortly after. He sighed blissfully. Everything was done. Everything had been bought. It'd taken months of paperwork and checks and never-ending reading about adoption but they were finally here. Here as in, they had been officially granted permission to adopt. And it was nothing like they'd imagined. A girl, Yoongi had said. They wanted a girl. But they soon found out that they didn't really have a choice. They'd met with the adoption agency, who had paired them up with some pregnant girl. The agency must have assumed they wanted a deaf baby, because the father of the child was deaf, meaning that it was likely that her child would also be deaf.** That's why she didn't want it. "A deaf baby is a burdon," the young girl had said, and Jimin could feel Yoongi's grip tighten on his hand when it was translated. 

And still, more surprises came. When the two received their first ultrasound picture, both of them nearly passed out. "W-why is there 2?" Jimin finally managed to ask. Twins. They were expecting twins. A boy and a girl, they found out later. Seokjin had laughed for over 10 minutes, because Jimin's face was still and full of absolute fear, and Yoongi was bouncing in his seat,  the 'happiest he'd ever seen Yoongi to be', Seokjin claimed. Jimin's stomach twisted and turned, but it was in a good way. He was nervous. He was excited. But he was ready. Jimin had read exactly 13 parenting books, all of which he translated to Yoongi. They were ready.




Jimin was not ready. They knew their surrogate was due soon, very soon, in fact. Soon as in, 2 days away soon. But while they were at the cafe, Jimin received a call to tell them that she was in labour, and his heart jumped a mile. He grabbed Yoongi's arm, and signed to him to put his coat and scarf back on, and even though the blonde had no idea what was going on (-Is it bad? What happened?-), he did as he was told and the pair ran out, thankfully, just as Seokjin was nearing them. When Yoongi found out, he shot off at a speed that Jimin wasn't aware that he had, flying through the crowds as Jimin and Seokjin desperately tried to keep up. 

 The 3 of them stood in the waiting room, and Jimin was just about ready to be sick on the spot. They weren't allowed to be there for the birth, and frankly, Jimin didn't want to be there while she screamed in agony, and the twins were covered in... Ugh. He shivered. He remembered reading something about birth complications, everything that could go wrong was currently filling his mind. Those were things that he didn't tell Yoongi, and he was glad that he didn't because the older seemed the opposite of worried; he seemed ecstatic. Yoongi snuggled into Jimin's side and linked their fingers. "Are you worried?" Seokjin asked, noticing Jimin's tendancy to bite his nails when he got nervous. It was an hour into labour and they hadn't heard anything. Surely something must be wrong? "A bit," he admitted. 

Jimin made sure to call all of their friends, and soon, all 7 of them filled the waiting room. Taehyung and Hoseok brought with them some huge balloons, one pink and one blue. Namjoon brought some of their baby clothes from home, and their baby carriers, because he and Seokjin were the only ones who had a spare key. Jungkook brought them some food, and he even picked up some nappies along the way. "The hospital will have some for now," Seokjin laughed when he held them out proudly. Jungkook blushed, "oh."

By 3 hours, Jimin was pacing. No matter how many times Seokjin or the others told him it would be okay, he was starting to worry massively. Even the nurse came and told him that everything was fine, that the process was a long one and that the mother wasn't "dialated enough" whatever that meant. His pacing started to worry Yoongi, who frowned, -is something wrong? Is the baby okay?- Namjoon forced Jimin to sit down by firmly pressing his shoulder, while Seokjin explained that nothing was wrong. Even Taehyung and Hoseok were sat still, no longer squirming about and excitedly chatting about the twins. 

By 7 hours, Hoseok had to leave to teach his 5PM dance class that was in an hour. He promised to tell their boss that Jimin wouldn't be at work tomorrow. Work was the last thing on Jimin's mind right now. He was supposed to work a last shift tomorrow before taking 4 months off for paternity leave. Jungkook left soon after, stating that he was working the night shift tonight. Jimin felt slightly guilty. If he'd known the younger was working all night, he wouldn

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Omg I read everyone's messages but I never know how to respond... Thanks everyone!!!


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readereads #1
Chapter 59: I don't know why, but I think your work has been influencing me chapter-by-chapter, changing my perspective that deaf is actually a gift. It really touches me, I forgot on which author's note chapter, when you said that deaf people learn to accept that instead of getting it fixed, that gave me a warm feeling, knowing that. I think I'd have to reread everything once Im done, also the word play, the way you write is really good. Thank you for writing out this story, very very meaningful
ahrocks08 #2
Chapter 64: I'm late to the party, but I'm so glad you updated! I loved learning more about Yoongi! Hope you don't lose all your motivation for this story; I love it so much and want to share it with everyone!
OperettaRose #3
Chapter 64: I couldn't click on the notifcation fast enough! i loved this chapter thank you for making my day and I really appreciate you coming back to this story! Thank you thank you thank you !!!! <3
paprikakeitto #4
Chapter 64: YOOOO I CANT BELIEVE YOU'RE BACK!! This has always been my favorite fic ever and I'm so happy you didn't let this die. You have no idea how happy you made me thank you so much
Chapter 64: so like i was listening to spring day while reading and i cRIED OTL WH Y DID I
Scarletred3 #6
exo_saranghae456 #7
Ive been trying my hardest to find "Signing I Love You" because I want to read it all over again but I can't find it :((
blackyellowflower #8
oh??? but i cant read signing i love you????
blackyellowflower #9
Chapter 64: i was like, eung which story is it again? but after i realise its "it" story!!! im screaming my sister give me the stink face who cares hahahaha oh my god, i miss this story so sooooo much i really apreciate you decide to write anothwr chapter, *hug*
Mennah #10
Chapter 64: I screamed when I saw that you updated woah it's been along time and I kept re-reading it bc I love this fic so so much. Thank you authornim for updating I can't believe it♡♡