Chapter 38 - My happy ending

Reversed Cinderella Story

So it has been a month that Jae Joong working as my chauffeur. Thing is still awkward between us. We talk, just here and there but I still haven’t decided to get back with him yet. Even if we get back together, I don’t know how everything will work out. I definitely can’t leave America again. This is time for me to seriously focus on family business so my father can have a little time for himself. I can’t ask Jae Joong to stay in America. He still has his singing career and I am pretty sure that his father would like him to manage their business eventually too. I can’t see a way for our relationship to work out but I don’t want to let him go neither. I am being very indecisive but I need a little more time to think.

Just like every other day, he drives me back home after work. We are leaving a little bit later than normal deal to my meeting. Because my house is on the top of the mountain so the road is very solitary. Normally, my car is the only vehicle on the street but today, there is a black car keeps following us and Jae Joong is the one point that out. I told him that it is probably nothing but he keeps thinking it is weird. I starts feeling unsettle. Darkness covers our whole street and that car keeps tailgating us. It gets closer and closer.

“Drive faster.” – I demands.

“Sure.” – He says and presses the gas pedal. Our speed passes 100 miles/ hour but that car doesn’t seem to slow down.

I take out my phone and call my security team – “We have a situation.” – I tell them.

“What happen, Miss?” – The leader of my security team asks, concern.

“Some car keep following us, send a team down here right now.”

“Yes, Miss.”

My car and phone are tracked 24/7 by my security team. I trust them to find me quickly. The situation isn’t good.

“Jae Joong, do you know how to use gun?” – I ask him.

“Yes, why?” – He asks, worry.

“There are two guns in the glovebox. Take them out. Give me one and you keep one.”

“Why? Do you think that they are harming us?”

“I am pretty sure they are.” – Being an heiress of a big corporation, situation like this is unavoidable. I got kidnapped one time when I was kid. That’s the reason my father insisted on keeping track of me by my phone. I even had to go to class by FBI to train how to deal with kidnapping situation. I know how to use gun when I was 16. I never wanted to touch the gun again but it doesn’t seem like I have choice. I have to protect myself and my man. This fragile man of mine, I don’t know if he will be okay.

In the middle of my doubt, he turns to me and holds my hand – “We will be okay. I will protect you.” – He tells me, confident.

I nod and smile at him – “Thank you.”

But then our hand got separated as the car behind rear end us. The impact is strong. My entire body is pushed to the front.

“Are you ok?” – He asks.

“Yes. Keep driving.”

He accelerates the speed but that car doesn’t slow down. It makes another push. Our car loses balance and rolls down the hills. My body gets thrown around the back seat.

The car finally stops rolling.

“Are you ok?” – He asks me. I am so dizzy I think I may break some of my bones but he looks even more terrible than me. His forehead is bleeding, very badly.

“I’m fine. Let’s get out of the car first.” – The situation doesn’t allow us to check on each other. We have to run before they get to us. But too late, by the time we get out of the car, 4 big guys are approaching us. Jae Joong pulls me behind his back. He can’t even stand straight. I think one of his legs is injured but he still tries to protect me.

“Stay away from her.” – Jae Joong screams and points the gun at them.

Those guys wear ski masks and they don’t seem to want to stop. They keep walking toward us with the guns on their hands. One of them is about to fire his shotgun. I close my eyes. I can’t watch what is going to happen. The next thing I hear is a gunshot. When I open my eyes, Jae Joong is shaking. He just shot the guy.

“Let’s run” – He pulls me away as the other three guys start shooting continuously at us.

We keep running deeper inside the mountain. It is too dark. I can’t see anything. I only follow him. I fall down a couple of times. Those three guys are following closely behind us. We finally stop and hide behind a thick bush.

“Hide here.” – Jae Joong tells me.

“How about you?” – I ask, I can hear the crack in my voice.

“I will distract them. When they left, you have to run as fast as you can, ok?”

“No, don’t leave me alone.” – I hold his hand, my tears start falling.

He puts the gun down and cups my face. – “Listen to me, you will be ok. This is the only way for you to survive.”

I shake my head – “No, no then you will be in dangerous.”

“That’s fine. As long as you are safe.” – He looks at me, lovingly, I never can forget that look.

“But …” – Tears choke my throat.

“No but. Just listen to me. I love you.” – He says and presses a kiss on my lips. Then he stands up and starts running.

He gets their attention. They chase after him and pass my bush.

I keep on crying. Oh My God! What is going on? I have to run after him. I have to help him. He can’t fight three guys by himself. I stand up and run toward him but before I can catch on him. I heard gun shot, several of them. Oh no, please be ok oppa, please be ok. I keep run in tears. And when I got there, Jae Joong is bleeding on the ground, together with the other 3 guys. My security teams come to the rescue and took down those three guys but Jae Joong is bleeding very badly. I run to him. – “oppa, are you ok?” – I ask in tears.

But he doesn’t respond.

“Help him. Do something, God damn it.” – I yell at my security team while pressing on Jae Joong bullet wound. I have to apply pressure there so the blood can stop running. His white shirt is covered with blood and so do my hand. The paramedic quickly arrives and takes him to the hospital. I keep on praying next to him.

He quickly gets transfered to operation room. I can’t stop my tears while waiting for him in front of the operation room. My father arrives a little while after that.

“Are you ok, daughter?” – My father asks.

I run to his arm and keeps on crying – “Will he be ok, father? He got shot, trying to protect me.”

He pets my head – “He will be ok.” – Then he sits me down on the bench.

The doctor came out after 2 hours.

“How is he, doctor?” – I rush to the doctor and ask.

“He is very lucky. The bullet was very close to his heart but it only damages the tissue. He will be ok. Just try to minimize his right arm activity.”  

“I understand. Thank you very much doctor.”

I am in such a huge release. I don’t know how I can live if he died because of me. I sit next to his bed for the entire night and praying.

He finally wakes up after the entire sleeping day. I can’t be happier seeing him open his eyes.

“Where am I?”- He asks me

“In the hospital. How do you feel?”

“I’m ok. How about you? What happened last night after I got shot? Did they harm you?” – He asks me, worry. That silly guy, how can he worry about me while he was the one get shot?

“I am fine. The security team took them down before they could get to me. “

“That’s good.” – He says in release.


“What?” – He asks me, softly.

“Let’s get married.” – I have been thinking the entire night. The fear of losing him is too great. I realized how important he is too me and how much I love him. It is too silly of me to keep thinking about all other stuffs. We will figure thing out as long as we have each other.

He looks at me in surprise. – “You don’t have to say that just because what happened last night.”

I shake my head – “No, it wasn’t the reason. I love you and I want to be with you. Let’s get married.” – I ask again, sincere.

He pulls me close to him and press a kiss on my lips – “Sure, let’s get married.”

That’s how I got married with my prince. He decides to give up his singing career and stay in America and works at our corporation. He also gave up on his heir right for his sister. His parents were angry but they accepted his decision eventually. My father can’t be happier having Jae Joong as his son in law. Those two get along very well.

 I know my prince is not exactly how he should be in Cinderella story but he is a perfect prince for me. He loves me and protects me. Just as any other couple, we fight and bicker but at the end of the day we still love each other.

And you, who are reading this story, if you are a hopeless romantic like me, don’t give up on your dream. Keep looking for your prince. He may be waiting for you somewhere in this world. I crossed half of the globe to find mine. Now is your turn. There is one right prince for every Cinderella. I have to warn you that your prince may not as perfect as you are imagining but he will make you happy.

Good luck!


A/N: Thank you very much everybody for taking your time to support my story. It has been a great pleasure to have you all as my readers. I hope you will continue your support with my other stories.

Love. ^_^



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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^