Chapter 27 - The crazy girl

Reversed Cinderella Story

“What?” – That girl’s eyes are burning with anger. I can see the flame about to fly out toward me. This girl has crazy eyes. I don’t like girl with crazy eyes.

“Are you deaf? I said she is my girl.” – Jae Joong repeats with a super irritated voice. This guy has bad personality but I honestly have never seen him this annoyed before.

She shakes her head in denial – “No way oppa. How can a girl like that is your girl? Isn’t she is the one played maid in the last drama with you? How can you date a grade C actress like her?” – She screams in anger. I know this girl is crazy. I know she is a fan of my Jae Joong but still, she is a little more than overreacting.

t is true that I am a grade C actress; actually I don’t think I am belonged to any grade. I only acted in one drama but the way she addresses me is very disrespectful. Is this how rich girls in this country react? I don’t know how wealthy she is but I am sure not as much as me. There is only one more person that can be possibly wealthier than my father and I know that family very well. She is sure not from that family. Her parent needs to educate her better. If I ever act like that, I am sure my father would ground me for a week. My father said that just because you are rich doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. Wealthy people are still just human in the first place and a human should act as a human. Without manner, human is just animal. In her case, a crazy one.

“Why can’t she be? She is pretty. She is smart. She is talented. I can’t find any one better than her.” - Oh my dear. Did I hear it wrong? I immediately stare at Jae Joong to make sure that he is the one just spoke. I of course know his voice but still, I just find it very hard to believe that he just complimented me, loud and clear in front of a lot of people. I didn’t know that he thinks that highly of me. I know that girl is staring at us in anger but I can’t stop myself from smiling. My heart keeps thudding hard against my ribcage hearing those sweet nice words from him.

“What are you talking about oppa? Look at her and look at me. I am way prettier than her and I am sure I am wealthier than her too. What made you choose her over me?” – She keeps on screaming.

ARG! The high pitch voice of her is really annoying. She is pretty but I can tell it is from plastic surgery. From her eyes, nose, dimple, and jaw line, they are all altered. She probably has her whole face done. I have nothing against plastic surgery but I don’t think a girl should be that proud about her man-made beauty. And about wealth, don’t even make me laugh. I wish I can just expose my real identity to laugh on her face and tells her how stupid her statement was but it is not necessary. Money is not something that I am proud of. After all, it is my father that has money, not me. I am just lucky enough to be his daughter.

Jae Joong stares at her for a while – “I am looking at you very clearly right now. I don’t find anything on your face better than her and I don’t even understand why you mention wealth in here. Do you think that wealth is the quality for me to choose girlfriend? What is wrong with you?” – He scowls.

“You” – She screams in frustration – “Fine, remember what you just said. You probably forget that my father is the biggest sponsor for your tour. I will ask him to stop all the sponsorships. I will open my eyes wide to watch how you guys can continue with your tour.” – She threatens.

Wow. This girl is really scary. She even uses money to threaten Jae Joong. She is probably the kind of girl that used to get everything with money. It will never work lady. I learned from a hard way.

“Fine, go ahead and do whatever you want.” – Jae Joong angrily says and pulls me away leaving that girl screaming in the middle of the stadium like a mad woman.

We walk to the car first and Jun Su and Yoo Chun quickly join us.

“That girl is really crazy, man.” – Jun Su states.

“I know. I feel bad for you, Ji Hyo.” – Yoo Chun tells me.

I shake my head – “It is not a problem at all. But will it be ok if she actually takes away the sponsor?” – I am kind of concern about that. I will feel really bad if I am the reason for any trouble of their tour. I think I caused enough situation since I step down to Japan soil.

“Don’t worry about that. We will figure it out.” – Jae Joong softly says and he is super cool. I love the way he protects me and tries to take burden off my chest. For some reasons, I find him very trustworthy.

“What is Ji Soo hyung doing out there so long?” – Jun Su keeps looking at the window. Ji Soo oppa indeed stays out there for quite a while. He is talking to someone over the phone since we got into the car and now is about 30 minutes already. Never mind, he hangs up and walking to the car right now but his face doesn’t seem so good.

“I have bad news guys.” – Ji Soo oppa states with a very worried face.

“What is the matter?” – Yoo Chun asks.

“The main sponsor just called and informed us that they are taking away all the sponsorship for your tour.”

“What? Damn it. Probably that girl.” – Jun Su yells in anger.

“What will happen now?” – Yoo Chun concerns.

“I don’t know. We will be a little suffered to pay for all the cost without sponsorship.” – Ji Soo oppa states.

“It’s ok. We can figure it out later. Just go back to the hotel first.” – Jae Joong says. He sounds as the least worry one in the group but I can see the concern in his eyes.

 Darn it! I think I cause trouble to them. I have to fix it.

We come back to our own room. Jae Joong tells me o rest a little bit and he will take me out for a dinner later. I nod but I can’t rest. I take out my phone right away after getting in my room. I really don’t want to do this but I have to fix the problem that I created. I press dial. He picks up right on the first ring.

“Hello daddy, how are you?” – Yes, I call my father the only man on earth can help me at this moment.

“Daughter? Is the earth ending tomorrow? I thought that you already forgot this old man.” – He is totally mocking me, I know that. I can’t blame him though. It was me that hasn’t been calling him often lately. But it’s his fault too. Every time I called him, he always complaint or nagged me to come back to America. We already agreed on one year term but he never seemed to be able to remember that. I wonder how he has been able to do business with that kind of attitude. But I am not in a place to fight with him at this moment. I need him so I will be a nice obedient daughter for now.

“Of course not daddy. How can I forget my beloved father?” – I use the sweetest voice that I can make.

“What do you want?” – He knows me very well. Of course I would never be that sweet if I don’t need something from him.

“Why do you ask that daddy?” – I am still trying to play innocent here.

“Guess from your tone of voice. You definitely want something. Just speak it out.” – He is a real business man, doesn’t even want to waste his time even to his precious daughter. I should be frank then.

“Daddy, has you even thinking about expanse your branch to Japan?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? We already have branches in Japan. Why you never listen to me when I talk about our family business? You will be the head of this corporation in the future. At least make some attempt to know about our company, can’t you?” – He yells again. Every time we talk about business, he yells at me. Yes, it is my fault for not caring so much about our family business but it is really boring when all he talks about is business and business.

“I am sorry daddy. I forget.” – I laugh it off, trying to calm my own man down – “Anyway daddy, can you consider sponsoring a concert?”

“Why should I do that?”

“Well, you know it is a very good advertisement. It is a Kpop concert too and you know how crazy Japanese fans are over Kpop.”

“Why are you interested in company business now? And what are you doing in Japan?”

“Well, father, you always tell me to pay more attention in our business so that’s what I am doing right now.” – I try my best to avoid mention the real reason.

“Don’t treat me like a fool. I know you better than this. Tell me the real reason.” – Oh well he is still my father and he is very smart too. Of course he doesn’t buy my stupid excuse.

Should I tell him the real reason? It is too complicated to tell him the whole story. I exhale sharply – “Can you just help me this one, daddy?” – I ask, almost as beg him.

He is quiet for a while. I can hear a long sigh from the other line – “Fine, send me the concert information. You owe me one, remember that.”

“Yay. Thank you daddy.” – My father is still the best. I know he will never reject me. He always does what I want, unconditionally, no question asks. After all, I am his precious princess.

“By the way, try to come back here soon, can’t you?” – He pauses for a while then says – “I miss you, daughter.”

“I miss you too daddy.” – I softly say. I honestly miss him.

Just wait for me a little more daddy. I think I am about to find my true prince. He may not ride a white horse and not as gentle and romantic as the prince in Snow White but I think he is my prince.  

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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^