Chapter 25 - Japan! Here we come

Reversed Cinderella Story

Ji Soo oppa walks next to me and it seems like he can’t hide his curiosity any more – “Hey, if you don’t mind I ask, what is the deal between you and Jae Joong?”

I am stunned from his question for a moment. Why did he ask that? - “What do you mean oppa?” – I flutter

“I have never seen Jae Joong gives his credit card to anyone, not even me. But he gave it to you so naturally. Is it something going on between you two?”

My face flushes. I can feel the heat on my cheek. So Jae Joong only gives his credit card to me, no one else before. Am I that special to him? That thought makes me happy. I try hard to hide a smile – “Of course not. He made me go with him so he of course had to pay for my ticket.” – I make up an excuse which I totally hope is not the case.

Ji Soo oppa frowns, cups his hand around his chin, looking at me in wonder. I guess he didn’t buy my excuse then but I ignore him. My body will be burned with nervousness if he asks any further question. I walk my fastest to the ticket counter. Thank God Jae Joong sits on first class area. I don’t think I can handle economic seat. I don’t know how people even sit in those chairs. They are too small that passengers can’t even spread their leg straight.

“Let’s go oppa.” – I say as the lady hands me the ticket.

Quickly we meet up with Jae Joong and his bandmates inside the airplane. I sit next to Jae Joong and Jun Su sits next to Yoo Chun.

“You are going to Japan with us too? How fun!” – Jun Su brightly greets me.

“I am forced to go.” – I playfully answer, glancing at Jae Joong who doesn’t bother to response.

“You looked great the other night Ji Hyo. Congrats for being voted best look of the night on Elle!” – Yoo Chun tells me.

I look at him in surprise. I didn’t read any magazines or news the last few days deal to my break up with Si Won. I totally am not aware of being on Elle. – “Was I?” – I look at Yoo Chun with a blank face.

Jun Su laughs – “You don’t know? It is a big deal. All the actresses want to win that.”

I shake my head. Firstly, I don’t really care about those kinds of vote. Secondly, my mind was too occupied that night to notice anything. Well, I guess I gained something that night. It wasn’t a total lost. I feel a little better now.

“She doesn’t even read magazine.” – Jae Joong finally puts in a common.

He isn’t wrong. I don’t read magazine at all even though our house are filled with magazine and newspaper. Mostly because he is very obsessed with all the news about himself. Except economic and politic news, I don’t really read anything else. Don’t even ask me why I like to read those kinds of things. My father trained me since I was young and I read according to his hobby. I am used to it though. I think those information is very interesting unlike celebrity news. Mostly gossip, I think.

“Well, you are a celebrity now too Ji Hyo. You should read more magazines, the one about you at least.” – Jun Su tells me.

“I don’t think I am a celebrity. I only appear in one photoshoot and one drama and I don’t really plan to do any more entertainment work in the future.” – I tell them.

“Why? It’s such a waste. You are pretty and talented.” – Yoo Chun scowls.

“Let’s her do whatever she wants. Why you two have to bother?” – Jae Joong frowns at them.

His words are obviously rude and harsh but I like it for some reason. He just took my side even though I was in no need of his help but I feel please. I think I just start getting used to his weird kind of expression. The way he tries to take care of me is obviously clumsy but sweet at the same time. Probably because I can feel the genuine in his weird behavior.

 “It is a suggestion. You don’t have to be mad at us.” – Jun Su frowns at Jae Joong.

“But what is the deal between you two anyway? Jae Joong never takes a girl on tour before.” – Yoon Chu asks

“What … what … do you mean?” -  I am stunned from the question. What with people and keep asking this question today?

Both Jun Su and Yoo Chu suddenly laugh.

“Well, we get the answer then.” – Jun Su says, mysteriously.

Jae Joong doesn’t bother to make a common. He keeps reading the magazine on his hand.

“Ji Hyo doesn’t have to work anymore. Jae Joong will take care of you. It is the least a Chaebol’s son can do right?” – Yoo Chu teases Jae Joong.

I look at Yoo Chu in confuse.

Like he read my thought, Yoo Chu asks me - “You don’t know?”

I shake my head. Until now, I still don’t know much about Jae Joong. I never made attempt to actually. I don’t like to make research about others. I prefer to get to know them directly. I only know Jae Joong through what he told me and he definitely didn’t tell me anything about him being a Cheabol’s son. It is not that the information matters anything to me but I just don’t understand why a self-centric guy like him never broads something like that in front of me.

“His father is a big time Chaebol. Both of you probably don’t have to work for the rest of your life.” – Yoo Chu comments.

Well, I know I don’t have to work for the rest of my life or my daughter or my granddaughter life with the enormous wealth that my father has no choice but pass down for me. But it is good to know that my weird Jae Joong is also from a good family. At least I don’t have to worry about my father suspecting Jae Joong of being after our wealth.

Wait! Did I just think about introducing Jae Joong to my father again? Why do I keep thinking about that lately? We are not even dating. Who know if I am even able to handle that jerk as my boyfriend for more than 1 day? I am not sure but my heart is skipping with just the thought of us dating.

Anyway, at least it explains how he can afford the big beautiful house that he is living in. I know JYJ is famous but buying that big of an estate is still out of reach. Plus his closet is all luxury brand name clothes. According to Ji Soo oppa, celebrities in Korea often have to wear sponsor clothes. Not many of them can afford stuffs as Jae Joong.

“Didn’t I tell you not tell anyone about my family background?” – Jae Joong frowns at them.

“It’s Ji Hyo. I don’t think it’s matter.” -  Jun Su says.

Jae Joong ignores them and looks out of the windows. I don’t know why he has to react this way. What is so wrong about people knowing where he comes from? Well, actually I can understand that because I, myself, don’t want anyone know where I come from either. I didn’t tell any of them about my background for God shake. Maybe just like me, he wants people acknowledge him for who he really is, not who his father is. If it’s the case, we have one thing in common. Should I tell him about my family background now? It’s still too soon. Just let’s wait for a little while.

We arrive at Japan in no time. From inside the terminal, I already hear the fan chaining their name. Wow, JYJ is that popular in Japan? Jae Joong told me that they do many tours in Japan. Now I understand why.

As we about to walk to the exit, he holds my hand tightly. – “It will be a chaos out there. Don’t let my hand go, understand?” – He demands.

 I normally hate his demand tone but I am smiling right now. He cares about me. He is about to walk to his fans and he doesn’t care holding tightly on my hand. I think this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done to me.

I lock my fingers tier to his – “Yes, oppa.”

He looks at me in surprise. I am surprise of myself too as I call him oppa. My cheeks turn rose and he, after a minute of surprise, he smiles at me, lovingly. It is the most handsome smile that I have ever seen from him.

 Stop making my heart pounding hard you silly Jae Joong!

We walk outside and the first thing that hits me is the overexcited squeal from the girl. Oh dear! I really can’t stand those high pitch noises. Is it necessary to screaming like that? I think the boys can hear you just fine ladies. You don’t have to screaming to get attention. They are not giving you any anyway. They will just smile, pose, and walk to their car. That’s what they always do.

I am wearing sunglasses right now but the flash from their cameras are still hurting my eyes. I never can get used to this kind of attention. Some of them start noticing Jae Joong is holding my hand and freaking out. I understand Japanese very well so I can hear some of them asking who I am and wondering if I am his girlfriend. I of course ignore their questions. I don’t even know the answer myself. What am I to him? I don’t know. He has never told me and I has never asked.

As we walk closer to the car, the security is getting loser. Some of the fans can’t stop their excitement and jumps to Jae Joong. Their force is too strong and sudden that separates my hand from Jae Joong. I am lost in the crowd. They push me further and further away from him. Darn it! What can I do? They are too strong but then I hear the scream – “Ji Hyo, where are you?” – It is definitely Jae Joong. I can’t miss his voice.

“I am here.” – I try to scream as loud as I can and put my hand in the air.

Then quickly, the crowd is separated. Jae Joong quickly wiggles through them, kind of violently in fact, more like he pushes whoever on his way away to get to me. He looks rather cool with his worried face as he forces his way to me. And I look like an idiot keep standing there and staring at the manly man walking toward me. When he gets to me, he takes my hand and suddenly pulls me to his chest. – “Didn’t I tell you to not let my hand go?” – He frowns.

I am pretty sure that everybody around us are taking every pictures they can get but I am in no rush of avoiding the cameras. I am enjoying too much the cool man in front of me. How can he be so awesome even when he scolds me?

My heart flutters again but this time I am not yelling at him. I only spread a smile.  

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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^