Chapter 18 - I'm in love with him

Reversed Cinderella Story

“Hello oppa” – I brightly greets my prince.

He smiles sweetly at me, and before I know it, I am already in his arm. – “It must be tough on you.” – He softly whispers in my ears as his head already comfortably rests on my shoulder and his arms are tightly embracing my waist.

I am surprise at first but quickly, my heart feel warm. My head is buried in his chest, a strong, firm chest. For a moment, I forget that we are standing in the middle of the street. I let my body sink in the warmness of his torso. I close my eyes and deeply inhale the manly scent of him that I never seem to have enough.

He is so tall, his arms are so big, and his grip is so tight. I feel so small but so protected. All my burdens suddenly disappear. Sometimes, it is so magical how a hug can change human’s emotion in just an instant. My heart feels heavy earlier but it is definitely lighter now. I know I made a right decision. The man that is hugging me right now is very sincere toward me. I have to choose him. I tight my arms around his waist, smile softly – “N-ne. It was really tough.” – I coddle.

“Let’s go eat then.” – He says, opens the car door for me.

I step inside his car. For a moment, I glance inside the house and I see Jae Joong, he stands on top of the stair ways, looking at us. I don’t know how long has he stood there and how much has him witness but his eyes are sad. Why is he so sad? I don’t know but I have the feeling that I don’t want to know. The car starts moving. I wonder if he is still standing there. Why am I even wondering about that? I don’t know. Just … wondering.

My prince seems to see through my lost mind. He intertwines his fingers to mine, tightly. I look at him and he smiles at me, sweetly. His smile is the best medicine to calm me down, since the first time I met him. I don’t know about others but to me, holding hand while driving is the most romantic thing. When our hands lock together, I feel like we are become one. I can feel his vein bumping and I am sure he can feel mine too, like our blood running toward each other and meet each other right where our palms touch. The way he grips his hand so tightly on me, likes telling me that even just for a second, I don’t have to face the world along because he is right there, next to me.

“Where are we going oppa?” – I excitedly ask.

“This restaurant is just a little outside of Seoul but they have the best ginseng chicken soup.”

“Is it ok for us to go like this oppa? What if people take pictures of us? Will it be bad for you?” – I concern. What I learn after Jae Joong’s scandal is that celebrities have to be careful with everything they do. It seems like managing scandal is not easy here and the consequences are pretty serious. I am glad that my prince takes me out but I do concern about his image. It is definitely troublesome if people see us together. Ji Soo oppa told me that celebrities in Korea have to be very secretive about their dating life. Once a dating rumor breaks out, damage is very unpredictable. Rapid decrease of fan number is a common consequence. Some celebrities even got removed from their agencies as their dating pictures were leaked out.

But my prince doesn’t appear to be worried at all. He gently smiles at me and caress my head. – “You only have to focus on being my girlfriend, and the world, just let me take care of it.”

It is the sweetest and manliest thing that any one has ever told me. How can he always know that right things to say? My heart flusters just from hearing his words and butterflies are definitely having a party in my stomach. He is always so trustworthy. I feel special being with him. I’m glad that I came to Korea. I know it may be too soon to say but I know the man next to me is the man I have been looking for. He sincerely loves me for who I really am, not a princess in the luxury castle. He is a trust worthy man and I know I am safe with him.

“I will do that then.” – I smile.

After almost an hour drive, we stop in front of a traditional looking restaurant. The whole exterior made from wood, looks like those old houses in old Korean books that I read. It is definitely beautiful. I love everything that has ancient look. I think they are really neat. We walk cross a wooden bridge above the small creek where beautiful koi fishes are freely swimming around. I can’t help but stop in the middle of the bridge for a while to look at those beautiful creatures.

“Do you like koi?” – He asks me.

“N-ne. I love them.” – I brightly tell him, can’t get my eyes off the creek.

“Omo, Si Won. I thought it is you.” - The restaurant owner personally comes out greet us.

“N-ne How are you ajuma?” – He mannerly bows at the lady and I copy him to greet her as well.

 She is an old friendly lady. They seem to know each other very well. My prince probably comes here very often. Quickly, she takes us to a private room. It is a simple wooden room with the table next to the window where we can enjoy the beautiful green garden outside.

“Wow I haven’t seen you for a while Si Won.” – The ajuma says

“N-ne. I stayed in China for a while. I only returned a few weeks ago” – My prince politely answers.

“And who is this pretty lady? Is she your girlfriend?” – The ajuma gives me a friendly smile.

“N-ne. She is my girlfriend.” – My prince answers without hesitation.

“What a lucky girl! Si Won must like you very much. He has never taken any girl here before.”

I smile shyly. Indeed, I am lucky having a great boyfriend like him. I am not denying that.

“But why didn’t you and Jae Joong come together? He went here early this morning to buy ginseng soup too.” – The ajuma asks and my heart is stunned a little. So Jae Joong drove all the way here to buy ginseng soup and brought back to Seoul for me. The trip itself is two hours at least without traffic. Just what time did he wake up? I know he is not a morning person. And did he really go through that much hassle just to get me a bowl of soup? Now I feel bad. Just what is that guy thinking?

“Oh Jae Joong did? I would ask him to come over if I know he wants ginseng chicken soup too.” – My prince tells the ajuma.

“Well, you two wait here a little bit ok? I will bring the soups right over.”  - The ajuma tells us and leaves.

I am getting a little quiet. My heart suddenly feels burden again. I unintentionally release a heavy sigh.

My prince gently puts his hand on top of mine - “Are you still tired?”

“N-ne.” – I answer with a weak smile. I lied. I am not tired but that answer is better than telling my prince that my heart is heavy because of Jae Joong. I don’t like lying but sometimes white lie is better than dark truth. This time, I choose to lie.

The delicious ginseng chicken soups are served on our table shortly after the ajuma left. I am drooling just looking at it. The whole chicken is sitting neatly inside the smoking clay pot. The smell is definitely authentic. I can’t wait to put that yummy looking chicken on my mouth but my prince already took it away. I look at him in surprise. I have waited an hour for this. Is he not taking it away from me now right?

Of course not, he is my prince. He just brings the pot to his side, puts the chicken on an empty dish then separate the meat from the bones. I am truly touched. He thinks about the smallest thing. His pot is still waiting but he takes care of me first. I don’t think any man in this world can be as caring as my prince. I can’t stop staring at him. He is patiently picking every piece of meat from that chicken and put in the dish for me. It seems hot; he has to touch his earlobes with his fingers more than 5 times. It takes a while and he has no complaint. I feel sorry that I even thought about Jae Joong earlier. From this moment on, I know I will focus on only the man in front of me. He is too nice, too great, too caring, and too sincere. I will never disappoint him. I will focus on being his girlfriend, only his girlfriend.

“Here” – He hands me the full dish of chicken meat. – “Drink the soup too. It is the best part.”

“Thank you very much. Let’s me do it for you too.” – I offer. It’s what a girlfriend should do.

But he shakes his head. – “It’s very hot. You can burn your hand. I can do it myself.” – He tells me with a smile.

I am speechless from his caring gesture. I stare at him for so long.

“Oppa.” – I call while he is working on his chicken.

“Yes?” – He asks.

“Why are you treating me so well?” – I can’t hide my curiosity.

He puts down his chopsticks and looks gently at me.

“Because you are my woman. Isn’t it a man responsibility to take care of his woman? A girl like you probably has plenty of options but you chose me. So the least I can do for you is taking good care of you. That’s why.” – He answers, sincerely

My heart is really melting to liquid. Each of his words is so touching, so genuine. I think I can live with those sweet gentle words for the rest of my life. I can’t stop smiling. I am not really good at control happiness at all. But it’s ok. It’s him. He should know how happy I am to be with him.

“Thank you oppa.” – I softly say – “But why do you like me so much? I know there probably plenty of girls are dying to be with you.”

“But they are not you.” – He immediately answers. – “I don’t really have a reason to be in love with you. It is a feeling that I can’t even explain. Just that, seeing you always makes me happy. So please see me more often okay?” – He holds my hand and smiles brightly.

“Of course, I want to see you often too. You always make me happy.” – I tell him, softly.

At this moment, I know I am in love with him.

He is definitely my prince. 

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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^