Chapter 11 - Not again!!!

Reversed Cinderella Story

The photoshoot ends with success. Well at least that was what the photographer and editor said. They told me to take a look at the pictures but I was too embarrassed to look at myself. I am sure that I did a terrible job. The photographer even says that I am a nature and encourages me to peruse modeling career but no way in hell I will do that. However, as a manner person I sill politely accepts his compliment. Unlike my master who tosses the photographer’s business card away as he gives me in case I want to take model job seriously.

“She is my maid, not a model. She won’t do this anymore.” – My master tells the photographer. Even though what he said wasn’t wrong but it pisses me off. If anyone needs to say those words, it has to be me. ME. It’s my life and my career. He has no right to interfere.  

I am really irritated and yell at my master - “Who are you to decide if I am doing it again or not?”

“I am your master.” – He bluntly answers, ignoring the fact that the photographer looking at us awkwardly.

I cross my arms in front of my chest. – “You only have power over me at your house. Outside the house, you have no right to decide on what I will or will not do.”

“Let’s go” – He tells me then walks away, again, ignores my argument.

What is with him? I feel like whenever he is about to lose a fight to me, he will walk away. He never gives me a chance to win and it is frustrated. I like reasoning, I like to win in any argument. Every time I have a fight with him, I know I am winning but then he walks away, leaving me hanging. I hate that the most. I hate being leaving hanging the most. I’m not going to accept unfinished argument anymore, not this time.

“Ya. I am not finish yet. I am not going anywhere until our conversation completes” -  I yell at him, ignoring 40pairs of eyes are staring at us.

At least I catch his attention. He stops his step, turns around and walks toward me.

“Are you sure you are not going?” – He asks me arrogantly.

I nod, firmly. I swear I will never leave this place if he is not at least going to apology to me.

“Fine” – He says. Then suddenly he lifts me up and puts me on his left shoulder with his left arm tightly holds my waist, carrying me away like a rice bag.

Firstly, how the hell a skinny guy like him be that strong? I am not light, I know that. But he carries me like I am cotton. His face doesn’t even change a tiny bit of expression and he is still walking straight like on a catwalk stage.

Secondly, what the hell is he doing, carrying me like that in front of everybody? Does he not have any sense at all? Does he not see people staring at us at all? He is a celebrity for God Sake. What if someone see us? What if someone capture this moment? It will be a scandal, a big scandal. How can my idiot master doesn’t care any of it. I wonder if he even has a brain. I’m afraid not. His head is probably filled with tofu.

I am flustered and scared at the same time. It doesn’t feel safe hanging on his shoulder at all. I flounce crazily on his shoulder. I beat hard on his chest with both my hands, demand him to put me down but he doesn’t even budge. I don’t think he gets hurt at all. Is his body made by iron? Ignoring my flouncing and yelling and beating, he keeps carrying me straight to the car and throws me to the seat.

“What the hell did you do?” – I yell at him, frustrated.

He sits down on the seat next to me, nuzzle his face to mine – “That was your punishment for being disobedient in public. You better listen to me from now on. Understand?” – He says, breathless. I can feel his fresh minty breath on my skin.

I am truly angry but speechless at the same time. My throat is dry from nervousness. His face is too close to me to the point that I feel like if I open my mouth, my lips will touch his. My eyes wide open and for some reasons, they only focus on his lips, his moist pink lips. They look delicious that I want to take a big bite, nip those lips so long to the point that they get swollen.

OMG. I am crazy


How can I think about kissing him at this moment? I suppose to get angry at him, yell at him, hit him but why my body is so weak. I feel like every parts of me is melted to liquid, can’t move or function right. Something is seriously wrong with my body. This guy broke me. He totally broke me. I only have been working for him less than a month but my brain and my heart have too many problems already. May be I should consider Jun Su’s offer, being his maid is probably better idea than being my master’s maid. I don’t know where else he will break me. My master is too dangerous.

“You shouldn’t do thing like that, Jae Joong. What if people take picture of it and post on internet?” -  Ji Soo oppa tells my master.

“I don’t care.” – My master answers, arrogantly.

Ji Soo oppa only can shake his head and releases a heavy sigh. He always has to be the one to deal with all my master’s troubles. If it is not because of Ji Soo oppa, I am sure my master career is dead long time ago with all the problems that he caused. This guy is really a pain. I do feel bad for Ji Soo oppa.    

We finally arrive at his drama filming location. My master is a true VIP, he even has his own rest area while everyone is sitting around. The make-up artist and hair stylist quickly come to him the moment he sits down and work their magic. I plan to sit down to take a little rest but my master of course doesn’t let it happen.

“Water” – He demands.

“n-ne.” – I quickly get a bottle of water for him and even open the cap but it is not enough to him.

“Straw.” – He demands.

Just what kind of attitude is that? Maybe his teachers forgot to teach him the word “Please” in school so he is never able to pronounce that word when asks for favor. Even though I am a big heiress but I never forget to say please even with my servant. That is basic politeness. This guy needs a lot improvement to be a proper human being.

“Food” – He demands as soon as he done drinking water.

“Where is your food?” – I innocently ask because I honestly don’t know where I can find food for him. We didn’t bring any with us.

He scowls - “Why do you ask me? That is your responsibility.”

I frown, feeling irritated from his attitude but I decide to avoid the argument since many people are around. I go look for Ji Soo oppa and ask for food. Ji Soo oppa nicely gives me a box of kimbab to feed my master.

I quickly come back to my master with the delicious kimbab. – “Here you go.” – I give it to him.

“Ah” – He opens his mouth wide.

I am speechless. Does he really expecting me to feed him? I remember clearly that I am serving a 29 years old grown man, not a 29 months old kid that can’t even feed himself.

“Eat it by yourself.” – I frown

“Don’t you see my hand is busy? If I move, my makeup artist has to stop working and we don’t have much time. The filming crew is waiting for us.”

I exhale sharply, can’t fight with his reason. –“Here” – I say and push the kimbab on his mouth.

He glazes at me sharply. – “Be more gentle next time!”

“Fine” – I say, annoyed. I have to stand there the whole time to feed him until the last piece of kimbab while he is playing with this phone. I really want to shut all the kimbab in his mouth at the same time so he can die from choking.   

The filming finally starts. He looks sharp with the expensive suite on. I don’t think he even needs to act in this drama. That role is tailor made for him. According to the script that he practiced earlier, his role is an arrogant, senseless, and self-centric heir. Totally him. I’m sure he will be very successful in playing this role. It doesn’t seem like he is acting at all, he is totally being himself.  

I see enough of his arrogance at home so I decide to walk away from the filming set to get a little fresh air but someone quickly pulls me back. – “It’s your turn, quickly get in, where are you going?” – A man yells at me.

I still don’t know what is going on and he already drags me into the filming set.

“What take you too long? Quickly get into your role. Where is your broom?” – The director asks me.

I look around in daze. Just what is going on? Why did they pull me here and what role am I playing?

“What are you doing here?” – My master asks me

“I don’t know. A random guy pulls me in here.” – I whisper

“Why are you two talking?” – The director yells, annoyed

“What am I doing here?” – I ask the director

“What do you mean what are you doing here? You are wearing maid outfit so of course you are playing maid. Quickly get your broom and do cleaning. Your next scene is being scolded my Jae Joong for letting dusks stand on table. Did you even read the script before coming here?” – The director yells at me.

Why is he yelling at me? What did I do wrong? What script is he talking about? And why am I going to be scolded by my master again? Isn’t it enough that he scolds me at home? Now I have to let him scold me publicly too?

Oh no! Not again. That’s why I didn’t want to wear maid outfit in the first place. The director must think that I am one of the actresses. Of course, who is wearing this kind of costume and walking around filming site beside actresses.

It is all master’s fault.


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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^