Chapter Three

She is my Queen!!!

As she saw her look in the mirror, she hurriedly pulled the nanny that knees beside her. "Stand up... Tell me who is responsible for this?" She pointed at her face.  I don't even know how many layers of powder that had been applied on my face. I look like a vampire for sake!!! I bet whoever look at me will have a nightmare." Only God knew how shock she was by her own look. " put..put it on your...yourself your majesty. Have you forget it your majesty?" The nanny carefully answered the furious Queen, she doesn't wanted to loss her head just because she had gave a answer that the Queen doesn't like.

She felt like she would prefer to just died when she heard the nanny's replied. It's not like she wanted to say that she has a good fashion taste, but she really couldn't help it. Aren't this body owner taste a little bit to bad?!!! Who would wear a five inch thick powder on her face with five inch thick red lipstick and called it beauty? 'Oh well then, since I am borrowing her body, then I'll paid her by fixing her fashion.' Seong-Im thought to herself, sighing.

She sigh and turned back to the nanny. "Can you get a basin of water for me to wash this thing off my face?" Now that she knew how she look, she really doesn't wanted the thick powder and lipstick to be on her face any longer. "Yes your majesty." The nanny answered and quickly run off to got the water for the Queen. When the nanny was out of the room, the Queen turned back to the mirror and let out a huge sigh feeling much devastated by her vampire-like look.

She turned to the amused King. " How did you even stand to look at this face?" She was really curious, how does a King who was quite good looking could even look at this kind of face. How could his taste be that bad? 

The King put down the tea in his hand. "You said it yourself that who ever look at your face will have a nightmare, will I tortured myself by looking at you?" "Then why are you staring at me just now?" "I did not." "Yes you did." "I DID NOT!!!" Before she could replied the King back, she was interrupted by the nanny who had came back from getting the water. "Your majesty, here the water you want." The nanny said and put the basin of water on the dressing table.

As the Queen heard that her water had came, she hurriedly rush towards the water like it was her only life safer, completely ignoring the King, again. She washed her face while nagging non-stop. "This much powder, it can't even be wash off with ten basin of water. Why put so much powder anyway, want to bake a cake?" The King only looked at her silently, didn't plan to interrupted her. 

He was wondering how far would she willing to 'act' to gained his attention. 'Well if her intention is to get my attention, then she had success at it.' He thought. Even though she was 'acting' as he said, but he much prefer this kind of Queen than the way she used to be.

When she had finally manage to got very bit of the powder off her face, she looked up at the mirror and she found a young beautiful women was staring back at her. She nodded her head satisfied then turned her attention back to the forgotten King. "Looks like I'm a pretty girl after all." The King was taken aback by her sudden of  narcissism. No woman dare to say themselves beautiful in front of him, moreover this Queen that always act innocent and pure in front of him? And her she was praising her beauty in front of him?!!!

He doesn't said a word instead he only let out a little smile at her. This moment, the Queen suddenly felt like she had forgotten something important. She run to the King side and pulled his clothe's hand sleeve a bit. " Are you really the King?" She asked with her big round eyes looking up at him. The King looked at her, surprised by her sudden question. "You didn't recognize me?" He asked back just to make sure.The Queen rolled her eyes at him. "Nonsense. Why should I even ask if I know it?" She said in a matter of fact.

As soon as he heard what she said, he called out for the imperial physician immediately. The imperial physician who had been kneeling at a side all this time stood up and run to the King. "At your service your majesty." "What is happening here?" The King asked pointing at the weird Queen. The imperial physician hesitantly answered the King. "Based on my inspection on the Queen early, it seems like the Queen had knock her head hard on the ground when she fall from the swing. She is suffering from memory loss now your majesty."

The imperial physician was so scared that he had wet his clothe with sweat while on the other side, a specific Queen was rolling her eyes at him. (She really love to rolled her eyes at people, I wonder if eyes will stuck upward someday.><) 'I thought so...' She thought. She already knew that the imperial physician would said that she was having the memory loss. Oh well, since she couldn't explain her real situation to them, it wouldn't hurt to play along and act as if she was really losing her memory right?

After hearing the imperial physician explanation, the King felt like he had nothing else to worried about so he decided to took his leave. Even though he didn't hate the Queen now as much as he was to the Queen before, but that doesn't meant that he prefer to stayed there. "Since the Queen is okay, then I may take my leave now." The King announce. 

And for the Queen that came from 21st century, didn't even bother to sent the King out. "Okay, not sending." She said coolly to the King. The King also ignored her no-manners attitude and leave the Queen palace by himself as he knew that the Queen has 'losing her memory'.

After the King had left, the nanny that took the water for her early came to her side and said worriedly "Your majesty, can you allow me to say something?" She asked the Queen politely. "Sure, what is it?" 'This is the ancient world. You even have to asked for permission to talk,' The Queen thought pity.

"Your majesty, why are you acting like that to his majesty early? His majesty wouldn't like it." The Queen was always worried on how to be on the King good side, but the way she acted towards the King early, wouldn't it cause the King to hate the Queen more? She thought. Even thought she was just the Queen personal nanny, but then after staying at the Queen side for a long time, she already start to cared for the Queen, even though the Queen was always being cold to her.

What took her more than surprised was the Queen answer to her. "Who care? It's not like I want him to like me." I only borrow this body. The Queen said in a matter of fact and keep the rest of the sentence to herself. 

The surprised nanny tried her best to came out of her shock and asked the Queen again, hoping that she was hearing it wrong early. "But your majesty, you said it before that you were born for the King." When the Queen heard it she almost empty out all her stomach content right there right at the moment. "What?!!! I was borned for him?!!! I swear that I rather die than be borned out to this world for him!!!" The heck?!!!

The nanny look at the Queen like she had grown two head. Was it that the Queen had loss her memory, so her thought also changed as well? 

Seeing that the nanny was staring at her like she was some kind of alien, she decided to changed the topic. "Oh yeah, I almost forget that I didn't know your name yet. What is your name and what is your job here? Also you have to introduce, no re-introduce it's actually since I already know them before. You have to re-introduce me to all the people in this palace and what is their position here. And also the minister..." She started to list out all the people that she thought she might have to know for the nanny.


Chapter three is here... I still hope you guys are enjoying it~~ ^^ Happy Reading!!! No beta reader and re-read by myself like always, so will be many error, like always..hahaha

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Acemix #1
Chapter 43: i love this story. its bring nostalgia.
Reread again cause i miss them so much!!
aibhara #2
Chapter 2: I enjoy reading this authornim..
its entertaining..
Acemix #3
look interesting
i gonna try read
ACemilly #4
its been long time!!
Love this story so much🔥🔥
Already 7 years 💜💜
Goodjob authornim
Chapter 43: LOVE this story so much!!
Chapter 43: Great stories come from a great author and this is one of them
It's great to see such a story (even though it's just fiction)
Greetings from 2021 Author-nim, would love to see you write another story like this
Stay safe, healthy and Be Happy
I'm reading this again after watching Mr. Queen. 😍
ccfncff #8
Chapter 43: Don't know how many times I reread this story
It's amazing, hope you will write a story again
Uuuuuue #9
Chapter 43: Season 2 Authornim~
Chapter 43: Future jk**