Chapter Twenty Two

She is my Queen!!!

The nannies and guards was surprise by the King bold action towards a women when we first saw him feed the Queen her medicine with his mouth. The King had never done something like this before, nor that he ever cared for a women so much like this before, even to that Lady Eun Hye. They slowly getting used to it after the King had put into his schedule to came to the Queen's palace to reminded, forced or feed the Queen her medicine three times day since that day onward. 

Until today, the Queen's arm had finally fully recovered. The Queen that had been lock up in her palace for the whole two weeks finally getting her freedom, even more that the King had asked the minister to sent the pass that she had been missing for yesterday evening. She finally could go out to play again!!! And she didn't planned to told the King about it, if not he would order all those guards to followed her around. What fun would it be if you have ten over soldiers following on your back?

So... She also planned to ot out secretly like last time too. She stick out her tounge while she goes around the garden, hiding behind the flowers and trees to avoided herself from being seen by anyone. When she had reached the end of the garden and was about to run her way towards the front gate, her attention was caught by a girl who was looking up on a tree with a helpless look. Of course being the busybody Queen she was she decide to go have a look. 

She saw that a kite was stuck on the tree as she got closer. "You want to get the kite?" She stood beside the girl pointing at the kite. The girl turned her head to looked at her with an embarrassed smile. "Yeah... I'm not very good at flying the kite. So it got stuck up there when it got blown by the strong wind. I habve been pulling it for a long time, but I still can't get it down." "Down worry, I'll help you." The Queen said tapping her chest, already forgot that the arm injured that cause her couldn't go anywhere for two week was because she climb a tree.

She started to climb up the tree and carefully got the kite off of the tree branches. She was more experienced in the tree climbing this time after the experience last time. "Here you go." She handed the kite back to the women when she got back down. The women looked at her with a thankful smile. "Thank you..." "Your welcome." The Queen replied her with a smile of herself too.

The women suddenly remembered that she had forgoten something. "Oh I almost forget to introduce myself. Hi, My name is Lee Da Hae, nice to meet you." She said with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you too, I am Song Ji Hyo." The Queen introduce herself with thinking much, already forgot that the Queen name would cause people to die from shock when they heard it. 

The women looked at her with wide open eyes, horror was visible in it. "Your majesty?" "Oh? You know me?" The Queen let out a sighed inwardly. Sh ereally shouldn't use this name to introduce herself next time. Everyone looked at her like she would eat them when they heard her name. The women panicky knees down in front of her. "Da Hae the concubine meet the Queen." 'Concubine? Oh so she is one of the King's women then. But she look nicer than that Lady Eun Hye. ' The Queen nodded her head satisfied. She saw that the concubine was still kneeling down if front of her, so she decide to helped her got up. "Don't have to be that formal with me. Come on get up. Oh and... don't call me your majesty. Call me Ji Hyo." 

The concubine looked at the Queen with a worried looks. "But... I don't think it's not that good to call you that way your majesty." "What not good about it? If you keep on calling my your majesty, it's meant you didn't think me as your friend then?" The Queen acted as if she was angry with her. "I even help you get back your kite early!" The concubine just continue to stared at her with a weird look. " Your majesty, you..." "Me what?" "You had changed..." '

This sentence again...' The Queen thought, rolling her eyes. She had already lost count of how many times she had heard the same sentence before. The Queen only let out a small at her. "I don't care.  From now on you can't call me your majesty, and I also will not call you Lady Da Hae. You call me Ji Hyo and I'll call you Da Hae it's confirmed now." The Queen made the decision without even waited for the concubine's reaction.

"Yes your majesty." The Queen shot an angry gaze at her. "What did you just call me?" The concubine let out a little laugh. "It's my fault, Ji Hyo ah..." The Queen let out a panicky knees down smile. "Yeah! Since I just get a new friend today, then I guess I'll wouldn't go out today. I'll stay in the palace flying the kite with you." The concubine smile at her. She really like this new Queen. "Sure... But I don't know how to fly it, you can't laugh at me." "Don't worry I also don't how to fly it. Hahaha."


Lady Lee Da Hae's palace... "Lady Dae Hae her majesty has come. Her majesty is waiting for you in the living hall." A nanny came in to informed her. The concubine stood up from her dressing table excitedly. "Ji Hyo has come?" She put down the hair brush in her hand and quickly walked to the living hall. 

The Queen looked around the palace as she was waiting for her friend. There was not much flowers and decorates around the palace. It was really different from the other palace which look expensive and all glory to the outside view. It was so cold almost like a palace that had been left over for many years. The Queen pout her lips upwardly as she thought of something, 'That KimJong Kook! How could he let Da Hae live in a place like this while that Lady Eun Hye of his live in a palace that almost more beautiful then mine. Da Hae is also a royal concubine for sake! "

"Ji Hyo ah..." The concubine called out excitedly with a bright smile. "Da Hae ah, come here." The Queen pulled her hand towards the door and pointed at the dying yard. "How could you live in a place like this?!!!" The concubine smile a little when she saw the Queen's angry face. "I don't mind. This palace of mine never had a visitor anyway. So it fit the perfectly. Cold yard for a cold place." She was trying to make the Queen forgot her anger, but the Queen seems to be more angry when she saw her 'didn't mind' face. "You don't have to help that nasty King to save his money. He will only use to for his beloved Lady Eun Hye." Even just by the thought of that women could made her anger rise.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Why did you come here for?" The concubine tried to got the Queen's attention away from the matter. The Queen had already forgotten it if not for the concubine's reminder. "Oh yeah, I almost forget about it. Let's go play outside the palace." "Out of the palace?" "Yupe. It will be bored if I go out alone. So... why don't you go with me." 

The concubine thought about it for a while. She hadn't got out of the palace again since she got in here few years back then. Of course she would love to go out to the outside world. "Sure, why not? But how are we supposed to get out? I heard that all the people in the palace can't go out randomly. Especially the women." The concubine looked at the Queen  worriedly.

"Don't worry I already get a pass from that Kim Jong Kook." She told her friend proudly. "Ji Hyo ah, wouldn't his majesty be mad yu calling him like that?" She lookes at the Queen woriedly but the Queen laugh at her and tapping her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. This is not the first time I being disrespect to him anyway. It wouldn't be much different if I add a few more times." 

"Don't talk about this anymore. We better go now, if we want to play outside longer." The Queen suggested and so they both walked out of the palace without the King knew anything about it.

"Ji Hyi ah, thank you so much for early.“ The concubine looked at the Queen with a very thankful eyes. She had been requested for the Queen to accompany her back home visiting her mother early. After she had got in to the palace the only thing that she worried about was her mother. Her father had marry a second wife who always bully her mother. But after the Queen 'have a word' with both her father and her step mother early, she now relief because they would never to even touch her a bit now.

"What are you thanking me for? Did you didn't think me as a frined?" She pretend that she was really angry withe her. "But what kind of step mother you have there? How could she be that cruel to your mother?!!!" The concubine let out a sigh. "I also didn't know why did my father attracted to her." The Queen rolled her eyes at this. "All man are the same. Only one word can describe them, ert!!!" This was also why that Kim Jong Kook couldn't seen which was true and which was fake. He was so blind by that Lady Eun Hye of his.

"Really? But I think his majesty is quite nice to you. His majesty even give the 'as the King' pass. I heard only the late Great General that have it before." She teased the Queen when she saw the annoyed look on the Queen's face. "Nice my . I already lucky enough that he didn't listen to that Yoon Eun Hye to kick me out of the palace." The thought of that lady had always manage to fished her anger out.

"Ji Hyo ah, did you believe in first sight love?" The concubine suddenly asked the Queen. Even though the Queen was curious as why Da Hae suddenly asked her this, she answered her anyway. "I never believe about this kind if thing. To me all of these thing is too unrealistic." "I think you are right..." A pang of disappointed washed over her as she thought of the things that happened to her few years ago, before she got sent into the palace by her father.

"The sun will goed down soon, we better get back to the palace now. If that Kim Jong Koon catch me back late, who know what he will do to  me later." The Queen said as she looked up to the orange with a mixture of red coulour sky.

At the palace's front gate... "Your majesty..." The guards on the front gate knees doen to the floor as they saw the Queen approaching them. "Hi, you all can get up... I didn't get into a fight this time, so don't go reporting me to the King again." "Yes your majesty, we know our fault now." The Queen nodded her head satisfied at the guards. "Have dinner at my place tonight." Do you even know how bored it was to have every meals alone everyday?!!! The concubine agreed with her as she couldn't said no to the Queen's pouts face.

They had only took a few steps away from the front gate when they saw the King was walking towards them. Now, now... How would this Queen be that honest right? She quickly turned away, wanted to run away from there, hoping that the King didn't seen her. 'Where is Da Hae? Ahh, don't care about her now! If I was to be found by that Kim Jong Kook, I'll be death!' The Queen thought.

"Song Ji Hyo!!! You stay right there!!!" The King shout from behind her with a slight of anger in his voice. TT_TT Why does she always got caught by him?!!! This Mr Kim, what kind of magis does he have?!!! TT_TT 

"Hehehe... Oh Kim Jong Kook, such a coincidence..." The Queen turned to looked at the King with her smile and she only saw her that her friend that she was looking for was kneeling down on the floor. She looked guilty at the concubine. 

"Oh yes, such a coincidence we have here your majesty... May I ask if you are just about to get out or you just get back from outside." The King asked with a fake smile. "I..." The Queen scratched her head, didn't knew what she was supposed to said. She would got in to trouble no matter she said she was just about to go out nor she just got back from outside. Her eyes suddenly focused on the figured that stood behind the King. "Oh? Lee Dong Wook why are you here? Didn't you just go back not long ago?" She greets him happily.

The Prince asted if he was hurt by the Queen's words. "Why did you say it like? Are you not welcoming me?" "Nonsense! Of course I'm welcoming you? How could you said that?" She had never welcomed anyone like she was welcoming his at the moment. She fake out a smile. She still needed him as her shield from the King now for sake!

"Your majesty, I see that you are having a guest now. I will not bother you then, I'll leave now."  Being the good friend she was, she even forgot Da Hae who was still kneeling on the floor, and was about to run away by herself before she got called back by the King. "Stop right there! I still haven't finish yet, did you plan to run away like before again?" He angle his head down a little to looked at his Queen. He only realize now, how small and petite his Queen was compared him.

"Of course no your majesty. It is because I didn't want to bother you with your guest." The Queen unwillingly looked at the King. "Don't care about the guest first. I ask you, how many time is it already?" "Three times." and got caught by you each time. She didn't said the last part out. The King's anger had die down a little as he seen the Queen's honest's expression. "This is really the third time?" "Yes your majesty." She was answering him very politely but in her head, 'This stupid Kim Jong Kook! Did he doubting me?'

The King cares her hair gently. "Since you are being very honest today, which you didn't do everyday, I'll forgive you then." Even though he said it like that, but he knew it very well that even though he didn't forgave her, what could he do to her anyway?The Queen keep on bowing to the King when she heard this. "Thank you your majesty, thank you so much! You are the best King ever!" "That's enough. You keep on bowing like this, what if you faint later?" He gaze at her lovingly. 

The Queen had finally remembered about her fried that was still kneeling on the floor all this time. She quickly run over to her and helped her got up to her feet. "Da Hae ah, I'm so sorry. I almost forget about you." The concubine shook her head at the Queen with a smile. "It's okay." The King looked at the concubine with curiosity. "Who is this?" He asked. The Queen looked at him with an expression that full of disbelieve. "What? You didn't know her?!!!" How could he didn't recognize his own concubine?!!!

"Did I suppose to know her?" His curiosity increasing as he saw the Queen face that have a little anger in it. "She is your royal concubine for sake!!!" He didn't recognize her, that's meant he never knew the existence of Da Hae in this palace. Then that meant Da Hae would live her life in the palace with even being noticed?!!! The Queen let out a huge sighed. This was the life of the Concubine. Either you are being adore the most or not even being noticed by the King.

"Lady Lee Da Hae? Are you the Genereal Lee's daughter?" He suddenly remembered her now. He remembered that she was not that willing to got into the palace at that time, but he also never bother about it. But how did she became his concubine, that he didn't knew. "Yes Your majesty." The concubine bow the King and they suddenly heard a shout from the Prince.

"It's you!!!"The women that he had been searching for all this time, now had finally appeared before his eyes. The concubine turned her gaze to the source of the voice. "It's you!!!" The men that she had always be in her heart after all these year, now was standing in front of her.

Both the King and the Queen looked at them with a matching expression of full with interest and curiosity. "You two know each other?" They asked at the same time and an evil smile appeared on their face. Now that they knew it, how could they miss the chance to know about their story right?
Here is another update for you guys... Hope you all will like it... Thanks for reading and Happy Readding!!! ^^
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Acemix #1
Chapter 43: i love this story. its bring nostalgia.
Reread again cause i miss them so much!!
aibhara #2
Chapter 2: I enjoy reading this authornim..
its entertaining..
Acemix #3
look interesting
i gonna try read
ACemilly #4
its been long time!!
Love this story so much🔥🔥
Already 7 years 💜💜
Goodjob authornim
Chapter 43: LOVE this story so much!!
Chapter 43: Great stories come from a great author and this is one of them
It's great to see such a story (even though it's just fiction)
Greetings from 2021 Author-nim, would love to see you write another story like this
Stay safe, healthy and Be Happy
I'm reading this again after watching Mr. Queen. 😍
ccfncff #8
Chapter 43: Don't know how many times I reread this story
It's amazing, hope you will write a story again
Uuuuuue #9
Chapter 43: Season 2 Authornim~
Chapter 43: Future jk**