Chapter Twenty Four

She is my Queen!!!

Lady Yoo Eun Hye's palace... "Your majesty you have to come back faster okay? Eun Hye will be missing you..." The concubine said as she lay her head on the King's shoulder. The King looked at her with a smile. "Don't worry. I'll be coming home before you even realize that I had gone." A nanny came in at this moment, she secretly sent a signed to the concubine with her eyes. "Lady Eun Hye this is a nutritious soup that her majesty had asked to Royal's kitchen to cook for you." 

"The Queen?" The King let out a smile. He never thought that she would be that concerned about Lady Eun Hye. The concubine secretly let out an evil smile without the King noticed it. "Go thanks her majesty for me." She told the nanny. "Yes Lady Eun Hye." The bow her head to them before going out. The concubine eyed the black liquid in the bowl with a doubting expression before it quickly changed to determination. 'Sorry my child. Please forgive your mother.' She thought and drank the liquid that would kill the little life in her.

She was only drank half of it and the pain on her stomach was too much for her to bear with. She lay down on the bed trying to ease the pain away. 'Your majesty, the pain that I felt now, I'll make sure for you to pay twice of it.' She make a promised to herself. "Lady Eun Hye, are you okay? What's wrong? Go call for the imperial physician now!!!" He doesn't knew why, but when he saw the concubine laying on the bed with pain, he somehow felt like something bad was going to happened.

The concubine looked up to the King with her pale white face. "Your majesty, her majesty is so vicious..." "Ji Hyo is not that kind of person!" The King defend the Queen without even thought of it. "Your majesty, you see it with your own eyes. Eun Hye is not saying trying to put the blame on her!" The concubine yelled out at the top of her lungs. The King was overawed by what the concubine said. There must be a misunderstanding! "Guards! Go get the Queen here now!!!"

The imperial physician had gave some medicine to the concubine to ease her pain then he turned to the King with a worried face."Your majesty... Lady Eun Hye's pregnancy... can't be safe." "What?!!!" The King stood up from his chair. But before he could said anything, the concubine had interrupted them first. "Can you check to bowl of soup there?" She said weakly to the imperial physician. "Yes Lady Eun Hye." The imperial physician picked up the bowl and started examine it​. "The medicine!!!" What he had found in the bowl was taking him more than surpeise.

"What is it?" The King asked as he felt some uneasy feeling started to took over him when he saw the imperial physician's reaction. "This is a medical for abortion. The affect is too strong so they it has been band from being used anymore. How come it appeared in the palace now?!!!" The imperial physician answered the King with confusion. 

The Queen had came in that this moment. She felt her heart skip a beat when she saw the pale looking concubine laying weakly on the bed. "Your majesty, why are looking for me?" The King pointed at the bowl on the table. "Is it you who send this bowl of soup for Lady Eun Hye?" "What soup? I'm not that kind hearted to some what kind of soup for Lady Eun Hye here." Her upper lip curled in disdain.

The concubine let out a cold laugh. "Of course you are not a kind hearted person. This bowl of soup contained medicine for abortion!!!" "Medicine for abortion?" The Queen looked at her with disbelief. "Lady Eun Hye what had I did wrong to you? Why did you always accusing me for something I did not do?" "Accusing you? You are the one who told the nanny send this bowl of soup here. And you said I am accusing you?" "I told the nanny to send it here? Who is it?"The concubine turned to her personal nanny. "Go look for the nanny who had send that bowl of soup here." 

After a while the concubines' personal nanny came back with a nanny with her. The nanny how came with her knees down in front of the King as soon as they enter the room. "Please forgive me you majesty." She said between her cries and then turned to the Queen. "Your majesty you said you will save me before. Please save my life." The Queen's suddenly when blank, a stranger was kneeling in front of her asking her to saved her life. "Who are you?" She asked confused. "Your majesty how can you do this to me? You majesty you said that my job was only to send the soup here, and you will be responsible for all the things after that." The nanny said still crying hard.

After the Queen heard what the nanny said, she was now realize that all of this was a trap. She turned to the King, "I don't care you believe it or not. All I know is I did not send this nanny to send that bowl of soup here!" The King looked at her full of anger, he pointed to the nanny who was kneeling on the floor. "She already say it all clearly, how long do you still want to denied about it?!!!" "Kim Jong Kook! How long do you want to keep accusing me?!!!" The Queen felt that her anger had also rising. This was not the first time he had accusing her! 

"I'm accusing you? What do you meant to say? Are you saying that Lady Eun Hye asked the nanny to give her the medicine for abortion herself?!!!" The Queen stared at the King with a cold expression, trying hard to not let the tears in her eyes to fall down. She let out a cold laugh. "Since you already confirmed that I'm wrong, then please give me my punishment." he drop down on her knees as soon as she finished saying it.

"You!!!" The King was so furious by the Queen. "Guards!!! Imprisoned the Queen in the dungeon!!!" "Yes your majesty." The Queen took her arm off the guards grab. "I can walk by myself." She said coldly and walked out of the room. The tension when the Queen being took away was so heavy, no one had noticed the satisfied smile on the concubine's face.

The dungeon... Ji Min looked at the Queen with a deep frown. "Your majesty, I really felt unsatisfied for you. That Lady Eun Hye is so cruel, how could his majesty believe her?!!!" She pout at the Queen who was having a calm expression on her face. The Queen turned her head to looked at her personal nanny with a soft smile. "Forget about it. No matter what, between me and Lady Eun Hye, his majesty will always chose to believe her. There is no use even if we felt unsatisfied by it." She tapped the nanny's shoulder gently, tried to clamed her down.

"But your majesty..." The nanny still wanted to said something but was being interrupted by the Queen. "No but. And you, all you this have nothing to do with you, why did you want to come her with me?" "I want to take care of your majesty. Even if the King had put down a death charge on you, I will still want to go with you." She have no parents, and no family. The Queen had always been the closest person to her since she was small. No matter the old Queen nor the present Queen, they had always be kind to her. If the Queen die, then there was no meaning for her to keep on leaving in this world anymore.

"Such a touching scenery..." Lady Eun Hye walked in slowly with a satisfied smile. The Queen turned to looked at her with a cold smile. "You didn't stay in your room to recovered just to visit me here in the dungeon?" "Open the cell door." The concubine order the guard. "Your majesty why don't you come out here and we have a little talk." The concubine said as she sat on the table that are used for the visitors which was placed only few steps away from the cell. 

"Sure, why not. You had goes all the way here to visit me, how can I say no right?" The Queen took a sit in front of the concubine. The concubine let out a few cold laugh. "Thanks to your majesty, his majesty had double his love for me now." "Of really? It's good then." The Queen said without much expression on her face. "Your majesty, do you know what I was thinking when my child slowly turning into that poll of blood?" 

The Queen let out a cold smile. "How could I know what you were thinking?" The concubine expression suddenly turned into hideous. She closed the gap between them. "I promised to myself that I'll make sure to have you pay me back twice of all the hurt that I felt at that time." When the Queen heard this, she have the guess that the concubine came to took her revenge then? "So how do Lady Eun Hye plan to make me pay for it?" 

The concubine let out a scary smile. "You want to know?" She stood up from the chair. "Guards! Tied up the Queen and hit her hard!" "You dare to touch her majesty?!!!" Ji Min who was sitting silently in the cell suddenly shout. "What if I say yes? Hit her hard!!!" After few hit on the Queen with the hard wood, even though the Queen didn't make a sound or even show out her pain, but still, the nanny couldn't stand it anymore. She rushed to the concubine and knees down by her legs. "Please Lady Eun Hye... Let go of her majesty. You can hit me if you want, please not hit her majesty. I beg you Lady Eun Hye..." She said as she vigorously bows her head over and over to her.

"Go away!!!" The concubine kicked away the nanny with her foot. "Please Lady Eun Hye, I beg you..." The nanny keep on pleading the  concubine. "Ji Min ah, don't plead to her. I don't believe that she will dare to take my life." She looked at the concubine with a cold smile, a little blood stain came out from the side of her lips. "Good. No wonder you are the Queen." The concubine said as she heard the Queen told the nanny not to beg her. "Keep on hitting her! Don't stop until I say so!" The two guards that got the order from the concubine started to hit on the Queen non-stop with two hard wooden stick. 

"Your majesty..." The nanny called out helplessly as she saw wounds and cuts formed all over the Queen's body. "Ji... Ji Min ah, I fine, don't... don't cry." She tried to hold back the pain as she comfort the nanny who was crying her heart out on the dirty floor beside her. The concubine anger rising up as she saw the Queen was still being strong. "Hit harder!!!" 

The King's reading room... The King was having a depressed expression and a deep frown on his face, staring at the document in front of him while his mind was somewhere else. "Your majesty, have your meal first..." Minister Ji looked at the King who had loss weight because of the Queen and Lady Eun Hye case with pity.The King suddenly looked up to the minister. "Minister Ji, you had been seeing me grown up even before I become the King yet, you had always be the one that  know my thought the best." "Your majesty, you are worry about her majesty?" The minister took his guess without even have to thought about it.

The King nodded his head honestly. "Did you think that I had wrong her?" The minister stared at the King for a while before answering. "Your majesty, since you are asking me about this, then can I just say my thought out?" "Please do so..." "If it was before the Queen had loss the memory, I maybe will believe that she is the one planning all of this. But if it was the present Queen, I will not believe it no matter what!!!" He said unconsciously had let out a little bit of his anger. 

The King stood up from the chair with a sighed. "I also didn't believe it. But the nanny had said it so clear. She was only a small nanny, if she didn't got any order, how would she dare to touch a royal concubine who was pregnant with the King's child?" "You are right your majesty. But did you ever think, if her majesty was the one who had sent the bowl of medicine to Lady Eun Hye, would she be that stupid to used her own name to sent it?" The minister told the King the thought that had been bothering him since the past few days.

The King had only realize it now that the minister had told him about it. "I was so blind by anger the other day. I didn't even thought of this possibility." "Your majesty, why don't you go look for her majesty, and ask her about it?" "I'll go now." The King said and left for the dungeon.

The dungeon... "Lady Eun Hye, please I beg you, don't hit her majesty anymore. Her majesty will loss her life if you keep on hitting her any longer." Even though the Queen said not to plead her, but the nanny really couldn't just sat there, watching the Queen in pain. "His majesty has arrived..." The guards at the front gate announce. 

The King felt anger started to took over him as he saw the guards was hitting the Queen on the floor when he came in. "All of you, stop now!!!" All the guards knees down and the concubine also had loss her evilness from early. "Eun Hye meet the King." She bow quickly. "Lady Eun Hye, since when did I allow you to touch the Queen?" He couldn't help but fely like his heart was being by a knife as he saw the Queen's limp body on the floor. 

This was the first time the King had ever got mad at the concubine. Her hate for the Queen just increased because of this. She fake out a sad expression. "Your majesty, she kill my child!!! Can I even let out my anger at her? Can all the wounds on her body are more hurt than the pain that I felt in my heart?!!!" "That is enough! Go back to your palace now!" "Yes your majesty." Seeing the King was so angry, the concubine didn't have a choice but to do as he said, But no before she throw the Queen with a cold smile first.

"Your majesty are you okay?" Ji Min help the Queen to got up carefully. "I'm fine. Only a few cuts and wounds. I still wouldn't die, don't worry." She make a joke to clamed the nanny down while trying hard to hold on all the pain. The King walked over to the Queen with a pity look, he carefully took hold of the Queen arm. "Ji Hyo ah, let me have a look." But he was quickly being pushed away coldly by the Queen. "I don't need any sympathy from your majesty."

"Ji Hyo ah..." The King was about to said something but the Queen had interrupted him. "It is very merry in the dungeon today. First it is Lady Eun Hye and now the King. Did your majesty also come to take revenge for you death unborn child?" She looked at the King ironic. No one would knew the hurt she felt in her heart at that time. "Get Loss!!!" The Queen suddenly said to the King with a very cold voice. "What did you say?" The King was doubting if he had heard her wrong. "I said... GET... LOSS!!!" 

The King felt his anger rising at the Queen disrespected. "Song Ji Hyo how dare you to day like that to me?!!!" He was the King after all. The Queen slowly hard drag her limp body back into the cell. "I'm not sending your majesty..." The King angry King turned and walked away without even have another glance back. The minister looked at the Queen worried. "Your majesty do you know what you just done. His majesty come her to see you,, why did you make him anger?" "I have to trouble minister Ji to thank his majesty then." The Queen said not really mind about it.

Lady Yoon Eun Hye's palace... "What did you say?!!!" A shout from the concubine was heard. "Lady Eun Hye the affect of the medicine that you had drank before is too strong. It had ruined your ovary. You can never get pregnant again." The imperial physician explained to the furious concubine. She sat on the bed with a pale face. "You can go now." "Thank you Lady Eun Hye." The imperial physician picked up his medical box before goes out. 

Her personal nanny rushed to the concubine side and knees down when the imperial physician had left. "Lady Eun Hye, it was all my fault. I didn't asked for the medicine description first before gave it to you." "What the use of saying it now?!!!" She yelled at the nanny. "Why is it that I still can't get loss of her even though I have use the life of my own child? I even can't get pregnant anymore in my whole life just because of her!!!" 

"Yoon Eun Hye!!! How dare you !!!" The King came in with a very dangerous look in his eyes. "Your... Your majesty..." "Yoon Eun Hye, I never thought that you are this kind of person. How could you use my for you to accused Ji Hyo for things that she hadn't done?!!!"  He was so disappointed at her. He had always adore her, how could she do such a cruel thing to him?

The concubine dropped on her knees on the floor. "Your majesty, please hear my explanation first." She plead. "You kill your own child, what else you have to say about it? I never thought that you can be this cruel. You accused Ji Hyo twice and I chose to believe you both time. What did you thought of me?!!!" A hard slap reached on the concubine's face as he finally couldn't controlled his anger anymore. 

The concubine knees on the floor with her head bow down on it too. "Eun Hye know my fault already... Your majesty please forgive me..." She beg while crying her heart out. "You know your fault? Why didn't you know it when you are hitting Ji Hyo early?" "Eun Hye... Eun Hye..." She was at the loss of words now. Her mind went blank, didn't knew what she supposed to said anymore. "I wouldn't put a death charge on you based on you have been on my side for a very long time. Pack all your things now and left the palace before the sun rise tomorrow. I don't ever want to see your face anymore." And he was out leaving the concubine crying out his name alone there.

The dungeon... "Your majesty, did your wounds still hurt?" The nanny who had been loyal at her side asked worriedly. "Don't worry, it was only a few cuts, I still can take it." She let out a reassuring smile. "Your majesty, why did you always act strong? Can you be even a little bit weak in front of his majesty?" "Weak?" She let out a smile. "Do you think I can do that?" The nanny looked at the Queen, unsatisfied. "Your majesty, how can you still make a joke at a time like this?" "If I don't laugh, what should I do then? Do I have to cry instead?" "Your majesty, you really have a very strong heart. I really can't figured out how can you even let out a smile after all of this."

The Queen smile a little. "Actually it is quite nice here. At least I don't have to faced all those people who only know to hurt me every time." She finally couldn't hold back her emotions anymore and let out the things in her heart burst out. "How could he do this to me? Twice! That lady accusing me twice, and he chose to believe her both time. Even though I'm bad, not being respectful to him, rude to him, a troublemaker, but still, I will not took someone life!!! How could he do this to me?!!!" The could only listen to her silently while tapping her back gently. 'Her majesty finally get her emotion out.' The nanny thought relived. The Queen had always be a very cheerful, positive and strong person. She would never let her weaknesses be seen by anyone. 

"Ji Min ah, you be the witnesses, I will never ever shed a tear because of that Kim Jong Kook again in my whole life!" The Queen said between her cries. 

"Ji Hyo ah..." The King was standing outside the cell with a pity and guilty look, staring at the crying Queen. The Queen quickly stop her cries and wipe off her tears as she heard the King. "Did my death time had arrive your majesty?" "Open the cell door." "Yes your majesty." The King walked into the small cold cell after the guards had open the door. "You can get out first, I have something to talk with Ji Hyo." He told the nanny.

After the nanny had gone, the Queen turned to looked at the King with a cold smile. "Why did you tell all the people to get out? Do you plan on killing me silently?" The King sat down beside her, hugging her tightly in his embrace. "Ji Hyo ah, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." The Queen hold back her urge to cry and pushed the King away. "Sorry? Is it a word that a King should be saying?" "I have know about all of it. I know that Lady Eun Hye was the one that had been accusing you." He was  so regret it that he hadn't chose to believe he both of the time.

"Oh? Then that's meant I still can live for a few years then?" The Queen said with a cold smile. She suddenly felt like she was so pity, so poor. She couldn't even guarantee​ about her own life! "Ji Hyo ah, please don't be like this..." He was kind of pleading her. He hate to seen her being this cold, this emotionless. He would rather if she just being mad, anger or even yelled at him than he being cold like this.

"Sure..." The Queen slowly walked out of the cell. "Since I'm not the one causing the death of your child, then i'll take my leave now." She walked away without even waited for the King's respond. "Ji Hyo ah..." He manage to caught up with her when she was about to got out of the dungeon. He put down his image as the King. "Ji Hyo ah, I know I'm wrong. Can you please forgive me?" He plead her.

The Queen felt a grip in her heart as she saw the King's pleading her. How she was attempt to pulled him in a hug and said it was okay. That they are fine now. She would forgive him. But she couldn't. She just couldn't do that. She took in a deep breath. "Your majesty, I'm not mad at you nor that I'm being angry at you. I'm just tired about all of these things. You want me to forgive you, I will if you promise me something," "I'll promise everything you say." The King said quickly as he saw some hope coming his way. But his hope was cruelly crushed a second after that. 

"Take off the Queen throne from me. Let me be free at the outside." The Queen said with a calm expression.


Here is the update I had promised..hehehe.. This is a little but longer than usual. I kindda have mood to write today..hahaha.. Hope you all will like it... Happy Reading!!! ^^

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Acemix #1
Chapter 43: i love this story. its bring nostalgia.
Reread again cause i miss them so much!!
aibhara #2
Chapter 2: I enjoy reading this authornim..
its entertaining..
Acemix #3
look interesting
i gonna try read
ACemilly #4
its been long time!!
Love this story so much🔥🔥
Already 7 years 💜💜
Goodjob authornim
Chapter 43: LOVE this story so much!!
Chapter 43: Great stories come from a great author and this is one of them
It's great to see such a story (even though it's just fiction)
Greetings from 2021 Author-nim, would love to see you write another story like this
Stay safe, healthy and Be Happy
I'm reading this again after watching Mr. Queen. 😍
ccfncff #8
Chapter 43: Don't know how many times I reread this story
It's amazing, hope you will write a story again
Uuuuuue #9
Chapter 43: Season 2 Authornim~
Chapter 43: Future jk**