Chapter Six-teen

She is my Queen!!!

As she followed on the minister back, she couldn't but had a premonition of imminent disaster. "Minister Ji... Did you know why Kim Jong Kook call me to his reading room?" She wanted make preparation for it. The minister looked at her with worried and pity. They didn't even got shock by her way of adressing the King anymore. "They guards at the front gate reported to the King that you are having a fight outside, so his majesty want you to admit what you have done to him personally." "What?!!!" Those ungrateful guard! How could they turned their back on her?!!!

"Your majesty, we have reached the reading room. His majesty is waiting for you inside." The minister looked at her with the expression like he was sending her to the hell door. She looked at the door that lead to the reading room worriedly, gulping a huge amount of saliva. "Minister Ji... Can I not go in?" But "Why don't you go ask his majesty your majesty?" Was all she got as a replied. "Arhhh!!! Fine!!! I don't care if I 'll die anymore!" She said and stepped in to the room.

When she walked in, she saw the King was sitting in front of his desk working on the paper works. She bow down her head in depression. 'Why am I that unlucky? Always being caught by him every time I go out without his permission.' She thought.

The King put down the paper in his hand while still tried to controlled his anger. "Song Ji Hyo, do you have something to tell me?" The Queen honestly nodded her head. "Yes I do your majesty." "Good. Then I'll listen to what you want to say." He gritted his teeth, still controlling his anger. The Queen sneak a glance at the King, a little uncertain how she should said. "Kim Jong Kook, I think you have a very good capabilities. I only sneak out two times but you manage to caught me every time time I sneak out. It will be very useful if we are to have a war someday, you can use it to track down enemies." Her voice getting smaller and smaller as she saw the King face became darker.

"Song Ji Hyo!!!" He couldn't hold back his anger anymore. "Can you not take what I said just as the wind that pass your ears?" "Yes your majesty. I know my mistake, I won't do it anymore." She said with her head bow down. "You? Who would believe that?" Who would believe that this troublemaker Queen wouldn't do caused trouble again? "Yah Kim Jong Kook I said I already know that I'm wrong. Can you not yell at me anymore?!!!" She covered her ears that was hurting by the King's sharp voice. 'No wonder he is the King. He was never be tired of getting angry at people.' She thought annoyed.

"Does it felt  good to fight?" "Yes, of course. Ahh... No. I meant no your majesty." She shook her head vigorously. Seeing that the King was very angry at her, she was really worried for the little life of her at the time. The King also didn't know how he was supposed to reacted to the Queen that was putting out her 'pity', 'poor', 'honest', 'sad'  all kind of expressions that she could thought of at the time to make the King not be angry with her.

At this moment, a guard came in. "Your majesty, Lady Yoon Eun Hye ask to meet you." "Lady Eun Hye?" The King face furious face became soften. "Let her in." 'Lady Eun Hye? I heard Ji Min said that this person is this body owner biggest rival before. I wonder how she looks like...' The Queen looked at the door, full of curiosity. A petite women walked in with her graceful steps. She was really beautiful indeed. 'No wonder this ert King will fall for her.' She thought annoyed. 

"Your majesty..." She walked towards the King with a soft smile, holding a bowl in her hand. "Lady Eun Hye what has make you come?" The King smile at her with his gentle smile. 'Lady Eun Hye is still better than that troublemaker.' He thought and took a glance at the Queen who was looking very annoyed at that time. Yoon Eun Hye also looked at the Queen curious, when she saw the King looked at her. "Your majesty, Eun Hye know that your majesty had been busy all this time, so Eun Hye decided to personally braise some bird's nest for your majesty." The King looked at the concubine softly, holding her by her waist. "You still the one that cared for me the most."

When the Queen saw the two being all lovey dovey there, she really felt like throwing up all the delicious foods that she had eat early. 'He face was all black when he mad at me early and now? His lips is almost throne up by his big smile. ERT!!!' She yelled in her head. 'Since he was being all lovey dovey with his favorite concubine here, he wouldn't realize it even if I left right?' The thought suddenly came into her. She looked at the King and slowly, carefully walked out the door. 'Please don't notice me. please don't notice me. Didn't see me. Didn't see me...' She keep repeating it in her head like a mantra.

"Stop right there." She was just about to step out of the room when the King called her back. 'Damn it! How could she failed to escape? She turned and looked at the King with an awkward​ smile. "You have a very good eyesight your majesty." He asked her to came closer by his hand. "Why? Do you want to escape before I finish again?" He asked her with a smile.

The Queen let out a dry laugh. "No I'm not your majesty. I was only thinking to let you finish drink that bowl bird's nest first before you continue to be angry at me. Just incase you will get a sore throat from all the yelling. Hehehe..." She mentally let out a sighed. 'Saying a good word to someone without having the heart to do it is so hard!!!' She thought.

"Oh? Such a miracle. Since when did you start to worried about me?" The King asked. He was so caught in his conversation with the Queen that he didn't even noticed the curiosity that had form in his favorite concubine's head. "I had always always cared about you." She acted as if she was hurt by the King's word. The King laughed at her expression, the anger that he have for her early had completely gone. He raised a hand and touched the cut on her face. "Does it still hurt?" He asked her softly, worried was obvious in his eyes. 

The Queen was a little taken aback by the King act. She when blank for a while before she answered him. "No... no. Those stupid gangsters, they better pray that they will not meet me again in the future. Or I'll hit them until their own parents also will not recognize them." The King knocked her head with his knuckles. "What do you meant in the future? Still have next time?" She massaged her head to ease the pain. "Your majesty! It's hurt!!!" She told him, unsatisfied with what he just did. "Why would I hit you if it didn't hurt?"

Yoon Eun Hye looked at the King and Queen with unsatisfied eyes. She didn't know who was that women, why does she seems very close with the King? But she was close with the King, then she had officially became her enemy. She hold back the envy felt in her heart and forced out a smile. "Your majesty who is this?" The King only remembered at that moment that Yoon Eun Hye never meet the Queen after she had lost her memory yet. He let out a laugh. "Take a guess." "Eun Hye have to guess?" She asked the King and he nodded his head.

She started to inspect the Queen from head to toes, from toes back up to her head again for a few times, but still couldn't figured out who was she. She only knew that the women looked familiar but she wouldn't figured out who was she. The Queen felt a little awkward being stared by her for a very long time. 'Did she look at me as an aliens? How could she didn't recognize her own rival?' She thought, But she could told that this women dislike her, no hate her so much.

The Queen finally couldn't stand being inspected by this women anymore. "You don't have to guess anymore Lady Eun Hye. I am Song Ji Hyo." The concubine's eyes grew bigger to what she just heard. She looked at the Queen with disbelief. "Your... Your majesty?" The Queen nodded her head at her and turned to the King. "Kim Jong Kook you... you must be have a lots of thing need to talk with Lady Eun Hye. So I better take my leave now, see you next time." Then she turned around and walked out of the door, didn't even waited for the King's respond. At that moment, she would rather die than have to stayed there, watching them being all lovey dovey.

"Ji Hyo ah, Song Ji Hyo." He called for her but the Queen didn't heard it. Disappointed was was obvious in his face and the concubine saw it all in her eyes. Anger had came to her as she saw this, she would never let anyone replaced her position in the King's heart! "Your majesty, then Eun Hye will also leave now." But to her much disappointment the King only nodded his head at her. He didn't even said anything to her! 

She left the King's reading room with anger and disappointment. 'I have to make the Queen out of the picture fast.' She thought.


"Ji Min ah!!!" The nanny rolled her eyes as she heard the Queen calling for her again. Ever since the King had took back her 'pass' the other day, the Queen had been like this, calling her without reason everyday.She walked to the Queen with a helpless smile. "Yes your majesty? Do you have any order for me?" She asked even though she already knew the Queen wouldn't have any.

"Ji Min ah, you tell me, how could Kim Jong Kook be that evil?!!! Why did he took back my pass? How could he took back a thing that he already gave to someone else?!!!" The nanny has counted it, this is the one hundred and one, no two times that the Queen had asked her the same question. "Your majesty, please don't be like this. Actually there are also fun things we can do in the palace. Why don't yor majesty think of something. I'll find some people to play with us?" The nanny tried to coax her Queen.

The Queen looked up at the nanny and blinked her eyes rapidly. " Fine then. Why don't you suggest some?" The nanny thought for a while. "We can fly the kite." "Not interested. Next!" "We can also play the kicking ball game?" "You guys are too bad at it, not fun at all. Next!" "Catch the butterflies?" The Queen rolled her eyes at her. "Then why don't we go catch the bees? Only you can think of something as bored as catching the butterflies." 

The nanny looked at the Queen felling much devastated. "Your majesty, I really can't think so anything else anymore. Please forgive me..." She let out a sighed. Why was it so hard to find something fun for the Queen?!!! "What exactly I should do to prevent me from die of boredom?!!" She yelled, depressed. Something came up in her head. 'Cricket fight? Oh? This is fun. But where can I catch it? That the back yard! Right. Hehehe...' She was having  a short Q&A with herself in her head.

"Ji Min ah! Let's go catch crickets at the back yard!" She pulled her nanny with her as she run to the her palace back yard. 'The Queen does have a unique idea.' The nanny though, three lines appeared at the side of her head. And so two women figured appeared at the back yard... Catching crickets...

"Your majesty!" Everyone knees down to the floor as they saw the King. "Where is the Queen?" 'That little troublemaker must have been bored out of her mind after I had took back her pass.' He thought. The nannies looked at the King, not sure if they should said it or not. "Her majesty... her majesty is at the back yard your majesty." When the King saw the nannies scared expression, 'It can't be that she was making some trouble again right?' He thought.

"At the back yard?" "Yes your majesty. Her majesty is at the back yard catching crickets." "Catching crickets?" The King laugh to himself. "It seems like I really ha bored her to death." He said as he walked to the Queen's palace back yard.

At the back yard... "Yeah!!! I catch it!!!" When the King reached the back yard, the first thing came into his eyes was the figured of the Queen, crouching at the ground, her face that covered with some dirt full with excitement, while holding a cricket in her hand. "You know who is better now aren't you? You can never run from me. Hahaha..." She said proudly. She turned around and saw the King was looking at her with a huge smile on his face. She rolled her eyes at him annoyed. "What are you smiling at? Want to show your white teeth?"

The King let out a laugh when he saw the Queen's expression. "I have something to discussed​ with you." "If it is not about you want to give me back my pass, then I have nothing to talk with you." 'I wouldn't forgive you that easily this time.' She thought and turned around, resuming her crickets game, ignoring the King. When the King saw her resuming her little game and ignoring but not as happy as she was before, he walked to her side at cares her hair. "Why do you like to sulk so much?"

The Queen her hand activities and glared at the King. "Who is the one that like to sulk actually? You took back the pass you had gave me just because I didn't informed you first that I' going out!" The King laugh at her and sat on the tree branches not far from where she was crouching. "It is not impossible if you want your pass back. But..." The Queen rolled her eyes annoyed at him. "I knew there will be rule." "Can you let me finish first?" The acted as if he was angry. "Fine, fine, fine. Go on, continue." 

The Queen looked excitedly at the King after she heard what the King had told her. "Really? You wouldn't take it back again forever?" "I promised." The King nodded his head. The Queen pout her lips upward. "I lost count of how many time already that you had broke your promise with me. And now you said you promise with me?!!!" The King smile and knocked her head softly. "You really like to hold a grudge​ don't you?" 

"No. We have to write it down so you will not turn on your own word again later. Ji Min ah, fetch a a writing brush, the ink and a piece of paper. " She asked her nanny and the King could only shook his head at her. When they had finished wrote it down on the paper with both her's and his's signature on it, she lift up the paper looking at it happily. "Yeah!!! My beloved pass wait for me, I'll come get you soon." She said excitedly. 

And she suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah Kim Jong Kook, the prince that you told me about, is he handsome?" 'I hope he'll be a good looking guy so I'll have the mood to make my performance at the best level.' She thought happily. 

The King looked at her, unsatisfied. "What does it have anything to do with you?" 'What kind of women is this? Her own husband is right in front of her eyes and still think about other guy?' The King thought with some discomfort in his heart. "Can I even asked about it?" The Queen asked still didn't know that she would die if she continues to asked any longer. "NO!!!" The King yelled.


Here is a new update... I hope you guys will like it.. Happy Reading!!! ^^

As for tomorrow chapter, a prince from other country will come and he want to take the Queen back with him since he like her performance so much. He didn't know that she was actually the Queen.

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Acemix #1
Chapter 43: i love this story. its bring nostalgia.
Reread again cause i miss them so much!!
aibhara #2
Chapter 2: I enjoy reading this authornim..
its entertaining..
Acemix #3
look interesting
i gonna try read
ACemilly #4
its been long time!!
Love this story so much🔥🔥
Already 7 years 💜💜
Goodjob authornim
Chapter 43: LOVE this story so much!!
Chapter 43: Great stories come from a great author and this is one of them
It's great to see such a story (even though it's just fiction)
Greetings from 2021 Author-nim, would love to see you write another story like this
Stay safe, healthy and Be Happy
I'm reading this again after watching Mr. Queen. 😍
ccfncff #8
Chapter 43: Don't know how many times I reread this story
It's amazing, hope you will write a story again
Uuuuuue #9
Chapter 43: Season 2 Authornim~
Chapter 43: Future jk**