Chapter 15

Refuse To Lose

“Where are my god damn shoes?”

Frantic and hasty, Yoona wandered around her room searching for precious items in the dark. It was quite a struggle trying to see, seeing as the sunrise had barely made it past her window. Even worse, her mistress was still asleep and the thought of waking her up so early in the morning was not something she’d want to do.

She tiptoed across the floor, keeping an eye on Yuri before looking through her closet.

“Ah-ha! Found you!”

Obviously underestimating her height, Yoona’s head decided to knock the top of the closet door frame, making the loudest noise known to human kind.

“.” She muttered under her breath, falling backwards onto her . Behind her, she heard the bed shuffle.

Please don’t be awake. Please don’t be awake. Please don’t be awake.


God dammit.

“Yoona? Where are y-”

“I’m here. I’m right here.”

She popped her head up over the bed, giving Yuri a cheeky smile. “Did I wake you? I didn’t mean to.”

Yuri rubbed her eyes the same way she did the last time they shared a bed together. It was a good thing Yoona was already fully dressed by the time her head chose to wake her own girlfriend up, otherwise…things would’ve happened.

Yoona stood and sat herself onto the edge of her bed. Surprisingly, like, really really surprising Yoona, Yuri had come up behind her, sitting cross-legged right up against her back and resting her head onto the younger’s nape.

It almost jolted her out of her senses.

“Why are you up so early?” Her voice hoarse from the lack of use.

“It’s not really early.”

Yuri turned her head to look at the alarm clock sitting upon the bedside table. It read:


“Yoona, this is early. Especially for a weekend morning.” Yuri whined. “Come back to bed with me.”

Goodness. Who is this chick? She sounds like one of my one night stands.

“I’d love to,” I’d never say that after a one night stand. “But this is my morning routine.”

“Your what?”

Yoona chuckled. They still had a lot of things to get to know about each other. And the younger promised there was going to be a lot of time to do so. Maybe, longer than she had thought. She stood, turning to hold the sides of Yuri’s face, smoothing her thumbs over the once prominent bruises.

“My morning routine. I’m an exercise nut and I have to go exercise. If I miss it, I’ll feel like crap the whole day.”

Yuri frowned. “Why does it start so early? Do you know what type of people lurk around at this time?”

“Oh please.” Yoona made distance between them, giving Yuri a clear view of the younger. “Do you think anyone would want to mess with this?” And then, out of nowhere, Yoona started flexing her arms, showing off her skinny figure.

Yuri would’ve been awkwardly if it weren’t for the fact that literally nothing about Yoona turns her on. The girl looked too skinny for her age and made Yuri wonder how she was stronger than half the male football team. Watching her flex was…a comedy.

She burst out laughing, causing Yoona to gradually stop her gun show.

“Why are you laughing? I’m being completely serious.” Yuri could tell the younger was offended.

“Serious about what? Those twigs?”

“Oh, you don’t think I’m strong, huh?” Yoona challenged, determination apparent in her eyes.

“Wait, I never said tha-”

“You don’t think I can pin you down right now?”

With each word, Yoona took steps closer towards the bed, trying to get nearer to Yuri. As for the other girl, she was doing the exact opposite, scooting further away from the edge. The younger had a sly smirk plastered on her face.

“Yoong, don’t you dare. It’s too early in the morning and I’m still a little sleepy and I-”

“Should’ve thought of that, huh?”

And before Yuri could even escape, Yoona had her pinned, her hands preventing Yuri’s from moving as Yoona kissed every inch of the older girl’s face.

“Heeeey! Yooong!”

“Shh. My parents are still asleep.” She mumbled against the soft skin beneath her lips.

“Then get off me, you idiot!”

Yoona snickered and stared into her girlfriend’s eyes with that smirk still on her face. “Admit it. I’m stronger.”

“Okaaay fine. You’re stronger.”

“And I am not a twig.”

“You’re not a twig…”

“And I’m the best girlfriend you’ll ever have.”


Yoona laughed before giving a final kiss to Yuri’s lips. She was about to get off, realising she’d just used up 15 minutes of her morning routine. She could already tell it was going to be a bad day, and she could already tell she was going to lose 5 minutes more when her girlfriend wouldn’t unwrap her arms around her neck.

“You told me to get off you, but you’re not letting me go. Why are you so indecisive?” She smiled.

“I meant ‘stop restricting me but also, stay.’”

“Dude, I need to go.”

Dude. You don’t need to go. It’s too early and it’s too dangerous.”

Yoona frowned. “You scared I’m going to get beaten up or something?”

Yuri nodded.

The younger caressed her invisible beard before thinking up an idea, as if a light bulb lit up above her head. “Are you still tired?”

“Not really.”

“Okay then.” When Yuri least expected it, Yoona had slipped out of her arms, making her way to the closet. She grabbed a pair of shoes and handed it to Yuri, the other girl giving her a confused look.

“What is this?”

“Uhm, shoes?”

“For what?”

“You’re coming with me.” Yoona didn’t spare a single glance. She grabbed the soccer ball beneath her bed and made her way to the door. “I’ll wait for you outside.” And she left.

Yuri just sat, staring at the shoes in her hands. She turned it here and there, inspecting it as if she didn’t have any idea what it was. She sighed.

I never said I wanted to go.


Yoona laughed as she watched her girlfriend miserably fail to kick the ball between the goal post. She knew she’d be offended by her mockery, but it was just too hilarious. The older girl had probably fallen on her for the 7th time now and the fact that Yoona even let her attempt to shoot a goal proved the point that Yuri was actually crap at football.

The latter sent a deadly glare as she struggled to stand from her fall.

“I’ll be completely honest. I’d miss Christmas just to see you play soccer. No lie.”

“I have a disadvantage! Your clothes are more comfortable to move in.”

“Hey. It’s not my fault you’ll die at the slightest breeze.” Yoona reached down and took the ball. “Watch the real pro.” Yuri observed from the side with her arms crossed, scowling at how extra cocky Yoona was being.

Soccer can really change her.

At an attempt to impress her girlfriend, Yoona took a shot at the goal, only to have it hit the goal post and bounce back further down to the other side of the field.

Well, that didn’t go as planned.

Next minute, Yuri was literally on the floor, clutching at her stomach. Her face was turning red with how much she was laughing.

“S-stop laughing! I swear I’m good at it! I’m a striker!”

“Well you’re striking all the wrong places!” Yuri wiped a fallen tear from her eye and stood, dusting off her jacket. She found the scowl Yoona was giving her cute rather than intimidating. “Come here, you big baby.”

Yoona walked over to have her collar gripped and her lips kissed. They’ve only ever been doing pecks, quite to Yoona’s displeasure. So the moment she felt Yuri’s tongue swipe against her lower lip, she was more than happy to part them.

Yuri gripped Yoona’s collar even tighter as the younger pushed their bodies against each other, her arms wrapped tightly around Yuri’s waist.

God this is so much better than I had imagined…

“Good morning, Yoona!” Too soon, the younger had quickly parted, slipping her tongue back into her own mouth and pulling Yuri’s hands away, taking a few steps back to keep distance. The look on Yuri’s face didn’t do her any good. She turned to who called her name, and smiled at the lady walking on the side walk.

“Good morning, ma’am! I hope you have a good day!” She waved her arm in the air, making the woman laugh. The lady had then left with a smile. Yoona snickered before turning to her girlfriend, only receiving a lethal glare.


Yuri sighed in annoyance and started making her way off the field.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Yoona caught up to her with the ball under her arm. “We’re not done.”

“I am. I’m getting too cold.” She didn’t even look at Yoona, knowing if she did, she’d only be questioning herself even more. She strode along the path with her girlfriend following a few steps behind.

You’re such an idiot, Im Yoona.

Making their way back to the younger’s house, Yuri went straight upstairs, ignoring Yoona completely. She frowned and was about to make her way up too, but thought twice about it. Instead, she wandered to the kitchen, making a hot chocolate and lit the fireplace. She grabbed a blanket and quietly approached Yuri from behind.

The older girl was packing her bag, obviously wanting to leave sooner than later. But do you think Yoona would let that happen?

Softly, she wrapped the blanket around Yuri’s small frame, hugging her with it. She attempted to pull her out of the room.

“Yoona…” Yuri attempted to pry her arms away.

“Come downstairs.”

Too exhausted to really retort, Yuri let herself be dragged in front of the fireplace. And then, Yuri had realised what Yoona was trying to do. Not once had the younger uttered ‘I’m sorry’ to apologise. Not once had she even said anything to imply she was guilty. Because by her actions, Yuri knew how she felt.

Yoona was saying sorry with what she did instead of the words that escaped . And even though Yuri still found it frustrating every time her own girlfriend didn’t like being seen with her in public, she knew if Yoona kept this up, she’d never be able to stay mad at the younger.

“I made you hot chocolate.” Yoona carefully handed over the cup before sitting right beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “I know you can be cold sometimes, and I know I can be cold sometimes in a whole different context, but I like holding you and calling you mine. Please remember that.”

Yoona kissed her girlfriend’s jaw before pulling her back and planting a kiss on her lips. “Show me that you forgive me.”

After slight hesitation and much contemplation, Yuri did. She turned her head and kissed Yoona harder than she ever did. Her hand made its way to the younger’s cheek, caressing it softly with her thumb. Yoona found them both smiling into the kiss, and enduring it longer than they had thought.

She pulled her closer as if they couldn’t be anymore, making Yoona laugh. They enjoyed these moments when it was just them. When they were alone with each other.

Or so they thought.

Little did they know, two figures stood at the stairs, watching them.

“I saw them cuddling last night. I told you.” One whispered as his hand stuck out, waiting for something.

“Great.” Mrs Im handed over her money. “This is the last time I’m making bets with you.”


The locker rooms were probably the worst place to be, depending on who you were. If you played regular sports, then you had it bad. If you were a fan of these people who played regular sports and if you were sneaky enough, you’d be able to catch a few of them bare torso and all. Who doesn’t love a little eye candy?

“This is actually surprising. Your 3rd time sharing a bed and you still haven’t screwed. Amazing. Props to you.”

Yoona slapped her friend over the head. “I swear to god, you need to learn to keep your voice down. The whole team’s in here.” She swiftly took off her soccer jersey, leaving Yoona in her sports bra, toned stomach exposed. Sooyoung did the same. Although her abs weren’t as noticeable as Yoona’s, she still had them, shockingly.

Grabbing some clothes from her bag, Yoona changed, dismissing the fact that Sooyoung was still shirtless.

“You know, if you showed Yuri your body, she probably wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off you.”

Yoona scoffed. “Is this your way of saying I’m hot? Look Soo, if you like me then just tell me.” She earned a slap over her own head, causing her to wince in pain. It was such a common sight to Yoona’s teammates that they didn’t even care, only conversing amongst themselves.

From afar, both girls could hear a familiar voice gradually getting louder, the closer it had gotten. They both looked at each other, listening to everything it said.

“Oh my god, ew.” “Put a shirt on, holy crap.” “WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?” That devilish voice could only belong to none other than-

“Good god, there are people everywh-” In came Jessica Jung, her hands cupped over the sides of her eyes to avoid seeing anything she didn’t want to see. But she didn’t expect that right in front of her, she’d be hit with a shirtless Sooyoung, her brow raised in confusion.

“Jess?” Yoona questioned.

The older girl couldn’t speak. Her eyes roamed over Sooyoung’s toned body and arms, stopping right at the younger girl’s own eyes. “Uhm…I…”

Sooyoung smirked. “Like what you see?”

Her face was blushing red. It could possibly be compared to a tomato. Jessica gulped and turned to look at Yoona instead, trying to avoid the hypnotising, tanned abs that threatened to be seen.

“F-Fany needs you to model another outfit tomorrow!” One, discreet, last look at Sooyoung’s body and then Jessica had ran out, embarrassed with what she had to witness. Obviously, it amused both of the younger girls.

“God. She so wants me. I can actually feel her gay consuming me, Yoong.”

“Maybe you should learn to put on a shirt.”

“What? And miss out on a reaction like that? No way. If anything, I’ll probably start going out shirtless for her.”

Yoona shook her head with a smile and grabbed her bag.

“Where you headed?”

“Where do you think?”

“Tell her I said hi!”

Yoona shot out a thumbs up before leaving the locker rooms, eager to see her angel.


“C’mon! Answer properly!” Yuri playfully hit her girlfriend on the knee, getting impatient with her silliness. “How do you expect to pass maths if you can’t even take this seriously?”

“I’m not getting the rewards I want though.” Yoona huffed.

“What could be better than my home made lunch?”

Yoona and Yuri sat facing each other, their knees touching. The former had her back straight up against the tree’s trunk with the widest grin plastered on her face. “Kisses might be better.”

“You mean the Hershey’s kisses?”

“No, I mean the Yuri’s kisses. You heard of those? They taste like honey.”

Yuri blushed. “Okay fine. Answer these questions and I’ll give you a kiss for each one you get correct.”

“Yes, your majesty.”

And now, with a reward that was worth it, Yoona had answers all questions correct, earning 4 kisses from her girlfriend. On the last one, Yuri had presumed it would just be a peck like the rest, but when Yoona mumbled ‘not enough’ against her lips, she knew it wasn’t just going to be a small kiss.

Yoona moved in closer, enjoying the feel of Yuri’s lips more than she had expected. Out of all the places she could be, Yoona was glad with where she was. This was exactly what she wanted. And maybe more.

Dazed after the kiss, they laid their foreheads against each other, both grinning from ear to ear. Yuri reached down to play with Yoona’s ring.

“You better get an A for this.”

“You’re asking for too much now.” Yoona nuzzled her nose into the crook of her girlfriend’s neck, softly caressing the once visible bruises. Yuri thought she couldn’t see them. She thought they had long gone by now. But if one were to squint or be as close as Yoona was, you’d still be able to see the small patch of reddish-purple. Yoona found herself hating those colours.

“Are you coming?”

“Where again?” There was a high chance Yuri was too distracted to pay attention during their last talk. What with the fact that her soccer playing partner had been laying kisses upon her battered skin the entire time. Who could really pay attention during that?

“My soccer game. We always have one at the end of the year.”

Usually, Yuri would’ve checked with her parents first before accepting any requests. She wasn’t one of those teens who did things without their permission, but her life was so screwed up in so many ways that asking for consent felt so…irrelevant. And even if her father did say she couldn’t go, she wouldn’t miss something so important to Yoona. She’d find a way to leave the house, even without him knowing at all.

“Of course I’ll go. To watch you fail, that is.”

“Fail?” Yoona stopped her ministrations to Yuri’s neck and pulled away, giving her that are-you-kidding-me face. “I’m not a striker for no reason. I’m like Mighty Steel Leg from Shaolin Soccer. Punch my shin. It’s actual steel.”

And Yuri did so, chuckling as she watched her girlfriend wince in pain.

“Not that hard. Geez.”

The older girl smoothed her hand against the supposed steel leg, acting as if it would sooth her pain, but really, it just gave her an excuse to touch Yoona. It amazed her to realise how much they’ve changed the first time they met. The same place as where they were, right then. Rather than the cold gust of wind that passed by every 3 minutes, it was warm beams of heat that tickled her dark complexion.

To mistake Yoona as a stalker (although, she may still think the younger as such) was an interesting way of first impressions. And to think, she was now dating her stalker. She was now kissing her more than she had ever planned. The girl who fell from the tree. The girl who scared the out of Yuri. But also,

The girl who made her better.


It was so exoteric for a male coach to be infatuated by the teamwork and sportsmanship in an all-male soccer team. You can never please a man who found pleasure in the sight of his own doing things the opposite lacked ability to do. And Yoona wondered if the reason why she was his favourite was because she was practically a stereotypical boy that society had brought out to be.

She wouldn’t call her coach a misogynist, because he was nowhere near. He was a respectful man and looked after his team like they were his daughters. Yoona just thought he was a little…bias.

“Take notes, girls. This is what I expect in the upcoming game.”

Her whole team stood on the sidelines, watching the boys practise. It was amazing some of them were still paying attention. As for Yoona and Sooyoung, they chilled around on the grass, talking obscenities about coach’s coaching.

“Honestly, our game is in a few weeks and instead of training our asses off, he’s making us ogle the boys. This guy’s mad.”

“I doubt half the team even cares. Look at them.” They both turned to find most of their teammates with the same bored expression as 5 minutes before. Yoona knew she shouldn’t be criticising because her coach had taught the same method since he started his career, but it was absolutely pointless for her team to be observing rather than being practical. She found no reason to be doing this. Especially when the boys received pleasure from it.

A few minutes later, he informs his players that he’ll need to leave earlier for personal reasons, an excuse he had used countless times.

“So…what now, Yoong?” One of her teammates questioned.

She tapped her chin with the cutest pout. “I guess it’s getting kind of late. We’ll continue training tomorrow morning, and I expect to see everyone there. We can’t afford to lose this one.”

They all nodded their heads in agreement and bid their captain a goodbye.

“Hey, you better be there, man. Don’t ditch.”

Sooyoung held her hands up as if in surrender. “You can count on me. Chill.” She gave her friend a hard pat on the back. “Also, I think there’s someone waiting for you.” After saying that, she left. Letting Yoona figure it out for herself.

From afar, she spotted the girl she’d been thinking about all throughout training, giving her a smile that could kill thousands. She would’ve approached her, if it weren’t for the fact the whole boys football team was right on the field, possibly witnessing her every move. She cleared and thought about texting her to meet up at the car, but that thought slowly floated to the back of her head the moment she saw Taecyeon walking up to her girl.

She watched. Waited. Seeing them laugh with each other, it would be an understatement to say Yoona was just mad.

They’ve already finished their project. Why are they still talking? Yoona’s mind was still finding it hard to grasp the idea of friendship blooming between her ex-boyfriend and her current girlfriend. She didn’t know who to be mad at more. She wanted to go up and just take Yuri away, but it was too open and there were too many people. She made her way to the bleachers, seated as she discreetly watched the two.

No harm in observing.

“Your team is still practising? Aren’t you guys tired?”

Taecyeon chuckled. “A little, but we’re determined to win this.” He stuck his hands in his pockets with a smile. “So what brings you to the almighty football field?”

Yuri nodded her head towards the bleachers, motioning to the lone figure sitting not too far away. As his eyes met Yoona’s, the latter had quickly turned, acting as if she wasn’t just glaring a hole into him.

He sighed with a smirk and looked back at Yuri with so much sincerity in his eyes.

“I’m happy for you guys.” And it was completely true. His chance of winning either girls’ hearts had long gone the first time he saw them together. Even though he wouldn’t admit it, he envied what they had and shared, only wishing he could experience something as true.

Yuri gave him a warm smile. “You’re the only person outside both our groups that know. It’s a good start.”

“I feel so privileged!” He mockingly placed his hands on his chest, scrunching up his eyebrows in gratitude. She laughed at his zest, completely enamoured by the playfulness he presented. It gave an awful resemblance of Yoona’s.

“Do you think she’ll get mad at me for hugging you?” He asked below a whisper.

Yuri shrugged. “It’s just a hug.”

Taecyeon wrapped his arms around Yuri, giving her a friendly, bear hug. Not even 3 seconds later, she gets a text, obviously both of them knowing who it’s from. They chuckled and parted with a smile. Tapping on her phone, Yuri rolled her eyes at the message before showing Taecyeon.


From: Yoong ^_^

I’ll wait at the car.


He gave a guilty look. “I feel bad now.”

“She’s just being a baby. I’ll see you around?”

“For sure.”

She waved a goodbye to Taecyeon before putting on her hood and walking off towards Yoona’s car. Again, it was parked in the backstreets of the school, having her to go the distance to get to it.

She’s torturing me.

From afar, she spotted the girl, leaning on the passenger’s door. A gloomy expression present on her face. Yuri would be lying if she said she didn’t like how jealous Yoona could get. She’d always have this certain, little pout, and she’d always make sure Yuri knew when she was green-eyed. She was like a needy puppy who craved Yuri’s attention every single minute. And Yuri couldn’t help but always give it to her.

As she approached the car with a smirk, she had a whole plan in her head on how to cheer up her girlfriend involving food and kisses.

But it only seemed Yoona wanted the latter. Because the moment Yuri was within an arm’s reach of the younger girl, the latter had taken her girlfriend by surprise. She pushed her up against the passenger door when she least expected it, kissing her full on the lips. Her hands roamed around Yuri’s waist, hidden beneath her large jacket.

And did you expect Yuri to resist? The older had her arms wrapped tightly around her neck, pulling their bodies flush against each other. Yuri attempted to move her head back in order to breath, but Yoona only leaned in further, not wanting to part.

“Heeey,” Yuri spoke against her lips. “C’mon now.”

Yoona finally parted, both breathless. Her eyebrows were furrowed with fire existing in her doe eyes. It was obvious how jealous she’d gotten, and Yoona’s green monster had never grown this big before.

“He needs to know you’re taken.”

Yuri chuckled. “He does.”

“Wait what?” Yoona’s eyes widened at the sudden revelation. “He knows?”

“I trust him enough, and so I told him about us.” Yuri admitted as she played with Yoona’s collar. “He’s an understanding guy. You should know that.”

Yoona sighed as a wave of guilt washed over her. She wasn’t going to state it but at some points, Taecyeon would do sweet things for her, and it wasn’t like he was a bad guy. Yoona just refused to allow such commitment into her life. You couldn’t blame her though. It was her first time, after all. She never predicted the boy would take it so seriously and here she was, doing exactly what he did for her.

“I…uhh…didn’t think he’d-”

“You didn’t think he’d accept us?” Yoona admitted her shrewdness, giving the older a nod.

“I understand, Yoong.”

“You understand what?”

“Why you act so distant with me.”

“What?” Yoona’s eyes widened in surprise. “I don’t act like that with you.”

Yuri scoffed. “Don’t think I’m stupid. You thought I wouldn’t realise how you avoid me when other people are around?”

Yoona stayed silent, obviously realising she’d been caught with her discreet neglecting towards Yuri in public areas. She pulled the older girl’s hips closer, hoping she wasn’t mad with her choices.

“Why do you think I ignore you then?”

“You’re scared.”

“Of what?”

Yuri closed her eyes, placing her forehead firm against Yoona’s. Her hands laid flat on her girlfriend’s shoulders, giving them small squeezes.


Yoona soon followed to close her eyes, rather wanting to fill her ears with Yuri’s voice than fill her eyes with Yuri’s expressions.

“You’re scared of what other people will think of you, because you think that once someone finds out about us, it’ll be the end of the world.”

Spot on, Kwon Yuri.

“But I’m tired of having to suffer as I watch you ignore me like a disease.”

“Don’t think like that.”

“You don’t want me to think like that?” Yuri pulled her forehead back to look Yoona in the eyes. “Then stop hiding and learn to accept yourself. People aren’t who you think they are. I need you to be brave and te-”

Yoona abruptly shook her head, stopping Yuri mid-sentence. “Don’t, Yul.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t make me do something I’m not comfortable with. If I were to make one single mistake, people will look down on me. I can’t be imperfect. Please support my decisions and wait for me.”

Yuri wasn’t one to take no for an answer. But she made exceptions. And she respected Yoona with her choices. She just didn’t seem they were the right ones. With everything Yoona was saying, Yuri hadn’t realised what a crazy perfectionist she’d been dating this whole time. Yoona was genuinely scared of getting hated on and refused to put public their relationship. A whole new side to the deer Yuri had never seen before. She didn’t like it one bit.

“Fine…I’ll wait.”

“You will?”

“Just…understand what you’re afraid of losing most.” Yuri implied this in several ways. She wanted Yoona to realise what was important to her and what was worth letting go. She just hoped it had gotten through the younger’s thick skull.

Yoona gave her a kiss to her forehead.

“I’m afraid of losing you.”

And that was enough for Yuri.





My writing style is going downhill from here so IDK why some of you are still reading this but thank you thank you thank you T-T

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yulsnsdi #1
Chapter 28: I'm in love with this fic
Chapter 28: I love the last sentence. Perfect ending I must say. Good job author. :)
Chapter 2: This is so funny. We're currently having our cardio class and I most definitely rather read this than pay attention. This is amusing haha. I like it a lot. :D
Chapter 1: I can tell you're a good writer. :)
And I can tell I'm gonna enjoy this story. :)
kimiikay #5
Chapter 28: "THANK GOD SHE FELL OFF THAT TREE" AUTHOR STOP YOURE KILLING ME!! I really liked this story. It was really enjoyable, thanks for your hard work
kimiikay #6
Chapter 19: This is rlly random but i really ship sooyoung and jessica lmao
kimiikay #7
Chapter 6: this is SOCUTE I'M LEGIT IN TEARS
kimiikay #8
Chapter 5: i love this so much because it gives you a parallel of both girls' lives...

poor yul though :,(
You're a wonderful writer. I _really_ enjoyed reading this piece of fiction. I especially love the portrayal of Yoona in this story. Close enough to reality but different enough to make it fictitious.

Perfect icing to the cake is the fact that your stories are complete and you don't leave us underlings flapping in the breeze, yearning to be rescued from cliffs (and whatnot).

Thank you and keep it up!
yoonstrife #10
This is beautiful and amazing. Why didn't i find it sooner. Good job author! Hope for more Yoonyul from you!