Those words

Towards You

You were woken up by the quiet sound of a rainstorm that was making its way through the city. The thunder roared in the distance while the rain followed suit, aggressively attacking your window and making its mark. Although the rain in itself wasn’t a bother, the last few weeks sure had been. Early morning classes after a two week vacation didn’t sound like the most pleasant thing in the world, but at least you were finally adjusting to the routine you had felt so lost without.


Since it was still early, you had time to sleep in as you class wasn’t till later in the morning. But, sleep was the last thing on your mind. All you could think about were those words that had been running through your mind ever since their owner had articulated them.


“It doesn’t even matter anymore”


What didn’t matter?


His feelings for you? Or the closeness you had once shared? That closeness that almost felt like it had been a dream. Things were so different now.


You would see Jongin every once in a while walking his dogs at the park beside your apartment. Sometimes he would be at the café on the main floor, other times you would see him at the corner store. Every time you saw him there was a strange sense of reassurance within your heart due to the fact that even though he was no longer a part of your life, he still existed and that was enough. His laugh, his smile, his love still existed, and although none of it was for you, they were still there.



But then one day, his presence was no longer there. He was no longer in the dance studio rehearsing with his team, or at that fried chicken place you’d often see him at. He no longer drank his tea on his balcony at night anymore, his apartment dark, empty, and forgotten. History was repeating itself.


Jongin had vanished, taking your lifeline along with him.


Where was he?


Why did he leave?


Was it because of you?


You didn’t have the right to raise those questions anymore; it was you who had pushed him away. But, he deserved it right? Karma had gotten him. So why did it feel like you were the one who had lost this game of life. Why was it that you were the one pacing outside his apartment in the early hours of the morning? Where was he?


Why were you the one weeping when the lonely nights got to you? Where was he?


He said he wouldn’t leave, he said he was sorry.


So. Where. Was. He.                       


It was a Friday night when you finally got your breath back. As you made your way through the park after an evening run, you caught a glance of him. He was sitting on a bench; his dogs resting near his legs while his head was titled back, eyes shut. The wind had grown a liking to his soft blonde locks, teasing his hair ever so slightly. He always looked at peace when he was like this.


You had witnessed this sight many times before, but today it was like you were seeing it for the first time. Tears were stinging your eyes, begging for their release. At that moment, you wanted nothing more than to jump into his embrace and feel his arms around you again. But you knew you couldn’t, you'd lost that privilege.  


But none of that held importance anymore because he was here, he hadn’t left.


You took a long breath, unable to suppress the smile that had been lost for some time now. Tears soon followed, washing away the fear and sorrow that had been engulfing your heart ever since his disappearance.


How long had he been gone? You glanced at your phone.


One week.


He was gone for a week.


 Yet, it felt like months. Just his mere absence set off warning bells within your heart. Was it always like this? Were you always searching for his presence in the dark?


No, something was different. This couldn’t be what love was all about… could it? What you felt towards Jongin when you were younger, that was love… wasn’t it?


 But you had never experienced what you were experiencing at this very second. This feeling was very new, something you were unfamiliar with. So maybe what you felt for him at a younger age wasn’t love, but mere infatuation? Maybe this feeling… this feeling was what love truly felt like. Yeah, that was it.


Just the sight of him gave you all the happiness in the world. But, that happiness didn’t last long. You hadn’t realized it but you hadn’t moved an inch for a few minutes. Jongin on the other hand, had. And his body was turned towards yours.  His usual expression of indifference that was reserved just for you was gone. It was replaced with pain, he was in pain. At what? You weren’t sure. You hadn’t seen a hint of emotion on his face ever since that night on the balcony, just before he walked away from you. Strangely enough, he looked just like he did that night.


It seemed like he himself hadn’t realize the way in which he was gazing at you. His lips formed soundless words; you were able to catch them before he caught himself. Then, his regular expression returned, cold and distant. He was meters away from you again, his body appearing smaller as the distance grew.


But, this time you weren’t hurt by his behavior like you typically were. It’s not that you were accustomed to it, no, that could never be the case.


It was because of those silent words, those words that gave you hope. Hope that maybe things would be okay after all, that maybe he was just as affected by this detachment as you were.


Words that still held meaning, even with the absence of sound;


"Don’t cry."





So if you're wondering why this chapter is so short it's because it sort of serves as a teaser for the next one, which will be released either today or tomorrow.  I mostly just wanted to say that I got a lot of mixed responses last chapter, some of you were upset that she didn't choose Sehun while some were happy with her decision. For the people who weren't too happy, I totally understand how you feel. At first I wanted her to end up with Sehun as well, but then I realized it wouldn't make all that much sense. She always had a special connection towards Jongin, even if that connection was a bit hazy at times. You'll see later on that Jongin had a similar connection towards her. So for all of you asking why it couldn't have been Sehun, the reason is because it just wouldn't be fair. Sehun is a strong character in himself, and I don't want to portray him as that friend-zoned guy who just won't give up. He deserves someone who will love him as much as he loves OC, doesn't he? And maybe he will find her very soon ;)


Thank you for continuing to read and support my story, I highly appreciate all of your comments and feedback!



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Well the story is finally over, can't say I'm not a little sad about it! But I'm glad I can finally focus on exams now!


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myheartblackens #1
Chapter 33: I am so glad that I found this story! It is beyond beautiful and it's probably my favorite Kai fanfic ever (this is a very big thing to say because I'm sure I've read more than 50 of those) but this one is definitely my favorite. It has the right amount of angst and twists and it is also pretty realistic. Although the last part where Sehun _________ (I don't want to spoil it) kind of hurt me a little, but I know not all things end happily. I will read your other works right now (if you have past works) or I will be looking out for your new stories! Thank you so much for this fanfic, I truly enjoyed it so much.
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 22: Ahhh... You set them up to both be a perfect male lead with a good backstory.. Then.... You made Sehun slightly more likable before everyone reads the tags and realize he was never in the running. Curses.
Chapter 33: OMG... This story killed me. Although I was team jongin throughout the story, my heart went out to sehun for enduring all that pain by himself. I felt so sorry for him T_T I haven't read fanfics in a while and stumbled across this and it caught my attention right away. I'm so glad I read it. So many feels along the way and I'm glad I continued reading until the end. You're a wonderful author. Thank you for the beautiful story :)
Chapter 33: Beautiful bonus chapter
anonymous_sunshine #5
Chapter 32: I just stumbled upon your story through the Kai tag and my oh my, I am not disappointed at all- It's really hard to find a fluff-angst story with tolerable amount of chapters like this one of yours (mainly because I'm just too picky and I'd like to finish reading within a day. Haha). And I really have to admit, you did make me feel like punching you in the guts at some chapters. The emotional roller coaster ride during the last few chapters drove me insane! (Not to mention how Jongin and Sehun made me unconsciously smile at their silly jokes.) All in all, I love love love this! I hope you'll create more wonderful works in the future!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 32: this story is beautiful ;-; id sobs from chapter to chapter. u did a very good job author nim <3
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 24: jONGIN!!!!!
igotzy #8
Chapter 32: this was so beautiful!!! thank yu so muxh auuthornim~~
Maliha #9
Chapter 32: omfg im soo sad but im sooo happy like an ending of a story couldnt be more beautiful tbh!!! I LOOK SOO FORWARD TO UR FUTURE STOREIS BECUASE UR AMAZING AUTHOR-NIM<3<3<#
Chapter 32: So shocked to see the status lol. I was like "completed?????? What????" I had to read it again. This was such an amazing fic!!!! Beautifully written. You told the story very well. Thank you! This has entertained us. Made us feel different kinds of emotions. I didn't even notice we've reached 31 chapters already. Thank you! Thank you! I hope you'll write another beautiful story again (exo just because lmao jk)

Again, thank you!