The Brightest Star

Towards You

The elevator stopped on the 4th floor and you stepped on. The lady next to you gave you a strange look but you ignored it; you couldn’t care less at the moment.  Infact, you weren’t even sure if the events that had just occurred with Jongin were real or merely a dream. You wanted it to be the latter.


As you walked out of the apartment lobby you noticed Sehun was leaning against his car, he looked bored out of his mind. His frustrated eyes shone when he saw you heading towards him.


“Yah, did you go to get your phone or take a nap?” he said, while meeting you halfway. He pinched your left cheek once your bodies were close enough and his eyebrows furrowed at the lack of response.


“Why do you look like that?” he questioned. “Did something happen?” he placed his hands on your shoulder and shook you slightly.


You were staring at the ground, completely out of it.


Sehun rubbed a thumb over your left cheek, feeling how soft and moist your skin felt underneath his finger. You finally glanced up at him.


“Nothing happened.”


“Are you sure?”


Taking a deep breath in through your nose, you glanced up at him and nodded. Your lips curved into a small but noticeable smile.


He narrowed his eyes then brought his arm over your shoulder, leading you to the passenger’s seat.


Once you put your seatbelt on, you caught a glance of your reflection in the rear view mirror and gasped. Sehun noticed this and let out a small chuckle.


“You sure you weren’t taking a nap in there?” he reiterated, reaching his hand over to fix the stray pieces of hair around your forehead.


No, but I wish I had.


I need a long nap. Away from everyone. Away from Jongin.




The drive to the restaurant was short but sweet. It felt a lot better to take a breather and relax for a bit and the fresh air was especially nice at this time of year. It was warm but chilly at the same time, the scent in the air was slightly sweet; it reminded you of those afternoons you’d spend with your mother at Butchart Gardens. You hadn’t visited that place in a while and you really missed it. The grace of the butterflies to the lusciousness of the green shrubs, the way the water glistened as the sun cut through the many fountains; everything about that place was the epitome of magnificence. 


Once you arrived, the two of you made your way to the entrance of the 5-star restaurant. Not before you took a few minutes to fix your horrendous hair though.


As the restaurant concierge opened the door, a slight sense of insecurity washed over you. The patrons at this place looked like they had money, and lots of it. The women were sporting elegant cocktail dresses while the male populace was wearing button-ups with the occasional tie or vest. There was a hefty chandelier that hung down from the base of the room and it did a fine job illuminating the large area of space. It looked like something out a movie; the women amusing each other at the expense of their ‘girlfriends’ who couldn’t make it while swirling the wine in their glasses and sneaking quick looks at the handsome men who had been trying to catch their attention all night.


When the waiter gave you a small smile, you returned it just to be polite. He lead you two through the tables of laughing men and women, only stopping every so often to whisper a few words to a other waiters who were passerby’s. Finally, he stopped in front of a meticulously decorated table that had a ‘reserved’ name card on it. Sehun and you exchanged looks; where was everyone else?


You two couldn’t been the first ones, could you?


All suspicions were doused down when you saw Cindy and the rest approaching your table from behind you.


“You need to check out the view on the balcony.” Chanyeol praised.


“Yeah, it’s so magical!” Cindy chimed in, interlocking her fingers.


Joonmyeon didn’t seem to have the same opinion though.


“It’s alright, I guess.”


Poor guy, third wheeling really is the worst. Been there, done that.


“We got bored waiting for you guys so we decided to look around. What took so long anyway?” he began, slightly irritated at the fact that he was once again left alone with the two lovebirds that WILL make out and HAVE made out at every possible location in the city.


No, seriously.


Whether its an upscale restaurant or the dumpster by the alley, anywhere is fine for them they just need an excuse.


But, maybe that’s what being in love was all about? Enjoying each other’s company, no matter what the surroundings are. Displaying your affection for one another, not caring who looks. Being so utterly and inexplicably immersed in each other that nothing around you has greater importance than the one you love.


Was it weird that you were beginning to understand how they felt?




“For you, miss?”


“I’ll have the Chicken Brentwood, please.” You stated confidently, although it took you about 15 minutes to decide. There was so much to choose from so you finally decided on the most ordinary sounding name. Next runner up for the most the ordinary sounding entrée? Well, it’ll have to be either ‘Spatchcocked Poussin’ or ‘Poached Fillet of Sole Bonne Femme’. Who makes up these names anyway.


“Could we also get a bottle of Rizzardi Veneto?” Chanyeol added. Everyone at the table glanced at him. You swear you saw Cindy’s mouth fall open, as if she was thinking ‘Rizza-what?!’


“The sparkling wine? Or the champagne sir?”


“Champagne, we’re celebrating.” He smiled.


“Certainly sir.” The waiter bowed and went on his way.


At this point, everyone was unsure of whether to slap Chanyeol over the head or shower him with kisses. Cindy however, did neither.


“Chan… umm. How are we going to afford all of this?” she hesitated, trying to remind him that all of us are college students who are not only in debt, but are also unemployed and pretty useless.


“Baby, I got this.” He smiled, leaning in to peck her forehead.


“Hyung your parents are rich, you arent.” Sehun stated.


“Yah, we’ve been over this. I’m their only son. Obviously that means I’m entitled to some of their wealth too.” He hissed.


“Chan you can’t keep spending all of their money on expensive dinners. We could’ve gone to the pasta place down the street.” She nagged.


He shook his head aggressively, in a way that looks cute only if Chanyeol does it.


She pouted and he kissed the tip of her nose.


“I’ll pay for half.” Joonmyeon interjected.


Good luck trying. You thought.                                                 


If anyone was generous with money, or food in general, it was Chanyeol. He would pin you against the ground before letting you pay. And you would know, you’ve tried.


After dinner, the champagne was brought out and Chanyeol’s eye’s brightened. This was your cue. Even if it was just champagne, after what had happened last time you promised yourself that ingesting anything more than 0% alcohol was a big no.


You excused yourself from the table and headed towards the washroom. The inside was decorated with black and maroon wallpaper; there was another chandelier on the ceiling, although a lot smaller.


These stupid chandeliers.


Usually you appreciated elegant décor, infact, you were even considering pursuing interior design back in highschool. But today you just felt indifferent to everything. The food was too salty and the dessert? Too sweet. Nothing felt right, everything was a mess. You were a mess.


As you went to wash your hands, the employee next to the washbasin smiled and handed you a towel. You smiled back and took the towel, thanking her several times for her service.


Since you didn’t want to go back to the table you decided to take a small stroll across the balcony. As you stepped upstairs, you noticed how the darkly lit staircase soon became brighter with every step. The balcony was decorated with small golden lights that were hung at edge. There were two larger pillars in each corner which were also decorated with similar lights. Farther down, the balcony opened up to the city. The city lights tied together with the crescent moon was truly a sight to behold. You walked up to the marble railing and placed your hands on it, enjoying the cool feeling of the stone against your skin. After a while a chilly breeze blew through your hair and you shivered, it felt like it would rain soon.


"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" a voice proclaimed from behind you.


Before you could turn around, you felt him put his jacket around your shaking shoulders. You smiled at the sudden warmth that now covered your body.


“Dress warm, it’s cold.” Sehun smiled.


You nodded then directed your attention back towards the sky.


There were a lot of stars out tonight. It was surprising since you expected most if not all of them to be washed out by the lights of the city.


"You know, my mother always told me that when you wish upon a shooting star, it comes true" he chuckled, tapping his shoulder to yours.


You looked over at him, then back at the sky. "Too bad there aren't any shooting stars tonight." You murmured.


I could really use a wish right now.


"There aren’t any shooting stars. But there are stars. Wishing upon the brightest star in the sky is just as good as a shooting star." he affirmed.


A giggle escaped your lips. Does he really believe in this stuff? What a cheeseball.


He glanced over at you and smiled.


"Well, in that case. Would the brightest star be… hmm… that one?" you asked, pointing to a particularly bright star that was crammed in between many smaller ones.


He adjusted his coat on your shoulders and let his gaze follow your finger.


“Yeah, I’d say that’s the second brightest. Should we make a wish?”


“Let’s do it.” You smiled and shut your eyes.


There wasn’t a particular wish you had in mind, or maybe there was. But, you didn’t want to think about it, you hoped the star could just read your heart. If wishing upon a star in fact worked, then you were sure it had the ability to read what your heart truly wanted.


After you were done, you slowly opened your eyes and noticed that Sehun had already finished. His hands were in his pockets and he was watching the city view.


“Done?” he asked.




“Well? What did you wish for?”


“If I tell you, the wish wont come true. Don't people in movies say that?” You wondered.


He looked over at you and chuckled, leaning in to tap your nose. “Movies aren’t real muffin. No pun intended, you know, since you work at a bakery”


And wishing upon a star is? Sehun you big pabo


“Fine, what did you wish for then?” you crossed your arms over your chest, slightly irritated at the ‘muffin’ comment. He didn’t reply for a few seconds and you looked back at the star, a thought crossed over your mind quickly.


“Wait a second, you said second brightest star?... Then which one is the brightest?” you questioned, now frantically searching the sky.


Will the wish not count now?


“Well that’s actually what I wished for.” He stated.


“Huh?... You wished… for the brightest star?” you puzzled.


Yep, he’s totally lost it. Mr. Oh Sehun has completely lost his mind.


I blame all those Stats classes.


“Yeah, that’s my wish, do you think it’ll come true?” he turned his body towards you.


“Umm, maybe if you pursue astronomy?” you tried to make a serious face but you desperately wanted to laugh at him.


“Well, what if the brightest star… was a person?” he took a step towards you and your eyes widened. The giggle at the back of your throat disappearing in seconds.


“What if the brightest star in my eyes… was you?” he questioned, taking another step. "What then, hmm?"


As he moved closer, the butterflies in your stomach began to intensify.  All the while your nerves were having their own little battle against you.


He reached for your right hand and began grazing his thumb over your fingers.


Your heart was beating at an irregular rate and your mouth was slightly parted.


"It's kind of funny." he chuckled. “I’ve wanted this star for a while; I just didn’t know how to wish for her.” He smiled, while running a hand through his messy locks.


You bit your lip and you could feel how warm your cheeks had grown. What was happening to you.


He bit his own lip in response.


“Don’t do that. Don’t blush like that, It does something to me.” He stated, his eyes lovingly gazing into yours.


You swallowed hard.


So ____-ah. Do you think my wish… will come true?”






This is so cheesy but it was fun to write. Urrggghghggh my Sehun feels are severe right now, someone help.

I hope you liked this chapter! And to anyone who thinks Jongin is no longer in the story, STOP thinking that.

He will be back verryyy soon! I don't have the heart to kick him out, he's too far within my heart how dare he do this to me.

Leave a comment! Especially you you 


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Well the story is finally over, can't say I'm not a little sad about it! But I'm glad I can finally focus on exams now!


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myheartblackens #1
Chapter 33: I am so glad that I found this story! It is beyond beautiful and it's probably my favorite Kai fanfic ever (this is a very big thing to say because I'm sure I've read more than 50 of those) but this one is definitely my favorite. It has the right amount of angst and twists and it is also pretty realistic. Although the last part where Sehun _________ (I don't want to spoil it) kind of hurt me a little, but I know not all things end happily. I will read your other works right now (if you have past works) or I will be looking out for your new stories! Thank you so much for this fanfic, I truly enjoyed it so much.
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 22: Ahhh... You set them up to both be a perfect male lead with a good backstory.. Then.... You made Sehun slightly more likable before everyone reads the tags and realize he was never in the running. Curses.
Chapter 33: OMG... This story killed me. Although I was team jongin throughout the story, my heart went out to sehun for enduring all that pain by himself. I felt so sorry for him T_T I haven't read fanfics in a while and stumbled across this and it caught my attention right away. I'm so glad I read it. So many feels along the way and I'm glad I continued reading until the end. You're a wonderful author. Thank you for the beautiful story :)
Chapter 33: Beautiful bonus chapter
anonymous_sunshine #5
Chapter 32: I just stumbled upon your story through the Kai tag and my oh my, I am not disappointed at all- It's really hard to find a fluff-angst story with tolerable amount of chapters like this one of yours (mainly because I'm just too picky and I'd like to finish reading within a day. Haha). And I really have to admit, you did make me feel like punching you in the guts at some chapters. The emotional roller coaster ride during the last few chapters drove me insane! (Not to mention how Jongin and Sehun made me unconsciously smile at their silly jokes.) All in all, I love love love this! I hope you'll create more wonderful works in the future!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 32: this story is beautiful ;-; id sobs from chapter to chapter. u did a very good job author nim <3
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 24: jONGIN!!!!!
igotzy #8
Chapter 32: this was so beautiful!!! thank yu so muxh auuthornim~~
Maliha #9
Chapter 32: omfg im soo sad but im sooo happy like an ending of a story couldnt be more beautiful tbh!!! I LOOK SOO FORWARD TO UR FUTURE STOREIS BECUASE UR AMAZING AUTHOR-NIM<3<3<#
Chapter 32: So shocked to see the status lol. I was like "completed?????? What????" I had to read it again. This was such an amazing fic!!!! Beautifully written. You told the story very well. Thank you! This has entertained us. Made us feel different kinds of emotions. I didn't even notice we've reached 31 chapters already. Thank you! Thank you! I hope you'll write another beautiful story again (exo just because lmao jk)

Again, thank you!