Coffee for Two?

Towards You

You and Sehun walked into the police station together and all you were thinking was;


I’d rather be anywhere but here.


When officer Choi sat down with you, you began to tell him everything that had occurred. Since officer Choi was familiar with your case, it wasn’t as difficult to describe to him the circumstances of the assault. However, nobody said it was easy.


“Could you tell me exactly what Mr. Kwangchul did to you?” he asked.


Your hands were shaking in your lap. You didn’t want to remember anything that monster did to you. If it were possible, you would completely erase his dark presence from your memory.


You were disrupted from your thoughts when Sehun placed his warm on yours. He gave it a reassuring squeeze and smiled his familiar boyish smile. You returned the smile while trying to calm yourself down. You felt better having your best friend by your side like this.


“He… ran his hands down my body… and-“  you took a deep breath, this was harder than you thought. You glanced at Sehun apologetically; he smiled and nodded at you.


“Officer, I’ll just step out for a bit” Sehun said.


You were thankful for that. Even though Sehun was one of your closest friends, he was still a guy and you weren’t sure how comfortable you were sharing these personal details with him.


After Sehun left, you gave officer Choi and accurate description of that night. You also showed him the marks on your neck and arms that were inflicted by Kwangchul. All the information you provided was written on his record and the case was set up for investigation. Since it was a breach of a restraining order, the consequences for him were serious.


“Thank you for the information _____-sshi, I will contact you once we find him.” He said.


You nodded giving him a small bow, you then headed for the door.


 Sehun was waiting for you in his car and he smiled once he saw you.


“Hungry?” he beamed.


“Actually, I might just go home and take a nap” you replied sheepishly.


“No way, you’re denying food? I never thought this day would come”


Your lips managed to form into smile.


“HAH! I made you smile, that means you’ll have lunch with me right?”


“Araso Araso, just shut up about it already” you rolled your eyes at his logic.



After lunch, Sehun drove you back home and walked you to your door. You asked him to come inside for a second so that you return the book he lent to you; The Sanctuary.


“Judging by how fast you’re returning it, I’m guessing you liked it?”


“Or maybe I’m just returning it cause it was boring and I was getting sick of the coffee stains on the pages” you coughed.


“Oh, I did try to clean it before giving it to you” he said, slightly embarrassed.


You laughed and flicked his forehead.


“I’m kidding silly, it was really good”


“I’m glad you liked it” he smiled.


You yawned and took off your cardigan and headed for the kitchen.


“Speaking of coffee, did you want some?” you said.


He didn’t answer you so you assumed that was a yes. You plugged in your coffee maker and pressed ‘brew’.


You then grabbed two cups from the cupboard and tried looking for some cookies.


All of a sudden, you felt Sehun’s arms wrap around your waist and you gasped, almost dropping the cups.


“Sehun! what-“ you tried to say as your face grew heated.


“Don’t turn around, just stay still” he said.


You lowered your eyebrows in confusion but complied with his request.


There was silence for a few seconds and the nervousness began to build within your body. You looked down at his arms that were still firmly wrapped around your waist and you felt your heart beating in an irregular way. You were about to say something until you heard him sigh.


“I’m sorry.” He said.


Your eyes widened.


“I’m sorry… I couldn’t protect you” he said quieter this time, almost a whisper. “It’s my fault; I should have been there for you” he continued.


You were speechless. Sehun sounded like he was about to breakdown.


“Sehun” you whispered.


He rested his forehead at the back of your neck and his warm breath made you shiver.


You moved his hands from your waist and turned around to face him.


He was staring at the ground, looking completely defeated. Just seeing him like that broke your heart.


You bit your lip in an effort to swallow your emotions, and then placed your hands on his shoulders.


“Sehun-ah, you know none of this is your fault-“


He instantaneously grabbed your hands from his shoulders and pulled you into a tight hug. You let out a small gasp as the embrace practically engulfed you into him.


Since Sehun was much taller, your head naturally fell to his chest and you caught a whiff of his heavenly scent.


Your body was unmoving as you stood there in his embrace.


You couldn’t budge or think. All that came to your senses was the light scent emanating from him, which reminded you of an orchard in early spring.


You two remained that way for a while, neither breaking the silence.


He pulled away and caught your eyes.


You had to admit, it was getting increasingly difficult to look him in the eye.


“I… I think the coffee is ready!” you said in a slightly panicked state.


You began walking over to the kitchen when you felt Sehun grab on to your arm. He swiftly pulled you back into his embrace as if you were light as a feather.


He brought his lips close to your ear.


“Don’t ever worry me like that again, okay?” he whispered.


You felt a familiar feeling arising in the pit of your stomach. Butterflies?


“I’ll skip on the coffee tonight, goodnight” he added.


He placed emphasis on the ‘goodnight’, making it seem more intimate than the word 'goodnight' should sound.


You felt his arms slip from your shoulders and all you heard was the sound of footsteps, fading away in the distance.


The door shut and it shook you up slightly.


You glanced up from your puzzled state, still unable to grasp what just happened. However, there was one thing you were sure of;


The coffee was ready.




Short chapter I know! but... SEHUN FEELS! If you haven't noticed yet you can clearly see that Sehun is bit more daring when it comes to skinship, meanwhile Jongin is still a little shy when it comes to OC, but that doesn't make him any less adorable.

Who do you like better?

daring Sehun vs. shy Jongin?

*Just before I go I want to give a shoutout to Reenaluna and Hariniisawesome for commenting often and leaving feedback! I'm not sure who OC will end up with yet but all your comments are making me think! 



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Well the story is finally over, can't say I'm not a little sad about it! But I'm glad I can finally focus on exams now!


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myheartblackens #1
Chapter 33: I am so glad that I found this story! It is beyond beautiful and it's probably my favorite Kai fanfic ever (this is a very big thing to say because I'm sure I've read more than 50 of those) but this one is definitely my favorite. It has the right amount of angst and twists and it is also pretty realistic. Although the last part where Sehun _________ (I don't want to spoil it) kind of hurt me a little, but I know not all things end happily. I will read your other works right now (if you have past works) or I will be looking out for your new stories! Thank you so much for this fanfic, I truly enjoyed it so much.
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 22: Ahhh... You set them up to both be a perfect male lead with a good backstory.. Then.... You made Sehun slightly more likable before everyone reads the tags and realize he was never in the running. Curses.
Chapter 33: OMG... This story killed me. Although I was team jongin throughout the story, my heart went out to sehun for enduring all that pain by himself. I felt so sorry for him T_T I haven't read fanfics in a while and stumbled across this and it caught my attention right away. I'm so glad I read it. So many feels along the way and I'm glad I continued reading until the end. You're a wonderful author. Thank you for the beautiful story :)
Chapter 33: Beautiful bonus chapter
anonymous_sunshine #5
Chapter 32: I just stumbled upon your story through the Kai tag and my oh my, I am not disappointed at all- It's really hard to find a fluff-angst story with tolerable amount of chapters like this one of yours (mainly because I'm just too picky and I'd like to finish reading within a day. Haha). And I really have to admit, you did make me feel like punching you in the guts at some chapters. The emotional roller coaster ride during the last few chapters drove me insane! (Not to mention how Jongin and Sehun made me unconsciously smile at their silly jokes.) All in all, I love love love this! I hope you'll create more wonderful works in the future!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 32: this story is beautiful ;-; id sobs from chapter to chapter. u did a very good job author nim <3
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 24: jONGIN!!!!!
igotzy #8
Chapter 32: this was so beautiful!!! thank yu so muxh auuthornim~~
Maliha #9
Chapter 32: omfg im soo sad but im sooo happy like an ending of a story couldnt be more beautiful tbh!!! I LOOK SOO FORWARD TO UR FUTURE STOREIS BECUASE UR AMAZING AUTHOR-NIM<3<3<#
Chapter 32: So shocked to see the status lol. I was like "completed?????? What????" I had to read it again. This was such an amazing fic!!!! Beautifully written. You told the story very well. Thank you! This has entertained us. Made us feel different kinds of emotions. I didn't even notice we've reached 31 chapters already. Thank you! Thank you! I hope you'll write another beautiful story again (exo just because lmao jk)

Again, thank you!