The recap. . .


"Ahn!" Changjo called.

Ahndi immediately looked at him.

"You're husband," he joked, looking outside the window.

Ahndi quickly looked outside. And there she saw Kwangmin walking with Minwoo. They seemed to be arguing over something.


"I told you man, don't put Pikachu in the topic. He's innocent man. INNOCENT." Kwangmin demanded.


"And don't BLAME my Tetris. He didn't do anything," Minwoo argued back.

Then they had completely passed the class 09.


"Oh he's just so cute!" she squealed.


"Too bad. He didn't try to look your way," commented Neil. "Tsk Tsk Tsk." He shook his head thrice.


Ahndi looked at her busy friend. "You know what, Mico? You're so lucky that he was once your classmate," she stated thoughtfully.


"That was just in the 3rd Grade. What's the big deal?" Mi-Cole asked, still not turning from her PSP.


"Because he's so gorgeous!" AHndi snapped.


When the 6 boys were all prepared, they all gathered in the living room and discussed about what they were going to do when they arrive at school.


"We should not tell anybody that the 6 of us are cousins," suggested Donghyun.


"Why?" Hyunseong wondered. "What's wrong about admitting it?"


"I'll have to puke first before I'll admit that."


"And I am not proud enough to have such. . . " MInwoo trailed off.  ". . . stupid cousins."


"Aren't you referring to yourself?" Youngmin said seriously, narrowing his eyes at Minwoo. He couldn't believe he was actually surrounded by 5 birdbrains. No, make it 4. At least there's still someone in the house who got a normal brain. Hyunseong.


Jeongmin waved hands at them. "Okay guys, I got an idea here."


Everybody's attention were all drawn to him.


"Why not go to the school like the usual and keep our mouths zipped until somebody there ask if we're all cousins?"


Everybody exchanged looks and thought that it's a good idea.


Kwangmin fell back on the couch, arms rested on its edge and  foot rested on his other foot. “Even though someone will ask me that, I will still keep my lips tight and sealed.”


After they finished their discussion, each of them went out the gate.


Jeongmin and KWangmin were surprised to see 4 vans outside the house.

Oh I know it, they're here to bring us to school, they thought, smiling.


Kwangmin was supposed to be riding on his bike in going to school. But his cousins just broke it and now it's out of order. So he decided to just walk. But now that there were 4 vans outside the house waiting for them, then he won't have to walk alone anymore. But why was it only four when they were six?

Jeongmin on the other hand usually just walks in going to school since his house was just a few blocks away from there. But that's not going to happen now, he thought.


Donghyun opened the door of the first van and got inside before it drove away. Minwoo got inside the 2nd van, and Youngmin in the 3rd van. There was only one van left. Hyunseong came to open its door and attempted to get inside. But before he could do it, Jeongmin and Kwangmin came to him. "Wait wait wait wait. . . " Jeongmin stopped him. "The 3 monkeys were already heading to the academy with the vans. And you're going inside that van. Where are our vans? Why is it that there's only 4 vans that came here?" he demanded.


"Well, you can call your driver," Hyunseong said.


"Our driver?" KWangmin was confused.


"Your driver. You do have vans, right? Don't you?"


"I think.  .  . " the two trailed off. "I don't have," they both said in unison, then both looked down in embarrassment. Oh man, that was embarrassing, Jeongmin thought.


Hyunseong looked hard at them, then laughed. "Oh I get it." He placed his hands on their shoulders. "You guys thought that 6 vans are coming here to take us. You guys are wrong. They have their personal driver, and so do I. I heard them talking with their personal drivers, perhaps, to come here and bring them to school."


Kwangmin wrinkled his nose. "What a shame." Then it dawned upon on him that Youngmin is his twin and that he should be riding in that van together with him. "But hey, Youngmin's my twin. I should be with him right now, right?"


"Yeah man. Why did he just left you here?" asked Jeongmin.


"Oh," Kwangmin drawled sadly. "He's a bad twin."


Hyunseong looked at them and was thinking that it would be rude and heartless if he'd just leave them there. "Hey, you could go with me," he offered.


Jeongmin didn't hesitate to agree. "Sure!" He was even the first one who got inside the van.



When they arrived in Avalon High Academy, some students were surprised with their new haircut. And some students were confused why Kwangmin's hair changed from one hair to another everytime they saw him twice or more. From a black hair, to a dirty-brown.




"Okay class," Mrs. Kwon began. "We have a new student here." She looked outside and motioned for Youngmin to come get inside.


The students were surprised to see their new classmate who looked exactly like Kwangmin. Some of them even gasped.


"So as you see, he looks just like KWangmin." Everybody glanced at Kwangmin, then back at Youngmin. "That's because they're twins," Mrs. Kwon continued.


"GOsh, he is so cute," one of the girls whispered and giggled.


"He looks hot."


"He's really gorgeous."


"What a handsome boy."


Kwangmin knew that they have the same face and that if ever somebody says something about Youngmin's appearance, there's nothing to worry about because they both have the same images.But why did it seemed like someone's squeezing his intestines as the girls said those fluttering words about his brother? Was he jealous? But why? They look exactly just the same.


"Say something to the class, Mr. Jo," Mrs. Kwon told him nicely.


Youngmin didn't answer right away. "I'm Youngmin," he introduced unsmilingly.


Because of that, the girls got even more noisy.


"OMG, he's so cool."


"He should sit beside me."


"What's his name again? Youngmin? What a pretty name."


"He looks just like a prince."


The room was filled with the giggles and whispers of the girls and Kwangmin and Minwoo were getting really annoyed by it.


"This is not good," muttered Minwoo as he observed the girls' reaction.


"He's stealing all of my fans!" Kwangmin protested.


"He should not be here," whispered Minwoo to his seatmate.


"Oh men," Kwangmin drawled worriedly. "All of the girls like him."


The issue about Kwangmin's twin was already all over the campus. Some of them couldn't wait to see Youngmin in person.


"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" cried Ahndi excitedly to her friends.


"What happened to you?" asked Sonny in confusion."


"You're not gonna believe this!" Ahndi gushed.


Ricky thought about her news. "Uhm. . .  you met a zombie?" he guessed.


Ahndi just ignored him. "He has a twin!" she announced enthusiastically.


"The zombie has a twin???" Changjo, Ricky, Neil, Sonny and Mi-Cole asked at the same time, wide-eyed.


"No, silly. Kwangmin has a twin!"


There was a chorus of groan from her friends when they heard the word Kwangmin. She always talk about him and they're getting sick of it.


"Oh, Kwangmin again," Neil groaned.


"He really has a twin!" she persuaded them to believe her.


"Big deal," muttered Mi-Cole.


"Don't you believe me?"


"We believe you," said Changjo. "It's just that, we're sick and tired of you talking about KWangmin all the time."


"Could you blame me? He's just so gorgeous! And by 'gorgeous', he has a new hairstyle!" she cried happily. "Sonny, wanna go with me take a look at his twin?"


"Don't bother. He's Kwangmin's twin, meaning they have the same face."


"But they do have different hairstyles," Ahndi insisted.


"Ahndi----" Sonny's eyes suddenly grew big as she stared over Ahndi's shoulder. "Are you referring to that guy?" she gushed, pointing outside the window.


5 heads swung to where she was pointing and saw Youngmin passing their room.


"What's new?" asked Changjo after seeing Kwangmin's twin. "He's just like Kwangmin."


"Yeah," Neil and Ricky agreed.


Mi-Cole shook her head as soon as she was watching Ahndi and Sonny's reaction. It's just Kwangmin's twin. What's the big deal? she thought then rolled her eyes.


"Holy geez, I love his hair!" Sonny blurted out when Youngmin was out of their sights.


"Isn't he cute?" asked Ahndi.


"Super cute."


"Okay. Kwangmin's mine, and he's yours," stated Ahndi excitedly.


"Ehehehehe. . .  I don't want him." Sonny wasn't excited anymore.


"Why not?" retorted Ahndi.


"Because he's out of my reach? Plus, I like somebody else," she said.


"Oh. that's. . . "Ahndi couldn't find a word to say. So she just proceeded to a new sentence. "Suit yourself."



Up Next.. . .


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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!