"I didn't have a choice but to choose you. Now I felt miserable," Minwoo admitted in a voice full of disgust.


Mi-Cole stared at him like he was crazy or something. "You," she paused. ",are a total," she paused again. ". . . retard." She narrowed her eyes and shook her head before starting to step away.


"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Minwoo turned around and held Mico's arm. "Not so fast, lady."


Mico rolled her eyes as she turned wearily to face him. "What?" she asked flatly.


"Since Misoo thought that you're my girlfriend. Then you have to be my fake girlfriend."


"Yeah. Whatever," replied Mico and attempted to go away. but Minwoo stopped her again.


"No. Really. I'm serious," stated Minwoo seriously, looking at Mico's eyes.


"And I'm tired.


"i know you've always wanted to be girlfriend. Stop playing hard to get here," ordered Minwoo firmly.


Mico scoffed. "And where the hell did you get that?"


Minwoo smirked. "You were once my stalker."


"I was still 6 you idiot!" retorted Mico.


"That explains it all. And in the 3rd Grade," he paused to smirk. ". . .flames huh?" Scoffing, he continued, "You are so into me."


"Yeah, I admit it." She nodded a few times. "I was. Past tense."


"Oh, past tense," Minwoo sneered.


"I was on drugs those times, that's why."


"Yeah. And I'm the drugs, right?"


"Oops. Correction. I was drunk."


"Well I guess I have to keep you drunken."


"I'm just wasting my time talking to a retard like you." She glanced at her watch. "I'm going." She finally turned back and started walking without him stopping her.


Minwoo cupped his mouth and shouted, "On Monday! You'll be my girlfriend!"


"Yeah sure!" she responded in a sarcastic way, dropped her skateboard on the ground and skated away.


Minwoo sighed, full of regrets. "Of all the girls who came out. . . why her?"



Kwangmin went home like the usual; riding his bike. ANd as soon as he reached their house, he got off his bike, opened the gate, and dragged his bike inside the driveway then placed it aside the house.

"I'm home!" he announced cheerfully after he had opened the main door of their house. He shut it closed and walked through the living room when he noticed a yellow-haired guy sitting on their sofa, in the corner of his eyes. Stopped at his tracks, he spun his body around to see if he was just not imagining things.

And he was right. A yellow-haired guy was really sitting on their sofa. He was facing back that's why Kwangmin didn't see his face. His head was lowered, like he was reading something.

There's a thief inside our house, that's what inside his mind. His brain was immediately filled with bad thoughts. Like it's a killer and he wanted to kill him. But that's really what killer's job, right? To kill.

He slowly walked toward the yellow-haired guy. The book he was reading was already coming to a view.


Oh wow, a killer who's spending his time in our house to read a book, he thought.

The face of the yellow-haired guy was coming to a view as he continued walking in slow steps.

Then a startled expression was drawn on his face when he saw the side view of the guy's face.

He looks just like him!

Except for the color of the hair.

It's just his side view, Kwangmin, he told himself. It's just his side view.


Then his eyes grew really wide when the guy moved his head to look at him.

He must have noticed that something really weird was happening on his background as he was reading his book.

They look exactly the same!

Kwangmin froze in horror.

An impostor, that's the thing he was thinking.


"I'm Youngmin. You're twin," the yellow-haired guy introduced in an unsmiling way. Then he went back reading his book.


"I'm not asking for your name!" Kwangmin suddenly exclaimed. "And you're my what?"


"I don't repeat things twice," Youngmin said firmly without looking away from his book.


"What are you doing here?!" asked Kwangmin, still surprised. But he didn't wait for an answer. Good decision because Youngmin's not really going to answer him. He started calling for his mom.

"MOM!! MOM!!" He walked behind the sofa where Youngmin was sitting. "MOM!! An impostor had gotten inside our house!"


Youngmin had stopped reading for his remark. He squinted and mumbled, "Impostor?"


"MOM!!! MOM!!!"


"What are you yelling for, young man?!" Mrs. Jo appeared from the kitchen, washing her hands with a white towel.


"Mom, there's an impostor here and was claiming to be my twin," explained Kwangmin.


Mrs. Jo laughed as she walked toward him. "Impostor?" she sneered, and loughed louder.


"Yeah right mom. So funny," said Kwangmin sarcastically.


"Really. Impostor?" She laughed again, body was bent and palms were placed on both laps.


"Aigoo. . . I'm so lucky to have a normal mom." He rolled his eyes.


"Good thing. Cos you're not normal either," Youngmin stated, not turning around.


Kwangmin looked at him. "Stay put. Don't join in. This is a mom to son business." Then he looked back to his laughing mom.


"He's not an impostor, son." She placed her hand on his shoulder. She glanced at Youngmin and said," He's your twin."


"WHat twin? I don't have a twin," Kwangmin insisted.


From a laughing mom, to a firm mom. Her mood changes so quickly. "Stop acting like you know everything, young man. Why? Were you there when you were born?"


What a genius question.

Youngmin's forehead wrinkled after hearing that, then shook his head. He couldn't believe that the half of his family was actually like this.


"No mom. I wasn't there when I was born. I must be playing football in Sahara Desert that time," Kwangmin replied sarcastically, almost annoyed.


Mrs. Jo gasped. "Are you being sarcastic to me?!"


"Yes, I am."


dropped open. "What kind of a son are you?!"


"What kind of a mother are you?!"


This usually happens everyday. Kwangmin and his mom have a really weird relationship. There are times that they talk calmly and appropriately, then by any second, they'll end up arguing.

Just like today.

They spent a long minute arguing how worst they were until Youngmin finally gave in.

He stood up and face the two. "Could you guys, please, drop it off!" he yelled.


The two froze for a second, and looked at Youngmin at the same time.


"You guys are so immature," he lectured. Kwangmin and Mrs. Jo exchanged looks.

But in their minds, they could still hear each other and continued arguing.

"This is all your fault!" Mrs. Jo said in her mind.

"Me? Why me? You were the one who got pregnant here!" Kwangmin responded without a sound.


But in the end, Mrs. Jo ended up explaining everything to her twin. That she and Mr. Jo had a fight when the kids were still a week year old. Mr. Jo took Youngmin away and left Kwangmin on the hands of his wife. They decided not to tell their sons that they have a twin until the right time comes.

And it's today.


"I still can't believe and accept that I have a twin," said Kwangmin after hearing her mother's long story.


"Kwangmin, please guide and help your brother in your school. He's studying their starting on Monday."


"WHat?! So you mean he's living here?!" He reacted like that's the worst thing that's ever happening in his entore life.




Kwangmin fell back on the sofa and sighed in relief. "Aigoo. . . that's a relief."


"You're living together," Mrs. Jo declared.


The twin exchanged glances. Both disagreeing looks.


"If not here, then where?" asked Kwangmin. "In the forest?"


Mrs. Jo sent him a scornful look.

"Try living there, son. When you arrive at school, you're all bones."


"How did you know? Have you tried living there?"


Mrs. Jo glared at him. "Why did your father ever left you here?" she said between gritted teeth.


He shrugged. "I dunno. Try asking him."


She shot burning gazes to Kwangmin. But managed to continue the things she needed to tell them. "Don't you boys know that you have 4 other cousins?"


The twin didn't reply. They just listened to her and waited for her next words.


"Okay. Cos you're gonna know each other." She smiled.


"Big deal," muttered Kwangmin.


"Their mothers were my best pals when we were still teenagers until the day came that we started splitting away. The 5 of us are actually cousins, 1st degree. Then there's one time that we met again and talked about our children. And it's a really surprising and good coincidence that their sons are also studying in  A-High." He looked at Kwangmin, knowing that he was also studying there.


"Wait," interrupted Kwangmin. "I have 4 cousins in my school?"


Mrs. Jo nodded.


"WHoa. .. .who must they be?"


"You'll meet them this Sunday," assured Mrs. Jo, smiling.


Kwangmin couldn't stop thinking about his cousins that he became psyched to meet them.


"Okay. The 5 of us decided to let you boys live together in one house. So that you'll get to know each other more and develop friendship and become best pals just like us, and to learn independency as well. Sounds good, right?" She wiggled her eyebrows.



Up next. . .



"You know what?" said Minwoo. "I'm so excited to live with my cousins. I can't wait to go there." The truth was, he just wanted to get out of the house and avoid his family's annoying behavior to him. This would be cool, he thought. No girls in the house. All boys. No baby-ish treats. Hahahaha...

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!