Recap. . .



"But we could still be friends, right?" he asked, eyes hopeful.


Misoo stared at his pitiful eyes before answering, "I don't think so." She pressed her lips together. "I don't know why I liked you. You're a bad guy. Self-centered. I guess you're the WORST guy that I had ever met in my entire life."


You're the WORST guy that I had ever met in my entire life. That sentence echoed inside Minwoo's mind. His face gloomy and so. . .  hopeless. He's never have Misoo again. . . never.


"Bye Minwoo. . . " said Misoo. "This would be the last time we ever talked again." And then she went away.



"Uhh. . . " Mico got the tray where the bowl of Jajangmyun was placed with both hands. "Can I just eat this on a table because it would be too rude if I'll eat this here. You see, there are still a lot of students lining up," she responded rather in a mocking way, then faked a smile.

He heard some snickers of the students in the line. This girl is really messing with me, he thought.

Mico's mouth dropped open when Minwoo pushed the tray back on the counter then dug his hand on the bowl, and handed Mico a handful of Jajangmyun on her hands. She almost gasped. And some students really gasped.

"What's he doing?" whispered the students.


"There," Minwoo said contentedly after putting a handful of Jajangmyun on her hands. "Now eat that on a table," he ordered. Then his expression quickly changed in a scornful tone. "But wait, are you sure you're gonna eat that on a table?" he taunted. "Won't it be so PIGSTY and DISGUSTING  to look at if you're gonna eat that on a TABLE? We have a lot of plates and bowls here, you know. You could use one of those and eat that on a bowl rather than eating that on a TABLE," he faked a smile.

Laughters filled the place.

He embarrassed me again!  She awkwardly took glances at the laughing students. She's turning red.


Haha! Minwoo laughed in his mind. You want to take things literally, huh? Well sorry cos you darn . Whahahaha. . . nobody messes with ME!



The next day, all of the students had their lunch in the school canteen because the food stocks and ingredients in the Fastfood Restaurant were not enough because there were too many students who had their meals there yesterday. And it's all because of Minwoo.

The 6 cousins were eating in separate tables. Each of them has his own friends that's why they couldn't eat lunch together. Besides, each of them didn't really like eating together. Though sometimes they get along with some things, arguments can never be avoided. They still hate each other.

Youngmin just normally eats alone. He would lose his appetite if somebody eats with him. But it depends on what kind of person joins him. If that person  is noisy or a nuisance, then he would lose his appetite. LITERALLY. For him, it's not really good to talk while you're eating.

Hyunseong was having his meal with the varsity members in Table 12. That table was branded to be the table of the cool varsity players. People even say, that Table 12 is the COOLEST table in A-High just because popular basketball players eat there every lunch.

Donghyun was with his friends in the musical, and with his girlfriend, hyemi, of course, in Table 15.

Jeongmin was with his buddies in the Dance Club in Table 7.

Kwangmin was having a lunch in table 2 with his pals in the Drama Club. That includes Anna Sophia, the girl who played the role of Juliet in their school play 'Romeo & Juliet'.


She's really pretty, everybody couldn't deny that. Her face matched perfectly with her name. She has a pretty name every girl in A-High wished to have.

Regarding from being an elegant lady, she also have a friendly and sweet attitude. But some students say that she's only nice and kind when Kwangmin is around. But if he's not, she turns mean and prick. She's fake, they say. A hypocrite trying hard to be KWangmin's girlfriend. But that rumor didn't ruin her identity because no matter what, she's still branded as the A-High's Drama Princess. Which some students say that it's true. She's a good drama actress. Because she knows how to act good behind her real attitude. But anyways, she still have a lot of fans. Loyal fans who believe that she's not a snob, a prick, a  mean girl, and a FAKE.


"Ugh! Look at her," Ahndi groaned,  gazing disgustedly at the sight in Table 2. She was carrying her lunch tray and was just waiting for her friends who were still ordering in the counter.

Watching Anna Sophia laughing with Kwangmin for whatever joke she was telling him plus the extra playful shoving on his arm was making Ahndi goran and. . . oh well---- jealous. Her friends think that she's the number 1 anti-Sophia fan just because it irritates her so much to see the Drama Princess and his Drama Prince together.

"She's flirting with him again," she demanded.


"She's not flirting with him," Mi-Cole then came for the defense, carrying a lunch tray as she traced her bestfriend's gaze.


"What are you saying 'not'?" protested Ahndi. "Just look the hell what she's doing." They glanced at them again. Anna sofia rumpled kwangmin's hair and he immediately fixed it. They were having a good time, as always. "See?"


Mico turned to face her and scoffed. "It's just normal. They're friends and friends do some funny or weird stuffs just like what they are doing." She took a glimpse at them. "You're just jealous because you can't have time with him like Anna Sophia can have."


"Which is true," admitted Ahndi. "BTW," she rolled her eyes before continuing, "don't mention her name. I'm an anti," she reminded her.

Actually, Anna Sophia's first name is Sophia, her surname is Anna. But people prefer to call her by her full name because it sounds really good and pretty.


"You're obssess," Sonny joined in, done ordering.


"I'm not," disagreed Ahndi.


"Whatever." Sonny watched Anna Sophia who was now digging into her salad using a spoon. "I don't like her," she commented, still gazing up at Anna Sophia.


Ahndi was surprised. "You do?" The truth was, she was a bit happy to hear that.


"Yeah." Sonny nodded. "But I don't hate her either."


Ahndi's lips fell into a disappointed pout.


"Let's get going guys or we'll run out of seats." They heard Chunji's voice from behind them. They were all done ordering foods. They started heading to the Table 10, the only table with vacant seats.

They didn't pass the Table 1 yet when Mico remembered something.

"Darn it. I forgot to grab a fork," she said. "Just go on guys. I'ma go back go get one for a second," she told them.


Minwoo was having a lunch in Table 1, together with his buds from the Hapkido Club. Aside from being part of the Dance Club, he was also attending the Hapkido Club and is a black belter. That table was branded as the BULLIES' TABLE where the BULLIES usually seat.

Because of having such great skill in Hapkido, they thought that they're the strongest and fearless people in the Academy. They're like gangsters. 

They used to bully students everyday before in a harsh and severe way. But now, they rarely do it because the principal found out what were their stupid activities. Misoo, Minwoo's former girlfriend, complained, that's why.


"It's been a long time, Minwoo," said C.A.P. the leader of their gang. Smirking, he continued, "Welcome back to the gang."


Minwoo made a cocky smile then did a low-5 with the leader before doing the fist pounds.

Over CAP's shoulder, he saw Mi-Cole carrying a tray and he's sure enough that she would be passing their table. An evil smirk formed his lips. "Watch this guys," he told his pals.

When Mico was walking past the Bullies' Table, she really wasn't paying attention.

Minwoo had his foot in the aisle, blocking her way.

Too bad Mico didn't see his foot which by the way his plan not to let her see. It totally worked!

She tripped and suddenly everything started moving in slow motion. Her lunch tray went flying up over her head and she heard a very familiar voice shrieking,


Then in horror, she realized it was hers!

She fell flat on the floor and was so stunned she could barely breathe. Her spaghetti and cherry jubilee dessert were smeared across her face and the front of her uniform. She looked like a life-size version of one of her messy finger paintings.

She just closed her eyes and lay there like a beached whale, with every inch of her body aching. Even her hair hurt. However, the worst part was that the entire canteen went quiet for that moment. Everybody's eyes were set on her. Then by any second, they bursted out laughing their asses off. Minwoo laughed the loudest and did some fist pounds with his Hapkido-mates. He didn't evern bother to help the miserable Mico.


"LOSER!" someone shouted.


"What a KLUTZ!"

The laughters went  on.


She was so embarrassed, she wanted to die. She could barely see, because she had cherry jubilee in her eys and it made everything look red and really blurry.

Finally, she gathered the strength to crawl to her knees.

But each time she tried to get up she slipped in the micture of spaghetti and milk and fell back down again.

She probably looked hillarious sloshing around in her lunch like that, she had to admit that.

And if it hadn't actually been happening to her she would have been laughing her off along with everyone else.

Then, Minwoo folded his arms, glared at her and yelled,

"So, Mi-Cole, are you having a NICE TRIP?!"

Of course, that witty little comment made everyone laugh even harder.

It was the cruelest thing Minwoo could have possibly said, especially since he was fully responsible for her 'trip'.

She was so humiliated.

That's when some girl blurted out, "You are such a KLUTZ.. OMG! Look at her! I think she PEED her skirt!"


And then some girl added, "OMG! You're right! She did PEE her skirt!"

And everyone laughed more and pointed at her again.

She just rolled her eyes at them and said, "Yeah, right! I spilled MILK on my skirt. Don't you MORONS know milk when you see it?"


Anna Sophia and KWangmin from Table 2, and Misoo from Table 3, the students who didn't make fun of Mico's unaccidental fall aside from her friends in Table 10 which was far away from Table 1, quickly came to help her.

If only her friends were near enough, they they should be the people helping her now.

Kwangmin held Mico's arms gently and guded her to stand. The floor was slippery because of the drinks that spilled out, so Mico really needed a help to stand.

Kwangmin hunf Mico's arm around his shoulders, holding her wrist. His other arm were slid around her waist.

Misoo and Anna Sophia wiped her face, hair and uniform with their own napkin.

Sonny and AHndi came along and joined helping her. Though Ahndi knew that Kwangmin was there, she still tried to move upon the loud thuds her heart was making.

The laughing didn't stop.

Ahndi's really concerned about her bestfriend, but she couldn't stop thinking that Anna Sophia was just helping her because Kwangmin was there. What a hypocrite, she thought.


"Uhm. . . uhh. . . Miss. . . " Kwangmin saind uncertainly to Ahndi.

Ahndi's heart seemed to explode at that moment. She looked awkwardly at him.

"Would you mind wiping. . . uhh. . . this thing off my chin?" he asked, lifting his chin in order for her to see what he was referring.

Since AHndi was the nearest girl to Kwangmin, which by the way she meant to be near him becuase this moment was just once in a lifetime, Kwangmin thought of asking her a simple favor instead of Anna Sophia.

Ahndi's not trying to flirt with him. She came there because she cared for her bestfriend. That's all. It just so happened that Kwangmin was helping too.


"Huh?" Ahndi asked nervously. Was she hearing things right? Or maybe she was just imagining them. She wasn't sure of what she heard.


"My chin accidentally touched Mico's head," he continued.


"Uhm. . . uhh. . . " she stammered. "Nope. . . I won't mind. . . not at all. . ." She slowly lifted her hand that seemed like paralized. It was shaking.

Her eyes were only focus on his chin, doubting if she'd really do it. Slowly and reluctantly, she lifted her hand up with a napkin up to his chin and slowly wiped the spaghetti juice.


Kwangmin noticed that she was shaking. "Why are you shaking?"


She was surprised he asked that. "Eh?" She briefly put her hand down. "Uhm. . . I was just. . . uhh. . . worried. . . . worried for my uhh. . . bestfriend." She swallowed hard.


"You're weird when you're worried," said KWangmin.


Ahndi couldn't believe it. He was actually talking to her for the first time! And she even wiped his chin! What a day! She's never gonna forget this.

It seemed crazy, but at that very moment, she wished to be Mi-Cole. She wondered what's the feeling of being guided and helped by Kwangmin. With his hand holding her wrist and his arm around her waist. It's like heaven, she thought.


"I saw you, Minwoo," said Misoo accusingly to the laughing Minwoo.


Minwoo looked up at her, still laughing. "Oh really? What a coincidence! I saw you eiher!" They laughed more and performed the Hi-5.


"No. I saw what you did," insisted Misoo.


Minwoo's laugh slowly faded and looked at her annoyedly. "So what? We are so done. Mind you own business," he responded bitterly.


Misoo stood gaping at that. It was the first time he talked to her in that tone.

"Why did you do that?" she questioned firmly.




Up next. . .



"I Spit on Your Grave," he grinned.


"What? You spit on my grave?"


"No. I mean, have you watched that movie?"


"The what?"


"I Spit on Your Grave."


"Why?" asked Mico.


"It's a good movie. You can get a lot of ideas how to kill that pretty boy," he assured, smiling.


She wrinkled her nose. "Really?"


Chunji nodded.

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!