Recap. . .


"Everybody, listen to me!" she announced. "I was never Minwoo's girlfriend! He was asking me to be his fake girlfriend in order to make his former girlfriend, Choi Misoo, jealous!"

The students gasped.

Misoo threw a quick glance at Minwoo who was turning red.

His hands were clenched into tight fists. So angry. Really really angry.

Holy crap, he thought.


"Misoo-ya!" Minwoo grasped Misoo's wrist during lunch time when he spotted her walking in the locker area. "Wait," he said when she faced him.


"What do you want?" asked Misoo bitterly.


"Look, about earlier. . . " he trailed off. He didn't know what were the right words to say and how to apologize to her. He freed her wrist and looked down. "I'm sorry." Looking back at her, he continued, "I was so stupid to ask someone to be my fake girlfriend to make you jealous--"


"Make me jealous?" she interrupted him, sneering. "What makes you think that I'd be jealous if you find another girlfriend?" She eyed him intensely. "Come on, Minwoo. We are so done. I have a new boyfriend and just forget about us."


"But I still like you."


Misoo scoffed. "But you like your Tetris and Super Nintendo more," she said casually, crossing her arms over her chest.


"Yes," replied Minwoo unawarely. Then his senses knocked him down. "I mean---No!" he cried, afraid of what would be her reaction.


"If you really like me, then you could have spent more quality time with me than with your stupid games."


"Hey, I did a lot of things for you," he pointed out. "You told me to stop cutting classes. I stopped. You told me to stop bullying students. And I stopped."


"I told you to meet me at Ching's Coffee Shop. And you didn't show up. Why? Because you were busy with something else. And by 'something else', I mean--nonsense! I waited for two hours but YOU. DID. NOT. SHOW. UP!" She raised her hands up, gesturing what she was feeling inside.


"I forgot it."


"That alibis never gets old. Am I right?" she taunted.


"Listen. I think we should really get back. You see, after we broke up, I was experiencing consecutive loses and now I'm in Rank 32. You made me win, Misoo. I can't afford losing another star again," he explained.


Misoo scoffed. Did she hear it right? Was he actually saying that? "My God, Minwoo. After all this time, you're still thinking about Tetris? How selfish could you be? Don't forget that because of you, we ended up like this."


"So you still like me?"


"No. What I was saying is, you should think first what are the possible things that may happen in the future before you decide what to do." She shook her head. "You're too late, Minwoo."


"But. . . you still like me, right?"


"No. You don't get it. We're done, okay? We're over. I like somebody else now. Just. . . " She frowned. ". . . stay away from me."


"But why?" he protested.


"Cos we're over?"


"But we could still be friends, right?" he asked, eyes hopeful.


Misoo stared at his pitiful eyes before answering, "I don't think so." She pressed her lips together. "I don't know why I liked you. You're a bad guy. Self-centered. I guess you're the WORST guy that I had ever met in my entire life."


You're the WORST guy that I had ever met in my entire life. That sentence echoed inside Minwoo's mind. His face gloomy and so. . .  hopeless. He's never have Misoo again. . . never.


"Bye Minwoo. . . " said Misoo. "This would be the last time we ever talked again." And then she went away.


Minwoo's hopeless eyes followed her tracks until she was out of his sight. Looking down, he clenched his hands into tight fists and gritted his teeth.

A guy student passed the way with his phone's music on.

"Everybody knows

That I was such a fool

To ever let go of you

Well baby I was wrong"


Minwoo listened to the song as it descended.

"Yeah I know I said

We'd be better off alone

It was time that we moved on

I know I broke your heart

I didn't mean to break your heart"


When he could no longer hear the song, he was starting to get angry. This is not supposed to happen, he thought. We're supposed to be still friends. Mi-Cole. . . that girl. This is all her fault!



"Yes, Minwoo?" asked Mrs. Kwon when Minwoo interrupted the discussion by raising a hand.


"I'm going to the restroom," he said rather abruptly.


Mrs. Kwon didn't answer right away. His tone wasn't polite. But she answered anyway. "Go ahead."


Kwangmin watched him as he headed out. He's back again, he thought. That's what he always says whenever he wants to--- cut class.



Minwoo usually crept or sometimes tip-toed whenever he cuts classes. His head was always moving, watching if the guard was coming or a teacher caught him. But that's not happening now. He wasn't still over of what had happened that anger was still ruling his body and mind.

He walked around the building with his hands being shoved in his uniform's pockets casually, not bothering to look around and see if the guard was roaming around.

He was almost behind the building, the place where students escape by climbing the tall wall that surrounded the school, when he heard a noise.

Stopped at his tracks, he listened carefully to the noise.


"Ouch! Dang it!" He heard a girl muttering in pain, perhaps. The voice came from behind their building.

He finally stepped the backyard of the building and saw MIco climbing up a ladder made of wood that seemed like almost going to break into pieces because the nails were no longer nailed tight.

He squinted up at her and asked, "What are you doing here?" Seeing her again made his day even worse since she's the reason why Misoo found out that he asked her to be his fake girlfriend.


Mico looked down. "I'm trying to escape here," she replied sharply, annoyed by the interruption that Minwoo brought there.


"You owe me big time," he said seriously, a bit of anginess was attached in his voice.


"Like I care." Mico rolled her eyes and took a step on the next narrow wood but it slid off from its place causing her to lose grip and fell on the ground! "OW!"

She landed hard on her elbows and knees.


Minwoo scoffed mockingly and made a sardonic smirk. "Karma is really fast."


Mi-Cole threw him her piercing look before climbing to her feet and rubbing the grass stains on her knees. She examined her elbows. They were dirty, but not bruised.

Standing in front of the broken ladder, she asked herself, How can I escape now if the ladder's broken? Darn! If only I was a boy. Then I could have been tall enough to reach the edge of this wall.

She watched Minwoo climbing up that easy which annoyed her even more. He could escape and she's not? If only the people were given fair heights. If only all the people were 7 feet tall.

Mico's almost reaching Minwoo's chin, but not quite making it. But she's not short. It's just that, Minwoo's a few inches taller than her.

She stomped away and decided to search for something she could use to climb on.

When she reached the corner of the building, her eyes widened is surprise.

The guard is coming, tapping a baton on his other hand!

"What are you doing here?" asked the guard.


"Uhh . . ." she stammered. There's no way she'll be in for a punishment again.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw Minwoo about to jump down out the school. "Look guard! He's trying to escape!" she pointed at Minwoo.



Being one of the crews in a restaurant is no joke. That's Minwoo's punishment for attempting to break one of the Academy's Rules. He was tasked to help the maintenance people in the A-High's fastfood Restaurant.

Aside from the canteen, cafeteria and the coffee shop, Avalon High Academy also has a Fastfood restaurant where the students could have their meals during lunch or freetime and where they could dine-out, take-out or even take-home the food.


Yesterday, Minwoo was given only two options:

1. Get back down and continue attending the class.

       PUNISHMENT- food server in the Fastfood Restaurant

2. Go on break the rule.

      PUNISHMENT- 2 days being a garbage boy

None of the 2 sounds good. But he'd better be a food server than be a garbage boy---in two days!

And again, THIS IS ALL MI-COLE'S FAULT!he thought angrily. He realized that she's making his life miserable. And good thing, his cousins--Kwangmin, Donghyun and Jeongmin--was enjoying watching him in the counter. Pathetic, they thought.

But the school should be thankful for having him in the restaurant because almost all of the girls were having their lunch in the fastfood restaurant. Not to mention that they kept on ordering foods one at a time just to spend more time with him.


"Wow dude. You make the girls go HUNGRY," said Kwangmin as he looked around the restaurant where the girls kept on looking at the counter.


"You're a riot, man," said Jeongmin, chuckling.

Minwoo just ignore them. This is just today, he thought. After lunch, I'm outta here. Hahaha!


"Okay. I'm ready to order," Donghyun said, looking at the foods in the counter. "I want spaghetti."


"Dine-in or dine-out?" asked Minwoo abruptly.




"Here." Minwoo slid a plate of spaghetti on the counter.


Donghyun just stared at it for a second. "Uhh. . . I change my mind. . . I want burger. The large one." He grinned.


He's enjoying this,  Minwoo thought bitterly. He shot an annoyed look at Donghyun. But he still obeyed him even though he really didn't want to. He couldn't believe he was actually serving for them. It makes him want to puke.

"Here." Minwoo slid a large burger on the counter after retrieving the spaghetti.


Donghyun studied the burger on the plate. Then his face contorted in dislike. "Hey, you know what? I realize that I want my spaghetti back."


Minwoo heard Kwangmin and Jeongmin snickering from behind Donghyun.

But anyways, Minwoo got the spaghetti back.


"Before I'll say anything else, first, you look good with that uniform," Donghyun said then laughed together with his cousins behind him.


"A real handsome boy always looks good whatever kind of clothes he wears," Minwoo responded proudly, though he knew that Donghyun didn't meat it as a complement.




"You look like a dork," commented JEongmin, laughed, and did the Hi-5 with his cousins.


"Are you gonna take this or not?" Minwoo asked annoyedly. "Cos you're holding up the line."


"Forget about the spaghetti," stated Donghyun. "Now I want steak."


Minwoo took a deep breath and let it our slowly to control his temper.

It took 10 minutes before Kwangmin, JEongmin and Donghyun had finally decided what meal they want to eat. But they were doing it deliberately to make fun of the maknae. This is just today, so don't waste time and make fun of him.


"Kamsahamnida, oppa," a girl thanked Minwoo in her sweetest voice after he had served what she had ordered. That was her 5th time in the counter that Minwoo already familiarized her face. She has a round, chubby face and really small eyes that seemed like always sleeping. She has a pudgy nose, some acne marks on the face and braces.


"Op-pa?" muttered Minwoo when the girl went back to her table. His face twitched in disgust.  "Aigoo. . . girls nowadays." He tried to shrug away the thought that the girl just called him 'oppa', but he accidentally caught sight of her again and was smiling and waving her hands at him. His face contorted into a disgusted expression, then he shuddered. Yuck! She's ugly, he thought.

His thought were interrupted by the next costumer.


"One spaghetti, one salad, leche flan, sundae, coke float, chicken sandwich, steak, jajangmyun---"

He was surprised to see that the girl who ordered too much was Mi-Cole, and Mi-Cole on the other hand was surprised too when she realized that she was standing in front of Minwoo's counter. She looked at him up and down. He's in a  different uniform, she realized. After how many seconds, she bursted out laughing.

"Wow! Is this your punishment?" she asked, still laughing.


"No, this is a gift," replied Minwoo in an annoyed sarcasm.


"What a dork."


"What were your orders again?" sked Minwoo discourteously.


"Jajangmyun," she replied briefly.


Minwoo waited for her to say something more because the last time he checked, she was blabbering too many foods. They stood there just staring at each other, waiting for each one's reaction.

Minwoo motioned her to continue. But she didn't seem to understand him. "What?" she asked in confusion.


"Your orders."


"I told you it's Jajangmyun."


"Just that?" He wrinkled his forehead.




"But you ordered many foods earlier."


"Who said I was ordering those?"


"But I suppose you came here to order foods."


"Well, earlier, those foods were actually the foods I ate last night. I was just saying it because I want to. Pfft!" She scoffed. "Now I want Jajangmyun."


Minwoo stared at her like as if she was crazy. "This is a counter. You order foods here. Not gossip with a cute food server the foods you ate last night," he lectured.


"That's why i'm ordering Jajangmyun!" exclaimed Mi-Cole impatiently.


"Are you gonna eat this here?" asked Minwoo after putting a bowl of Jajangmyun on the counter.


"Uhh. . . " Mico got the tray where the bowl of Jajangmyun was placed with both hands. "Can I just eat this on a table because it would be too rude if I'll eat this here. You see, there are still a lot of students lining up," she responded rather in a mocking way, then faked a smile.

He heard some snickers of the students in the line. This girl is really messing with me, he thought.

Mico's mouth dropped open when Minwoo pushed the tray back on the counter then dug his hand on the bowl, and handed Mico a handful of Jajangmyun on her hands. She almost gasped. And some students really gasped.

"What's he doing?" whispered the students.


"There," Minwoo said contentedly after putting a handful of Jajangmyun on her hands. "Now eat that on a table," he ordered. Then his expression quickly changed in a scornful tone. "But wait, are you sure you're gonna eat that on a table?" he taunted. "Won't it be so PIGSTY and DISGUSTING  to look at if you're gonna eat that on a TABLE? We have a lot of plates and bowls here, you know. You could use one of those and eat that on a bowl rather than eating that on a TABLE," he faked a smile.

Laughters filled the place.

He embarrassed me again!  She awkwardly took glances at the laughing students. She's turning red.


Haha! Minwoo laughed in his mind. You want to take things literally, huh? Well sorry cos you darn . Whahahaha. . . nobody messes with ME!



Up next. . .



The canteen went quiet for that moment. Everybody's eyes were set on Mico. Then by any second, they bursted out laughing their asses off. Minwoo laughed the loudest and did some fist pounds with his Hapkido-mates. He didn't even bother to help the miserable Mico.


"Loser!" someone shouted.


"What a KLUTZ!"


The laughters went on.

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!