Recap. . .



He squinted up at her and asked, "What are you doing here?" Seeing her again made his day even worse since she's the reason why Misoo found out that he asked her to be his fake girlfriend.


Mico looked down. "I'm trying to escape here," she replied sharply, annoyed by the interruption that Minwoo brought there.


"You owe me big time," he said seriously, a bit of anginess was attached in his voice.


"Like I care." Mico rolled her eyes and took a step on the next narrow wood but it slid off from its place causing her to lose grip and fell on the ground! "OW!"

She landed hard on her elbows and knees.


Minwoo scoffed mockingly and made a sardonic smirk. "Karma is really fast."



Rolling her eyes, she turned to Chunji who was sitting next to her and said, "I need your dissected frog."


Chunji stopped chewing for a moment and looked at her in confusion.


"Your dissected frog. You mentioned it in the counter that you have it in your bag," she said, slightly impatient.


Her friends groaned in disgust. How could she talk about dissected frogs while they're eating?


"Yuck, Mico," said Ricky who was sitting opposite her. "If your foods are not enough, you could order some more and I'll just take care of the bills."


Mico glanced at him. "I'll mark your words."  But she was too desperate with her revenge to think of anything else. "Come on Chun, the frog. I need it so badly," she told him impatiently.


"Are you really that hungry?" asked Neil. "Here." He slid his bowl of meatballs to her. "You can have that."


"No. You don't get it," she protested.


"What are you gonna do with my frog?" asked Chunji, puzzled.


"Just give it to me and you'll see."


"Can we just deal with this after lunch? You see? We're eating."


"Nooo," she whined. "I need it right now."


Chunji hesitated at first. But looking at her eyes, he realized that she was really desperate to have it. SO he pulled his plastic transparent box out from his bag where they could see the pale, dead frog inside and handed it to Mico whose eyes were twinkling in excitement.


"Eew. . . " they groaned in disgust, except for Chunji and Mico.


Mico stared at the frog inside like it's a gold or something precious.


"Mico," called Sonny. "You're starting to really creep us out."


Mico wasn't listening. "Omo! This is really going to be a riot! Yay me!" she giggled frantically.


Her friends exchanged worried glances. She need a doctor, they all thought.


She frantically turned back at Chunji. "I need your glove. I can't touch this thing with my bare hand. This is just too disgusting."


"Then put that away," said AHndi.


"Which I meant to have something really disgusting," Mico continued, grinning and giggling in excitement.


"You're so gross," said Sonny in a voice heavy with disgust.


After Chunji gave her his glove, she frantically wore it, dug her covered hand in the box and held the frog. Standing up, she started walking in the aisle naturally with the frog in her fist.


The Table 1 was quiet, she noticed that. A smile curved on her naturally red lips and 2 deep dimples appeared on her rosy pink cheeks, knowing that it was a good timing.

Minwoo was sitting back at her, another good thing to make he plan totally work. He was digging into his meals as well as his friends, so they won't probably notice what was she up to. Her heart was beating so fast. She's very excited to accomplish her revenge.


"I guess I know what is she going to do," said Changjo, staring across the canteen.

"She wants to embarrass him, I know" said Chunji, studying Mico's moves.


Mico poked Minwoo's left ear using her bare left hand's finger, so Minwoo would think that his friend beside him did that.

When Minwoo stopped digging and turned his head to the left, Mico quickly put the frog on his plate.

"EEW MINWOO," she faked a disgusted tone and made her voice loud enough for eveybody in the canteen to hear.

Looking back at his plate, Minwoo was startled seeing a dead disgusting frog on top of his meal.



The canteen went silent for a moment and everybody looked at Minwoo. Some saw the real dead frog on his plate and started groaning in disgust.

His friends in the Table 1 were the people who started laughing hysterically. "Whoa dude, YUMYUM!" they joked though they knew that it was Mico's frog.

Some students started in a snicker, but eventually laughed. And they even laughed more when someone cried, "HEY! MR. FROG PRINCE!"


Minwoo knew it was KWangmin's voice.

He glared up at Mico who was laughing the loudest and the one who was TOTALLY ENJOYING the scene and the one who put this all up!

The laughs grew even louder when Jeongmin added, "NO. IT SHOULD BE 'HEY! MR. FROG-EATER!' WHAHAHHAHA!!! KOKAK! KOKAK!!"

The canteen was filled with laughters and Mico was really, really blissful she had finally embarrassed him. FOR REAL.

The sound. . . she just loved it! Especially that they were laughing because of him. Whahhaha.

Minwoo couldn't believe that they were actually laughing at him.

Mico looked down at him and smirked. "Karma is really fast."


Later that night, Mico frantically called her childhood bestfriend who was her 2nd degree cousin, Jae Sie Young.

"Hey, I have a really really really good news to tell you," gushed Mico on the phone, grinning.


"WHat's it?" JC asked casually.


"You remember about how Minwoo embarrassed me and that I freakinly wanna embarrass him back?"




"Well I am celebrating now! Yay me!"


"Oh that's great!


"Aren't you happy for me?!"


"Of course I am!" JC snapped. "But I'm just wondering. You used to have a heavy crush on him during our primary years--I mean, WE USED TO. We even stalked him." She slightly laughed at her last sentence. "But what happened now? Why did he turn-out to be your ENEMY #1?"


"Well, when you transferred in another school in the 7th grade, that was the time I realized that he is an ANIMAL. I mean, wow, was I really that stupid for not realizing that he's an ANIMAL? I knew he's mean, arrogant, swagga, bully and all that, but I liked him? I must be really bored those times." She rolled her eyes.


"Hahhaaha." SHe heard JC laughed from the other line. "Anyways, I can't wait to see him soon!"


Mico's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean 'see him soon'?"


"I'm studying back in Avalon!" she cheered.


Mico's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you serious?"


"Yep :D"


"Omo! Omo! Omo! That's great!"


"I know!"


"When are you coming back?" asked Mico excitedly.


JC's cheerful tone sudddenly changed. "I don't know," she replied glumly. "Maybe next month."


"Gee, that's a year to me!" Mico demanded.


"Oh, you're still the same. Just wait, okay?"


"Life can't wait."


"Silly. By the way, how's Sonanac?"


"I think she's okay."


"And about Minwoo, what's he like now?"


Mico rolled her eyes. "I hate to admit this, but he's cuter now." SHe heard her cousin squealing in the other line.





Up next. . .



"Dang it! I hate Geometry!" demanded Minwoo. "It also makes me hate the FACT that the girls thought that my FAVORITE subject is GEOMETRY!"


Kwangmin's nose scrunched. "Really?"


"Yeah! Because they said that I look CUTE IN EVERY ANGLE!"


Kwangmin chuckled.


"Now what are we gonna do?!"


Kwangmin hit his head. "Stop demanding, Frog Prince. Why don't you try sneaking into my twin's bag so we'll see if you can be an agent."

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!