Recap. . .


Some students started in a snicker, but eventually laughed. And they even laughed more when someone cried, "HEY! MR. FROG PRINCE!"


Minwoo knew it was KWangmin's voice.

He glared up at Mico who was laughing the loudest and the one who was TOTALLY ENJOYING the scene and the one who put this all up!

The laughs grew even louder when Jeongmin added, "NO. IT SHOULD BE 'HEY! MR. FROG-EATER!' WHAHAHHAHA!!! KOKAK! KOKAK!!"

The canteen was filled with laughters and Mico was really, really blissful she had finally embarrassed him. FOR REAL.

The sound. . . she just loved it! Especially that they were laughing because of him. Whahhaha.

Minwoo couldn't believe that they were actually laughing at him.

Mico looked down at him and smirked. "Karma is really fast."



"What are you searching in my bag?" asked Youngmin when he went inside their room and saw his twin searching something in his bag.


Kwangmin froze in surprise after hearing his twin's voice. Crap! He coolly stood up to face Youngmin. "I was just thinking that maybe, you know, you have my ballpen." He managed to act casual.


Youngmin stared at him for how many seconds, studying if that was  the actual reason why he was rummaging into his bag. And the answer is 'He's lying.' Youngmin's not stupid to buy for his excuse. It's very obvious that he just wanted to get his notebook and copy his answers.

Kwangmin has been trying to get his homework's answers for the whole week. But everytime he did that, Youngmin kept on busting him.

"I don't have it," replied Youngmin though he knew that his twin was just lying.


"Ooh," Kwangmin's lips formed into a small cute 'o'. "Maybe Minwoo have it. Did you see him?"


Youngmin also knew that Minwoo's part of his plan. "He's downstairs."


"Ah, thanks." He went outside their room and walked downstairs.


"Now what?" asked Minwoo when Kwangmin sat beside him on the couch.


"Failed," responded Kwangmin briefly.


"You're lame," said Minwoo bitterly. "You can't be an agent in that case."


"Good thing," said Kwangmin nonchalantly. "I'm not wishing to be an agent."


"Dang it! I hate Geometry!" demanded Minwoo. "It also makes me hate the FACT that hte girls thought that my FAVORITE subject is GEOMETRY!"


Kwangmin's nose scrunched. "Really?"


"Yeah! Because they said that I look CUTE IN EVERY ANGLE!"


Kwangmin chuckled.


"Now what are we gonna do?!"


Kwangmin hit his head. "Stop demanding, Frog Prince. Why don't you try sneaking into my twin's bag so we'll see if you can be an agent."



"Traitor," said Minwoo, glaring at his seatmate. "You have answers."


"What are you talking about? I only passed a sheet of paper," Kwangmin pointed out.


"What?!" Minwoo retorted in surprise. "Why did you do that? Mrs. Chui would think that we're copying each other's answers again!"


Kwangmin was puzzled. "Why would she think that? I don't even have a single answer. Only my name was written on the paper."


"That's why! Pabo! I also passed a sheet of paper and only my name was written on it!"


"Okay class," announced Mrs. Chui, interrupting their talk. "Prepare for the exam this Monday."


Chorus of complaining groans filled the class.



"Review our lessons and study your notes for the exam next week," said Mr. Lim as he prepared his Algebra books for the next class.


The students groaned. "Oh come on, we'll have an exam in Geometry next week, and ALgebra too?" Mi-Cole complained to her seatmate.


"Since when are you worried for exams?" Ahndi asked.


"Duh? I'm justs immitating Ricky's reaction everytime we'll have an exam." Mico rolled her eyes to Ricky and Sonny who were sitting in the next column. "Look."


"What the hell? Two exams next week?" Ricky demanded to his seatmate, Sonny.


Mico turned to Ahndi. "See?"


Ahndi rolled her eyes. "I thought you were actually worried for the upcoming exam. Because exam or not, you won't still study. That's how lazy you are."



"Memorize all of the elements in the Periodic Table with their corresponding atomic numbers, atomic masses, and of course their symbols. We'll have an oral exam next week. The perfect score is 118 since there are 118 elements in the P.T.E. Element's name, symbol, atomic number and mass is equal to one point. If you recite one or more of the four incorrectly in an element, you lose a point. Your score depends upon to where you end up. But I'll have to deduct it from your mistakes. Make sure to get a score of 90 above or else you'll automatically get an F in this exam." Mrs. Kawarasaki anounced. Looking at the faces of the junior students, she could tell that they were all pressured and shocked. "Goodbye class," she said before walking out their classroom.


As soon as she was out, complains and demands filled the room.


"Holy jeez," can I memorize all of this?" Jeongmin demanded, facing the Periodic Table of Elements he had on his hands.


"Thank God I already memorized 50 of the elements," muttered Hyunseong to himself.



"Oral exam, this Monday," Mr. Lendio reminded the seniors. "Each of you wll be given various problems related to Physics, of course. I won't give you a hint what it's all about so you would study, EVERYTHING." He emphasized the last word as if sticking the word inside their brains so they won't forget it.


"Oh, Dang it! I hate oral exam!" Donghyun groaned.


Students became so busy studying and preparing themselves for the upcoming exam. And they lazy students were just jocking off.


"Hello, Hyemi," Donghyun greeted on his phone, smiling. He was inside the music room.


"Oppa, why did you suddenly call?" asked a sweet voice on the other line.


"Because I wanna hear your voice."


Hyemi giggled. "Shut up."


"What 'ya doin?"




Donghyun looked slightly apologetic. "Oh, am I disturbing you?"


Hyemi chuckled. "Kind of."


"Oh. sorry," he apologized.


"No. It's okay. How 'bout you? What are you doing?" "


"Uhm. . . writing a new song."


"Again? Come on, oppa. You have to rest doing that for a moment and study first. You know that it upsets me if you get an F," a voice of concern approached Donghyun's ear.


"Okay, okay. I'll study."


Hyemi chuckled. "That's my boy."






WHen he got out from the music room, he reluctantly walked upstairs, to the third floor. I wish I had Hyunseong and Jeongmin's room. With that, I won't be walking this far, he thought.

Opening the BCR's door, he realized that the room's dark, no lights, the shades were pulled. Then he saw Minwoo squatting on the floor playing Super Nintendo, as usual. He never saw him opening his notes since the day he entered the mansion. And vice versa.


Youngmin was alone in the mansion's library, reading a book about the World's Geography. Only him, Hyunseong and Jeongmin cared about visiting there. He wasn't studying for the exam on Monday because he found Geometry and Algebra as chickens.


Hyunseong was peacefully memorizing the elements in the balcony. The fresh air and the beautiful view was helping him in concentrating when Jeongmin came and interrupted him.

"Hyunseong-ah," he called, bringing a P.T.E.


Hyunseong looked up from his P.T.E.


"I'm just wondering," JEongmin began. "Are we gonna recite the approximate atomic mass of an element? Because I found it really confusing. My mind's turning into a loop."


"I asked Mrs. Kawarasaki about that and she said that we have to round it off to its whole number," answered Hyunseong.


"Aah," Jeongmin nodded. "Thanks."


Jeongmin was blabbering noisily as he headed back into the kitchen, reciting the elements from the top. Memorizing in a noisy way helps him to paste the words in his brain easily. Unlike Hyunseong.

"H, Hydrogen, 1, 1. He, Helium, 2, 4. Li, Lithium, 3, 7. Be, Beryllium, 4, 9. B, Boron, 5, 11. C, Carbon, 6, 12. . . "

When he reached the kitchen, he saw Kwangmin leaning into the fridge, trying hard to find something to eat.


Jeongmin stretched his arm and pressed his palm on the wall, his other hand was on his hips and he had his foot slightly crossed on his other foot, looking straightly at Kwangmin. "Go grab a food quickly because I need to be alone cos I'm still memorizing the P.T.E," he ordered.


Kwangmin had finally grabbed something. Just a can of Pepsi, then closed the fridge. He chuckled. "Studying much?"


"Get. Out," commanded Jeongmin.


Kwangmin popped the tab of his Pepsi and took a sip on it. Strolling toward Jeongmin, he said, "Let me see that." Curious as he was, he grabbed the PTE from Jeongmin's hand and peered closely at it. "This is boring," he drawled and handed it back to Jeongmin before he finally went out.


The clock seemed to be running in speed, Minwoo thought. Because that last time he checked, he was just playing Super Nintendo and when he opened his eyes, it was already Monday. He was not as tensed like the other students out there for the exam. He's used in getting flat Fs in his Report Card, that's why. His mother doesn't ground him or anything if he gets an F, and he's abusing it. Unlike KWangmin's mother. Even though Kwangmin seemed to be so lazy in studying, he was still trying hard to get good remarks and make his mom proud. Like last night. His cousins didn't know that he studeied a little in ALgebra.


"Whoa. .  . this seems easy. . . " muttered Kwangmin after Mrs. Chui distributed the testpapers to each of them.


Minwoo shot a look at him. "Easy?"


Kwangmin looked at Minwoo. "Yeah. I studied a little last night."


"That's so unfair. Why didn't you tell me?"


"Because I was studying?"


"Okay. Here's a deal. DOn't cover your testpaper."


Kwangmin scoffed. "Why would I do that?"


"COs I will copy your answers," Minwoo whispered.


"You know, Minwoo. I only let you copy my answers if my answers are not really my answers. But if I spent sweat and effort to get the answers, I won't let you copy. Get it?" explained Kwangmin.


"What the. .. . 'kay fine! Starting this time, we won't get any answers from each other," snapped Minwoo angrily.


I should get a higher remark than him, Minwoo thought, very determined.  He doesn't really care if he gets a low remark in this exam. But in comes of competition, he hates losing. So, he decided to try his very best to understand the problems, terms, equations, etc. He tried to be mad at Kwangmin. And he wa also thinking about Mico while he was answering. Just thinking about her makes his blood rise up to the top of his head especially that she had embarrassed him in the canteen last Thursday.

It seems weird, but, his brain normally works when he's mad. That's why he thought about Mico.


Youngmin was the first one who finished the Algebra exam. Followed by Minwoo.

Kwangmin thought that his seatmate was just taking the test with too much levity, that's why he was the 2nd person who finished the exam.

But he thought wrong.

The following day, the results were already given. Konowing that Minwoo got an A in ALgebra and B in Geometry, he sat on his seat gaping in shock.

WHere did he get all of the answers? he thought to himself, stunned with the results.

He couldn't believe it. He only got a B in ALgebra though he studied last Sunday night. And he got a D in Geometry.

His twin, Youngmin, on the other hand got 2 As. Now how smart could he be?


"Youngmin," Mrs. Chui called. "Would you mind tutoring your brother since you got an A while he got a D?"


Youngmin responded "Yes" frankly.


"Oh. Okay. I'll just let somebody in class 09 to tutor your twin," said Mrs. Chui. Looking at Kwangmin, she told him that, "Go to my office after you take your recess. There are some things we need to discuss about."



Up next. . .




Hey guys! This chapter is kind of long, I know.. and i think it's boring. Forgive me with that.. but i think you should anticipate for the next chapter.,..hehe :) just kidding,, it's always been your choice to anticipate or not. i hope you guys wont stop supporting my fic and drop a comment if you like! :)

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!