"Uhm. . . " Minwoo began, then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry Mi-Cole. . . " he apologized. "But I'm breaking up with you."


Some students gasped and started gossiping, whispering, wondering and backstabbing.


"That skater girl became Minwoo's girlfriend? Since when?" one of them whispered.


"How embarrassing."


"She should be ashamed to herself."


"Poor girl. Minwoo broke up with her in public."


"Minwoo's just playing with her."


"Yeah. He's just playing with her. That skater girl got nothing to his last girlfriend. Who was that again? Misoo? The Tennis Club Captain?"


Misoo looked sympathetically at Mico. Why are they talking like this? she thought. Then she shot a look at Minwoo, the guy who embarrassed Mico. She couldn't believe  he just humiliated his girlfriend like this.


"Seems like Minwoo's having a low standard now."

The whispers continued.

The whispers that annoyed Misoo and Mico.

Mico looked around. Wherever she looked, she could see students staring at her while whispering to their friends. Bad whispers. Irritating whispers.

She felt her blood rose up to the top of her head. Her cheeks turned red. Was it because of the embarrassment? Yes, it was. And it's not the only reason why she turned red and felt her face hot. SHe was angry. Angry at Minwoo.


"This is really embarrassing. Look, Misoo's also here."

Some students started snickering.

Minwoo looked around. He had gone too far. This was not going to be  good. He flash a quick look at Misoo who was now shaking her head of what he had done. She was also mad at him.

Crap, he thought worriedly.

Looking at Mico who was aware of the bad comments, Minwoo felt a sudden feeling of guilt.

That was when the hallway went quiet when Mico began to speak.


"Since when did I become your girlfriend?" she asked. Eyes furious. Hands were tightly clenched into fists. Minwoo knew that she was mad. He could tell it by her tone.


When? When did she become my girlfriend?  he asked himself, panicking. But he didn't show it. He tried to remain calm and cool. "Since Thursday. Last week," he lied, didn't miss any beat.


Mico scoffed. "Thursday?" she queeried, hovering at him. "Last week?" She sounded angry.


"Don't tell me you forget it."


"And you have the guts to say that?!" she retorted in an angry voice.


"Why are you rising your voice? You were once my stalker!"


THe students gasped.

Ah-oh, why did I come up with that?


Don't change the topic Minwoo." She shook her head.


"What? She's Minwoo's stalker? Pathetic."

The whispers began again.

"She must be really obssessed with him."

"Yeah. And maybe she was the one who court him."


Mico scoffed of what the students were chattering. Do they hear themselves? she thought angrily. "What morons are you talking about?!"

The hallway went silent again.

"Everybody, listen to me!" she announced. "I was never Minwoo's girlfriend! He was asking me to be his fake girlfriend in order to make his former girlfriend, Choi Misoo, jealous!"

The students gasped.

Misoo threw a quick glance at Minwoo who was turning red.

His hands were clenched into tight fists. So angry. Really really angry.

Holy crap, he thought.

At least, that lessened Mico's angriness.

She smirked at him. This is what you get if you wanna mess with me. She was happy enough of what she did.

But her victory of embarrassing him quickly faded. Because the students were whispering nice words about him.


"Omo. So cute. . .  he still likes Misoo."


"THey should get back again. They're a really cute couple."


"THat is so sweet. Asking someone to be his fake girlfriend to make Misoo jealous."


"Whatever he does is really cute."


Mico couldn't believe they were actually saying those. It's just so not fair. "What the hell?" she mumbled to herself.


Even though  the students were chattering good comments, Minwoo was still mad at Mico because Misoo seemed to be disliking of what he did. It's his fault why she broke up with him. And now he was asking someone to be his fake girlfriend to make her jealous? How immature, thought Misoo. She walked away from them.

Minwoo's eyes followed her tracks as she walked. "Misoo-ya," he mumbled, frowning.

Mico couldn't take it anymore. She deliberately bumped him when she started walking away from the irritating whispers of the students.



"Owh. . . what happened to you?" asked Ahndi concernly as Mico sat angrily opposite them and grabbed the nearest chip on the table.

They were in their favorite hang-out place in school. A concrete table and bench where it was shielded by the leafy tree at the edge of the field. There, they could see the nice view of their school. The buildings, the soccer players playing in their court, students walking, laughing and chasing each other. Plus the breeze there is so refreshing.

"That Minwoo-guy happened," she replied irritably before stuffing a handful chips in .


"Minwoo?" asked the guy beside her, Lee Chan Hee, but people prefer to call him Chunji. "Why? What did he do to you?"


"He embarrassed me in front of many students," she responded between mouthful of chips.




"I tried to embarrass him too!"




"It didn't work," she said between gritted teeth then squeezed the chips she had on her hand angrily.


Her friends were expressionless. They just stared at her and tried to listen even though  they couldn't make up the words she was saying because was full of chips. "Wararrorrworororoboomowarorowaororow," that's the word that came out from Mico's mouth everytime she tried to speak.

"IT'S JUST SO UNFAIR!" she yelled as she banged her fists on the concrete table. At least, they understood her words that time.

But an accelerating pain suddenly occured in her hands. "Owh?"


Her friends didn't understand what exactly she was trying to say.

"Anyway, Hey Chunji," Ahndi called. "Since you're Kwangmin's classmate, you probably saw his twin. What's his name?" she asked excitedly.




"Pretty name," complemented Sonny before stuffing a chip in .


"What can you say about him?" another question from Ahndi.




"Awh. . . he must be a shy boy. . . that's so cute. . . "


Chunji suddenly laughed. "Shy boy? You're wrong with that, I guess. He looks like a snob. A rebel, or the silent type of a bad boy."


Ahndi fronwed and squinted at him. " How can you say that?"


"He didn't smile the whole time. And his facial expression is telling me that he hates being here, and he dislikes everyone and everything."


"Oh, what a jerk," Neil joined in and laughed together with Changjo and Ricky.


"Is that true?" asked Ahndi.


"I guess so. . .  but I should say he's really smart."


AHndi's face lit up. "Really?"


"Yeah." Chunji nodded. "He answered all the questions of the teachers. And he even corrected Mrs. Kim. I gotta say that his brain is advanced."


"Whoa. . . " Ahndi was stunned.





Up next. . .



"Bye Minwoo. . . " said Misoo. "This would be the last time we ever talked again." And then she went away.


"Okay. I'm ready to order," Donghyun said, looking at the foods in the counter. "I want spaghetti."


"Dine-in or dine-out?" asked Minwoo abruptly.




"Here." Minwoo slid a plate of spaghetti on the counter.


Donghyun just stared at it for a second. "Uhh. . . I change my mind. . . I want burger. The large one." He grinned.


He's enjoying this,  Minwoo thought bitterly. He shot an annoyed look at Donghyun. But he still obeyed him even though he really didn't want to. He couldn't believe he was actually serving for them. It makes him want to puke.

"Here." Minwoo slid a large burger on the counter after retrieving the spaghetti.


Donghyun studied the burger on the plate. Then his face contorted in dislike. "Hey, you know what? I realize that I want my spaghetti back."


Minwoo heard Kwangmin and Jeongmin snickering from behind Donghyun.

But anyways, Minwoo got the spaghetti back.


"Before I'll say anything else, first, you look good with that uniform," Donghyun said then laughed together with his cousins behind him.

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!