YAY! Thank you for checking this chapter out. You must be excited to know what club I am in. Well, BLEH! :P

I'm not telling you. Hehe, no, seriously, I'm part of the Dance Club.

For those who had answered it correctly, I LOVE YOU! For those who didn't. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sorry, I'm speechless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. hehe

Thanks for spending time guessing it anyway. And for those who didn't guess and were thinking I'm stupid or crazy or whatever, well actually I'm just having fun.

So you see, I'm in the dance club because of the mirror that surrounded the studio. I like there because wherever I look, I could see myself. I really thanked God for making me a good dancer.

I admit it. I'm not POPULAR. I'm just an AVERAGE guy. Even though I'll tell you that I'm the 2nd BEST DANCER in the club, I can't really tell that I'm a well-known student in the campus nor a semi-popular guy. Because there's a NO MINWOO blocking my SPOTLIGHT. Well, he's the BEST dancer in this academy. A lot of girls admire this kiddo mainly because he's a talented sopho-boy and all of them are saying he's a cutie. Which is a fact.

But I don't like his EGO. Imagine, during practice, he's always not in the studio because "I DON'T NEED TO PRACTICE COS I'M ALREADY A GREAT DANCER" is what he always say.

Now how conceited could he be?

And I heard that he's addicted to someone in the internet. No, not someone. A game. Yeah, a game in facebook. I'm not sure what it is but I think it's STICK RUN? LOL . That is so LAME. Hahaha. . .


I was walking in the field when I saw Hyemi laughing with her pretty friends. SHe's Donghyun's girlfriend which made me remembered that he was up to composing a song for her and it's gonna be a surprise.

A mischievous smirk formed my lips.

Surprise huh? Well, not anymore.

"Yah Hyemi!" I called her, earning 4 gazes from her and her friends. "Donghyun's composing a song for you!"


She looked surprised in a blissful way and her friends started to giggle. "Really? Where is he now?" she asked excitedly.


"In the basketball court."


"Omo! I gotta see him!" She leapt off the table and waved goodbye to her friends then started jogging enthusiastically on her way to the court. This must be the first time his boyfriend composes a song for her.

Her ACTION says it ALL!


I continued walking and looked around. The weather is cool. I like it. I looked up at the sky that was almost covered by thick, white and puffy clouds. When I looked back on my way, I went wide-eyed for I didn't have enough time to get rid off the guy in a speeding bike. I held my breath as I waited for the next thing to happen. But sighed deep after realizing that the bike didn't hit me. But it ALMOST did! But I was still relieved. "HEY WATCH IT!" I yelled in exasperation as I was still catching my breath. "Aigoo. . . " I sighed as I put my right palm on my chest. I was really shocked. FOR REAL.


"Sorry dude. I'm just in a hurry," he said calmly. I know this guy. He played the role of Romeo in the school play entitled ROMEO & JULIET. Sure the play did a great impact from the audience especially whenever this young kiddo appeared on the stage and do the acting. The girl's just gone WILD! His name is Jo Kwangmin. A great actor.


He said he's in a hurry. But why is he so calm? Tsk Tsk Tsk. Some kids are so weird these days.



TETRIS BATTLE is only ONE in the WORLD. . .

GF, there are a lot. . .

GF?  she's just gonna leave you. . .

But Tetris.. .  that's a no. . .

If you play Tetris Battle. . .  GF gets mad. . .

But if you play with GF. . . Tetris doesn't get mad. . .

In tetris, 5 bucks is enough to fulfill your happiness. . .

But with GF, maybe 10 bucks is not enough to make her happy. . .

If you find another game. . .  Tetris doesn't get mad. . .

But if you find another girl. . . GF gets mad. . .

If you're KNOCKED OUT in Tetris. . .

you don't put any little drama. . . .

But if GF breaks your heart. . .

your world seems like breaking apart. . .

See the difference?. . .


And when you leave GF. . .

it's so hard to get her back. ...

But if you leave Tetris. . . .

anytime you're welcome back. . .


TETRIS. . . . or GF?


"Wow dude! You really are addicted to Tetris!"


I quickly closed my notebook when I heard the annoying sound of my seatmate's voice over my shoulder. No other than. . . JO KWANGMIN. Yeah I hate this guy. We both hate each other. That's what making our social interaction great.

I shoved my notebook in my backpack asking "Had you read it all?" in an unsmiling way.

My girlfriend just broke up with me two days ago because of Tetris Battle. I didn't have time to hang out with her cos I was too busy having a bet with my buds in Tetris and that whoever loses in every round shall pay 1 dollar to the one who wins. In every round. And I had collected 20 bucks. She got tired of our relationship, I know. And I think I still like her. Oh man, what have I done? Since the day she broke up with me, I was starting to experience consecutive loses. From rank 50 to rank 42. That was the day I realized that she's the one who's making me win in Tetris. I had her those times. She inspired me.

But now that we are done, I think I'm gonna smash the keyboard of my laptop the next time I lose another star again. Dang it!

I should get her back so I'll win in Tetris again. But that's so SELFISH right?

Oh man. . .


"Yep. From the very beginning to the very end," replied Kwangmin, grinning.


I stood up and sat on top of the next table, facing him. "It's okay. It's not a big deal anyway," I told him grimly.


"You're sick, dude." He chuckled. "How could you chose Tetris over your girlfriend? You're nuts man." He shook his head.


"Just simple." I paused. "I love my girl. But I enjoy playing Tetris more than hanging with her."


His eyes twitched in bewilderment. "Is there such a thing?"



"You know Kwangmin," Minwoo said as he stood up. "It's better to hear that a girl broke up withher boyfriend because he's addicted to Tetris Battle, than a boy who keeps on rejecting girls because he loves Picachu." He made a smug smile. "How does that sound, huh?" Before walking away, he smirked.


Kwangmin glared at him as he walked out. "Aish. . .  that man. . . Why bring Pikachu in the topic?" he muttered irratatedly then stood up and strolled out.



"When I am in doubt

I will come to you"

"Aah. . . no . . . when I am in doubt. . . I will. . . " Donghyun thought of a good lyrics as he was tapping his pen on his paper. "will. . . remember you. . . " he muttered, then his face suddenly lit up. "Remember you're smile!"

Smiling, he sang "When I am in doubt

                             I will Remember your smile"

He wrote the lyrics he just thought a few seconds ago on his paper when a very familiar voice echoed in the court.




Turning his head, his eyes widened and then he started panicking. He hid the song he wrote behind him and tried acting cool. "Hey! What are you doing?" he asked, voice a bit shaking. He's quite not sure if she noticed his nervousness.


Hyemi walked toward him and said "Composing a song, eh?" before squatting opposite him.


"Uhh. . . " He hesitated to answer. But he answered anyway. "Yeah. . . " He laughed sheepishly.


"For whom?" asked Hyemi, eyes delightful. She knew that the song was for her but she wanted to hear that it's really for her from her boyfriend's mouth.


"Uhm. . . uhh. . ." he stammered. "It's for the musical actually," he lied.


Hyemi's delightful expression faded into a frown. She was disappointed. "Huh? But Jeongmin said you're composing a song for me."


"Says who?" retorted Donghyun in surprise.


"Jeongmin-ssh," repeated Hyemi glumly.


"Aish. . . that jerk," he murmured irratably.




Donghyun blinked. "Huh? Ah, nothing."


Hyemi pouted. She was really thinking that he's composing a song for her.

Donghyun noticed her disappointed expression, making him doubtful if he's going to tell her the truth. I'm really going to kill that Jeongmin, he thought. Okay fine. I give up. I can't stand watching her looking like that. "Yah!" he called. "WHat's up with that gloomy expression?"


"Don't mind me."


"I lied," he said.


Hyemi looked at him. "You what?"


"I lied to you."


Hyemi was still puzzled.

Rolling his eyes, he said, "Jeongmin's right. I'm composing a song for you."


Hyemi finally smiled back. "I knew it. I was actually planning to strangle Jeongmin for fooling me. But since he was really telling the truth, then mission backfired." She made a cheeky smile.


"No. You should continue your mission. This is supposed to be a surprise. Jeongmin knew it. But he purposely told you, so, let's strangle him together?"

Hyemi laughed.



"What? Just friends?" Lee Ahndi frowned at the result. That's not the result she wanted.



"You're not even friends. Pfft!" Young Mi-Cole interrupted without looking away from her PSP.



She was sitting next to her bestfriend, Ahndi. Even though she was playing her PSP, she was still aware of the craziness her best friend was doing. FLAMES? she thought. Only morons believe in that thing.


AHndi turned to face Mi-Cole. "Not yet. But soon, we will," she smirked.


Mi-Cole chuckled, eyes still on the screen of the PSP.

They are sophomores. They're in the class 09, and Kwangmin is in the class 10. That makes Ahndi happy. Her eyes are always set outside the window for she knows that by any time, Kwangmin, her ULTIMATE CRUSH, is gonna be passing their room.


"Ahn!" Changjo called.

Ahndi immediately looked at him.

"You're husband," he joked, looking outside the window.

Ahndi quickly looked outside. And there she saw Kwangmin walking with Minwoo. They seemed to be arguing over something.


"I told you man, don't put Pikachu in the topic. He's innocent man. INNOCENT." Kwangmin demanded.


"And don't BLAME my Tetris. He didn't do anything," Minwoo argued back.

Then they had completely passed the class 09.


"Oh he's just so cute!" she squealed.


"Too bad. He didn't try to look your way," commented Neil. "Tsk Tsk Tsk." He shook his head thrice.


Ahndi looked at her busy friend. "You know what, Mico? You're so lucky that he was once your classmate," she stated thoughtfully.


"That was just in the 3rd Grade. What's the big deal?" Mi-Cole asked, still not turning from her PSP.


"Because he's so gorgeous!" AHndi snapped. She moved a little closer to her bestfriend. "Tell me, what's the feeling when he was your classmate?"


"Nothing special."


"You mean, you didn't have a crush on him? EVen just a tiny little bit?" She made her thumb & index fingers almost touch to emphasize what she was trying to say.




"So what does he looked like back then?"


"A human?"

They heard snickers behind them. Those were from Changjo, Ricky, Neil and Sung Sonny.



Yeah right, funny answer Mico, Ahndi thought sarcastically.

"Silly. I know he's human. I need something more."


"Ahm. . ." Mi-Cole thought for a while, never attempted to stop pressing the keys of the gadget she was holding. "Infairness he could walk."


This time, those snickers turned into laughters. "You're not funny anymore, Mico," said Ahndi seriously.


"Then why are they laughing?"


"They just think you're a riot." SHe rolled her eyes.




"Please Mico. Just one information about him back then?" Ahndi begged.


"Hmmm. . . "Mi-Cole thought for a second. "I think he was never interested to girls back then. SO I'll say he's GAY."


Her statement made the laughters behind them louder, while Ahndi jerked her head backward and glared at he friend.

"You little. . . don't you ever say that 3 letter-word in describing him!"


"Yeah. Whatever."


Ahndi stared at Mi-Cole for a long second. Her gaze was burning. Then she suddenly snatched the PSP from Mi-COle. Surprised, Mi-Cole's eyes widened. "What the. . .!"



That afternoon, Minwoo was walking toward the school gate for their class was already over and he needed to go home. AS he stepped out of the school, he saw Choi Misoo, his former girlfriend, standing.



She seemed like waiting for someone. His heart suddenly beat fast. And he was thinking of greeting her. It doesn't mean that they're no longer friends after the break-up, right? He gathered more confidence to greet her.


Walking next to her, but a few feet away, he said, "Hey." Misoo looked at her right side and found Minwoo looking at her.

"Hey." She smiled slightly.


"How are ya' doing?" he asked.


"I'm good."


"That's great." He smiled.


Misoo pressed her lips together as she looked at both sides of the road.


"Waiting for someone?"


"Ye. My boyfriend actually."


Minwoo felt a sudden feeling of jealousy with mixed surprise after hearing Misoo's last 3 words. We just broke up 2 days ago and she already has a new one? he thought. How could she do that?


"How 'bout you?" asked Misoo. "Who are you waiting?"


"Aah. . . " Eottoeke. How should I answer that? "Uhm. . . actually. . ." he stammered.

He looked back and saw a student with a skateboard who just stepped out. A crazy idea popped inside his head that he suddenly walked toward the girl and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'm waiting for my girlfriend too," he stated.


"Waiting for who?" Mi-Cole asked, puzzled, trying to get off from Minwoo's arm. But failed cos he was stronger.


"So you like skater girls now, huh?" Misoo asked.


"Yeah." He glanced at Mi-Cole. "She's just so pretty. Right Mico-pop?" He pinched her cheek, and she flinched, trying to avoid him. But he still had pinched her.


"Mico-who?" She really didn't have any idea what's going on.


"I'll take you home?"


"Take me home?" she sneered.  "You don't even know where I live."


"What are you talking about? I just went there yesterday to meet your family." Minwoo wa trying really hard.


"Reaaly? COs I didn't see you." Mi-Cole shook her head.


"Oh I get it. You're playing amnesia here, aren't you? What an interesting game." He faked a laugh. Jeez, I look crazy of what I'm doing.


"What a weird couple," Misoo mumbled under her breath as she was watching the two.


"Stop playing around Minwoo. You're not funny." Mi-Cole told him annoyedly and pushed him hard. And she was finally out from his grip.


Misoo laughed slightly. Just then a car stopped behind her. She turned around and saw her boyfriend, L.JOE, smiling and waving a hand at her. Before going inside, she faced the two for the last time and said, "You're a funny couple." Paused. Then continued. "But cute." She smiled. "Bye!"

She opened the car's door and went inside after waving goodbye.

The two watched the car left. Then looked at each other.

Earlier, Minwoo's eyes was so sweet and nice everytime he looked at Mi-Cole. But now that Misoo's away, it turned into a disgusted and regretful look.

"I didn't have a choice but to choose you. Now I'm miserable," Minwoo admitted in a voice full of disgust.



Up next. . .



"I'm Youngmin. You're twin," the yellow-haired guy introduced in an unsmiling way. Then he went back reading his book.


"I'm not asking for your name!" Kwangmin suddenly exclaimed. "And you're my what?"


"I don't repeat things twice," Youngmin said firmly without looking away from his book.


"What are you doing here?!" asked Kwangmin, still surprised. But he didn't wait for an answer. Good decision because Youngmin's not really going to answer him. He started calling for his mom.

"MOM!! MOM!!" He walked behind the sofa where Youngmin was sitting. "MOM!! An impostor had gotten inside our house!"

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!