Recap. . .



She tripped and suddenly everything started moving in slow motion. Her lunch tray went flying up over her head and she heard a very familiar voice shrieking,


Then in horror, she realized it was hers!

She fell flat on the floor and was so stunned she could barely breathe. Her spaghetti and cherry jubilee dessert were smeared across her face and the front of her uniform. She looked like a life-size version of one of her messy finger paintings.

She just closed her eyes and lay there like a beached whale, with every inch of her body aching. Even her hair hurt. However, the worst part was that the entire canteen went quiet for that moment. Everybody's eyes were set on her. Then by any second, they bursted out laughing their asses off. Minwoo laughed the loudest and did some fist pounds with his Hapkido-mates. He didn't evern bother to help the miserable Mico.


"LOSER!" someone shouted.


"What a KLUTZ!"

The laughters went  on.



"I am really, really mad," Mico groaned angrily, squeezing her hands. She was walking home with her guy bestfriend, Chunji. They are neighbors so they often go to school together and go home together. She was in Chunji's uniform since her school uniform was really filthy.


Chunji was the one carrying her skateboard because he knew that she could break everything when she's out of control. It's okay for him if Mico breaks something---but not the skateboard! It's his precious gift to her during her 16th birthday last month ago.


Before Mico's birthday, her friends already knew that she really want to have a new cool skateboard. The one she saw in the mall.

Mico could afford to buy it, but her father cut her allowance off and took all of her credit cards because she was spending too much like buying a lot of foods, gadgets, sneakers, punk accesories. etc.

"I want to have that on my birthday," she said sadly a month ago, staring at the skateboard that worth $60.


Being a thoughtful friend, Chunji surprised her and made her so happy during her birthday.


"I WANT TO KILL HIM!" she shouted in exasperation.


Chunji tapped her shoulder. "Okay. Do that tomorrow," he said calmly.


"You're not helping!"


"Just calm down, okay?" he said solemnly.


"I can't," she retorted.


"Just breathe and believe," suggested Chunji.


"Breathe and believe that he's freaking dead tomorrow and I'm gonna spit on his grave?"


Chunji's face lit up. "Good you mentioned that!"


Mico was puzzled. "Mentioned what?"


"I Spit on Your Grave." He grinned.


"What? You spit on my grave?"


"No. I mean, have you watched that movie?"


"The what?"


"I SPit on Your Grave."


"Why?" asked Mico.


"It's good movie. You can get a lot of ideas how to kill that pretty boy," he assured, smiling.


She wrinkled her nose. "Really?"


Chunji nodded.


"Is it all about assassination?"


"Just watch it."


"The title doesn't sound really good." She shook her head.


"It's all about a writer."


"Eew!" Her face contorted into a disgusted expression.


"And she took a harsh, severe and murderous revenge," continued Chunji.


"Oh, that's good." She smiled.




"Oh? Why are you in Chunji's P.E uniform?" asked Kiseop after Mico closed the main door. Her brother and cousins were sprawling on the huge couch, watching a movie.

She has 4 brothers:







and (DONGHO)


She also have 3 cousins:






and (HOON)

who loves hanging in their house since they are really close with her brothers. She's the only girl in the house because her mother is working as a secret agent in U.S.A.


"My uniforms's dirty," she replied to Kiseop.


"Why is it dirty?" asked Kiseop.


Mico banged her backpack on the other couch and joined the boys in watching TV. "I had an accident in the canteen."


"What kind of accident?" asked Eli who was sitting next to Kiseop.


She rolled her eyes as she thought of what had happened. "Well. . .  it's practically not an accident because it was done deliberately. I mean, I was carrying a lunch tray with my meals on it and was walking in the asile when I didn'y notice that I was going to pass in my ENEMY NUMBER ONE's table and didn't see that he had his foot in the aisle to block my way and then I landed hard on the floor with my meals all over my unifrom, hair, neck and arms which by the way I spent $20 and 47 cents to have those in my stomach but I ended up eating only FRENCH FRIES!" She panted hard after her non-stopping explanation. But she's not yet done. "I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE HIM SO MUCH! HE KEEPS ON EMBARRASSING ME IN FRONT OF MANY STUDENTS AND THAT'S JUST PUNK!" she yelled in exasperation.


"Maybe he just like you," said Dongho.


"And he just wanna get your attention by embarrassing you," Kevin added.


Mico scoffed. What are they saying?  "I'm not his type. Pfft!"


"What's he in you school?" KEvin asked.


"A dancer boy? And when I say 'a dancer boy' I mean the ACADEMY's BEST DANCER. He's also a black belter in Hapkido. A gangster and a BULLY. And I heard a rumor that he's addicted to Stick Run? I mean, duhh? Stick Run? Well that's a 'no wonder' because he looks just like a stick. Just like you, Kev." She grinned at Kevin.

Her brotehrs and cousins laughed, except for KEvin.

"I'll tell you something Ms. Cool Girl," Kevin began. "There's a conclusion that most of the cute guys in South Korea are skinny." He made a cocky smile.


"And those who are not are GORGEOUS," Hoon added, and they laughed more.


"So what are you gonna do to that bully?" Soohyun asked Mico.


"REVENGE." Mico's mouth fell into a smirk.


"Ooh. . . that sounds exciting," said AJ.


"Make sure it's a good one," reminded Eli. "Nobody messes with our little girl."


"Duh Eli, you're dumb," said Dongho. "Somebody already did. Pfft!"



Mico's face grimaced in disgust as she was staring across the canteen. Staring at the Table 1 where Minwoo and his pals all seemed to be laughing at her. She knew Minwoo's the Mastermind. Rolling her eyes, she turned to Chunji who was sitting next to her and said, "I need your disected frog."



Up next. . .



Some students started in a snicker, but eventually laughed. And they even laughed more when someone cried, "HEY! MR. FROG PRINCE!"


Minwoo knew it was Kwangmin's voice. He glared up at Mico who was laughing the loudest and the one who was TOTALLY ENJOYING the scene and the one who put this all up!

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!