"Whoa. I got a B+ in Geometry." Mi-Cole looked at Ahndi. "Thanks to you."


Ahndi's lips fell into a disappointed pout. "I only got a B+ in Algebra."


"At least you got an A in Geometry. I don't even care that I got a D in Algebra. So quit worrying."


"I'm not like you."


"Ms. Young," Mr. Lim interrupted the bestfriends' talk.


"Sir?" asked Mico.


"Go to my office after lunch. There are some sort of things we need to discuss regarding about your performance in my subject."


"Yes sir," she replied lazily, scratching her head in annoyance.



"Take a seat, Kwangmin," Mrs. Chui offered softly, waving a hand on the chair that was placed in front of her table, when Kwangmin stepped inside her office.


Kwangmin did what she told so while waiting for her next intrusion.


Clsaping her hands together on the glass-topped table and leaning a bit closer to his student, she said that, "I hope you're aware that you're doing bad in my subject."


Kwangmin grinned nervously. "Ehehhehe," was the only sound that escaped his mouth knowing that she was right.


Mrs. Chui fell back on her seat and continued talking. "That's why I asked somebody in class 09 to tutor you," she said. ANd speaking of it, she saw the student she assigned to be Kwangmin's tutor, peeking inside her office, looking a bit hesitant. "Oh, there she is. Come here, sweetie," she offered, smiling.


Ahndi reluctantly walked inside and her heart began pounding hard when she saw Kwangmin looking at her. She quickly felt hot and was turning red. What's he doing here?


I know this girl. She's Mico's friend.


"Have a seat, Ms. Lee," said Mrs. Chui, thrwoing a glance at the vacant seat opposite Kwangmin.


Ahndi awkwardly sat on the chair and tried not to look at her dreamboy's eyes to avoid contact. It would make her clumsy.


"Okay Ahndi," Mrs. Chui began. "The reason why I asked you to come here is." She glanced at Kwangmin before she finished. "You're tutoring Jo Kwangmin."


Tutoring Jo Kwangmin, those words rocked her mind up like a nuclear explosion. She wasn't dreaming. This is real.

At first, she thought that it would be great because finally, she would have to spend a long time with Kwangmin like Anna Sophia. But when she realized that it would be too awkward with him alone, she was thinking of refusing Mrs. Chui's order. Tutoring him is no joke, she thought. She could even barely move in her position now because of being conscious that Kwangmin's around, not to mention that he was sitting in front her. What would happen if she would teach him? That would  probably need a lot of explanation to make him understand the lesson. But how could she do that if this very time, she felt like paralized? "Uhm . . . uhh. . . " she stammered.


"You're remark would depend upon his remark in the upcoming mid-term."


Oh no, Kwangmin thought  worriedly. It means, he should really cooperate with her and listen carefully to whatever she was going to teach him. He couldn't let his low remark affect her grades. That's just. . . inconsiderate. He took a glimpse at the girl in front of him who was gaping in surprise.


How can I teach him if I'm already tongue-tied in this very moment? 
"I. . . uhh. . . "


"So you should teach him well." Mrs. Chui looked at Kwangmin. "And you should listen to her. And when I say 'listen', I mean 'trap everything she says to you in your brain so they won't escape', Understand?"


"Ne," said Kwangmin.


"Uhm. . .  uhh. . . "


"Now you can go out," told Mrs. Chui.


Darn it! I haven't said anything yet and she's already letting us out?  Ahndi thought irritatedly, mad at herself that she didn't have the guts to protest.


They both stood up at the same time. Kwangmin walked toward the glass door first and opened it for her.

Ahndi looked up at him in surprise. "K-Ka-k-kamsahamnida," she stuttered, feeling a little fool for her action. So far, that was the first word she had uttered in the office. She wanted to slap her face.


"No problem," said Kwangmin casually when she finally stepped out.



"WHAT?!" Minwoo and Mi-Cole both exclaimed at once as they snapped standing in surprise, wide-eyed. They were inside Mr. Lim's office and the reason why they both cried startled expression was he tasked Minwoo to tutor Mico in Algebra since he got an A and she got a D.


"There is no way I'm tutoring this brat!" Minwoo protested.


"And there's no way I'm letting you to tutor me!" Mico shot a sharp reply.


"I'm not tutoring a girl who doesn't even know what's one plus one!" he pointed out, looking hard at Mr. Lim.


Mico crossed her arms over her chest. "That's two." She countered with an indignant expression.


"Nice guess," reorted Minwoo sarcastically.


"I'm a good guesser."


Minwoo turned back to Mr. Lim and was about to say something when he noticed what he just heard from Mico. "What? You're a good kisser?" he asked, eyes growing big in disbelief.


"Lol, see?" she turned to Mr. Lim. "Sir, he has ear-problem! Now how can I trust this guy if he's deaf!"


"Please sir. Give this task to somebody else," he begged. "Sir, you know Jo Youngmin, right? The new student. He's smart. He could tutor this girl." He knows that Youngmin rarely talks and that it will be weird if he will explaining a lot of things to Mico. But being so desperate to avoid the task, Youngmin popped inside his mind and thought that maybe he could throw this task to him.


Mr. Lim shook his head. "I can't do that. He's a newbie in this academy. He's still adjusting," he told him calmly.


"But sir, I'll tutor anybody, just please," He clasped his hands together. "Not this girl," he continued.


"Sir, I want Lee Chan Hee to tutor me," said Mico.


"He only got a B," replied Mr. Lim.


Mico thought for another student she knew in Class 10. "How about. . . Kwangmin?"


"He got a B, too."


"The other students who got an A?" She didn't give up.


"They were already assigned to somebody else."


Mico stomped her feet childishly and whined. "Aaaah. . .  sir. . . please. . . I'm begging you!"


Mr. Lim simply shook his head. He averted his eyes to the problematic Minwoo. "You're grade depends upon her grade in the upcoming mid-term exam."


Minwoo slapped his hands on the glass-topped table, leaning to their Algebra teacher with a determined expression. "Sir, give me a flat F. And I won't tutor this girl."


"If my result affects his grade, then I'll deliberately answer all of the questions incorrectly." She made a smug smile.


Minwoo quickly shot a look at her. "Sure you're gonna answer those incorrectly cos you won't learn ANYTHING FROM ME!" he yelled, hovering at her, making her jerked a little.

"I bet things would be better if you're gonna TEACH ME HOW TO DOUGIE!" she yelled, hovering at him too. She didn't have any idea why she actually said that. Now the 2 mean in the office stared at her like as if she was a mental.


"Oh that reminds me. . !" Minwoo slapped his head up to his forehead and pressed his palms on the table again, towering Mr. Lim. "Sir, the musical play is coming and they need the BEST DANCERS in the Dance Club and I am the BEST ONE SO FAR meaning I will be very very bust practicing the whole routine and I will not have a much time to tutor this deadbrain."


"And sir, the Skateboard Competition School Edition is also coming and I am one of the BEST Participants in our school. If you don't know, I was a champion 8 times already meaning I got 8 gold medals and a lot of trophies and I got 2 silver medals. Sir, I am one of the stars in this school. I will be very busy practicing cool stunts to amaze the judges. Sir, I won't have time to listen to this guy who looks like a Stick Run!"


"What Stick Run?!"


"There's a rumor that you're addicted to Stick Run which in any case, you look just like it." SHe laughed.



"I'm not addicted to Stick Run!" he protested. "I'm addicted to Tetris!"


"Whatever. Still, you look like a Stick Run."


"And you look like a. . . ." He studied her from toe to head and thought for something he could . He noticed that she has pinkish-white skin. Especially her face. She have big black eyes that stand out because of her color. Her face is very pink because of her angriness.





"MAJIN BUU!" he finished.









Mico's eyes grew big, not expecting that he was going to say that. "Why Majin Buu? You calling me FAT?! Because you're skinny, you're calling me FAT?!"


"Because you're pink, stupid!"


Mico's expression then changed into a proud one. "Well that's because I have an American blood," she smiled proudly.


"Still, you're a Majin Buu!"


"Stick Run!




"QUIET!"  Mr. Lim finally gave in. "Whether you both like it or not, you're a boy, you have to TUTOR HER! And you're a girl, you have to listen to him!"


"And the next time I'll take an exam, I'll play Eenie Meenie Minsey Mo so I won't get an A and be put up in this mess again!" retorted Minwoo annoyedly.



Up next. . .



"Oh! Hey Anna Sophia!" greeted Kwangmin with a grin.


He was happy to see her :( Could it be possible that he likes her?


"Hey!" She smiled, but faded when she saw Ahndi looking at her. "Why is she with you?" she wondered, glancing at the girl beside Kwangmin. "Could it be possible that. . . " she trailed off.


"No," Kwangmin quickly told her, chuckling. "She's not my girlfriend or something."


Ouch! exclaimed Ahndi inside her head. But it's true. She's not his girlfriend.



YAY!!! i was actually kind of enjoying writing this chap becos of the stick run and majin buu thingy.. hhee ..anyways,, how was it? is it okay? hehe

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jasarana16 #1
I hope you'll still continue this story! :)))) It's really great and funny!! I REALLY LOVE IT! Please do update! ^O^
heha xD we both love 1D !!! ^^
WAIT ?! WHAT ?! last update 12-5-2011 ?!
are you still working this fanfic?!
it's so cute and great story if you won't continue his ^^ just saying ^^v
New reader here ^^
and I found your story is so cute !
KpopLoverAM #5
Haha, I literally LOL-ed in this chapter, at first I thought Youngmin was gonna tutor Kwangmin, but no. :p <br />
Youngmin tutoring Mico, hmmmmmmmm, it would've been....interesting.<br />
jasarana16 #6
Update soon~~!! ^^
I really admire at Youngmin ♥_♥ .. he is such a SMART BOY ! :D while Kwangmin .. erhmm.. just a bit ?<br />
haha :D Minwoo so CUTE ! his brain works properly when he is angry ! hahaha .. woahh ~ I can't believe Minwoo can get a grade A even he just play a Super Nintendo last night ! what a cute guy of mine ~ ;)<br />
maela_kwangmin #8
wow,, i wish im like minwoo whose brain normally works when angry. lmao! and youngmin is so smart.. update soon! :)
maela_kwangmin #9
<<<<<<<chapter 15>>>>>>>>><br />
haha! serves you right minwoo! A.K.A, FROG PRINCE! HEHE
jasarana16 #10
Wah.. so happy that Mico has done her revenge!! xD Update soon!