

 Aerim walked across the stage for the tenth time that night. She was extremely nervous and the thousands of empty seats in front of her made it even worse. With her microphone in hand, she ran through a couple of lines in her head once more, snapping her fingers to the imaginary beat and tapping in a couple of dance moves.

"You look cute," Someone spoke into the microphone, their voice displayed to the whole stage set.

Aerim turned around and smiled, her rival was in a pair of black sweats and a leather jacket thrown over his torso. His hair was slicked back beneath a cap that emphasized his defined features and good looks, "So do you Mr. Hanbin."

"It's B.I," He corrected her, rubbing an awkward hand behind his neck.

"That's not what I'll be calling you when I diss you tonight," She smirked, placing a hand on her hip.

B.I raised his eyebrow and grinned, "It' that serious eh?"

The two had been assigned to a rap competition by the CEO's of their company and with days of practice alone, it was finally the special stage where they would spit some insults and see who was favoured by the audience. Aerim wasn't confident, in fact she had always referred to her rapping as mediocre but B.I on the other hand was known all over for his skills so she had to make sure he knew this was only a joke.

"Seriously, don't stress you'll be fine," B.I smiled legitimately.

Aerim retuned the favor, "You too, this is all for fun."

Although there was unmistakable flirtatious competition between the two, there was that line that they would never cross and they had always considered themselves good friends. This rap competition was the only thing that could either breach their friendship or intensify it.

"I'm never nervous, especially since I know I'll win," B.I laughed, adjusting his cap.

Aerim ignored his remark and watched as the seats in the arena filled up. Quickly, people began to rush in, screaming as they noticed B.I and her on stage. She immediately began to feel worried and anxious, what if these people favored B.I over her? What if they didn't favor her at all?

"Let's chill backstage until this place is full," B.I suggested.

"Good idea." Aerim agreed, rushing across the stage and towards the exit.



"Ladies and gentlemen, introducing rookies of the year, rappers of our generation, the people of today! B.I and Kim Aerim!"

The arena erupted in cheers and shouts, hundreds got up form their seats and clapped rapidly. Everything was loud, wild and Aerim told herself to believe this was all for B.I. It was crazy, something she had never seen before. B.I was new to this too but still, he managed to put on a smug expression.

"," She cursed, rubbing her hands over her face to wake herself up.

B.I looked over at her laughing, "Yeah, ."

"Bring them out, round of applause for tonight's rap off, B.I and Kim Aerim!"

The stage managers pushed the two forward, throwing them good lucks and thumbs up from every corner. B.I stepped out confidently, smiling and waving to the crowd as they began to scream louder than before. A few girls had even begun crying as he blew kisses and waved. Aerim followed strictly behind him, trying desperately to mock his cocky expression. The screams settled down for a second and she bit her lip but when B.I threw a cheesy heart, it started up again.

"Let's Go!"  

A sudden beat dropped and B.I began to flow with the melody his body moved naturally and he closed his eyes allowing the hum of music to seep through his skin. The crowd chanted his name and Aerim stood there, watching him as he held the microphone to his lips. She caught a quick smile and she gave him a confirming nod, letting him have his way for tonight.

"See I couldn't even find one person that heard of you,

I did find a couple of people that wanted to murder you,

Consider me the clothes on your back and a warm meal,

Who knows, that just might get you a deal,

And the day your album goes on sale for the first hour,

Remember my feature was the reason it got extreme power,

I can diss you over fast, slow track or no track,

If your wasn't so wacky, I'd diss you on your own track,

Talkin' bout money b**** I made yours,

Even though I won, don't worry I ain't keeping score."

The crowd was on their feet praising B.I from every corner. Even Aerim was shocked, he hadn't only won, he murdered her. She clapped slowly, taking her chance to bow at him and congratulate his obvious win.

B.I laughed, throwing an arm over her shoulder, "Mianhae."

The crowd laughed and Aerim tinted red. She cleared and placed the microphone over her lips.

B.I gave her a look, he was worried. Clearly he knew the crowd would favor him no matter what and he pitied her. But still, it was almost impossible for him to keep his eyes off of he as she prepared for the worst. The way she held the microphone and tiled her head, remembering her lines was adorable and B.I had to force himself to keep a confident face or he would have smiled like a dork right then.

Another beat dropped and the crowd began to hype the music. Aerim lifted her head up, eyeing B.I anxiously. He gave her a reassuring look and she turned back to face the crowd.

"Let me hear you," She yelled and the audience began to move to the music.

It was beautiful really, having everyone move at the same time only to hear a few words for a couple of seconds. Amazing.

"You'll never be the man your mother is, what else should I say?

Can I borrow your face, my is on holiday,

If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid, on that please chew

Baby I've got money stacks bigger than you,

Don't regret making records to disrespect me,

Doesn't matter whether blatantly or indirectly,

You walk around showing off your body cause' that's the only thing that sells,

Plus to hide the fact that you ain't got no skills,

Mad at me cause I rap real men feel

While ninety nine percent of your fans wear high heels,

So many walking around rapping like CL they had to call you C4,

I won, so for me please do keep score."


Everyone began to cheer loudly as Aerim took a deep breath and clapped quietly. The crowd was screaming recklessly, clearly showering Aerim with praise and compliments that outshined B.I. She loved everything about it. Her rap wasn't as good as B.I's but she was happy that it came out like she had practiced.

B.I on the other clapped along, smiling idiotically and staring straight at Aerim who was facing the audience. It was incredible. He hadn't known she was that good and it made her even more attractive. Something about the fact that she shared the same passion as him made him like her even more. She was a natural professional and even though she wasn't used to the stage, it was obvious she had been rapping for a long time.

He took out his earpiece and unplugged his microphone, "That was hot."

Aerim laughed, thanking the fans sincerely for their warm applause.


Rap credits: Masta Ace for B.I's lines, Eminem for Aerim's rhymes and other anonymous suppliers.

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Chapter 36: the lack of yoyo makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry in a corner o n o he's such a sweetheart, a pure cinnamon roll! Can't wait for request to open up again o u o
1. Kim Hanbin
2. Goo Kyungmi
3. When Kyungmi gets jealous when Hanbin is with another girl, but he's awkward and oblivious to all things abotu relationships.
4. Fluff
Thank you in advance! :D
sarajiyongie #3
Chapter 1: Why there's no yoyo story :(
Will there be a part 2 for bluejellos request?
kejt21 #5
Chapter 33: I'd love to know how did Bobby and others react :D
knight27 #6
Chapter 30: Glad to hear that you got accepted by your dream university! Congrats! I really missed your writings and I'm excited about your updates.
thucthuc #7
Chapter 29: love the message in this chapter
kdramafan #8
Chapter 28: Waaa.. This one is .....
Waaaaahhh .. I can't .....
xaraky #9
Chapter 10: Just a question. Did you actually write the lyrics that B.I wrote about love yourself? If so, then wow! You are talented.
KimFxz #10
Chapter 27: oh yeahhhhh