
I Love You Two


For the next few weeks, I couldn't get up from bed. My body was unstable, hot and I keep passing out from feeling tired. I pass out when walking

down the stairs, opening the bedroom door, all sorts of trivial stuffs. My doctor came around and sympathetically whispers (not so discreetly) that my

time was coming. And no medicine can help me now. And that no one should stay near me or sleep on the same bed. Even though Junnie was

prepared for the news, the reality was a blow to him and nowadays he looks haggard and does not leave my side. Fearing he might miss the moment I

pass. One night, I had the raging desire to see the night sky. I have been jailed in the room for god knows how many days. My head weighed a ton,

my eyelids were burning, but I had to. Had to see the sky and everything else before it was too late. I reached out for Junhyung's hand weakly, my

hand trembling shakily in the air.

He grabs my hot hand, worry fills his eyes." What is it? " He whispers, eyes bloodshot. 

I fluttered my eyes closed tiredly." The sky...... I - I need- to - to see. The night. The night sky. "  I croaked out weakly.

Junhyung frowns, confused. Then after a moment, he shot up from his seat and grabs the wheelchair. He guided me slowly, up from the bed to the

wheelchair. It was torture to lift my dead-weight legs. I shivered, feeling cold as Junhyung pushes me outside, the balcony. The chilly wind was

blowing incessantly. My eyes immediately lit up and my heart surges with power as the night sky comes into view. My hands literally trembled at the

beauty of the star-filled sky. And my heart aches painfully. Junhyung takes a seat next to me, and admires the sky, too. He holds my hand

awkwardly, the armrest a barrier between us. We both stare up at the sky wordlessly. Then, as if remembering something, he gasps and run into our

room. I strained my neck to see what he was doing. He came out carrying a telescope, grinning wildly. And a paper in hand. He set up the telescope

happily, beaming at me. I grin back amusedly and watch him fuss over it.

" Look, I bought you a star. " He says happily. At first, my mind was blank. What star, I thought.

" Huh? What are you talking about? " I ask .

He was still smiling, " I ordered a star under your name. And I planned the astrological area where it will appear! " He exclaims in excitement.

My eyes went wider and I leaned forward to look at the certificate." But where is it? "  I ask, peering randomly into the telescope.

He laughs, for the first time in weeks.

" It hasn't appeared yet. It will appear around next week and this week. " He smiles.

I said nothing. " What if I can't make it? "

His grin vanished. His eyes were casted downwards.

" Don't worry, then you will be replaced by this star, and I will talk to it every day. " He says quietly.

My body froze." Was this why you bought me the star?  Because you will get lonely? " I whispered. He looks at me then ducked his head. 

" Yes. Because to me, you are MY star, and I will get to see you every night. " He says shakily, a tear streaming down his face.

I reach out and wipe his tear." Why.... Why. " I cried softly.

He shakes his head and sobs into my shoulder.

" At least you know I love you. "



T____________T #tearsflooding

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I really cry hard. Even though they can only be with one another for months but they never regret while living. When you know that your life coning to the end, people tend to give up. But for this case HyunA found a very good reason to stay longer with Junhyung. They cherish all the moment they have.
nmhuongg #2
Chapter 33: new reader T.T huhu
I cried a lot T.T huhu
Chapter 32: i just found this fanfic and read it...
i crying like hell now T-T
rbtigersm #4
D: omg I'm sobbing T.T
Wow I read a lot of these and this is the first to make me cry! It was sweet...
love the story. you make it so beautiful.
i smile, laugh, and cried alone like a crazy person here >.<
thank you ^^
Wow !!!
I like it..
I'm confused at the last part then I thought
"My science teacher said when you sleep stressed or not feeling well you might have a kind of nightmare that can make you die." It's true, I have known many people died while their asleep even they're not sick or something. but they're stress or they had many problems then they sleep not relaxing their minds.
i really love this story... yeah, thanks for making happy ending.. i really enjoy reading your story~~~ i pity them because both of them died at the end but at least they happy together...
AngelHera14 #9
Meep. sorry if you guys got confused but yeah~ he loved her too much and joined her in heaven ^.^
muchLove #10
So they both died? im kinda confused how Junhyung died, cause he fell asleep.

But the bonus chapter was really sweet.