We Are One!

B4's BeeshTime
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Episode 9 - We Are One!



"So what are we supposed to wear to this thing?" Lil'NoNo looked at her closet trying to figure what she should wear, go y or cute? The four girls were in Rae and Lil'NoNo's room because Kris was using Kore and M.Flo's room to change.

"It's a high end party at the club sorta, that should give you an idea of what to wear," Kore helped Lil'NoNo pick out an outfit. Rae already had her outfit planned from the beginning. She was influenced by Park Bom's outfit on her newest MV called Crush. All she had left to do was get her makeup and hair done.

M.Flo had no idea what to wear because she was happy and nervous at the same time since all of Exo may be there. An idea came up suddenly and she heads over to her room and knocks on the door, "Kris. You ?" She could hear Kris's chuckles from behind the door. He opens it revealing himself in a white v cut tee and black slacks paired with red nike high tops.

"No, what you need?" He grinned.

"I don't know what to wear, can you help me?"

"ME TOO!" They heard a yell from Lil'NoNo and Rae's room. Kore also asks Kris for help.

"I'll do my best." Kris picked out an outfit for M.Flo that was all in black and white. Almost the same outfit as Kris.

"We're gonna look like twinsies," M.Flo said looking at her outfit.

"Nuh-uh! You're wearing those shoes," he pointed at her red stiletto heels. "And I'm wearing these."

"Big difference," she said sarcastically. Though Kris didn't get it.

"I know right?!"

Kore also was looking similar to Kris style also, "We look like you, Kris."

"I know, that's my style."

Kore laughed, "I'll switch my skinny jeans to a skirt and add some colored jewelry to it."

"But that's not Galaxy style."

"I know," Kore places her hand on her hips posing like Wonder Woman,"It's Kore style."

Everyone was finally ready and they all skooched into the van with Kris. They all looked stunning in the outfits. Rae and Lil'NoNo sat in the two front seats while Kris, Kore, and M.Flo sat in the back. Rae looked down on her phone and continued to text Zelo.

"So who did you ask to be your date?" Lil'NoNo turned around in her seat facing Kore.

Kore smiled a little, "Chunji."

"You?" Lil'NoNo looked at M.Flo. M.Flo opened to say something but Kris spoke up.

"The galaxy."

Poker face Lil'NoNo said, "Galaxy? Who's that?"

"I wonder sometimes about you?" Kore replied.

"Seriously though? Who's Galaxy?"

Kris laughed, Kore placed two fingers on her forehead. "It's Kris!"

"But it's not a date, she has no one to go with so I decided to go with her."

"Oh," Lil'NoNo nodded.

They finally arrived and headed over to guards to get in. Kris was a little nervous because no one knew that he'd be there except for Rain and the girls. Rae noticed Kris acting nervous, "You ok?" He nodded in reply, though Rae knew that he was nervous. "We're here for you, Kris." 

He smiled, "Thank you."

Inside, MBLAQ was already there and Chunji met up with Kore wrapping an arm around her and walked over to the bar. When Kris entered with the girls, everyone turned their heads and looked right at Kris. Though it was hard to read his expressions since he was hiding his eyes under a pair of black aviators but the girls knew how Kris felt.

Since Kore was enjoying her time with Chunji, the three pulled Kris aside where they can barely see him. "You can do this Kris, you are strong and courageous, " M.Flo said giving him words of encouragement.

Rae spotted Zelo with all of B.A.P dressed nicely walking in getting distracted now. Once Zelo caught sight of Rae's face, he started walking faster towards her. He almost planted a kiss on her lips but M.Flo stopped them, "Rain's here. You can dance together but no kissing." Rae pouted. "I heard that there are dark corners in the back sitting lounge. You can go there."

"Thank you."

"No problem, you two be safe and please don't get too frisky, ok?"

"Use protection," Kris added looking at Zelo seriously. Rae didn't hear him say that though. "Take care of her, I'll whoop your if I see her hurt because of you." Kris just wants to protect his four angels. If anything ever would happened to them, he would take the ones who hurt them, down. He knows Zelo's a good kid but he just wants him to know that he better not hurt her.

"I love her and I'll do anything to protect her. If I ever do hurt her, I give you the privilege to beat me," Zelo responded.

"PENIEL IS HERE!" Lil'NoNo screamed distracting Kris and Zelo from their deep conversation. She ran like a happy penguin to him.

"I thought there was gonna be food here?" Peniel said scanning the place.

"There is."



"Only if you taste like a donut then I'll make an exception," Peniel cluelessly affirmed.

"I thought there was supposed to be food?!" Peniel turned and looked at the one who also asked the same as him.

"I said the same thing too!" Peniel said to Daehyun. Peniel grabs Lil'NoNo by the arm, "She said we can eat her."

Daehyun eyed her suspiciously, "If you taste like a cheesecake then I'll make an exception."

"Doing ok?" M.Flo asked Kris.

"Yeah," he nods. "So, what does my 'date' want to do?" Kris teased M.Flo.

M.Flo chuckled, "I don't know, let's have a seat over there." She pointed at two available seats at the bar.

"You want a drink?"

"No, last time I had a drink I wanted to throw up."

"What did you have?"

"Someone spiked the punch."

"EXO is here!" One of the members from MBLAQ yelled. M.Flo turned to see them walk in. Kris dared not look back.

Kris froze by just the name 'Exo' being said. Kris was happy that Exo was here but a little uneasy about it. He wasn't for sure if Exo would be nice to him or just ignore him like they did when it happened.

M.Flo looked back at Kris, "You ok?"

"Should I be happy, sad, or mad?" Kris questioned. "What if they brush me off?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's not your fault."

"It kinda is," M.Flo said regretting her decision now. "I invited them here. You said you weren't allowed to contact them at all and when I saw Taemin when NoNo and I were at our show that was scheduled, he was talking to Kai on the phone. I asked Taemin to invite Exo," she paused. "And I wanted to meet Chanyeol too."

Kris stayed silent for a minute making M.Flo now hating herself. "You all really must be angels."

"What do you mean?"

"You all care so much for me. I'm not mad that they're here. I'm just a bit nervous to how they're gonna be towards me, but now that your telling me this. If they ignore me, yeah I may be bothered but... I have you four now. I've haven't felt this great in forever."

"We'll always be here for you."

"KRIS?! IS THAT YOU?!" Kris and M.Flo so into their conversation, Tao runs over to them. Kris was about to speak but Tao hugged him before he could say a word. "I missed you, Kris ge ge."

Exo all saw Kris but they never got near him. Only Tao. Lay and Baekhyun wanted to come over and say hello but the members pulled them back. Kris saw the way they were around him, he was hurt a little but he understood that they were scared to talk with him just by looking at their faces.

Tao saw that none of them followed him behind and smiled weakly at Kris, "I should probably go back." Tao goes back to join Exo leaving M.Flo and Kris alone again.

"You should go over there and talk to them," Kris said interrupting M.Flo's thoughts. "I'm sure they'd like to talk to you."

"I'm ok," she did wanted to go over and say hi to them but she didn't want to leave Kris alone. If they were only gonna talk to M.Flo when Kris isn't around then she wasn't gonna leave his side. She wants Exo talk to Kris again.

Kore, a little tipsy from her three drinks she downed, she became a little flirty with everyone now. Chunji pulled her out to dance and they both swayed into the music.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" The music was stopped now by Rain.

"AWW! PUT THE MUSIC BACK ON, YOU !" Kore yelled a bit well-oiled from her last drink.

Rain smacked his forehead but continued on, "Let's give a toast to B4 and MBLAQ! They have been very successful and hardworking groups. Their new video was a hit success in a heartbeat, so cheers to B4 and MBLAQ! I'M VERY PROUD OF THEM!" The crowed cheers and take in their drinks. "HIT IT DJ!"

Thunder sees Rae and Zelo together and makes his way over to them. "So I'm guessing this is your boy-," Rae shushed Thunder quickly.

"No one's supposed to know!" She hissed.

Thunder chortled, "It's ok, your secrets safe with me."

Zelo eyes Thunder like a hawk, "Well, will you excuse us. We're gonna go get a drink."

"So why is Kris here?" Daehyun asked busy eating some fruit he found.

"Maybe he was bored and decided to come here?"

No one is supposed to say a word of what's going on with Kris. It's a new comeback for B4 and Rain wants to surprise everyone with Kris featuring. "Oh look!" NoNo pointed at wherever trying to distract Peniel and Daehyun. "There's more food!"

"I CALL IT!" Peniel screamed.

Lil'NoNo shoved Peniel's face away as they all dashed toward the food. "No!" He screamed as he grabbed her hair. Daehyun laughed like a child as he got to the table first. Lil'NoNo watched as he

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Chapter 10: maaann its getting goooddd lol wonder if Rains gonaa be pissed
Chapter 6: Getting crushed by a gaint! Hahaha
Chapter 6: Pon más!! Señora!!! Yo quiero leer más!!!