B4 ft. Kris

B4's BeeshTime
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Episode 6 - B4 ft. Kris



Morning came and Rain entered with his camera crew. He went to M.Flo and Kore's room first. "Rise and shine-Kris!!!" He said in shock.

Kris rolled over a few times muttering things before he officially woke up. "Oh...Rain, I need to talk to you..." He said sleepily.

Rain stood their still shocked. "Where are the girls?!?" He asked in a panic.

"They're in the other room, they let me sleep here." Kris explained.

Rain walked to the other room opening the door. He woke up Kore and Lil'NoNo then M.Flo and Rae(Who was still clutching her phone.) They sleepily looked at Rain who was upset. "Can someone please explain why a former member of Exo is in the other room?!?" All the girls looked at Kore hopping she would explain.

"We are going to collaborate."

"You can't. Now get up and get ready."

"I said we are not can we."

"Get. Ready." Rain stomped out of the room and into Kris' "You get out"

"No." Rain cringed as he turned around to see Kore standing with her arms crossed and the other three behind her. "We promised we would help him."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep."

"We are going to keep our promise."

"Ok, you know what? Sit down. You all have made a big mess in just two days. First, Kore disrespecting me, which you are still doing. I understand you're independent and head strong but you are acting like a spoiled child." Kore bit her lip and stared at him. She knew it was partly true, she could be brat sometimes but this wasn't being a brat, Kris needed them.

"NoNo, you running around half ." The girls suppressed their laughter and managed to keep straight faces. "Do you know how hard it was to get rid of all that footage and pay people to keep it quiet?"

"Rae, you are underage and do you know how many scandals and rumours have popped up from sneaking off late at night with other groups?"

He turned to Kris. "Now this, because of M.Flo. I don't know which is the worst!"

"We promised to help him."

"If you collaborate with him you will cause major problems, including losing fans which means losing sales which means you may not be together for much longer."

"And what if the opposite happens?"

"You don't know that it will."

"And you know for sure it won't?"

Rain thought for a moment. "Ok fine, come up with a song." The other three girls hugged each other and squealed. "This show is going to need a hell of a lot of editing," Rain said as he walked out.

As the day went by, B4 had to attend their schedules, and occasionally departing from each other for separate individual schedules. The first to arrive back to the dorm around 3pm was M.Flo. She went directly to the kitchen to obtain a fresh glass of water when she stopped in her tracks and was greeted with Kris's back. "Kris?"

The said man turned around and smiled brightly, a spoon in his hand. "Hey, you're home."

M.Flo returned the sincere smile and peeked around him to look at the stove. "Yep, I'm done for now. I'll have to meet up with the rest of B4 tonight for a music video recording. Are you cooking ramen?"

Kris turned to look at the pot on the stove and stirred the ramen. "Heh, yeah. It's all I know how to cook. I thought I would cook something for you guys since you decided to help me out."

M.Flo valiantly gave him a back hug and grinned, causing the tall man to slightly freeze but soon relax and smile. "We'll always be here for you Kris."

"Thank you for believing in me," he said as he turned his body and gave her a front hug.

"What's this?" A voice came from the living room which was connected to the kitchen. "Aw, how sweet," Lil'NoNo cooed teasingly as she walked by and reached in the freezer for some ice cream.

She was about to open the lid when Kore walked in through the front door and caught her almost with the spoonful in . Kore slapped it out of Lil'NoNo's hand as she commanded through gritted teeth, "After dinner."

"Speaking of dinner, look what Kris made us!" M.Flo pointed to the stove as Kris lifted the cover of the boiling pot.

"OH YUM!" Lil'NoNo exclaimed as she rubbed her stomach. "Thanks Kris~"

Kore set up the table as Kris brought it to the middle of the table. "Should we wait for Rae?" M.Flo asked.

Lil'NoNo shook her head with a mischievous smirk. "I have a feeling Sheban won't be hungry... I think the staffs fed her." She giggled while covering , thinking about her texting conversation with her dongsaeng. Rae had texted Lil'NoNo not to wait for her arrival, since she was going on a secret date with Zelo. They were going to a secret dinner and then stroll along in a park with disguises. Lil'NoNo had thought it was so cute and promised to cover up for her.

"Lets try to work on our song as we eat," Kore suggested as she lifted some ramen noodles from the steaming pot and into her bowl.

"Lets write a song about the galaxy," Kris instantly beamed.

"Not this again," Kore said with an eye roll.

"I think that's a great idea," M.Flo said as she blew on her burning noodles and slurped them up. "This needs to be a powerful song and it needs a deep meaning. A song about the galaxy would be personal for Kris and it just seems...somewhat right."

Lil'NoNo agreed with a nod of her head. "We could write it as if the lyrics are describing us as if we are finally free, with no troubles or worries, flying endlessly in a never ending galaxy full of hope and freedom."

Kris couldn't stop the smile reaching across his lips at how his idea was accepted and loved. He excused himself briefly as he stood up and walked out of the room, wiping at his watery eyes.

The three girls watched in concern until he left into the bathroom and closed the door. "He's been through so much..." Lil'NoNo said in almost a whisper.

The girls waited and Kris still hasn't came out. The girls began to worry.

"Is he ok?" Kore asked.

Lil'NoNo shrugged her shoulders, "M.Flo, go check on him."

"Why me? What if he's actually doing his business in there."

"Let's go together," Kore said standing up ready to head over to the restroom. The girls followed Kore behind, once Kore reached the front of the door, she froze.

"Aren't we suppose to knock?" NoNo whispered.

"Let's do Rock, Paper, Scissors," Kore said facing the girls now. They did it the first time and it was M.Flo who lost.

"Damn it!" She whispered quietly.

"On a count to three, you knock. Ok?" Kore said to M.Flo. She nodded and raised her hand to knock. "One, two, three-," on three, the door opened before she could knock and the two bishes have left M.Flo behind. M.Flo cursed quietly but she forgot what happened when she saw the look on Kris's face.

"Why are you crying?"

"I swear you're an angel," he paused seeing Kore and Lil'NoNo peek in. "All of you, are angels. How did I ever get so lucky? It feels like a dream again." He fell on his knees again letting his tears fall freely down his cheeks. "It's feels like a dream that I don't want to wake up from because it's too good to be true." Lil'NoNo and Kore got next to M.Flo. "I'm afraid," he continued. "I'm afraid to sleep. I couldn't even sleep last night thinking that if I fell asleep. It would be a dream and you wont be there."

M.Flo got on her knees and hugged Kris, Kris stretched his arms out for Kore and Lil'NoNo. They both joined and hugged each other.

"It's not a dream Kris. It's real and we'll always be here for you no matter what," NoNo said sniffling.

"We believe in you Kris," the three girls said together.

"Let's make this song different," M.Flo said when they settled back in their seats again.

"What do you mean?" Kore asked.

"Well, you know how Kris's rapping has that deep chilling tone rap voice right?" The girls nodded while Kris just listened.

"Let Rae rap a bit more. Then when it's K

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Chapter 10: maaann its getting goooddd lol wonder if Rains gonaa be pissed
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