Kris? Is That You?

B4's BeeshTime
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Episode 5 - Kris? Is That You?



M.Flo looked at her phone for the hundredth time. Still no answer from her band mates, sighing again she put it back.

"What's wrong?" Kahi asked as she handed her a drink.

"I can't find my members and they won't answer my texts."

"Well, one of them is unconscious remember?"

M.Flo chuckled and shook her head. "Still the other two, I know Rae is pretty mature but Kore can sometimes do stupid things when she's out by herself."

"Hey, I see you're doing better how about another dance?" GD appeared out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around M.Flo.

"Actually I'm still not feeling good I think I'll just-"

"Ok then have a goodnight I hope you feel better," GD cut her off and walked away.

"Wow" M.Flo turned to Kahi who was staring daggers into G-Dragon's back. M.Flo decided not to say anything and took a sip of her drink.

"Excuse me"

M.Flo choked on her drink, she knew that voice. "Himchan!" He smiled shyly.

"Yes. I just wanted to ask if you have seen any of my members around, I can't find them."

M.Flo shook her head. "No I haven't and I'm looking for my members too." Himchan smiled cutely.

"Lets look together," he offered her his hand, M.Flo exchanged numbers with Kahi then took his hand and they left together.


Lil'NoNo was screaming her head off as she woke up from her nightmare, when did she even fall asleep?! She was quieted down by a soothing hand on her back. "It's okay," the voice said. "Are you alright?"

Lil'NoNo blinked vigorously and rubbed her eyes, looking to her left in the pitch black dark room. "W-Who are you?" Last thing she remembered, she was with Peniel, wasn't she? This was obviously not the Chicago boy's voice. "W-Where's Peniel?"

The stranger retreated his hand back and Lil'NoNo could make out the rustling noises of him getting up and walking away. "I ran into Peniel giving you a piggy back ride outside the after party. He looked kind of tired and out of breath," he chuckled at the last statement. "I asked what happened once I saw B4's Lil'NoNo passed out from what I presumed was from intoxication?" She could just hear the amusement and the smirk oozing from his words. "Soon the rest of BTOB were leaving and I just told him to pass you over to me so he could leave and not get in trouble with his manager. Lil'NoNo's eyes squinted once the light was . She lifted her head and blinked again, trying to get used to the light. "Turned out I didn't have the muscles to carry you either since I'm a little on the weak side," he chuckled as he turned around.

Lil'NoNo gasped loudly while her eyes widen like saucers.


"Thankfully Siwon helped me out! I offered for you to sleep in my bed until you would wake up. Sorry if its kind of creeper thing to do..."

Lil'NoNo just stared intensely at him. HIM. The man she had been crazy over for years. CHO. FREAKING. KYUHYUN.

He stared back at her, confused and a little uneasy about the silence. Had he traumatized her and scared her off? He only laughed while closing his eyes when Lil'NoNo simply patted the spot next to her on the bed. "Come closer, let me sniff you. I MEAN LETS TALK ABOUT MUSIC."

Rae and Zelo were barely watching the movie. They kept on giggling and whispering things to each other.

"SHH," Youngjae threw popcorn at the back of the lovey dovey couple's heads. "Unlike some people, I'm watching the movie."

", how dare you waste food like that," Daehyun growled with his upper lip twitching up in annoyance. "Poor popcorn...terribly wasted."

Other watchers in the theater kept 'sh'ing them but to no avail did that succeed in shutting up the two bickering idiots. "Dae, did I not just say I was watching the movie?"

Zelo finally snapped and turned around. "GO AWAY. NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE."

A random person started clapping and cheering Zelo on, "THANK YOU."


Zelo scoffed with a laugh, "You can't even skateboard."

Youngjae gasped and clenched at his heart. Daehyun comforted his best friend and turned to the maknae. "That was low."

Zelo rolled his eyes as he continued. "Besides, I don't need your help getting a girl." He turned back to the abandoned feeling Rae. He pulled her up and smiled wholeheartedly, gently placing his hand on her cheek and it lovingly. "I can do it on my own," he said barely audible for anyone else but Rae.

He leaned in and kissed her passionately. Rae had never been kissed so amazingly before and she could feel butterflies in her stomach as Zelo made the kiss deeper.

"OUR BABY IS GROWING UP SO FAST," Youngjae sobbed into Daehyun's shirt.

"Wait what? I was watching the movie... WHOA ZELO IS KISSING RAE! JAE, WE DID IT."


M.Flo searched for her members but there was no sight of them. 'Where's NoNo?' She thought.

She gave up looking for them. Kahi has already left because she had to get up early for her next schedule and she needed the sleep. GD was dancing with a few girls, he caught sight of M.Flo by herself and headed towards her, "Hey." M.Flo just stared. "You wanna have drink with me?" He asked.

She then remembered that GD left her in the blue like that, "No thank you. I have something better to do." As said, she left the place leaving GD speechless.

She didn't know where to go now that she was outside. If she went back, Rain will probably scold her because none of the other members are there with her. She saw a coffee shop across the street and decided to head there. When she got her order, she took a seat available by the window. So much caught in her thoughts, she saw a familiar guy sitting not too far from her.

'It can't be. Is it? I thought he left?'. The boy now looked up and for five seconds they stared into each other's eyes. She got up making a move, "You're Kri-"

He got up quickly putting a finger on her lips to sush her, "No one should know I'm here."

"What brings you here?" She asked still having his finger on her lips. He grabbed her wrist and took her leaving the coffee shop. He took them to a dark alley way where no one can see them. "What are we doing here Kris?"

"It's all your fault that you came in undisguised and came up to me. I had to take you with me or not the fans will follow me and you, and no one should know that I'm here. You're an idol now. You'll be followed no matter what."

"But why?"

"Why what!" He snapped pacing back and forth in front of her.

"Why are you here?"

"Because," he paused.

"Are you ok? I know that you're not a part of Exo anymore but don't give up."

"Do you have any idea how hard it is right now for me?" He stopped pacing and looked at her. "None of my friends are allowed to contact me. Tao never once took a look at me when I decided to file a lawsuit. The CEO payed other big companies to not take me in. I-I," he fell on his knees in front of her and hugged her waist, hiding his face. He muffled a cry, "I don't know what to do."

She got on his level and wiped his tears away, "It's ok. I'm always here for you no matter what. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, I'm here. I'm sure all of B4 are all here for you. We all love you."

For a minute they continued to hug each other. M.Flo broke the silence, "I've got an idea."

Kris looked her, "An idea?"

"Yeah! Let's collab."

"What?! Yo

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Chapter 10: maaann its getting goooddd lol wonder if Rains gonaa be pissed
Chapter 6: Getting crushed by a gaint! Hahaha
Chapter 6: Pon más!! Señora!!! Yo quiero leer más!!!