Double Date

B4's BeeshTime
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Episode 17 - Double Date



"I'm so tired." Kore collapsed on her bed face first, curling up into her blankets not caring that she was still in her stage clothes.

"You are going to get in trouble for ruining the outfit," M.Flo said as she came walking out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in hand.

"Shhhh don't make me think" M.Flo rolled her eyes and went back to brushing her teeth. After laying for a few minutes Kore mustered up enough strength to roll out of bed and change into pajamas. She placed the elaborate clothing in the closet and started to trudge back to bed when suddenly there was a knock at the door. Kore groaned loudly as she went to answer it.

"If that's Rain I'm going to chop his balls off and eat them for breakfast" M.Flo grimaced at the leader's rather explicit and violent statement. Kore opened the door to see Seungri standing there with two other men in blue uniforms.  "Ok. What. The. ."

Seungri smiled at her. "Hi. Sorry it's late but you know how hard it is to quit work early. NoNo texted me that you were piping so I thought maybe you had a leaky pipe that needed fixing so I brought some plumbers!"

Kore stared at him expressionless. "The only one with a leaky pipe is you." She started to close the door but Seungri stuck his foot in the way.


"Being stupid hurts"

"Please let me in?"

"No. It's almost midnight and my members are sleeping."

"Please come out?"




"Because is not an answer"

"It is for you"

He shoved the door open accidentally knocking her over. "I'm sorry" He reached his hand out to help her up, she ignored it and stood up on her own. "Why do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you"

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

"Because I think you think that I think that I'm in love with you"

"I don't think that you think that I think that you think that you're in love with me. Wait what?"

"I'm not a relationship girl, Seungri."

"But we kissed"

"You kissed me"

"And you kissed back"

"It was just a spur of the moment thing."

"So you have no feelings for me at all?"


"Is there someone else?"

"God. No. There is no one there, never has been anyone and I am going to keep it that way."

"That seems lonely"

"Well I'll buy a dog. I'm tired, are we done?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I bothered you with my feelings. You can just delete my number from your phone I'll do the same later"

Kore watched as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and hung his head, turning to walk out the door. Seeing how upset he was she felt a pang of pity for him and felt a little bitter for being so cold. "Just cause I don't want to be your girlfriend doesn't mean we can't be friends."

He turned around and looked at her. "You wouldn't feel awkward?" Kore shook her head. Seungri grinned and wrapped her in a bear hug then pulled away quickly with a scared look. "I'm sorry"

Kore gently punched his shoulder. "It's all right. Now go home cause it's late and be careful."

"All right bye and goodnight. Sleep well! Have good dreams! Let's get coffee tomorrow! I'll call you! Just as friends though! Ok!?!" He continued to shout out at her as he walked out of the dorm and down the hall till he was finally out of sight. Kore shut the door and shook her head with a smile.

"What a dork" she ran back to her room and jumped into bed.

"Who was it?" M.Flo mumbled half asleep.


"What? Why?"

"Something about kissing leaky pipes and coffee"

"You nasty"

Snuggling into her blankets Kore closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

M.Flo unfortunately left the comfort of her warm bed and their shared room to the balcony attached to their living room. She was moments away from falling asleep to realize she had forgotten to get the laundry.

She was checking the drying clothes, making sure everything was drying well. One of the many things she missed about living back home and out of Korea? Washing machines and drying machines. Yes, Korea had both washing and drying machines but not all homes fit them. And with their 'genius' manager, Rain, he thought it would be nice to have the four girls experience how to wash their clothes manually. "Like how I did it when I was young," was what Rain had said. 

"No one gives a crap," Kore had retorted and walked away angrily. Lil'NoNo had pulled Rae to their room to talk about boys. Which had left poor obedient and sweet M.Flo in charge of most of the laundry.

"es," M.Flo muttered, pissed off as a gust of wind came by and a towel smacked her in the face.

The clothes were finally dry and M.Flo was collecting each piece of clothing. She was fumbling with the screen door but safety made it inside with armfuls of folded laundry. "WHOA WHOA WHOA," Lil'NoNo suddenly said as she appeared out of her room. M.Flo sighed in relief when the younger ran her ways towards M.Flo and took something off the top of the pile.

"You can take half of the pile-"

Lil'NoNo cut her off without realizing she was speaking. "SO THIS IS WHERE MY DRESS WAS! I was looking for it!" And with that, the young oblivious and douchebag rapper ran off to her room again.

"BEESH," M.Flo yelled.


Lil'NoNo came out of Rae and her's bathroom wearing the long yellow maxidress. She walked to the mirror and checked her hair and makeup, glad that throughout the day it had stayed the same and looked perfect.

"Where are you going?" Rae asked as she paused her anime and glanced up from her laptop screen. "It's almost midnight," she added as she ate some chips. She smirked and sang in a teasing tone, "You aren't allowed out past midnight~"

Lil'NoNo turned around while putting on some earrings. "You aren't allowed snacks past 9~"

The bag of potato chips crumpled as they were put away slowly. "Touché." Lil'NoNo smirked as she continued managing her apparel. "Seriously though, where are you going?" Rae's eyes widened as she pointed an accusing finger at the older. "Are you meeting up with Youngjae?!" 

The older rapper froze in shock, she turned her body to face Rae again instead of the mirror. "How do you know about Youngjae?!"

"Kris." Lil'NoNo's eyes narrowed as she scoffed. "Why didn't you tell us you were dating? Why didn't you tell me? I told you I was dating Zelo and you helped me keep it a secret. Well...kind of... You could have told me and I would've helped you keep it secretive!"

Lil'NoNo smiled as she sat down next to the maknae on her bed. Rae put her laptop aside and scooted closer. The older sighed and looked at her hands then shrugged. "I didn't tell anyone because I don't think we are officially dating." Rae tilted her head in confusion. Lil'NoNo elaborated, "We've only been on one date so far. We had a coffee date and it ended..." She trailed off from her sentence and blushed remembering the sweet kiss Youngjae gave her to clean her lips from the coffee foam. "It ended nicely," she giggled. "This is going to be our second date and we haven't discussed calling each other 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'. And I..." Lil'NoNo's mood suddenly changed drastically. "I..."

Rae scooted closer again and patted her friend's shoulder. "What is it?"

"I don't know if this will end well," Lil'NoNo confessed. Her eyes were starting to water but she blinked them back, not wanting to ruin her makeup. "I feel like I'm so unlucky with guys. No guy likes me and I'm just...not as lovable as you and Nelina."

"What about Kore?"

"That bish is on the same page as me."

Kore flinched in her sleep in the other room. She dreamt that she was punching Lil'NoNo. She smiled in her sleep.

"But you are lovable! You and Kore are both amazing women!"

Lil'NoNo smiled weakly and nodded. "Thanks," she mumbled. "I'm just...not sure how this will end. I'm afraid I'm going to say something stupid or crazy and scare him off. That's why I didn't tell anyone."

Rae nodded her head in understanding and smiled. "You aren't going to scare him off. This is going to end well, I know it, Boemi."

The said girl looked up to the maknae and sighed. "How do you know?"

Rae chuckled. "His best friend is Daehyun, Mister Loud Mouth and King of Stupid Ideas, I'm pretty sure he can handle you." They both laughed simultaneously. Rae went on, "Plus, as the girlfriend of the maknae of B.A.P, I can assure you I've heard lots of stories about the members, including Youngjae~! He's a great guy. Such a great guy. This is going to end well, Boemi. I know it." The other smiled genuinely as she hugged Rae closely and thanked her. "Go on your date, he's probably dying to see you right now," Rae encouraged her as Lil'NoNo pulled back and complied, running out the room.

Rae watched the door for a few minutes, making sure Lil'NoNo was gone for good. She rushed to her laptop and opened up Skype, texting Zelo:

'Im alone, get on Skype babe. We gonna have Skype smex'

From: Zelo
'Sweet ;)'


When Lil'NoNo met up with Youngjae, she was baffled to see Daehyun was with him. "He found out I was taking you to a restaurant in the middle of the night..."

"Daehyun is hungry, feed me," Daehyun ordered as he grabbed Lil'NoNo by the arm, remembering at the MBLAQ and B4 congratulation party that Peniel said she tasted like donuts and cheesecake.

"As long as he's paying for his own food. I ain't paying."

"Me neither. I'm only paying for you~"

"No! You told me I could pay this time!"

Youngjae grinned as he said, "I said next time we get coffee. We aren't getting coffee today are we?" Lil'NoNo stomped her foot but grinned foolishly at Youngjae  nonetheless.

"Can you guys stop flirting and smiling creepily at each other, I am right here," Daehyun muttered.

"THEN LEAVE," Youngjae and Lil'NoNo shouted at the same time.

"Nah, I'm good."


The date was going pretty badly. It was only fifteen minutes into the thing and Lil'NoNo and Daehyun were fighting for Youngjae's attention.

"JAE, this place doesn't even have cheesecake! What kind of restaurant did you pick?!"

"Youngjae, can I ask you a question?"

"SHUT UP DAE, GO HOME. Sure Boemi~ what is it?"

Daehyun was pulling on Youngjae's sleeve and whining, distracting Lil'NoNo as she stumbled to put together her coherent thought. 'What are we?'

"W-What...uh," she shook her head and stood up. "Is it alright if I call a friend? Maybe a double date kind of thing?"

Daehyun sat straight and still, a grin plastering his face. "Sweet. s."

Youngjae smacked him and turned to Lil'NoNo. "Please do!" He mouthed to her and signaled, 'Then we can ditch them' Lil'NoNo smirked and pulled out her phone as she walked away.


Kore was once aga

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Chapter 10: maaann its getting goooddd lol wonder if Rains gonaa be pissed
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