
Shining Light

Rin : Yeah... I think so. Please Key, help me. Say it now...., or don't say it at all.

She looked at me deeply, but I could tell that she was almost crying.

Rin : I knew it already. You hate me, right?

I shook my head.

"I... I still love you..." I said to her slowly.

But I didn't look at her eyes.

I couldn't.

Because I couldn't lie when I saw someone's eye.

Then suddenly Hae Rin's phone is ringing. Someone's calling her.

Before she could answered it, I took her phone and put it right beside my ear. I'm the one who listening.

"Ah, so he said that he still loves you?"

I could noticed that voice immediately.

But I didn't say anything. Silent.

"But what to do? I think I forgot to tell you that you had to do it in one minute. And he said it more than one minute after you arrived."

I held her phone tightly, and my body was trembling. I hold an anger inside of me.

"So..., I booked the ticket already. To California. It's a beautiful place, isn't it?" I could heard his laugh.

Then without saying anything, I hung up. I gave her phone back.

Before I said something to her, I took her record player, and I threw it into the dust bin in front of my house.

I held her hand, and took her to my car.

"He booked the ticket. To California." I said. "He lied to you. He said you should did it in one minute."

Then I could hear she cried.

"I don't want to hear you cry. I want to hear your story. From the very beginning."

She looked at me with a swollen eyes.

"From where?"

"From the day when you got a scholarship. I knew it was not a real scholarship, am I right?"

She bit her lips.

"At first, I didn't really know. Until I realized that guy, Lee Minho, made a fake scholarship for me. It's actually not a scholarship, but he paid my school fee. So it looked like a scholarship to me because I didn't pay anything."

"When did you realize it?"

"Before Hae Ri got her scholarship-"

"It was not her scholarship." I cut her sentence. "But someone's scholarship. I knew it. Hae Ri told me."

"Because I knew that somebody paid for my school fee, I felt happy. But when I looked at her, she made me felt miserable. She was alone on that school. I wanted to share my happiness, I wanted to make her happy too. Together with me. Because every time I looked at her, I felt sorry. I kept thinking, I shouldn't do that. But on that time, Seoul International School was my favorite school. So I really, really happy when someone paid it for me."

"If you felt sorry, then why did you take it on the first place?"

"First, because it was my favorite school. Second, because I really thought I deserved to get a scholarship. And third, I didn't know someone paid it for me. So I took it."

"But after you knew that guy paid it for you, you felt sorry to Hae Ri and you changed that envelope's name? You changed the owner of the scholarship, didn't you?"

"I can't lie. But Hae Ri didn't take the scholarship too."

"Of course she didn't! She knew that her twin cheated for her. How could she took a dirty thing like that?!"

Then she looked at me.

"I wonder if you already fallen for her." She said.

"Wh-What? Ah.. Eum... And tell me. Why did you left your house that day?"

"So you changed the topic, huh?" I saw her smile. "Actually that day, he told me his father was sick and he has to go abroad anytime soon. He told me that I should go with him, he said he will pay for my living. He will pay for my school in there. So he will take me to go to school abroad."

"So... You'll stay there for good? Or...?"

"I don't know. He said there's a possibility for me to stay there for good. He said because I'm his wife, then I should accompany him anywhere..."

"Stupid." I murmured to myself. "And why did he give you a chance to run? I mean.. You said earlier, he will let you go if I said I still love you, didn't you?"

"A-Ah... Yes... After you came months ago, he said he couldn't sleep at night. He kept thinking about you, he kept asking me about you."

"Wait. Don't tell me that he's a gay?"

"No! Of course he's not," she said, almost laughed. "But you made him intimidated. I think he was afraid because you could rebel or kidnap me. And I think he was afraid because you're the only one who knew his house's password."

"Password? Ah...that thing..."

"Believe me, he was so frustrated after he knew you guessed it right. I wonder too, how could you guessed it right?"

"It was just my favorite number."

"Tsk. Do you think I'll believe it? It's too obvious that you're lying, Key."

"No, I'm not."

"Key, I knew you can't trust me like before. But you have to know that sometimes, it would be better to share your thoughts than to think deeply over and over again. Because when you think something by yourself, people won't know what you're thinking about. They couldn't help you to solve your problems too. If you can't trust me, then I suggest you to tell this to your friend. You know what? The biggest problem right now is that guy see you as his rival."

"Listen, Hae Rin... I don't usually tell people about my secrets. Even Jonghyun, my close friend, didn't know this." I said to her. "And you too, I haven't tell you about my family. But I will tell you something since you've said that. And please, if you really want to know, keep it as a secret."

I saw she nodded her head.

"000229. For me, it's a date. It's a leap year."

"What...? What date?" She asked curiously.

"For now, you just allowed to know up until there. I'll tell you the rest, later."

I knew she was wondering what did I mean. But how hard she tried to guess, I won't tell her until the time comes.

"Ah, I almost forgot. I wanted to ask you something..., how did you know him? How did you meet him?"

"It... It happened a long time ago. Before I met you.., when I was 10."

I'm shocked.

"So within 5 years of our friendship, you kept this as a secret? You haven't even tell me that you met a strange guy within those 5 years. And now, I stupidly thought he was a stranger. Wait. If he met you first, then I'm the one who has to be called a stranger, right?"

"No, Key. Don't misunderstood. Oh well, how about your family? You've never talked about them too! Don't be too selfish, Key. Everybody has their own secret."

"Yeah. And the fact that you lied to me many times, makes me feel like I'm a total stranger. Am I a fool? Oh, wait. Don't tell me our friendship is a lie too. Tell me honestly, have you ever considered me as your friend?"

Then she slapped me.

"Please stop all of these things. Don't be like a child, Key. It's not funny."

I sighed. "Okay, sorry, sorry."

Did I say something wrong?

I don't think so.

But for her sake, I gave in.

"Do you want me to continue or not?"

"Please continue."

"So when my mom and dad left me and Hae Ri alone...., my mom wrote an address for me. And Hae Ri didn't know this, up until now."

"And then?"

"I visited that address alone when Hae Ri went to school. Then I found a really big house in front of me. It was his house, the house I lived in for 5 months. The house where you guessed the password right. 000229."

"So my mom gave you his address?"

"Yeah. At the first time I saw him, he seemed so nice. So I asked him if he knew my mom or not. Then he answered it. He said yes. From that day, he told me to visit him more often. Later, I found out that my mom made a note for me to marry him. It was her last note. She wanted me to marry him."

"So you really married...,"

"Yeah. It happened really fast. In just a week, we did the pre wedding and the wedding. In a week."

"Wow. He did that? Why he seemed in a rush?"

"Because someone called him, told him that his father was sick."

"But why he still in Korea right now?"

"I don't really know why, he didn't tell me. But lately, he often got a call from someone important. I think it was a serious problem from abroad."

"Hmm... So I guess he has someone in there to tell him about what's going on. But I wonder..., why he's still in Korea? I think he should go to California as soon as possible. Don't you think so?"

"But he booked the ticket already. He told you on that phone."

"But we don't know when you will go. And besides, if his father was sick, he should be panicked."

"Ah.. Yeah, true. It's strange.."

I focused on the street as I drove her to Daegu.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Daegu. His house." I told her.

"Wow. Do you want to meet him?"

"No, I want to fight with him."

"Hey, hey, calm down. He's no joke, I tell you."

"Yeah, I know it. I'll talk to him first."

She nodded her head and silent.

"But..., Key..." She called my name. "There's one thing that Hae Ri didn't even know..."

"What? Is it something important?"

She nodded her head. "Quite important, I think."

"If it's really important, you don't have to tell me. I'm okay."

"Actually..., Lee Minho knew my mom... Because my mom was his maid. So I'm his maid's daughter. And Hae Ri too."

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AmyDick #1
Chapter 36: I'm dissapointed with the ending. Yah, it's good that all the secret was reveal but thing that i don't like is about them became shinee. It's not suitable i think in ur fic. But yah it's ended... I'll going to see ur next fic..
AmyDick #2
Chapter 30: I like ur fic even sometimes i feel bored but i'm so curious 'bout the secret and the story behind them that's why i continou to read it. But i think it's a big change when u add that minho gets offer from SME and then he drag his friends also to join that offer... I rather don't like this idea, a sudden change i think..
AmyDick #3
Chapter 4: Hey, this makes me so curious if Hae Rin has an incurable desease that make her leave her twin and key.. I'll just read the next chap. . .
betty974xD #4
Chapter 30: I realy really love tais story omg it's so good i hope you will update quickly the Next chanter