Chapter 10

Unexpected Love [hiatus]
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I sighed for the nth time.


She’s still not here…

Did she receive my message? Or maybe I punched in the wrong number?

But Sooyoung dictated it clearly.



I should have just written it down instead of memorizing.

But I haven’t done any mistakes before, especially with numbers, not at all.


Did I just mistaken or

she just doesn’t want to do anything that concerns me anymore?




I once again looked in my wrist watch. It’s already 9PM.

I only have one song to sing since I requested it to the owner.
Fortunately, they allowed me and said that I’ll just have my overtime next weekend to fill the songs I skipped for tonight.


Miyoung~ie… are you still coming?








What is now wrong with this woman?




“What is it now Hyo?” I asked Hyoyeon sitting in front of me. She accompanied me here since she’s the one whom I’m asking on how I will do this thing I planned for Miyoung. I’m new to this kind of thing and I’m not quite sure if it’ll work on her…


Not that I prepared something big, it’s just something I’ll do for the first time ever.

Just for Miyoung… but I guess she isn’t coming.



“220” Hyoyeon repeated, sipping on her bubble tea while her eyes averting on me.


“What the hell is this 220?”








“It’s your 220th time looking at your watch since we got in here like 4 hours ago.” Hyoyeon said mockingly with her eyes rolling over.

I only ignored her statement. I averted my eyes in the door’s lobby. Bunch of people are still coming and it’s slowly filling the crowd. It’s a usual thing that many people visit here even at night.

But tonight is different, there are too many people unlike the past nights I’ve worked in here.


I scanned the crowd, looking for a specific figure.


Maybe she’s already here?
But then… how come she’s not approaching me right?

Aish… too many people


I can’t find her here.






I peeked again at my watch

Says… 9:12 PM



“Stop counting stupid.” I hit Hyoyeon’s hand that is placed in the table. She pulled it after and made face towards me.


Hwang Miyoung… where are you?





“Do you think she’ll come?” I asked Hyo who’s eyeing people in the opposite table. Well, she’s actually eyeing everyone here. She turned at me after hearing my sudden question.


“She must have come here hours ago if she will, so to answer your question. No, I don’t think so.” Hyoyeon placed both of her arms in the table, leaning at me closer. Looking at me seriously.


“S-she must come.” I was not able to control my voice. I stammered as I try not to feel down.


She must come…

Miyoung must come…





“Nah *chuckles* maybe she just went on traffic and such. She will come.” I said, convincing myself more than Hyoyeon.



“Sica…” Hyoyeon is just looking at me straight in the eyes.

This girl is really weird like all the time.






“You changed Sica… I don’t think you’re the same Jung Iceberg I know.” Hyoyeon stood up and sat beside me. “But in a good way… you’re starting to express yourself. And I can’t wait to tell Taengoo on how much of our Jessica Jung changed just because of this so called ‘love’.” She laughed a little while saying that as she patted my back.


I only smiled on what she said.
She’s not the only one who noticed it.


Even I, myself, I know… this is not how I am used to.

I’m not usually, no scratch that. I was never been like this.



I was never been.

But because of her… everything changed.


Miyoung changed me, I guess.

That hyper kid


I laughed by myself remembering how Miyoung and I met.

I didn’t expect that it’ll turn out like this since that very first day she talked to me.





“So now you’re laughing. The minute you look so down and now being lunatic? You’re creepy Jessica Jung!” Hyoyeon exclaimed after she saw me laughing alone.

“Yah! Someone might hear you. Lower your voice.” I looked at our opposite tables, trying to see if anyone heard what Hyo said.



I guess there’s none.



I again looked at my watch.

9:30 PM… it’s time for me to sing the song.



“Aish Kim Hyoyeon stop it!” I smacked her head as I interrupted her from her stupid counting.


“Fine fine! Ah jinja.” Hyo only scratched her head and hissed.

Right there, in my peripheral vision, I saw Amber approaching us. She’s the owner of this SoshiGen Café and I got to get along with her when I started to work here. She’s the daughter of my landlady to make clarification.



“It’s time for your song Sooyeon! Fighting kekeke” Amber gave me the microphone I always used when I sing. I stood up and readied myself.

I turned my back trying to look for her… but still



Face the truth Jessica… she didn’t come.





“Just do it Sica. At least you did your part.” Hyo winked at me and I only smiled back.





I’ll just do it

Even you won’t witness it Hwang Miyoung


I took a deep breath and I slowly walked and made my way in the center stage.




 Someone’s POV 

Not too far away from Jessica and Hyoyeon’s table. There were three girls sitting at the very corner of the café. There’s one who’s eyeing the menu since they got here, the other girl who’s only playing on her phone and the last girl who’s not diverting her eyes from Jessica and Hyoyeon since they got there hours ago.

Their location was darker since they were in the corner so Jessica wasn’t able to see them as she always scanned the crowd.

Sooyoung broke the deafening silence among them as she harshly put down the menu on the table.


“Keep quiet Soo! She might see you!” Tiffany whispered across the girl.

“Yah! How come she’ll notice us! Look.” Sooyoung pointed Jessica and Hyoyeon’s table. “They’re 5 tables away from us and even if I shout here, they wouldn’t hear me! It’s too crowded!” Sooyoung exclaimed with her matching annoyed face.




“Just to be sure.” Tiffany said in a low voice.


“Why don’t you just approach her? We’ve been here since 5 PM Tiffany and we’re still not ordering food. Fortunately, Sooyoung is a regular customer here so Amber let us stay.” Yuri said as she placed her phone in her back pocket.


“Yeah right. And I’m hungry.” Sooyoung whined adding to what Yuri said. Again looking at the menu like some food will pop out from it if she keeps staring.


Tiffany only sighs on what her friends uttered. She knows bringing them with her is already hassling for her friends but keeping them hungry is too much.

 It’ll be just for tonight. They can just eat everything once we got home- Tiffany thought wiping the feeling of sympathy towards her friends. She then turned her attention to Jessica.





“Talk to her now Tiffany Hwang. I thought you already know what to do? Look at what you’re doing now.” Sooyoung said as she finally realized staring at the menu will only make her even hungrier so she placed it on the table facing its back.


“Yah… I do. But look! There comes her roommate! And how on Earth if she’s just not Sooyeon’s roommate! What if- w-what if… YAH!!! What if there’s something more?!” Tiffany blurted out as she saw Hyoyeon sat beside Jessica and take note of that. She’s patting the girl’s back. “Yah!!! See… I should have not gone here!



But no no no no no no… I want to see my girlfriend!” Tiffany continued without caring if her two friends can understand her or not. She’s busy blabbering around and not aware of what she’s saying… that in all truth, she thought she’s only saying it inside her mind.





“Is she rapping or something?” Sooyoung asked as she nudged Yuri who is looking confusedly at Tiffany.


“Nah… she’s on her monologue. Aish… it’s really hard when Seohyun wasn’t around.” Yuri said in an unsatisfying tone.




“All I did understand was the word YAH. Or there’s an English term for that?” Sooyoung again asked Yuri.


“How would I kno-” Yuri was interrupted when Tiffany’s loud voice covered hers.



“Where is Sooyeon going? Hey Yuri, Sooyoung… where is she going?!” Tiffany asked as she saw Jessica stood up and she’s only facing her back. She shook Yuri’s and Sooyoung’s arms that were place on the table wanting to earn answers from the two.


“Soo… Yul… tell me!” Tiffany pleaded and again averted her eyes to Jessica.






“WE.CAN’T.UNDERSTAND.YOU! Will you please stop alien talking?!” Sooyoung exclaimed as she really doesn’t know on what Tiffany were saying. Tiffany didn’t say anything as she was still busy looking at her ‘girlfriend’.



“Does she work here?” Yuri asked out of nowhere. Tiffany turned her gaze at Yuri.


“What? She works here?” Tiffany asked Yuri who’s by then is looking at Jessica.


“I think so. She has a mic, you see?”  Yuri pointed out Jessica’s left hand where she holds a microphone. “Yeah… she will sing? So Sooyeon is the one Amber talking about… the new singer they have.” Sooyoung said as she diverted her eyes to Jessica. Tiffany only look at her two friends and finally at Jessica who’s making her way in the center stage. She can actually see Jessica from their position as if it was made for them to see her presentation crystal clear.





 Tiffany’s POV 

We came in this café an hour advanced than what Sooyeon texted me.
You know, I don’t want to make her wait. But when I saw her entered… she’s with her roommate that I can’t even remember the name.

I want to approach them- no her… only her.

I want to talk with my Sooyeon… but


Why are you with her Sooyeon~ah…


I stayed for almost 5 hours only staring at her.
I mean we…

I’m trying to think whether I just go to her or just go home. But I really want to talk to her now, Fix everything and put us back to where we were before…


But what if… I’m too late?

What if her roommate and Sooyeon…







“Yeah… she will sing? So Sooyeon is the one Amber talking about… the new singer they have.” I heard Sooyoung said.

She sings?

I don’t know she sings?


Well, I think there are still more things I have to know about her.


I saw Sooyeon stood in the center stage. She placed h

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Jeti48 #1
I hope u'll still finish this story tho
The author of this fic is full of BS. Don't know when I'll finish this yet so please do not read. Will still finish this tho but not so soon. ehe
peace out
Chapter 26: Ahhhh so i understand now....
Please comeback thornim...the end of story make me so courious
Chapter 24: You are right thor....i'm so confused...i thought tiff is jiyeon's jeti are married couple...
Chapter 20: Ahhh so yuri who is have the past with taeyeon...
Chapter 5: Omg miyoung...u like sooyeon toooo much hah😁
Joyce18 #7
You are such a very good writer!! I love this story.. I just hope you continue it please....
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 26: Please come back?
Mitzu97 #10
Chapter 26: Please update author