The Charismatic Mystery Boy

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]


Username: koolaid19
Profile link:

Character Profile:

Name: Lee Do Hoon
Nickname: Hoon
Birthday & Age:9/8/1994-17 years old
Blood Type: O
Zodiac: Virgo
Orreantation: Bi

Hoon is different from other guys. He can be really manly at one moment, then really sweet at another moment. He is actually quiet but he is not shy. He just doesnt talk much. But when he does talk he is charismatic. He is that mysterious boy that everyone wants to know about and all the girls fall for him. He isnt really emtional, and he hates that. He wants to cry at sad times, but for some reason he cant. It annoys him. He is really mature and doesnt like to deal with immature people. He can be mean, but thats only cause he is straight forward.
He is really fashionable and loves to shop. He likes to get outside and be active. He is really fit because he loves all sports. He works out alot and dosent eat any fat foods, he thinks it's disgusting.  When with girls he treats them well. Some people think he wouldnt be able to open up and tell his feelings, but he is actually good with that. He'll show alot of emtion to the girl he likes, and trust me the girl will know he likes her. But if he doesnt like the girl he'll be emtion-less. He is really down to earth and chill. He also like to crack jokes once in a while. But because he's serious, most of the time. People think he would be a buzzkill. But he loves to party.  

Background: He was Born in America and stayed there til he was 14 years old. Because of his fathers job they moved to Korea. He actually had a hard time learning the language, but it got through to him.



He likes wearing Jeans and plain shirts. The thing her loves is Hightop sneakers. He doesnt like anything to colorful. So he sticks to plain colors like white, black, and white.



Keeping healthy


Girls with nice smiles

being early at scheduels






Anything sweet

rude people

People sticking up for him(he can do it himself)





taking long walks

Writing lyrics

listening to hiphop music

any sport



Curses when mad

Sighs when annoyed

cracks bones

showering alot

doing yoga before bed



Has sevral tattoos

Always wears a dog tag

he loves eating strawberries 

he loves wearing flat hats 

he can flirt alot 

People gave him the nickname the 'charismatic mystery boy' 

He loves doing make his fans happy


Stage Profile:

Stage Name: Hoon
Fan Club Name: Mysteries
Fan Club Color:           silver
Persona: Charismatic mystery boy
Position: Main vocal/lead dancer/sub rapper
Trainee History: He was once a YG trainee but got out the last selection. He worked on his vocals, but more on his dance becuase he really doesnt dance good. He had a tight schedule. Between school and training. 

Friends/Family Profile:

Family Memembers:

Dad-  Lee HyukMin 45 years old. He is a chill father and is very fun he DID approve when Hoon wanted to be a singer.- They are very close and there best friends.

Stepmom- Lee GaYoung 43 years old. She is a . She only uses his dad for money. -They hate eachother, and never talk.

Cousin- Lee Donghae. 23 years old. He is a cool cousin and he understands Hoon becuase they are in the same buisness. - They are also very close and try to meet up.

Family History:  After his birth, his mother died because a heart problem. When he and his father moved to Korea, his father remarried two years later.

Love Interest: CL from 2ne1

Personality:She was shy at first but when things got comfortable they loved being with each other. She likes to act cute but not to much. She is sometimes hyper, but most of the time charismatic 

Best Friend: Yang Yoseob from Beast.

Personlity: He likes to act cute in front  of everyone including Hoon. They actually have there own couple from the fans called 'YoHoon'


Lee Eunhyuk from super junior

Bom- from 2ne1


Lee Gikwang from Beast




Why isn't anyone commenting? .____.

It's hard to choose when nobody comments~~ [because, you know, i want you to comment after I pick you! ):<]

ANYWAY ! What is this. ? The fourth member?? Nine more to go~ comment . !

It's harder now with school , you know?

Aishh~ well , the other mystery character will be shown tomorrow ! Good night . <3

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^